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Page 4 shop online at www.broadcasteronline.com 1101 OAKWOOD APARTMENTS • AFFORDABLE RENT • • • • • • • ADJUSTMENT FOR YOUR INCOME LARGE 2 AND 3 BEDROOM RENTAL UNITS STOVE, REFRIGERATOR & AIR CONDITIONING OFF-STREET PARKING AND PLUG-INS UTILITIES INCLUDED ON-SITE COIN LAUNDRY PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT & SAND BOX 3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS CALL NIKKI OR DAVE (605) 624-9557 Announcements - 1101 Events Do you have a desire to stop drinking? Join us at the Vermillion Unity AA Meetings held at Trinity Lutheran Church in the Sletwold Room (north entrance). Soaring Spirits group is Tuesdays at 7:30p.m., Happy Hour Group is Saturday at 7:30p.m., and a Steps & Traditions Study group is Sunday at 7:30p.m. All meetings are non-smoking and handicapped accessible. HILLSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH (C&MA) 1800 Constance Dr. West on Cherry just before you go down the hill. Worship Sept.-May 10:30a.m., May-August 10a.m., AWANA Sunday School small groups. 6 0 5 - 6 2 4 - 4 8 6 2 , www.hillside-cc.com Announcements - 1101 Events Driver Licensing Schedules: Vermillion 7a.m.-5p.m. Thursday & Friday; Yankton 7a.m.-5:30p.m. Tuesday, Thurdsay & Friday; Elk Point 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday; North Sioux City 8:45a.m.-4:30p.m. 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday. Call 1-800-952-3696 or visit www.state.sd.us/dps/dl for more information. EMPOWERING YOU to take back your life. The Women Rising Support Group meeting weekly. Childcare is available upon request. Call 624-5311 for details. Read & Recycle! It has been brou g ht to ou r attention that there has been som e confu sion reg arding the Verm ilion l Val e C ards that w ere sol by N ew castl Pu bl u d e ic School and the cards that w ere being sol by the d Verm ilion B ooster C l b. N ew castl Pu bl l u e ic School w ants to apol ize f any confu sion, og or inconvenience or il f ing s that m ay have been l eel cau sed by this oversig ht. N ext year’ cards w il s l be cl y m arked as “R aider” or “N ew castl earl e Pu bl School” ic . USED COMBINES 18 Mo. Interest Waiver on All Used Combines and Heads CASE-IH 5088 COMBINE - 385 HR - 30.5X32 LOADED - RT CHOPPER - TRACKER - $192,000 CASE-IH 2366 - 1998 - 2352 HR - 24.5X32 - RT - TRACKER CHOPPER - $83,500 CASE-IH 1644 - 24.5X32 - CHOPPER - RT - 1994 - SHARP CDC ENG - $39,000 SEVERAL GOOD 1620 - 1640 - 1660 JOHN DEERE 9550 - 1537 HR - $89,500 JOHN DEERE 9600 - 1997 - CLEAN - $59,000 NEW HOLLAND TR98 AND TR99 CASE-IH 2188 - 1996 - CLEAN - 2254 HR - CHOPPER MONITOR TRACKER - $69,500 * GOOD SELECTION OF 1020 FLEX HEADS 20 - 25 - 30 FT * GOOD USED 1063 AND 2208 6RN - 8RN CORN HEADS ON HAND PARTS & SERVICE – Harvest Parts Specials – – Combine Parts – • Upgrade Kits • AFX Rotors • Bars • Rotor Wear Bars •Belts • Chains • Rock Trap Blade Kits – Flex Head Parts – • 3” Cut Conversion Kits • Reel Teeth - Sections • Polly - Guards – Corn Head Parts – • Poly Conversions • Gathering Chains • Stalk Roll Knives • Sprockets Large Stock of Case-IH Axial - Flow Combine - Corn and Bean Head Parts - Call Us SPECIAL - 1020 HD - 3” Bean Head Parts - Guards - $13.34 ea. - Sections - $1.34 ea. No Payments - No Interest - 90 Days! All Parts and Service Orders $500 up SERVICE - SERVICE - SERVICE Call Our Full-Service Department Now! W e w ant to assu re the Verm ilion com m u nity that l this w il not happen ag ain and in no w ay did w e l intend to short the Verm ilion B ooster C l b ou t of l u any fu ndraising opportu nities.Thank you to al of l the bu sinesses on both the N ew castl C ard and the e Verm ilion B ooster C ard f hel l or ping the area school w ith their fu ndraising needs. s Thank you , Joey L ef dal N ew castl Pu bl School e ic ESTATE HOUSEHOLD • October 4, 2011 AUCTION • Household • Vehicles • Miscellaneous We will offer the following personal property at auction located at 306 Elmwood Street, Viborg, SD (from the Church of the Nazarene, 2 blocks east & 1?2 block north) on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 10 A.M. Announcements - 1101 Events FAITH FELLOWSHIP of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 and Highway 19: Sunday Celebration 10:30 a.m. Pastor Tony Armbrust, 624-2921. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH: 401 Main Street, Makell, NE. Worship: 10am. Sunday School: 9am. Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays. PMA Chad Beckius, (605)658-0240 (home) (402)-692-3323 (church). Faith United Lutheran Church, ELCA, 44874 303rd St/Po Box 168, Volin, SD 57072, (605)267-2277. S u n d a y Worship: 9:30am with Holy Communion the 1st & 4th Sundays. WOW Wednesday program beginning at 6:30pm for all children 3 yrs old - 7th grade, and confirmation classes for those in grades 8th & 9th. FIRST BAPTIST Church Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor 624-6391 home, 624-4658 church. Time: 9:15 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship. Sunday Choir Practice, 11:50 a.m. GAYVILLE LUTHERAN Church: Sunday School 9:15 a.m., Worship 10:30 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert. GOSPEL CHAPEL Church, 708 Jessie St./Highway 12, Newcastle, NE. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.; AWANA Wednesday at 7 p.m., 402-355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. GRACE BAPTIST Church, SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Adult’s and Children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Night 7 p.m. IMMANUAL Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Narcotics Anonymous, Thursday Night Live, meets every Thursday at 7:30pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. Use back entrance, Rm. 14. Announcements Events Is food a problem for you? Does weight affect the way you live? Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Vermillion, Thursdays at 6:30pm and Saturdays at 9:00am. Sanford Vermillion Hospital, 20 South Plum. (Administration door south of hospital entrance in small conference room.) KOMSTAD COVENANT Church, Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: Matt Styles, Pastor. 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 563-2402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. PLEASANT VALLEY Lutheran Church, Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. PROVIDENCE REFORMED Church, 830 Madison: Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. “We Welcome You To Historic Protestant Worship And Fellowship.” REACH 2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching over 2 million households throughout Iowa and the surrounding states? The Midwest Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Midwest Free Community Papers at 800-248-4061 or get information online at www.mcn-ads.com (MCN) ST. AGNES Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer: St. Agnes Church and Parish Office, tele. 624-4478. St. Agnes Rectory, 505 Catalina, tele. 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday, Weekday Masses – consult weekly bulletin; Sacrament of Penance, Saturday 4-4:45p.m. Call Classifieds 624-4429 Hartington Tree Service • Tree Trimming• Removals/Transplanting •Evergreen Shade & Ornamental Trees For Sale Serving SE South Dakota & NE Nebraska for 17 years HOUSEHOLD: Sofa & 2 matching chairs; electric lift recliner (like new); coffee table; end tables; three 3 pc full size bedroom sets; secretary; RCA flat screen 19” TV; 2 chase lawn chairs; entertainment center bookshelves; Kenmore refrigerator; Kenmore stove; Whirlpool washer & dryer; kitchen table & chairs; lamps; Kenmore canister vacuum; 2 Eureka vacuums; utility cart antique card table; bedding; 3 card tables; humidifier; space heaters; microwave oven; wall hangings; pictures; books; telephones; dishes; kitchen appliances; pots & pans; 6 wood folding chairs; hand vacuums; box fan. VEHICLES: 2002 GMC Sonoma SL pickup, 4.3 liter V6, automatic, 2 wheel drive, 133,224 miles (very nice); 1996 Chevrolet Lumina 137,000 miles. MISCELLANEOUS: Huskee 20 hp lawn tractor 42”cut; weed trimmer; push mower; battery charger; 4 fishing rods; extension cords; machinery owners manuals; hand tools; rakes; shovels; aluminum folding step ladder; crutches; walker; 12”grain aeration fan. TERMS: Cash. M A RTIN N YG A A RD E STATE ,O w ners KNUTSON AUCTION SERVICE Harlan Knutson, RE Auctioneer 605-563-2590 Larry Larson, RE Auctioneer 605-253-2461 www.hartingtontree.com Kyle & Kent Hochstein (402) 254-6710 108 ACRES CHOICE ALL TILLABLE FARMLAND RIVERSIDE TOWNSHIP, CLAY COUNTY, SD AT AUCTION To be offered at the land site located from Centerville, SD, 4 miles south & 3 miles west at the junction of Frog Creek Road & 299th Street FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 • 10:00 A.M. This farm is an outstanding 108 acres of bare all tillable level to gently sloping farmland with a crop base of 106.5 acres. Predominant soil type is Egan-Ethan-Trent & Egan-ChancellorDavison. The corn base is 62.4 with a direct yield of 85 and a soybean base of 44.1 with a direct yield of 24. This land is in the Centerville School District. You will want to look at this property if you are a farmer or investor. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: The NE 1?4 of Sec 18-95-52 (except the acreage & pasture), Riverside Township, Clay County, SD. TERMS: Cash sale with a 10% nonrefundable down payment on day of sale and the balance on or before November 21, 2011 with possession. The property is being sold subject to a current 2012 cash rent lease. The lease payment will be made payable to the new owners and the lease will terminate when the 2012 crops have been removed. Title insurance premium split 50-50. Sellers will pay 2011 taxes due in 2012. Sold subject to owner confirmation. Auctioneers are agents for the seller. BEN BJORDAL, OWNER Gary Ward, Attorney • 605-326-5282 KNUTSON AUCTION SERVICE Harlan Knutson, RE Auctioneer 605-563-2590 Larry Larson, RE Auctioneer 605-253-2461

Fair 59.0 F
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Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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