02 Broadcaster Press
October 22, 2013 www.broadcasteronline.com
Meet Bryan
By David Lias
This Welding Boot Camp
will introduce basic welding skills to prospective
workers seeking careers in manufacturing. The 35 hour course will focus on the MIG welding process and
include education on shop safety, steel cutting methods, shop related math skills, and the various welds
needed to be successful in the local workforce. The ideal students for this class are recent high school
graduate seeking the skills to enter the workforce or the adult worker considering a career change.
Immediate employment opportunities are available upon successful completion of this course. Those with
a general interest in learning the basics of welding are also welcome to attend. The course will meet
three times a week in the evenings at the Vermillion High School shop beginning October 29, 2013 and
continue through December 18, 2013. Tuition is $250. Tuition reimbursement is available for those who
obtain welding jobs with Clay County employers.
Bryan Beringer has
been involved in law
enforcement as a member
of the Vermillion Police
Department since 2008,
and his career took on a
new dimension at the
beginning of the 2013
school year in the
Vermillion School
Bryan, an officer with
the Vermillion Police
Department, also serves
as a resource officer for
the district.
He is based at
Vermillion Middle
School, and joins Deputy
Paul Pederson of the Clay
County Sheriff ’s
Department. Pederson
also serves as a resource
officer for the Vermillion
School District, with an
office at Vermillion High
Bryan grew up in
Pierre, and is a 2002
graduate of Riggs High
School there. From 2003
through 2004, he served
in Iraq as a member of
the South Dakota Army
National Guard.
After returning to
South Dakota in 2004, he
“Get Connected!”
Diversified Agronomy
• Crop Consulting
• Custom StripTill
Advance registration is required.
Class size limited to first 10 applicants. To register for the class or to receive additional information,
contact the Vermillion Area Chamber and Development at 605-624-5571 or vcdc@vermillionchamber.com
This class is being offered through a partnership of the
Vermillion Area Chamber and Development Company,
Masaba Mining Equipment and the Vermillion School District.
Ribbon Cutting
BBQ Blues Smokehouse, located at 5 Market St. in
downtown Vermillion, recently held their Grand Opening
and Ribbon Cutting.
Owners Kathy and Denny Kainrath invite you to come in and
enjoy their homemade sides, sauces and delicious
smoked meats.
BBQ Blues Smokehouse is open Tuesday through Saturday
from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Once again they are located at
5 Market St. in downtown Vermillion and can be reached
via telephone at 605-624-4269.
Business email is: kainrden@yahoo.com
moved to Vermillion to
study criminal justice at
the University of South
Dakota. “I’m still working
on that … I haven’t
graduated yet,” he said.
Bryan’s local law
enforcement career began
in 2005, when he was
hired as a jailer for the
Clay County Jail.
“In 2008, I was hired
by the police
department,” he said.
Bryan is happy with
the new dimension that’s
been added to his job
with the Vermillion Police
Department. His position
as school resource officer
was made possible with
the help of Police Chief
Matt Betzen.
“We decided that four
schools was a lot for one
resource officer, and it
made sense for us (the
Vermillion Police
Department) to step up
and help make sure that
the schools are safe and
secure,” Bryan said.
A sense of service
attracted Bryan to a
career in law
“I’m pretty big on
serving your community
and your state, of giving
more of yourself,” he said.
Joey Hanson
Crop Consultant
Elk Point, SD
(C) 605.659.4783
“And I really like the idea
of protecting where I live.
You can’t save the world,
but maybe you can keep
your little corner of it
“When the school
resource officer position
opened, I really like the
idea of serving (in that
role). The students have
a job, and that’s to
become educated, and if
we’re expecting these
people to become the
next generation of
leaders, we need to help
them do that,” Bryan said.
“They shouldn’t have to
worry about their safety
when they come to
The majority of his
time is spent at the
middle school.
“Deputy Pederson and
I have sort of split up (the
district) east and west,” he
said. “He has the high
school and Jolley
(Elementary) and then
I’m here and at Austin
“I’ve had a lot of fun
getting to know all of the
students,” Bryan said. “I
like all of them, and I
hope they are enjoying
my being here.”
Sell it Local!
Use The Broadcaster
One & two bedroom
apartments. Wakonda
Apartments, 611 First St.
Wakonda, SD 57073.
Laundry. Rental assistance
available to those who
qualify. For appointments or
applications please call
605-624-5218 or visit
Equal Housing Opportunity
Ribbon Cutting
Rita’s Purse-o-Nalities, 6 W. Main, Vermillion, recently held a ribbon
cutting to celebrate their new store.
Rita’s is a “girly” store and Vermillion’s new store is their second
location with their first store starting in Yankton five years ago. Their first
store has been very successful offering lots of bling, purses, jewelry,
watches, ear piercing and just a lot of fun items and bling for everyone!
Rita’s Purse-o-Nalities offers a family atmosphere as it’s a mother and
daughter run store, owner Rita Houska and daughter Mandi.
Rita’s is located at 6 W. Main in Vermillion and can be reached at either
605-658-1122 or via email at ritagraves62@hotmail.com. Their website
can be found at www.ritaspurse-o-nalities.com
Rita’s Purse-o-Nalities hours are
Wednesday through Saturday, 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.