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02 Broadcaster Press December 31, 2013 www.broadcasteronline.com 1000 HORSE SALE: Belle Plaine Western Exchange, Belle Plaine, IA. Next Scheduled Sale: Saturday, January 11, 2014. Tack 10:00 a.m., Horses immediately following. Sale 2nd Saturday of every month. Upcoming Sale: February 8, 2014. Check out our website for details and sale results: www.westernexchange.com; Info/To Consign: 319-444-2320; email: bpwe@netins.net (MCN) Meet Steve Walters By David Lias david.lias@plaintalk.net When Steve Walters took on the role as pastor at Hillside Community Church in Vermillion last August, there was a period when he was on the road quite a bit. “I started preaching on weekends on Aug. 18, but our house didn’t close down in Omaha until the 27th of September,” he said. “So, I would preach, and then drive down on Sunday or Monday, and load up a trailer, and then bring stuff up, because the parsonage was being remodeled at the same time.” He and his wife, Terry, are happily settled in the community now, as he recently completed four months of serving the church here. Steve’s life experiences have made him particularly familiar with Midwest. “I was born in Wyoming, raised in Montana, went to school in Minnesota, and have been a pastor for 31 years,” he said. “I spent 23 years in Nebraska as pastor.” He served five years at a church in Fremont, and for the 17 years before moving to Vermillion, he was pastor at Christ Community Church in Omaha, NE. “I also spent some years up in Minnesota as a youth pastor in Minnesota,” he said. He welcomes the changes that moving to Vermillion and serving at Hillside Community Church has brought. “My staff meetings are much, much more efficient,” he said with a laugh, “as compared to meetings with staff meetings with 20 pastors. It has been a joy; I have just loved the church, the change, the challenges. It has been an easier adjustment than I have expected.” He is enjoying getting to know the members of his congregation and residents of the community. “Today has been a fun day for me,” Steve said. “I had breakfast with Mayor Jack Powell and then went to city hall and was introduced to Jim Goblirsch of the parks and recreation department, and City Manager John Prescott and the rest of the staff there, too.” Steve has set his sights on a couple basic goals for Hillside Church as he becomes more acquainted with the community. “There’s two things we’re wanting for Hillside to be – number one, a place where no perfect people are allowed, just a place of encouragement, come as you are, and the other is that if we disappeared, the community would miss us. I think a lot of times, people just think of churches as a place to be on Sundays, and they don’t pay taxes,” he said with a grin. “That’s why I wanted to talk to Jack and the city people to find out how can I lead and be a part of a church that can be a blessing to the community.” Steve has learned of the unique roles other churches in Vermillion fulfill in their service to the community – the Methodist church, for example, hosts The Welcome Table, while Grace Baptist Church hosts a coat drive and the Faith Fellowship of the Open Bible Church holds baby showers for new parents. “There are great things going on, and I’m just exploring what Hillside can do,” he said. Steve received his bachelor’s degree from Crown College, located in Minnesota near the Twin Cities, and in May 2012, received his master’s degree in ministry and leadership, also through Crown College. Steve and Terry have been married 33 years, and are the parents of two grown daughters, – Bethany, 29, and Brittany, 28 – and a son, Tony, 23. Before moving to Vermillion, Terry operated a piano studio in Omaha. “She’s taking a year off Tell Them You Saw it in the Broadcaster! Auctions - Public Sales MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT SALE: MON., JAN. 20, 2014 at 9:00 A.M. Consign early by Jan. 6, 2014 for complete advertising. No Small Items, Tires or Pallet Items Accepted After Friday, Jan. 10. Gilbert's Sale Yard, LLC, 641-398-2218. 2 Mi. N. of Floyd, IA On Hwy. 218. Tractor House Internet Bidding Available. www.gilbertsaleyard.com (MCN) 1101 Announcements Events BERGEN LUTHERAN Church: “The little white church on Timber Road.” Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. BRULE Creek Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 11:00am, Sunday School 9:45am to 10:45am. right now, but plans to start in the fall with some students,” Steve said. He is happy to be at a place where he can accomplish meaningful work. “I love empowering people to do ministry,” Steve said, “and the relationships that are involved in developing that … I’m a relational person, so I really enjoy the relationships that develop when you are working with individuals. “I enjoy the preaching part. Every message, I aim to have a ‘so what?’ part of it. And I ask the congregation to ask that question at the end of the service … and so my joy is just the real practical application of that message on your life on Monday, and pointing out how the truth from the Bible applies to your life the next day in work or at school or at home,” he said. appy Ads H ady Re et S CHRIST OUR SAVIOR Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod: Worship Sunday 6:00 p.m., Bible Study Tuesday, 9:00 p.m., Neuharth Center, 624-5398 or 1-800-998-1234 CHURCH OF CHRIST, 102 Prosp: Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.; Bible Study 9:00 a.m.; Bible Study 12:00 noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7:00 p.m. Concordia Lutheran Church (LC-MS) 7 South University Street, Vermillion. Divine Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Pastor Samuel Needham. Contact us at (605) 624-3459 or at lcmsvermillion.org CORNERSTONE CHURCH: A Place To Grow: Located at the corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Service: Sunday during the School year 9:00am and 10:30am (subject to change during holidays) in the summer Sunday 10 AM. Check us out at cornerstonesd.org or call (624-8809) for further information. One & two bedroom apartments. Wakonda Apartments, 611 First St. Wakonda, SD 57073. Laundry. Rental assistance available to those who qualify. For appointments or applications please call 605-624-5218 or visit www.oakleafpm.com. Equal Housing Opportunity BLOW! Unparalleled Performance. Built Right. Engineered for durability and reliable results! Share your special birthdays, anniversaries, and announcements with the world with a happy ad in the Broadcaster Press or Vermillion Plaintalk. We can help you say thank you, invite people to events or request card showers. Our professional graphic designers will create a personalized ad that will make you smile. Call 624-4429 Waterproof Boots/Shoes Over 20 Styles To Choose From And On Sale! Keep those toes dry! FREE Socks With Boots! Boston 3rd • Yankton • to Boots Shoes 665-9092 312 W. In Stock Now! Prices start at $1109 615 N. Hwy 81 - Freeman, SD (605) 925-4241 39660 SD Hwy 46 - Wagner, SD (605) 384-4580 2200 E. Hwy 50 - Yankton, SD (605) 665-3762 201 MAIN - AKRON, IA Magni?cent Turn of the Century home. 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 stall garage on a huge lot. Updated kitchen with cherry cabinets, corion countertops, and center island. Beautiful hardwood ?oors throughout complete with oriental rugs. Priced at $218,000. Call LaNay Welch at 712-251-7742.

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