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PAGE 18 ? FALL SPORTS 2015 PRESS & DAKOTAN ? PLAIN TALK REGIONAL SPORTS CALENDAR August Thursday, August 27 FOOTBALL, PREP Ponca at Lutheran High Northeast SOCCER, WOMEN’S Drake at USD (4 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ S.F. O’Gorman at Yankton (4 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ JV S.F. O’Gorman at Yankton (6 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.F. O’Gorman at Yankton (6 p.m.); Garretson at Vermillion SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV S.F. O’Gorman at Yankton (4 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP YHS at Watertown (7 p.m.); Hanson Tourn. (Andes Central-Dakota Christian, Freeman Academy, 4:30 p.m.); Avon at Bon Homme; Dakota Valley at S.F. Lincoln; Elk Point-Jefferson at Sioux City West; Irene-Wakonda at Scotland; Viborg-Hurley at Freeman VOLLEYBALL, JV YHS at Watertown (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH YHS at Watertown (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH YHS at Watertown (4:30 p.m.) Friday, August 28 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP S.F. O’Gorman Inv. (YHS, 4 p.m.); Beresford Inv. (Beresford, Centerville, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Freeman, GayvilleVolin, Irene-Wakonda, Marion, Vermillion, ViborgHurley, 10 a.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, MS S.F. O’Gorman Inv. (YMS, 4 p.m.) FOOTBALL, PREP YHS at Brookings (7 p.m., KVHT-FM, KYNT-AM); Allen at O’Neill St. Mary’s; Andes Central-Dakota Christian vs. Tripp-DelmontArmour at Tripp; Aquinas Catholic at Hartington Cedar Catholic; Avon at Scotland; Bon Homme at Miller (7 p.m., KK93.com); Bridgewater-Emery-Ethan at Beresford; Burke-South Central at Gayville-Volin; Centerville at Parker; Crofton at Homer; Dakota Valley at West Central; Elk Point-Jefferson at Tri-Valley; Irene-Wakonda at Freeman; Laurel-Concord-Coleridge at West Holt; Mount Vernon-Plankinton vs. Menno-Marion at Menno; Parkston at Tea Area; Plainview at Wausa; Vermillion at Canton (7 p.m., KVTK-AM); Viborg-Hurley at Alcester-Hudson; Wynot at Winside GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR Bobcat North Dakota Open at Fargo CC GOLF, BOYS’ Huron Inv. (YHS, 10 a.m.) GOLF, GIRLS’ Wayne Inv. (Laurel-ConcordColeridge, 9 a.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS/Aberdeen Central/Harrisburg at Brookings (1 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Wyoming Tourn. at Laramie, Wyo. (USD vs. Butler, 5 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Bon Homme at Winner; Centerville at Dell Rapids St. Mary Saturday, August 29 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Mitchell Inv. (Wagner, 10 a.m.) GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR Bobcat North Dakota Open at Fargo CC SOCCER, BOYS’ Groton at Vermillion SOCCER, GIRLS’ Groton at Vermillion TENNIS, GIRLS’ Brookings Jamboree (YHS, 9 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Estelline Tourn. (ViborgHurley); Hanson Tourn. (Andes Central-Dakota Christian, Freeman Academy); Parkston Early Bird Tourn. (Parkston, Wagner); Parker at Irene-Wakonda Sunday, August 30 GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR Bobcat North Dakota Open at Fargo CC SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD at North Dakota (1 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Lennox at Yankton (12:30 p.m.); Garretson at Yankton (3:30 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV Lennox at Yankton I (12:30 p.m.); Lennox at Yankton II (2 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ MS Sioux Falls Games (Yankton) Monday, August 31 FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH S.F. Lincoln at YHS (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Midland Inv. at Fremont GC (MMC) GOLF, WOMEN’S Midland Inv. at Fremont GC (MMC) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Dakota Valley at Madison September Tuesday, September 1 CHEER & DANCE Watertown Inv. (YHS, 5:30 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Dakota Valley Inv. at Adams Nature Area (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Irene-Wakonda, 4:15 p.m.); McCook Central-Montrose Inv. at Salem (Freeman, Marion, Menno, Viborg-Hurley, Wagner, 4:15 p.m.) GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR PS Technology Dakotas Tour Pro-Am at The Prairie Club, Valentine, Neb. GOLF, BOYS’ YHS at Mitchell (2 p.m.); Madison Inv. (Beresford, Parkston, 9 a.m.); Beresford/Vermillion at Lennox (2:30 p.m.); Dakota Valley at Elk PointJefferson SOCCER, BOYS’ YHS at Harrisburg (6 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ JV YHS at Harrisburg (4 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ YHS at Harrisburg (4 p.m.); Vermillion at S.F. Christian SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV YHS at Harrisburg (6 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV Morningside Tourn. (MMC vs. Morningside, 4:30 p.m.; MMC vs. Northwestern, 5:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP S.F. Lincoln at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV S.F. Lincoln at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH S.F. Lincoln at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH S.F. Lincoln at YHS (4:30 p.m.) Wednesday, September 2 GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR PS Technology Dakotas Tour Pro-Am at The Prairie Club, Valentine, Neb. SOCCER, MEN’S MMC at Presentation (4 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S MMC at Presentation (2 p.m.) Thursday, September 3 FOOTBALL, 9TH YHS at Mitchell (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Mount Marty Inv. at Fox Run (MMC); USD at Omaha GOLF, WOMEN’S Mount Marty Inv. at Fox Run (MMC); USD at Omaha GOLF, BOYS’ YHS at Lennox (2 p.m.); Dakota Valley/Elk Point-Jefferson/S.F. Christian at Beresford (4 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (8 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ JV YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (4 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (6 p.m.); West Central at Vermillion SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (4 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Brandon Valley at Yankton (DH, 6 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV Brandon Valley at Yankton (DH, 6 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Harrisburg at Vermillion VOLLEYBALL, PREP YHS at Brookings (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV YHS at Brookings (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH YHS at Brookings (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH YHS at Brookings (4:30 p.m.) Friday, September 4 CROSS COUNTRY, COLLEGE NDSU Bison Open at Fargo (USD); Augustana Twilight (MMC, 8:30 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Augustana Twilight (YHS, Gayville-Volin, 7:45 p.m.) FOOTBALL, PREP Mitchell at YHS (7 p.m., KVHTFM, KYNT-AM); Alcester-Hudson vs. Chester Area at Sioux Falls (4 p.m.); Avon vs. Tripp-Delmont-Armour at Tripp; Bloom?eld vs. Niobrara-Verdigre at Verdigre; Creighton at Elgin Public-Pope John; Crofton at Ponca; Dell Rapids at Vermillion (7 p.m., KVTK-AM); Emerson-Hubbard at Hartington-Newcastle; Freeman at Canistota; Garretson at Centerville; Gayville-Volin at Colome; Hartington Cedar Catholic at Laurel-ConcordColeridge; Howard at Parker; Irene-Wakonda vs. Viborg-Hurley at Hurley; Madison at Dakota Valley; Marty Indian vs. Corsica-Stickney at Corsica; Platte-Geddes at Gregory; Randolph at Wynot; Santee at Wilcox-Hildreth; Scotland vs. Burke-South Central at Sioux Falls (1 p.m.); Sioux Valley at Elk Point-Jefferson; Tri-Valley at Parkston; Wagner at Beresford GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR Power Service Inc. ProAm Dakotas Tour Championship at Paradise Valley CC, Casper, Wyo. GOLF, MEN’S Mount Marty Inv. at Hillcrest (MMC) GOLF, WOMEN’S Mount Marty Inv. at Hillcrest (MMC) GOLF, BOYS’ Parkston Inv. at Lakeview GC, Performance At 2014 Nebraska Class C2 Football Finals • Hartington Cedar Catholic Mitchell (Parkston, 10 a.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD at Chicago State (1:30 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ Hot Springs at Vermillion SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Rapid City Trip (Yankton) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS/Pierre at Mitchell (2 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Arizona Tourn. at Tucson, Ariz. (USD vs. Arizona, 8 p.m.); Waldorf Tourn. (MMC vs. Mount Mercy, noon; MMC vs. Cardinal Stritch, 5:15 p.m.) Saturday, September 5 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Mount Vernon-Plankinton Inv. at Fish Lake GC (Scotland, Wagner, 9 a.m.) FOOTBALL, COLLEGE USD at Kansas State (6:10 p.m., KVHT-FM) GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR Power Service Inc. ProAm Dakotas Tour Championship at Paradise Valley CC, Casper, Wyo. SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Rapid City Trip (Yankton) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Arizona Tourn. at Tucson, Ariz. (USD vs. CSUN, 2 p.m.; USD vs. Florida A&M, 7 p.m.); Waldorf Tourn. (MMC vs. Hannibal LaGrange, 11:15 a.m.; MMC vs. Waldorf, 4:30 p.m.) Sunday, September 6 GOLF, DAKOTAS TOUR Power Service Inc. ProAm Dakotas Tour Championship at Paradise Valley CC, Casper, Wyo. SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD at Green Bay (noon) Tuesday, September 8 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Canton Inv. (Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Vermillion, 10 a.m.); Jesse James Inv. at Garretson (Beresford, 4 p.m.); Scotland Inv. (Irene-Wakonda, Menno, Scotland, Wagner, 4:15 p.m.) FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH YHS/Harrisburg at Mitchell (one half against each team, 4:15 p.m.) GOLF, WOMEN’S College of St. Mary Inv. at Miracle Hills CC (MMC) GOLF, BOYS’ S.F. Christian Inv. (Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Parkston, Vermillion, 9 a.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ Brandon Valley at YHS (6 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ JV Brandon Valley at YHS (4 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ Brandon Valley at YHS (4 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV Brandon Valley at YHS (6 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Yankton at S.F. O’Gorman (DH, 6 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS at S.F. O’Gorman (4 p.m.); Aberdeen Central/Vermillion at Mitchell VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC at Morningside (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV MMC at Morningside (6 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Harrisburg at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Harrisburg at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Harrisburg at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Harrisburg at YHS (4:30 p.m.) Wednesday, September 9 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Freeman Academy Inv. (Centerville, Gayville-Volin, Marion, Menno, ViborgHurley, 2:30 p.m.) GOLF, WOMEN’S College of St. Mary Inv. at Miracle Hills CC (MMC) Thursday, September 10 CHEER & DANCE Yankton Inv. (YHS, 5:30 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP DeSmet Inv. (Freeman, 4 p.m.) FOOTBALL, 9TH YHS at S.C. East (4:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS Harrisburg Jamboree (YMS, 4:30 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Siouxland Inv. at The Ridge GC, Sioux Center, Iowa (MMC) GOLF, BOYS’ Vermillion Inv. (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Parkston, Vermillion, 9:30 a.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.F. Christian at Vermillion TENNIS, GIRLS’ Vermillion at YHS (4 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP YHS at Mitchell (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV YHS at Mitchell (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH YHS at Mitchell (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH YHS at Mitchell (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, MS YMS at Brookings (4 p.m.) Friday, September 11 FOOTBALL, PREP Bancroft-Rosalie at Randolph; Beresford at Sioux Falls Christian; Centerville vs. Viborg-Hurley at Hurley; Colome at Marty Indian; Dakota Valley at Tea Area; Elk Point-Jefferson at McCook Central-Montrose; Garretson at Alcester-Hudson; Gayville-Volin at Avon; Gregory at Bon Homme (7 p.m., KK93.com); Hanson at Platte-Geddes; Hartington-Newcastle vs. Niobrara-Verdigre at Verdigre; Laurel-Concord-Coleridge at Crofton; Maywood-Hayes Center at Santee; Menno-Marion at Freeman; Parker at Irene-Wakonda; Parkston at Vermillion (7 p.m., KVTK-AM); Pender at Creighton; Ponca at Hartington Cedar Catholic; Scotland at Andes Central-Dakota Christian; Wausa at Allen; Winner at Wagner; Wynot at Humphrey St. Francis GOLF, MEN’S Siouxland Inv. at Landsmeer GC, Orange City, Iowa (MMC) GOLF, BOYS’ Yankton Inv. at Hillcrest Golf & CC (YHS, 10 a.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD at Texas-Rio Grande Valley (7 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ YHS at Aberdeen Central (3 p.m.); Freeman Academy at Vermillion SOCCER, BOYS’ JV YHS at Aberdeen Central (1 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ YHS at Aberdeen Central (1 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV YHS at Aberdeen Central (3 p.m.) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Drake Inv. at Des Moines, Iowa (USD) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Brandon Valley Inv. (YHS, Vermillion, 9 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S North Dakota Tourn. at Grand Forks, N.D. (USD vs. Jacksonville State, 9:30 a.m.; USD vs. North Dakota, 7:30 p.m.); MMC at Presentation (7:30 p.m.) Saturday, September 12 CROSS COUNTRY, COLLEGE Dakota State Inv. (MMC, 10:30 a.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Brandon Valley Inv. (YHS, 4:30 p.m.); Luverne Inv. (Beresford, 9:30 a.m.); Nike Heartland Preview at Sioux Falls (Gayville-Volin, Irene-Wakonda, 4 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, MS Brandon Valley Inv. (YMS, 4:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, COLLEGE USD at UC Davis (8 p.m., KVHT-FM) FOOTBALL, PREP YHS at S.F. Washington (3:30 p.m., KVHT-FM, KYNT-AM); Howells-Dodge at Bloom?eld GOLF, SDGA Senior/Mid-Amateur Two-Man Championships at Central Valley GC and Willow Run GC HAASE KAYLOR GRAIN CO. INC. BAR & GRILL 180 S. Main Kaylor, SD 175 N. Main • Kaylor, SD Insurance, LLC 621 Main Scotland, SD 605-583-4272 Pipestone (2 p.m.); Yankton II/Watertown II at Garretson (12:30 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ MS Sioux Falls Games (Yankton) Monday, September 21 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Alcester-Hudson Inv. (Centerville, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, IreneWakonda, Vermillion, Viborg-Hurley, 3:45 p.m.); Bon Homme Inv. (Freeman, Gayville-Volin, Marion, Menno, Scotland, Wagner, 2 p.m.) FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH YHS/Mitchell at S.F. O’Gorman (one half against each team, 4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Morningside Inv. at Whispering Creek GC, Sioux City, Iowa (MMC); USD Coyote Classic at Dakota Dunes (USD) GOLF, WOMEN’S Morningside Inv. at Whispering Creek GC, Sioux City, Iowa (MMC); USD Coyote Classic at Dakota Dunes (USD) GOLF, BOYS’ Dakota XII Conf. at Dell Rapids (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Vermillion, 9 a.m.); Pre-Region 3A at Pierre (Parkston, 10 a.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ S.F. Roosevelt at Yankton (DH, 6 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV S.F. Roosevelt at Yankton (DH, 6 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Brandon Valley/Madison at Yankton (1 p.m.) Tuesday, September 22 CHEER & DANCE Huron Inv. (YHS, 5:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS Harrisburg South at YMS (8th grade, 4:15 p.m.); YMS at Harrisburg South (7th grade, 4:30 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S USD Coyote Classic at Dakota Dunes (USD) GOLF, WOMEN’S USD Coyote Classic at Dakota Dunes (USD) SOCCER, BOYS’ S.F. Lincoln at YHS (6 p.m.); Vermillion at S.F. Christian SOCCER, BOYS’ JV S.F. Lincoln at YHS (4 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.F. Lincoln at YHS (4 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV S.F. Lincoln at YHS (6 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC at Briar Cliff (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV MMC at Briar Cliff (6 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Huron at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Huron at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Huron at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Huron at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, MS YMS at Harrisburg North (4:30 p.m.) Wednesday, September 23 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Cornbelt Conf. at Freeman (Freeman, Marion, Menno, 1 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S MMC at College of St. Mary (4 p.m.) Thursday, September 24 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Yankton Inv. (YHS, Gayville-Volin, Vermillion, 4:15 p.m.) FOOTBALL, 9TH Mitchell at YHS (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, WOMEN’S GPAC No. 1 at Two Rivers GC, North Sioux City (MMC) GOLF, BOYS’ Canton/Elk Point-Jefferson at Beresford (4 p.m.); Dakota Valley at Vermillion GOLF, GIRLS’ Wayne Inv. (Laurel-ConcordColeridge, 9 a.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ YHS at Huron (5 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ JV YHS at Huron (3 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ YHS at Huron (3 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV YHS at Huron (5 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Harrisburg/S.F. Washington at YHS (2 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH YHS at S.F. Roosevelt (4:30 p.m.) Friday, September 25 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Union County Quad at Elk Point (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, 4:15 p.m.) FOOTBALL, PREP YHS at Pierre (7 p.m., KVHTFM, KYNT-AM); Alcester-Hudson at Irene-Wakonda; Bon Homme vs. Menno-Marion at Marion (7 p.m., KK93.com); Centerville at Chester Area; ChambersWheeler Central at Randolph; Colome at Avon; Corsica-Stickney at Andes Central-Dakota Christian; Creighton at Bloom?eld; Crofton at Battle Creek ; Dakota Valley at Canton; Emerson-Hubbard at Allen; Hartington Cedar Catholic at West Holt; HartingtonNewcastle at Wake?eld; Homer at Laurel-ConcordColeridge; Howard at Freeman; Madison at Vermillion (7:30 p.m., KVTK-AM); Marty Indian vs. Burke-South Central at Bonesteel; McCook Central-Montrose at Beresford; Niobrara-Verdigre at Boyd County; Parker vs. Viborg-Hurley at Viborg; Parkston at Wagner; Ponca at Oakland-Craig; Santee at Deshler; Stuart at Wausa; Sunshine Bible at Platte-Geddes; TrippDelmont-Armour at Scotland SOCCER, WOMEN’S UC Riverside at USD (4 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV State Tourn. at Sioux Falls (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Gopher Inv. at Minneapolis, Minn. (USD) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Western Illinois at USD (5 p.m.) Saturday, September 26 CROSS COUNTRY, COLLEGE Dean White Inv. at Crete, Neb. (MMC, 10:30 a.m.); Roy Griak Inv. at Minneapolis (USD, noon) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Platte-Geddes Inv. (Marion, Scotland, Viborg-Hurley, Wagner, 10 a.m.) GOLF, BOYS’ Eastern South Dakota Conf. at Brookings (YHS, 9 a.m.) GOLF, GIRLS’ Laurel-Concord-Coleridge Inv. (Laurel-Concord-Coleridge, 9 a.m.) SOCCER, MEN’S Midland at MMC (4 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S Midland at MMC (2 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV State Tourn. at Sioux Falls (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Gopher Inv. at Minneapolis, Minn. (USD) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS/Milbank at Brookings (10 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S USD at Omaha (7 p.m.); College of St. Mary at MMC (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Aberdeen Central at YHS (5 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Aberdeen Central at YHS (2:30 p.m.) RETTEDAL’S DEPARTMENT STORE “Buying Corn at Most Competitive Price.” SCOTLAND, SD 605-583-2258 Toll Free 1-877-735-5267 Scotland, SD • 583-4115 8/28 9/4 550 Main St. Scotland, SD vs. Avon 7 p.m. vs. Burke-South Central (at SF) 1 p.m. 9/11 at Andes Central-Dakota Christian 7 p.m. 9/25 vs. Tripp-Delmont-Armour 7 p.m. 10/2 at Marty 3 p.m. 10/9 vs. Gayville-Volin 7 p.m. 10/16 at Corsica-Stickney (C) 7 p.m. 10/22 vs. Colome 7 p.m. Volleyball Member FDIC CALENDAR | PAGE 19 Proud to support the Highlanders (605) 583-2330 www.timasche.com American Family Mutual Insurance Co. and its Subsidiaries. Home Office - Madison, WI 53783 SCOTLAND HIGHLANDERS Football www.fmsbscotland.com October Thursday, October 1 CHEER & DANCE S.F. O’Gorman Inv. (YHS, 5:30 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP South Sioux City Inv. (YHS, 4:30 p.m.); Burke-South Central Inv. at Burke (Irene-Wakonda, Scotland, Wagner, 4:15 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, MS South Sioux City Inv. (YMS, 4:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, 9TH YHS at S.F. Lincoln (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S GPAC No. 2 at Wilderness Ridge GC, Lincoln, Neb. (MMC) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Eastern South Dakota Conf. at Yankton (YHS, 8 a.m.); Aberdeen Roncalli/S.F. Lincoln/ Vermillion at S.F. Washington VOLLEYBALL, PREP Mitchell at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Mitchell at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Mitchell at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Mitchell at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, MS YMS at Mitchell (4:15 p.m.) Friday, October 2 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Lennox Inv. (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Freeman, GayvilleVolin, Vermillion, 4 p.m.) FOOTBALL, PREP S.F. O’Gorman at YHS (7 p.m., KVHT-FM, KYNT-AM); Aberdeen Roncalli at Wagner; Andes Central-Dakota Christian at Colome; Baltic at Alcester-Hudson; Battle Creek at Hartington Cedar Catholic; Beresford at Tri-Valley; Bloom?eld at Wake?eld; Burke-South Central at Avon; Chester Area vs. Viborg-Hurley at Viborg; Colman-Egan at Bon Homme (7 p.m., KK93.com); Dakota Valley at Elk Point-Jefferson; Gayville-Volin vs. Tripp-Delmont-Armour at Armour; Hartington-Newcastle at Winnebago; Irene-Wakonda at Centerville; Jones County-White River at Parkston; Laurel-Concord-Coleridge at Ponca; Lutheran High Northeast at Crofton; Lyons-Decatur Northeast at Allen; Menno-Marion at Hanson; Neligh-Oakdale vs. Niobrara-Verdigre at Niobrara; Osmond at Wausa; Parker at Garretson; Plainview at Creighton; Randolph at O’Neill St. Mary’s; Santee at Spalding Academy; Scotland at Marty Indian; Vermillion at Tea Area (7 p.m., KVTK-AM); Wynot at Emerson-Hubbard SOCCER, WOMEN’S Oral Roberts at USD (4 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ State Tourn. at Sioux Falls (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Creighton Inv. at Omaha, Neb. (USD) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S USD at North Dakota State (7 p.m.); MMC at Midland (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV MMC at Midland (6 p.m.) Saturday, October 3 CROSS COUNTRY, COLLEGE SDSU Classic at Brookings (USD, 10:45 a.m.) FOOTBALL, COLLEGE Youngstown State at USD (2 p.m., KVHT-FM) SOCCER, MEN’S MMC at Doane (3:15 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S MMC at Doane (1 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ S.D. Class AA Quarter?nals; S.D. Class A Semi?nals SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.D. Class AA Quarter?nals; S.D. Class A Semi?nals SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ State Tourn. at Sioux Falls (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Creighton Inv. at Omaha, Neb. (USD) Sunday, October 4 SOCCER, WOMEN’S Denver at USD (noon) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ MS Sioux Falls Tourn. (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Creighton Inv. at Omaha, Neb. (USD) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S USD at Denver (3 p.m.) Monday, October 5 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Howard Inv. (GayvilleVolin, Irene-Wakonda, Marion, Menno, 3 p.m.); Southeast South Dakota Conf. at Tyndall (Bon Homme, Scotland, Wagner, 3 p.m.) FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH Norfolk at YHS (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Drake Zach Johnson Inv. at Des Moines, Iowa (USD) Ethanol and Distillers Grain 605-583-2234 Clothing and Shoes for the Entire Family VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Aberdeen Central at YHS (3:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Aberdeen Central at YHS (2:30 p.m.) Sunday, September 27 SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Watertown at Yankton (DH, 12:30 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ MS Sioux Falls Games (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Gopher Inv. at Minneapolis, Minn. (USD) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Hastings at MMC (1:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV Hastings at MMC (noon) Monday, September 28 FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH YHS at Brandon Valley (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Doane Inv. at Wilderness Ridge GC, Lincoln, Neb. (MMC); SIUE Derek Dolenc Inv. at Madison, Ill. (USD) GOLF, WOMEN’S Oral Roberts Bob Hurley Shootout at Tulsa, Okla. (USD) GOLF, BOYS’ S.D. Regions — 2A at Bakkers Crossing GC (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk PointJefferson, Vermillion, 9 a.m.); 3A at Pierre (Parkston, 10 a.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Mitchell at Vermillion VOLLEYBALL, MS Norfolk at YMS (4 p.m.) Tuesday, September 29 CROSS COUNTRY, MS Pierce Inv. (YMS, 4 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS S.C. North at YMS (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S SIUE Derek Dolenc Inv. at Madison, Ill. (USD) GOLF, WOMEN’S Nebraska Wesleyan Inv. (MMC); Oral Roberts Bob Hurley Shootout at Tulsa, Okla. (USD) SOCCER, MEN’S MMC at Morningside (8 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S MMC at Morningside (5:30 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ S.D. First Round SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.D. First Round Wednesday, September 30 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Colman-Egan Inv. (Marion, 2 p.m.); Parker Inv. (Centerville, Freeman, Gayville-Volin, Menno, Viborg-Hurley, 2 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC at Dakota Wesleyan (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV MMC at Dakota Wesleyan (6 p.m.) Tim Asche Agency (605) 583-4228 605-583-2329 Kronaizl GOLF, BOYS’ Brookings Inv. (YHS, 8 a.m.) GOLF, GIRLS’ Pierce Inv. (Laurel-ConcordColeridge, 9 a.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ Tea Area at Vermillion SOCCER, BOYS’ Vermillion at James Valley Christian TENNIS, WOMEN’S Drake Inv. at Des Moines, Iowa (USD) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS/Aberdeen Roncalli at S.F. Roosevelt (9 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S North Dakota Tourn. at Grand Forks, N.D. (USD vs. Green Bay, 2:30 p.m.; USD vs. Drake, 5 p.m.); Valley City State Tourn. (MMC vs. Montana Northern, 11 a.m.; MMC vs. Dickinson State, 3 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP YHS at Pierre (5 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV YHS at Pierre (2:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH YHS at Pierre (3:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH YHS at Pierre (2:30 p.m.) Sunday, September 13 GOLF, SDGA Senior/Mid-Amateur Two-Man Championships at Central Valley GC and Willow Run GC SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD vs. Southern Utah at Edinburg, Texas (11 a.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Vermillion/Dakota Valley at Yankton (12:30 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV Vermillion/Watertown at Yankton I (12:30 p.m.); Yankton II/Mitchell at Garretson (12:30 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ MS Sioux Falls Games (Yankton) TENNIS, WOMEN’S Drake Inv. at Des Moines, Iowa (USD) Monday, September 14 FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH S.C. East at YHS (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Omaha Inv. at Nebraska City, Neb. (USD) SOCCER, GIRLS’ Vermillion at Garretson SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ S.F. Washington at Yankton (DH, 6 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV S.F. Washington at Yankton (DH, 6 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ Madison at Vermillion Tuesday, September 15 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Woodbury Central Inv. at Moville, Iowa (Elk Point-Jefferson, 4:30 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Omaha Inv. at Nebraska City, Neb. (USD) GOLF, BOYS’ Elk Point-Jefferson at Vermillion (4 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ Pierre at YHS (5:30 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ JV Pierre at YHS (3:30 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ Pierre at YHS (3:30 p.m.) SOCCER, GIRLS’ JV Pierre at YHS (5:30 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS/Mitchell at S.F. Lincoln (11 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Dakota State at MMC (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV Dakota State at MMC (6 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, MS Mitchell at YMS (4 p.m.) Wednesday, September 16 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Freeman Inv. (Centerville, Freeman, Gayville-Volin, Irene-Wakonda, Marion, Menno, Scotland, Viborg-Hurley, 2:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC at Dordt (7:30 p.m.) Thursday, September 17 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Chamberlain Inv. (Wagner, 2:30 p.m.); S.F. Christian Inv. (Beresford, 4 p.m.); S.C. West Inv. (Dakota Valley, 3:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, 9TH Norfolk at YHS (4:15 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS Mitchell at YMS (4:15 p.m.) GOLF, BOYS’ S.F. Lincoln/S.F. Washington at YHS (Fox Run, 2 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD at Idaho (6 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS at Vermillion (2 p.m.) Friday, September 18 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Norfolk Inv. (YHS, 4 p.m.); Vermillion Inv. (Vermillion, 3:45 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, MS Norfolk Inv. (YMS, 5:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, PREP Aberdeen Central at YHS (HC, 7 p.m., KVHT-FM, KYNT-AM); Alcester-Hudson at Parker; Allen at Omaha Nation; Andes Central-Dakota Christian at Gayville-Volin; Avon vs. Corsica-Stickney at Corsica; Baltic at Centerville; Battle Creek at Ponca; Beresford at Elk Point-Jefferson; Bloom?eld at Pender; Bon Homme vs. Kimball-White Lake at White Lake (7 p.m., KK93.com); Elgin Public-Pope John at Hartington-Newcastle; Freeman vs. Mount Vernon-Plankinton at Mount Vernon; Hartington Cedar Catholic at Homer; Lutheran High Northeast at Laurel-Concord-Coleridge; Menno-Marion vs. Oldham-Ramona-Rutland at Rutland; Niobrara-Verdigre at Creighton; Oakland-Craig at Crofton; Platte-Geddes at Kadoka Area; Randolph at Emerson-Hubbard; Red?eld-Doland at Parkston; Silver Lake at Santee; Tripp-Delmont-Armour at Marty Indian; Vermillion at Dakota Valley (7 p.m., KVTK-AM); ViborgHurley at Garretson; Wagner vs. Jones County-White River at White River; Wausa at Wynot GOLF, MEN’S GPAC No. 1 at The Ridge GC, Sioux Center, Iowa (MMC) GOLF, WOMEN’S Briar Cliff Inv. at Two Rivers GC, North Sioux City (MMC) GOLF, BOYS’ Mitchell Inv. (YHS, Parkston, 10:30 a.m.); Huskies’ Inv. at The Pointe at Elk Point (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, 9 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Purdue Tourn. at West Lafayette, Ind. (USD vs. Purdue, 8 a.m.; USD vs. Notre Dame, 4 p.m.); Northwestern at MMC (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Northwestern at MMC (6 p.m.) Saturday, September 19 CHEER & DANCE Brookings Inv. (YHS, 11 a.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Wagner Inv. (Scotland, Wagner, 9 a.m.) FOOTBALL, COLLEGE Drake at USD (2 p.m., KVHT-FM) GOLF, WOMEN’S Briar Cliff Inv. at Two Rivers GC, North Sioux City (MMC) GOLF, GIRLS’ Plainview Inv. (Laurel-ConcordColeridge, 9 a.m.) SOCCER, MEN’S MMC at Clarke (3:30 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S MMC at Clarke (1 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ Vermillion at Tea Area SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ ESD Tourn. at Yankton TENNIS, GIRLS’ YHS/Spear?sh at Mitchell (noon) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Purdue Tourn. at West Lafayette, Ind. (USD vs. Ball State, 4:30 p.m.) Sunday, September 20 SOCCER, MEN’S Jamestown at MMC (3:30 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S Northern Iowa at USD (1 p.m.); Jamestown at MMC (1:30 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ Yankton/Jackson at Pipestone (2 p.m.) SOFTBALL, GIRLS’ JV Yankton I/Tri-Valley at GOLF, WOMEN’S GPAC No. 2 at Southern Hills GC, Hastings, Neb. (MMC); Nebraska Chip-N Club Inv. at Lincoln, Neb. (USD) GOLF, BOYS’ S.D. State Class AA at Rapid City (YHS, 9 a.m.); S.D. State Class A at Milbank VOLLEYBALL, PREP Brookings at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Brookings at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Brookings at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Brookings at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, MS YMS at S.F. O’Gorman (7th grade only, 4 p.m.) Tuesday, October 6 CHEER & DANCE Brandon Valley Inv. (YHS, 5:30 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, MS Wayne Inv. (YMS, 5 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS YMS at Harrisburg North (8th grade, 4:30 p.m.); Harrisburg North at YMS (7th grade, 4:15 p.m.) GOLF, MEN’S Drake Zach Johnson Inv. at Des Moines, Iowa (USD) GOLF, WOMEN’S Nebraska Chip-N Club Inv. at Lincoln, Neb. (USD) GOLF, BOYS’ S.D. State Class AA at Rapid City (YHS, 9 a.m.); S.D. State Class A at Milbank GOLF, GIRLS’ Neb. Districts — C-3 at Wayne (Crofton, Hartington Cedar Catholic, Laurel-ConcordColeridge, 9 a.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ S.D. Semi?nals SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.D. Semi?nals VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Morningside at MMC (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S JV Morningside at MMC (6 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP YHS at Harrisburg (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV YHS at Harrisburg (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH YHS at Harrisburg (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH YHS at Harrisburg (4:30 p.m.) Wednesday, October 7 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Tri-Valley Conf./IreneWakonda Inv. (Centerville, Freeman, Gayville-Volin, Irene-Wakonda, Marion, Menno, Viborg-Hurley, 3 p.m.) SOCCER, MEN’S Northwestern at MMC (4:15 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S Northwestern at MMC (2 p.m.) Thursday, October 8 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Dakota XII Conf. at Beresford (Beresford, Dakota Valley, Elk PointJefferson, Vermillion, 4 p.m.); Ethan-Parkston Inv. at Parkston (Scotland, Wagner, 4:15 p.m.) FOOTBALL, 9TH Brandon Valley at YHS (4:15 p.m.) TENNIS, GIRLS’ State Tourn. at Brandon and Sioux Falls (YHS, Vermillion, 9 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, MS YMS at S.F. O’Gorman (8th grade only, 4 p.m.) Friday, October 9 FOOTBALL, PREP YHS at Huron (7 p.m., KVHT-FM, KYNT-AM); Allen at Wynot; Avon at Marty Indian (2 p.m.); Beresford at Sioux Valley; Bloom?eld at Hartington-Newcastle; Bon Homme vs. WolseyWessington at Wolsey (7 p.m., KK93.com); BurkeSouth Central at Andes Central-Dakota Christian; Creighton at Howells-Dodge; Crofton at Ainsworth; Elk Point-Jefferson vs. Bridgewater-Emery-Ethan at Emery; Freeman at Centerville; Gayville-Volin at Scotland; Hartington Cedar Catholic at Lutheran High Northeast; Howard vs. Menno-Marion at Menno; Irene-Wakonda at Garretson; Lennox at Dakota Valley; Miller at PlatteGeddes; Niobrara-Verdigre at Elgin Public-Pope John; Oakland-Craig at Laurel-Concord-Coleridge; Parkston at Winner; Ponca at Wisner-Pilger; Santee at St. Edward; Tripp-Delmont-Armour vs. Corsica-Stickney at Corsica; Vermillion at Sioux Falls Christian (7 p.m., KVTK-AM); Viborg-Hurley at Baltic; Wagner at Groton Area; Wausa at Randolph TENNIS, GIRLS’ State Tourn. at Brandon and Sioux Falls (YHS, Vermillion, 9 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC Classic (MMC vs. Mayville State, 4:30 p.m.; Mayville State vs. Grace, 8 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC Classic (MMC vs. Mayville State, 3 p.m.; MMC vs. Grace, 6:30 p.m.) Saturday, October 10 CHEER & DANCE Mitchell Inv. (YHS, 10:30 a.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, COLLEGE Brair Cliff Inv. (MMC, 10 a.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP Eastern South Dakota Conf. at Pierre (YHS, 11 a.m.) FOOTBALL, COLLEGE USD at Western Illinois (3 p.m., KVHT-FM) SOCCER, MEN’S Neb. Wesleyan at MMC (4:15 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S Neb. Wesleyan at MMC (2 p.m.) SOCCER, BOYS’ S.D. Finals at Mitchell SOCCER, GIRLS’ S.D. Finals at Mitchell TENNIS, GIRLS’ State Tourn. at Brandon and Sioux Falls (YHS, Vermillion, 8 a.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC Classic (MMC vs. Grace, 10:30 a.m.; Grace vs. Presentation, 2 p.m.; MMC vs. Presentation, 5:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S MMC Classic (MMC vs. Grace, 9 a.m.; Presentation vs. Grace, 12:30 p.m.; MMC vs. Presentation, 4 p.m.) Sunday, October 11 SOCCER, WOMEN’S USD at North Dakota State (3 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Oral Roberts at USD (noon) Monday, October 12 FOOTBALL, JV/SOPH YHS vs. Aberdeen Central at Mitchell (3:30 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS YMS at Vermillion (4:15 p.m.) Tuesday, October 13 CROSS COUNTRY, JV Yankton JV Inv. (YHS, 4:15 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, MS Yankton JV Inv. (YMS, 4:15 p.m.) SOCCER, MEN’S MMC at Briar Cliff (4:15 p.m.) SOCCER, WOMEN’S MMC at Briar Cliff (2 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S USD at South Dakota State (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Brandon Valley at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Brandon Valley at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Brandon Valley at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Brandon Valley at YHS (4:30 p.m.) Wednesday, October 14 CROSS COUNTRY, PREP S.D. Regions — 2B at Howard (Alcester-Hudson, Centerville, Gayville-Volin, Irene-Wakonda, Parker, Viborg-Hurley, 1:30 p.m.); 3B at Freeman (Avon, Freeman, Freeman Academy, Marion, Marty, Menno, Platte-Geddes, Scotland) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Dordt at MMC (7:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, WOMEN’S Dordt at MMC (6 p.m.) Thursday, October 15 CHEER & DANCE Eastern South Dakota Conf. at Brandon (YHS, 5 p.m.) CROSS COUNTRY, PREP YHS/Harrisburg/ Mitchell at Brookings (4 p.m.); S.D. Regions — 3A at Beresford (Beresford, Bon Homme, Dakota Valley, Elk Point-Jefferson, Ethan-Parkston, Vermillion, Wagner, 3 p.m.); Neb. Districts — C-2 at Norfolk (Hartington) FOOTBALL, 9TH YHS at Norfolk (4:15 p.m.) FOOTBALL, MS YMS at Norfolk (4:15 p.m.) TENNIS, WOMEN’S ITA Regionals at Stillwater, Okla. (USD) VOLLEYBALL, PREP Watertown at YHS (7 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, JV Watertown at YHS (4:30 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, SOPH Watertown at YHS (5:45 p.m.) VOLLEYBALL, 9TH Watertown at YHS (4:30 p.m.) Friday, October 16 CROSS COUNTRY, COLLEGE Bradley Pink Classic at Peoria, Ill. (USD, 4:25 p.m.) FOOTBALL, PREP Douglas at YHS (7 p.m., 8/27 vs. Irene-Wakonda 6:30 p.m. 9/3 9/8 at Viborg-Hurley (V) 6:15 p.m. vs. Centerville/Gayville-Volin 4:30 p.m. 9/10 at Marion 6:15 p.m. 9/14 vs. Freeman 6:30 p.m. 9/15 at Andes Central-Dakota Christian (AC) 6:30 p.m. 9/19 Cavalier Clash (Tyndall) 8:30 a.m. 9/24 at Ethan 6:30 p.m. 9/29 at Avon 6:15 p.m. 10/1 at Parkston 6:30 p.m. 10/6 at Wagner 6:30 p.m. 10/8 vs. Parker 6:30 p.m. 10/10 Gayville-Volin Tourn. 9 a.m. 10/13 vs. Bon Homme 6:30 p.m. 10/15 at Tripp-Delmont-Armour (T) 10/19 vs. Hanson 10/24 SESD (Platte) 10/26 vs. Menno 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Cross Country 9/5 9/8 9/16 9/19 9/21 9/26 10/1 10/5 10/8 Mount Vernon-Plankinton Inv. 9 a.m. Scotland Inv. 4:15 p.m. Flyer Inv. (Freeman) 1 p.m. Wagner Inv. 9 a.m. Bon Homme Inv. 2 p.m. Platte-Geddes Inv. 10 a.m. Cougar Inv. (Burke) 4:15 p.m. SESD (Tyndall) 3 p.m. Ethan-Parkston Inv. 4:15 p.m. 2015 SEASON PASS • ADMIT ONE • FOLLOW YOUR TEAM AT WWW.YANKTON.NET

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