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Broadcaster Press 10 July 28, 2015 www.broadcasteronline.com Flipping For A Good Cause Annual Pancake Feed To Benefit W.H. Over Museum about five pictures from five different bikers. That was kind of fun.” Johnson also has good memories of helping people in more ways than Anyone with a hankering for a good pancakes. breakfast and good company will be “We support people who need new well satisfied this week as the Vermillion glasses and we had a gentleman who Lions Club and the W.H. Over Museum was living under the bridge and we put on their annual Pancake Feed fundfed him breakfast and lunch and got raiser. him fixed up with glasses,” she said. The event will take place Thursday “He came back the next year to thank through Sunday July 30th - August 2nd us and then he gave us a sock full of from 8 a.m. to noon at the I-29 rest area. money. It was pennies, nickels and “It’s a free will offering,” said Maxine dimes but it came out to about $20.” Johnson, Lions Club member, Friends According to Johnson the pancake of the Museum President, museum feed benefits Vermillion itself as administrator, and a member of the Clay much as the museum. County Historical Society. “Some people “A lot of people will come into give a lot some people not so much but Vermillion and stop by here and it all evens out. The museum pays for the music museum and the Austinthe ingredients and the advertising and Whitmer house if it’s open,” she said. the Lions do all the work and the profit “We recommend a restaurant. It’s a goes to us so it’s a win-win situation. win-win situation for Vermillion and Plus it’s a lot of fun because you get to see a whole lot of different people and COURTESY PHOTO the museum and for Lyons.” Though the feed is mostly for accents.” Anyone is welcome to stop by the I-29 rest stop Thursday through Sunday for a pancake passing travelers, Vermillion citizens The pancake feed corresponds with feed benefiting the W.H. Over Museum. are more than welcome to stop by. the first weekend of the Sturgis Bike sary. Tipton shared his favorite memory of “Saturday mornings we get a Rally and is meant to cater to the bikers Mark Tipton, Lions Club member, is Chuck Roegiers, Lions Club member and wonderful turnout of people from town,” passing by on the interstate but is welcome chair of the pancake feed this year. friend. Johnson said. “The biggest help would be to all. “I’ve been doing it for seven years I “He always sells sheepskin products to come and eat and make a donation. We “We serve anyone who stops, it’s not just think,” he said. “There’s just a tremendous to the bikers,” Tipton said. “He always is can’t ask a set price. We have one commubikers,” Johnson said. “The kids get a little amount of bikes go by every day.” down in Onawa and he set up a tent there. nity member who comes out every day and treat and we give out information about According to Tipton, though only a small One year we took pictures of a lot of the helps. Frankie Putz, he’s over 90. He comes Vermillion. We give directions on how to get fraction of the bikers in the rally actually interesting people that came through and every year and he looks forward to it.” out to Sturgis faster and safer. Some folks make it to the pancake feed, they still manprinted them out that night and then the --we’ve had come every year, some didn’t age to serve between 600-700 individuals next day we’d tell people about Chuck and For more information on the pancake know we were there.” his sheepskin place and we’d send pictures feed, contact the W.H. Over Museum at 677Johnson said they expect a bigger crowd over the four-day fundraiser. The event brings some good memories. with them to give to him and he actually got 5228 or visit www.whovermuseum. since this year is the rally’s 75th anniverBY SARAH WETZEL For the Plain Talk Market Yourself Broadcaster Press Increase your business’s exposure, build connections and multiply opportunities with effective print advertising. 201 W Cherry St. • Vermillion • 624-4429 For a complete up to date list of our equipment visit www.deerequipment.com Your Dealer of Choice! 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