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Broadcaster Press 05 October 14, 2014 www.broadcasteronline.com CHAMBER CHAT Vermillion Area Chamber of Commerce & Development Company 116 Market Street, Suite 103 Vermillion, SD 57069 (605) 624-5571 vcdc@vermillioncham ber.com www.vermillionchamb er.com Chamber Business: Monday, October 13 The VCDC office will be closed Mon., Oct. 13 in observance of Native American Day Tuesday, October 14 Meet the Candidates: Candidate Forum for all those running for District 17 State Senator and District 17 State Representative will be held on Tues., Oct. 14 at City Hall Council Chambers, 25 Center Street, at 7:00 pm. Get to know the candidates and their goals. The audience will have an opportunity to submit written questions to be answered by the candidates. Everyone welcome! The forum will be televised on Local Channel 3. Sponsored by the VCDC Legislative Affairs Committee. Thursday, October 16 U.S. Congressional Candidate ‘Meet and Greet’: Everyone is welcome to meet and socialize with South Dakota’s United States Congressional Candidates on Thurs., Oct. 16 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at RED Steakhouse, 1 East Main St., in the Ronan Room. The public is encouraged to stop by and talk with the candidates and enjoy some appetizers. Sponsored by RED Steakhouse and the VCDC Legislative Affairs Committee. Thursday, October 23 *U.S. Senate Candidates ‘Meet and Greet’: Everyone is welcome to meet and socialize with South Dakota’s United States Senate Candidates on Thurs., Oct. 23 from 5:00 to 6:30 pm at RED Steakhouse, 1 East Main St., in the Ronan Room. The public is encouraged to stop by and talk with the candidates and enjoy some appetizers. Sponsored by RED Steakhouse and the VCDC Legislative Affairs Committee. See what’s brewing on the job market. *Launch of Young Professionals network in Vermillion, Thurs., Oct. 23 from 5:00-7:00 pm at the Golf Course. Call 6245571 or check online at www.vermillionchamber.c om Thursday, November 6 Please join us for a Business After Hours and Open House at Hy-Vee, 525 West Cherry Street, on Thurs., Nov. 6 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Help us kick off the Holiday Season with our Holiday Extravaganza. A wide variety of food and beverages will be available. Come sample several of our traditional holiday favorites and also see what is new this year for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Everyone is welcome as we take an evening to mingle and enjoy the company of our fellow chamber members. “ Business after Hours: Are you looking for an opportunity to showcase your business and network with your peers? Sign up to host a Business After Hours event! These events generally run from 5:007:00 pm on a weeknight and the hosting business provides hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. If interested, please contact Ann at: annb@vermillionchamber. com or at 624-5571. Announcements: *Dakota Hospital Foundation (DHF) announces the beginning of a new process for funding requests. DHF is now accepting Grant Funding applications from local organizations during the months of April & Oct. each year. The first DHF Grant Application period is now open. Grant guidelines & forms can be found at:www.sanfordvermillion. org/foundation. The deadline for Grant Applications submitted in this initial funding period is Fri., Oct. 31. *Exhibition: “Deterritorialization” at University Art Galleries, Warren M. Lee Center for Fine Arts through Tues., Oct. 21. Reception, Fri., Oct. 10, 6-8:00 pm, John A. Day Gallery. *Volunteer mentors are needed in Vermillion & Elk Point. The Clay-Union Foundation has 4 girls and 2 boys seeking matches in Vermillion, and 2 more youth applications pending. There is also an 8 year old boy in Elk Point seeking a mentor. Adult board members are also being sought in Clay county who will be able to meet with the board on a regular basis. Meetings alternate between Elk Point and Vermillion. Please contact John Gille at 605421-5050 or apply online to be a mentor at www.clayunionfoundation.org *Foundation Half Marathon's a success! The Get to the Point half marathon was a great success, due to the support shown by numerous local sponsors, both in-kind and product donations, as well as many individual and business donors. A special thanks goes to the Boy and Girl Scouts from Dakota Valley, Team Polaris, HyVee, Wal Mart, Casey's in Elk Point, the chamber members, Elk Point Police Dept., many local volunteers who helped as long as needed, and those who participated in the event. The program welcomes new youth age 517 to its mentoring program, and also is interested in partnering with other sponsors. John Gille is available to speak to local groups about the program, and applications for youth and adult volunteers are on its website www.clayunionfoundation.org. To learn more, contact John at 605-421-5050. *Vermillion Area Community Foundation (VACF) updated grant application information: Beginning this year, there are only two grant periods: The second Thursday in April and the second Thursday in October. Grant applications for the second session are due by Sept. 15. Grant guidelines can be found at: http://vermillion.sdcommu nityfoundation.org or applications can be picked up at the VCDC, 116 Market Street. Friday, October 10… *Girls Soccer: State at Mitchell, Fri. & Sat., Oct. 10-11 @ 9:00 am *Vermillion Light & Power Open House, Fri., 1101 Oct. 10, 11 am-1 pm, 115 W. Duke St. Free brats, burgers, chips, pop & cookies. Register for prizes! *Swim/Dive vs Minnesota State, Fri., Oct. 10 from 5-7:00 pm at the DakotaDome *Onward Red Tie Launch Event, Fri., Oct. 10, 6:30-10:00 pm at Muenster University Center on USD campus. RSVP: www.onwardsd.org/redtie or call 605-677-6703 for more information *Football: Flandreau, Fri., Oct. 10 @ 7:00 pm (T) *USD Volleyball vs Western Illinois, Fri., Oct. 10 @ 7:00 pm at DakotaDome Saturday, October 11 *Marching Band at USD Dakota Days, Sat., Oct. 11 @ 8:00 am *Overeaters Anonymous: Sat., Oct. 11 @ 9:00 am. Location: Newman Center-USD Campus, 320 E. Cherry, across from the MUC at the corner of Rose & Cherry St. (West Doorstraight through double glass doors on left & first door on left, North Doordown hall to left & first door on left). Description: Overeaters Anonymous is a 12 step program for people with eating disorders & struggles. *Dakota Day Parade @ 10:00 am followed by Coyote Tailgate Nation Pre-game festivities at DakotaDome parking lot and USD Coyote Football vs University of Northern Iowa at 3:00 pm at DakotaDome *Toddler Storytime (ages birth to 3 with adult), Sat., Oct. 11, 18, 25 @ 11:15 am at Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library, 18 Church St. Please call 677-7060 or visit: vermillionpubliclibrary.org to register. *Preschoolers Storytime (ages 4-6), Sat., Oct. 11, 18, 25 @ 11:15 am at Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library, 18 Church St. Please call 677-7060 or visit: vermillionpubliclibrary.org to register. Native American Day Wacipi, Sat., Oct. 11 at the Armory. Grand Entries @ 1:00 pm & 7:00 pm, with a free supper meal provided @ 5:00 pm. Announcements - 1101 Events BERGEN LUTHERAN CHURCH “The little white church on Timber Road”. Worship 10:30 am, Sunday School 9:15 am. BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA CATHOLIC CHURCH 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. BRULE CREEK LUTHERAN CHURCH, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 11:00am, Sunday School 9:45am to 10:45am. Announcements Events DALESBURG BAPTIST CHURCH 30503 466th Ave., Beresford, Pastor Darren Regehr. 9:45am, Sunday School; 11:00am, Morning Worship; Mid-week Services Wednesdays, 7:00pm. (605)253-2622. www.dalesburgbaptist.org DALESBURG LUTHERAN CHURCH 12 miles North of Vermillion on University Road. Worship Services 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Website: www.dalesburglutheran.org CHRIST OUR SAVIOR Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod: Worship Sunday 6:00 p.m., Bible Study Tuesday, 9:00 p.m., Neuharth Center, 624-5398 or 1-800-998-1234 ELK POINT BAPTISIT CHURCH Sunday worship at 11:00am, Wednesday evening Bible study at 7:00pm. 101 North Green St., Elk Point, SD 57069. (605)222-1981. CHURCH OF CHRIST 102 Prosp: Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.; Bible Study 9:00 a.m.; Bible Study 12:00 noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7:00 p.m. ELK POINT UNITED PARISH, 603 S Pearl Street, Elk Point, Pastor David Bambas, EPUP seeks to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ who are fully devoted to loving God and others. Sunday worship at 9:30 AM (nursery available); Adventuezone at 10:30 AM for preschool (3 as of Sept.) thru 5th grade. For more information call 605-356-2008 , epups@iw.net or epunitedparish.org CONCORDIA LUTHERAN CHURCH (LC-MS) 7 South University Street, Vermillion. Divine Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School – Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Pastor Samuel Needham. Contact us at (605) 624-3459 or at lcmsvermillion.org CORNERSTONE CHURCH A Place To Grow: Located at the corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Service: Sunday during the School year 9:00am and 10:30am (subject to change during holidays) in the summer Sunday 10 AM. Check us out at cornerstonesd.org or call (624-8809) for further information. GOSPEL CHAPEL CHURCH 708 Jessie St./Highway 12, Newcastle, NE. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.; AWANA Wednesday at 7 p.m., 402-355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. FAITH FELLOWSHIP of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 and Highway 19: Sunday Celebration 10:30 a.m. Pastor Tony Armbrust, 624-2921. Faith lutheran church 401 Main Street, Makell, NE. Sunday School: 9:00; Worship: 10:00 Communion: 1st and 3rd Sundays (605)658-0240 (home) (402)-692-3323 (church). UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST "The Uncommon Denomination." Services are the first and third Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. in the basement of the United Church of Christ, 226 E. Main. Child care services and refreshments provided. All welcome. For more information www.unitarianvermillion.blogspot.com Consider it... Sold! Classifieds Help Wanted Section Ribbon utti g Ribbon Cutting Ribbon Cutting bbo ting Ce ebration! Cele ration! Celebration! Celebration! ebration! ebration! On October 7, a ribbon cutting was held to celebrate the opening of Anytime Fitness. Anytime Fitness is a convenient, affordable and fun co-ed ?tness facility. Fitness has never been so easy with 24/7 access to over 2500 clubs around the globe. They have state of the art equipment including cardio, weight machines, free weights, classes and personal training. They invite you to stop in at 838/836 E. Cherry, to check them out. You are also invited to visit their website at www.anytime?tness.com or reach them by phone at 605-624-9250 or via email at vermillionsd@ anytime?tness.com. Their hours of operation are Monday-Thursday 10 a.m.-7 p.m. and Fridays 10 a.m.-4 p.m. They are owned by Jason White and the General Manager is Brenda Nielsen.

Fair 59.0 F
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Temperature:59.0 F
Wind:West at 16.1 MPH (14 KT)
Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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