










2 Broadcaster Press
July 19, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com
Dave Says
Snowball Switch?
Dear Dave,
We’re working the debt snowball, and
together my husband and I make $93,000 a
year. The amounts of our remaining three
debts are so close we wonder if we should
take interest rates into account. Two
are student loans for $2,970 and $6,700,
while the other is credit card debt in the
amount of $4,750. I also got a recent bonus
of $3,600. Should we put that toward our
debt snowball?
Dear Robin,
In a strictly mathematical sense, my
advice of paying off debt smallest to largest may be wrong, but it’s still the correct
advice. Besides, if people were so good at
math they wouldn’t have debt in the first
place, would they?
If I’m in your shoes, I’d have that lowest
student loan paid off in a heartbeat with
the bonus you mentioned. I’d throw the remainder, along with your regular snowball
payments, at the credit card and keep the
debt snowball rolling just like I normally
When you’re pushing to get out of debt
fast, interest rates don’t really matter
much when you add up actual dollars on
interest spent. If you were going to keep
debt around for six or seven years, then
we’d have something to talk about. But
when you knock out the little debt and immediately plow through the others with a
vengeance, it gives a real sense of accomplishment and confidence. Remember,
personal finance is 80 percent behavior
It’s not discrimination
Dear Dave,
I’m in the middle of a Chapter 13
bankruptcy. I’ve worked for years in the
automotive industry, but lately I’ve been
thinking about a different line of work. The
problem is I’m afraid I will be discriminated against when applying for jobs because
of the bankruptcy filing. I think the government has given businesses the permission
to look at my financial history. Do you
have any suggestions?
Dear Joe,
The government doesn’t give businesses permission to look at your history. They had that right anyway. And it
wouldn’t be discrimination, because it’s a
part of their analysis as to whether or not
Game Over For
Drivers Playing
Pokemon Go
AAA is urging drivers not
to use Pokemon Go behind
the wheel because it could
lead to potentially deadly
consequences. This week’s
crashes involving the game
should serve as a wake-up
call to focus on the task of
driving and not to be distracted.
“Driving is among the
most dangerous activities
that people do on a daily
basis, and the last thing we
need is to increase the number of distractions in the vehicle,” said Marilyn Buskohl,
spokeswoman for AAA South
Dakota. “One would think
playing Pokemon Go while
driving is so blatantly dangerous, a warning to drivers
wouldn’t be necessary. Apparently, that’s not the case.”
Distracted driving is risky
driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that at least
3,000 deaths per year involve
distracted driving, though
the true number is likely far
higher. The following statistics help put the dangers of
distracted driving into context:
• Taking your eyes off the
road for more than two seconds doubles your risk of a
and only 20 percent
head knowledge.
So, mathematically speaking, the
advice I’m giving
you might be a few
dollars wrong, but
you’ll benefit in other bigger, long-lasting ways by gaining
a sense of closure
on your debts, learning how to delay
pleasure and staying
on a plan!
• When driving 55 miles
per hour, five seconds with
eyes off the road is equivalent to driving the length of a
football field blindfolded.
• Distraction is a factor in
nearly six out of 10 moderateto-severe teen crashes.
Not only should Pokemon
Go not be played while driving but motorists also need
to be aware that others playing the game might enter an
intersection or cross a street
at an inopportune time. “Driving requires your full attention, and putting away your
phone until you reach your
destination could save your
life,” said Buskohl. “Pedestrians playing the game also
need to stay alert so they do
not cross busy intersections
while distracted.”
Crashes are not the only
risks affecting drivers. Drivers playing Pokemon Go also
could face jail time and fines.
Most states, including South
Dakota, have laws against
distracted driving and every
state has laws to prevent
reckless driving. Motorists
are likely to be pulled over by
law enforcement if they are a
threat on the road.
they want you working for them. That kind
of thing is perfectly reasonable. It’s not
A lot of this, however, depends on the
job and how seriously the employer is considering you. If you’d be doing something
where you have to be bonded, then you’ll
have trouble because the bankruptcy can
prevent you from being bonded. If you
would be handling large sums of money or
be given access to large sums of money,
the Chapter 13 bankruptcy would reflect
poorly on you and make you a higher risk.
Just be honest and disclose it, Joe. If
they ask questions, explain things truthfully and the reasons behind why it happened. Also, don’t carry around a chip
on your shoulder about the bankruptcy.
We all make mistakes, and the smart ones
among us learn from them. I wouldn’t necessarily have an issue with someone just
because they had filed bankruptcy in the
past, but it would create problems if they
tried to hide it from me.
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted
voice on money and business, and CEO of
Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best-selling books. The Dave Ramsey
Show is heard by more than 11 million listeners each week on more than 550 radio
stations and digital outlets. Follow Dave
on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the
web at daveramsey.com.
Gov. Daugaard Issues
Emergency Fire Declaration
PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard has issued an emergency fire declaration for 13 central and western South Dakota
counties that have been impacted by drought conditions.
The counties are: Butte, Custer, Fall River, Haakon, Harding, Hughes, Jackson, Jones, Lawrence, Meade, Pennington,
Perkins and Stanley.
Gov. Daugaard said the declaration allows state government services to be used as necessary to help the counties
that are part of the declaration. The declaration was recommended by the state Drought Task Force which was activated
by the Governor this week.
“Widespread drought, low humidity and high temperatures
have led to a serious fire hazard in those 13 counties,” said
Gov. Daugaard. “Persistent prairie fires could diminish the feed
and water supplies needed for livestock; or create hardships
for individuals, businesses and governments by destroying
public, private and agricultural property.”
The declaration allows one single engine air tanker (SEAT)
plane to be stationed in Pierre and be managed by the South
Dakota Department of Agriculture’s Division of Wildland Fire.
The plane will respond as needed to fires in the declared counties. If used, the state would cover 90 percent of the cost while
the counties would pay the other 10 percent. Additionally, the
SEAT will be available to use on prairie fires affecting federal
and tribal lands through existing agreements.
“It has been a dry year in parts of South Dakota. Sixty percent of the land in our state is abnormally dry and counties primarily west of the river are experiencing moderate to extreme
drought,” Gov. Daugaard said. “By declaring an emergency the
state will be prepared to assist counties when and if fires break
The Black Hills Forest Fire Protection District is not included in the declaration. The declaration period begins Friday,
July 16, 2016 and will last no longer than Dec. 31, 2016.
Sale All Styles Reduced ale
1/2 price
Boston Shoes to Boots
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Mint Syrup
Amy Schweinle
The deadline for nominations for the 2016 Spirit of Dakota
Award is August 1. This award will be presented on October
1 in Huron to an outstanding South Dakota woman who has
demonstrated vision, courage, and strength in character and
who has made a significant contribution to the quality of life in
her community and state.
The award winner will be chosen by a state-wide Selection
Commission. This marks the 30th anniversary of the award.
Nomination forms are available by contacting the Huron
Area Chamber of Commerce, 1725 Dakota Ave S., by calling
1-800-487-6673 or online at www.spiritofdakota.org.
Questions To Help Answer
If You’re A ‘Pub Or A ‘Crat
By Bob Mercer, State Capitol Bureau
PIERRE – Republican or Democrat? South Dakota’s two major
political parties held their state conventions recently and the
national gatherings come the next two weeks.
Here are some questions to help you determine your party
affiliation. They are based on the positions the two parties’
delegates took in their state platforms and their resolutions.
Oh yes, there are plenty of differences.
Do you oppose legal abortion? A Republican does.
Do you support every woman having the right to make her
medical decisions? A Democrat does.
Do you support the right to bear arms subject to reasonable
restrictions? A Democrat does.
Do you oppose further attempts to restrict private firearm,
ammunition or firearm accessory ownership? A Republican
Do you favor repealing “right to work” laws that unions oppose? A Democrat does.
Do you support the “right to work” provision in the state constitution? A Republican does.
Do you believe human-caused climate change negatively affects South Dakota? A Democrat does.
Do you support the federal government’s new emission
standards for coal-fired power plants? A Democrat does.
Do you support English as the official language for South Dakota? A Republican does.
Do you support preserving Lakota and other protected languages? A Democrat does.
Do you believe the free exercise of religion includes the right
to refrain from activities of daily life that violate a person’s
faith? A Republican does.
Do you believe all persons have the right to feel secure in the
use of bathroom and locker room facilities? A Republican does.
Do you support a vigorous political party system as the best
way to engage voters about important public issues? A Republican does.
Do you oppose the youth minimum wage in referred law 22 on
South Dakota’s ballot this November? A Democrat does.
Do you support passage of initiated measure 23 that would allow certain organizations such as labor unions to charge fees?
A Democrat does.
Do you support reducing the minimum age to serve in the
Legislature to 18 from the current 21? A Democrat does.
Do you support making marijuana legal similar to alcohol? A
Democrat does.
Do you oppose the expansion of Medicaid? A Republican
Do you support putting government in charge of all healthcare finances? A Democrat does.
Do you support separation of church and state? A Democrat
Do you support display of the Ten Commandments in all
schools? A Republican does.
Do you oppose use of multi-state educational standards or
assessments unless adopted by the Legislature? A Republican
Do you support sexual abstinence instruction in schools? A
Republican does.
Do you believe marriage is the union of one man and one
woman? A Republican does.
Do you affirm the sanctity of all human life? A Republican
Do you support a right to die? A Democrat does.
If you want to read each of the major party state platforms
and resolutions, here are some Internet links:
The Republican state resolutions from the 2016 convention
are at http://bit.ly/29xqpz7;
The Republican state platform from the 2016 convention is at
The Democratic state resolutions from the 2016 convention
are at http://bit.ly/29yXLgq; and the Democratic state platform
from the 2016 convention is at http://bit.ly/29Ymjoe.
Do you need assistance with
affording telephone service?
Save in the refrigerator in an air-tight
container. Use over ice cream, to flavor
drinks, in dessert recipes to add a mint
One large bunch mint, washed,
stems removed
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
Aug. 1 Deadline For Spirit
Of Dakota Nominations
266- rint
Since 1934
Broadcaster Press
201 W. Cherry, Vermillion
Heat sugar and water in saucepan over medium heat until just
boiling – do not stir. Simmer until all sugar is dissolved, then an
additional 60 seconds. Remove from heat. Add mint leaves to pan
and cover. Let steep at least 15 minutes. Strain out the leaves and
discard (or slice and sprinkle over ice cream or brownies). Let
syrup cool, pour into air-tight container. Refrigerate. Note: if sugar
crystals form, simply reheat the syrup to dissolve. They will form
again when cooled.
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“The Line To Power”
Cilantro Pesto
1 cup packed fresh cilantro leaves
½ cup almonds
3 large garlic cloves
¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
¼ cup olive oil
½ tsp salt
Combine cilantro, garlic and almonds in a blender or food
processor and puree until smooth. Add the Parmesan, oil, and salt.
Puree to a smooth paste.
Freeze in ice cube tray, then remove and store in freezer bag. Use
as many cubes as needed per recipe. This is great as a dip for chips
or use it to flavor other dishes. It is great stirred into ground beef
for tacos. Mix into warm pasta. Stir into warm veggies, especially
squash and zucchini to season.
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