4 Broadcaster Press
Miscellaneous 1830
HERO MILES - to find out
more about how you can help
our service members, veterans
and their families in their time
of need, visit the Fisher House
website at
Life Alert. 24/7. One press of
a button sends help FAST!
Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if
you can't reach a phone! FREE
Brochure. CALL 800-306-1404
BACK PAIN? Medicare recipients may qualify to receive a
pain relieving brace at little or
no cost. Call now! 844-6684578 (MCN)
SAVE on internet and TV
bundles! Order the best exclusive cable and satellite deals in
your area! If eligible, get up to
$300 in Visa Gift Cards. CALL
NOW! 1-800-925-0146 (MCN)
SALE: New, All sizes. 605-6615050 or 605-387-5660. Ulmer
Farm Service, Menno, SD.
got you down? We can help
reduce payments and get finances under control, call:
866-871-1626 (MCN)
Give Aways
Free: 32'' white exterior, steel
door, 36'' white exterior, steel
screen door. Must take all 3.
Call 605-661-2008.
Giveaway: All 60 National Geographic
2011-2015. Call 605-689-0254.
Buy Local!
Shop the
August 2, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com
Rummage Sales
Saturday, 7/30, 9am-1pm
Multifamily Garage Sale. Children's clothes, shoes, Halloween costumes, books,
imaginative play - dolls,
strollers, transformers. As-is
722 North Crawford
Friday, 8/5, 4pm-8pm
Saturday, 8/6, 8am-5pm
Name brand mens clothes,
Lg-XL. Womens name brand
clothes, Med-Lg. Boys infant
Youth boy clothes, Med-Lg.
Stroller, high-chair, bottles,
blankets, toys, walker, playpen, kids DVD's, PS3 games,
scrubs. Headboard w/drawers,
holiday décor, antiques, bar
stools, old records, barn doors,
barn wood, miscellaneous.
Cash Only, No Checks!
Rummage Sales
805 Eastide Dr.
Friday, 8/5, 8am-6pm
Saturday, 8/6, 8am-6pm
(1-1/2 mile east of Kelly Inn)
Come to the BARN Storage
of boxes that have not been
opened in 15 years. YOU pick
it. YOU price it. YOU clean it.
All reasonable offers accepted.
Tools, books, glassware, toys,
linens, some of everything. Another storage will be added on
Saturday. Come prepared to
dig. Park by the barn behind
the house.
Husband Selling Wife's Toy –
Farmall Cub Tractor. Older
restoration. Runs good! Looks
good! Call (402)755-2313.
We have several crews of
bean walkers. We do any
type of farm work, including
cutting cedar trees, tear
down & replace fencing. References available 712-9432084.
Ag Equipment
2188 Case IH 2342 separator
hours, good condition, always
shedded. 1083 cornhead 1020
flex head, 810 pickup. 402357-2223 or 402-841-8886.
9' 3-Pt. Gnuse rear bucket,
like new, 402-649-3615.
Livestock - Poultry
2-Year old virgin Angus bulls,
moderate frame, easy fleshing,
calving ease, good disposition,
semen tested, EPD's available,
Keith Reed, (402)649-3615.
For Sale: 2-year old Angus
bulls. Rito blood lines, semen
tested. Ready to go. Call Allen
Bierema 605-661-5624.
Registered Angus & SimAngus Bulls for sale at Horseshoe Hill Ranch. See EPD's
on our website
Fancy bred heifers available
this fall. Call Jay 402-6409031, Gary 402-388-2410.
Utility – Livestock
Trailer Sale! 6X12 Cargo
7X16 Cargo
$4,169.00; 7X14 14k Dump
w/tarp $6,450.00; Scissor lift
trailer $3,477.00; SAVE $400
on most 14k skidloader trailers.
100s of trailer parts instock;Trailer REPAIRS; www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com
515-972-4554 (MCN)
Consider it...
Americans Are
Flocking to National
Parks During the
Service’s 100th
Birthday Year
Irrigation PVC, Wire Installed, Well Drilling Domestic & Irrigation Pump Installation
Tree & Concrete Removal, Site Clearing,
& Ditch Trenching
Bobcats • Crane • Dozers • Excavators • Grader
Grain Trailer • Scrapers • Side Dumps • Trenchers
Vermillion, SD (605)670-9567
Hartington, NE (402)254-2568
Licensed in SD, NE & IA
Hunger Free America has
launched new campaigns
to make it easier for hungry
Americans to obtain food and
for anyone to volunteer in the
most effective ways to end
Nearly one in eight (11.9
percent) of South Dakota
State residents, and one in
five (18.5 percent) of children
live in households that can’t
always afford enough food.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
funds a toll-free hotline to
make it easier for them to access food from both private
and governmental resources.
The hotline can be
reached at 1-866-3-HUNGRY
or 1-877-8-HAMBRE (for Spanish) from Monday through
Friday (8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
EST). Hunger Free America,
formerly known as the New
York City Coalition Against
Hunger, has just launched a
coast-to-coast outreach campaign to increase the use of
the hotline. Hunger Free
America is operating the hotline nationwide as part of a
USDA National Hunger Clearinghouse contract.
The National Hunger
Hotline staff connects callers with emergency food
providers in their community, government assistance,
nutritional assistance programs, and various services
that promote self-sufficiency.
During summer months, the
hotline provides information
about meal sites where children 18 years old and under
can get free, nutritious meals
through the USDA Summer
Food Service Program.
Free summer meals are
offered in all 50 states at participating schools, libraries,
pools, and other local sites,
funded by the federal government. In 2015, a total of
164 million meals and snacks
were served to typically lowincome children.
Under Secretary for Food,
Nutrition, and Consumer Services Kevin Concannon highlights the importance of the
hotline in the fight against
hunger. “USDA’s nutrition assistance programs provide a
nutrition safety net, helping
to put food on the table in
households across America.
And the toll-free hotline is
there for those in need to access this assistance, as well
as help provided by private
Hunger Free America also
just launched, www.hungervolunteer.org, a state-of-the
art volunteer matching portal
to make it easier to mobilize
the unique talents and skills
of each individual volunteer
in order to take the biggest
bite out of hunger.
Hunger Free America’s
CEO Joel Berg said, “Now everyone can get – or give – help.
If you’re hungry or at risk of
hunger, it can be a daunting
task to obtain food and benefits. The hunger hotline can
immediately help connect
families with food providers
in their area. We are starting a
national awareness campaign
and want to make sure that
people who need help can
get it quickly and easily. We
also want to make sure that
all Americans can give back,
by volunteering in ways that
move beyond soup kitchen
work to attack hunger at its
root causes.”
Contact Magen Allen at
org to schedule an interview
with CEO Joel Berg about the
USDA National Hunger Hotline and the USDA National
Hunger Clearinghouse.
Near record numbers of Americans are expected to head to
national parks this year as the U.S. National Park Service celebrates its 100th anniversary. Visitation to the national parks
reached an all-time high in 2015 with more than 307 million
visitors, the Park Service says, and AAA reports the parks will
remain busy places in the year ahead. According to a recent
AAA survey, 79 percent of Americans say they are as likely (42
percent) or more likely (37 percent) to visit a national park in
the next 12 months, building on the momentum of this year’s
centennial celebrations.
“The demand for national parks is off the charts this year,
and it’s exciting to see that Americans are poised to take even
more national park vacations in the years to come,” said Bryan
Shilling, managing director of AAA Travel Products and Services. “In times of global uncertainty, many are turning to domestic vacations and the variety of national parks offers something for every traveler to discover.”
Eighty-five percent of Americans have visited at least one
national park, and a majority say the national parks are a
“must-see” vacation destination (73 percent).
Here in South Dakota, our own Badlands National Park in
the southwestern part of the state boasts the largest undisturbed mixed grass prairie in the U. S. as well as one of the
richest deposits of mammal fossils anywhere,” said Marilyn
Buskohl, spokeswoman for AAA South Dakota. “The Badlands
National Monument was established in 1939 and then was
named a National Park in 1978. The 244,000-acre park is home
now to bison, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, much of the 100-mile
“Badlands Wall” with its dramatic spires, pinnacles and buttes
– as well as a million visitors annually.”
National parks are growing in popularity among younger
generations, with nearly half of Millennials (46 percent) saying that they are more likely to visit a national park in the next
year, outpacing both Generation X and Baby Boomers.
“It’s not surprising to see that younger generations are particularly interested in visiting national parks,” said Shilling.
“Travel is part of Millennials’ DNA, and they consistently seek
experiential travel opportunities, a major draw for national
park visitors.”
According to the National Park Service, the most visited national parks in 2015 were Great Smoky Mountains, Grand Canyon and Rocky Mountain. AAA’s survey revealed the national
parks that top most Americans’ bucket lists for future travels
include Yellowstone (33 percent), Yosemite (17 percent) and
Grand Canyon (12 percent).
Travelers planning trips to national parks in 2016 can enjoy
discounts on select dates in honor of the National Park Service’s 100th anniversary. All sites that charge an entrance fee
will offer free admission Aug. 25-28, on Sept. 24 and on Nov. 11.
The service’s actual 100th birthday is Aug. 25.
Results from the AAA survey reveal additional details about
Americans’ national park vacation preferences:
The vast majority (91 percent) of visitors to national
parks drive to their destination. The remainder choose to fly
(18 percent), ride on trains or buses (10 percent each) or take
a cruise or boat (7 percent).
The majority of Americans (66 percent) typically
stay in a hotel, motel or lodge when visiting a national park.
Camping (41 percent), vacation rentals or cabins (38 percent),
staying with friends and family (33 percent) and bed and breakfasts (27 percent) are also popular accommodation options.
Visitors’ favorite national park activities include
walking or hiking on park trails (53 percent) and sightseeing
(35 percent).
To evaluate national park travel intentions, AAA contracted with a national research company to perform a telephone
survey of 1,012 adults living in the continental United States.
Survey results are an accurate representation of the total continental U.S. population with a margin of error of +/- 3.9 percent
at a 95 percent confidence level. The survey was conducted
(StatePoint) Protecting skin from the sun is one of the most
June 23-26, 2016.
important things you can do for your health. Unfortunately,
many people fail to take sufficient measures year-round, but
especially in summer when skin exposure tends to be at its
Men can be particularly neglectful. Indeed, fewer than 15
percent of men use sunscreen regularly when outside for more
than an hour, according to the Center for Disease Control.
“This summer, make sun care a habit,” urges Dr. Richard C.
Your opinion is something
Kirkpatrick of the Brevard Skin and Cancer Center. “By finding
we always want to hear.
a sunscreen you like that suits your activities, you’ll be more
Call, write us or contact
apt to apply it often.”
us via e-mail and let us
Story Ideas?
Kirkpatrick notes that with so many choices, finding sunknow how we are doing.
screen that works best for your lifestyle and properly applying
it can be confusing. Luckily, some brands are helping simplify
selection. For example, BullFrog now segments sunscreens according to the activity and environment in which they will be
201 W. Cherry •Vermillion, SD 57069
605-624-4429 • classifieds@plaintalk.net
Read labels for application instructions and to determine
whether a given product is right for you, and consider these
quick tips for maximum skin protection:
• Broad-spectrum sunscreens contain both UVA and UVB
protection. Select one with an SPF of at least 30 and apply
evenly 15 to 30 minutes before going outdoors. One ounce is
the right quantity to cover the whole body. Don’t forget ears,
back of neck, hands, tops of feet and top of the head, if ex• Rent adjusted to your income
posed. Reapply every two hours and after swimming, sweating
and towel drying.
• Large 2 & 3 Bedroom units w/ A/C
• Going swimming? Use sunscreen engineered for water
• Large Closets - one is walk-in
resistance. The hydrophobic polymers contained in BullFrog
• Off - Street parking
Water Sport make it a good option for intense water sports. Or
• On-site coin laundry
toss some Ocean Potion into your beach bag -- the brand's new
• Playground equipment
H20 Sport SPF 50 spray has an oil-free, instant dry formula and
is PABA- and paraben-free. Whatever sunscreen you opt for,
• Just blocks from Campus, High School &
don’t forget to reapply after exiting the water.
Prentis Park
• If you’re playing a sport where you need to keep hands
grease-free, use an alcohol-based gel that dries quickly. For
example, BullFrog Land Sport Quik Gel is water- and sweat1200 E Clark St. • Vermillion
resistant and allows for clear application and quick dry-down
so you can get back to the action fast. If you sweat a lot while
Call Nikki or Dave
working out or simply going about your day, avoid sunscreen
(605) 624-9557
running into your eyes with a
solid stick formula.
• In the woods? Pack
lightly by beating burn and
bite with a sunscreen that’s
also an insect repellent. For
example, BullFrog's Mosquito
Coast has a DEET-free formula
so you don’t have to wash
off when returning from outdoors.
• Don’t let cost prevent
you from taking care of yourself and your family’s skin. Affordable sunscreens are available. For instance, NO-AD, the
first mass brand sunscreen
to be paraben-free, retinyl
palmitate-free and PABA-free,
has a lower cost per ounce
than national brands and also
carries formulas specific for
babies and oil-free options for
the face.
“Whether you're a long distance runner or a beach bum,
sun protection should be part
of your routine,” says Kirkpatrick.
Are You Applying Your
Sunscreen Properly?
all ears.
Sales & Service
Hunger Hotline Enables
South Dakotans To Access
Local Food Help