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USDA Seeks Applications Severe Weather
To Support Rural Businesses Awareness Week
And Create Jobs
April 24-28
U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA) Rural Development Acting State Director Bruce Jones has
announced the agency is accepting
applications for the Rural Business
Development Grant (RBDG) program.
“This grant promotes long-term
economic growth and community
vitality in rural areas,” said Jones.
“We encourage non-profits, tribes
and public agencies to apply.”
The Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) is designed to
assist with startup and expansion of
small and emerging private businesses and/or nonprofits in rural
communities. Eligible applicants
include public bodies, government
entities, Indian tribes, and non-profit
organizations. Funds can be used for
business incubators, leadership and
entrepreneur training, acquisition
or development of land or buildings, capitalization of revolving loan
funds to be re-lent to local businesses and many other purposes – all to
assist small businesses.
For example in 2015, Brookings
Economic Development Corporation
(BEDC) leveraged their own funds
with RBDG funds towards workforce
education efforts with the South
Dakota Education Campus (SDEC)
located in Brookings. SDEC works
closely with Brookings businesses
and provides training in the areas
needed by those businesses. In
some cases, they have individuals
tion to occur with local businesses;
Percent of nonfederal funding committed to the project;
Economic need in the area
to be served;
Consistency with local economic development priorities; and
Experience of the grantee
with similar efforts.
Complete applications must
be received by USDA Rural Development at the South Dakota state
office no later than 4:30 p.m. on
Friday, April 28. If you are planning to submit an application in
South Dakota, we encourage you to
contact a local Business & Cooperative Program Specialist or the State
Office for more details about the application requirements and process.
Local contacts include:
Dana Kleinsasser, Rural Business
& Cooperative Programs Director
(Huron State Office)
Phone: (605) 352-1142
Email: dana.kleinsasser@sd.usda.
Cayla Hilbrands, Assistant (Huron State Office)
Phone: (605) 352-1137
Email: cayla.hilbrands@sd.usda.
Jolene Pravecek, Specialist
Phone: (605) 655-3516
Email: jolene.pravecek@sd.usda.
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of Health has released new income guidelines for the WIC Program
effective May 1, 2017.
WIC is a special supplemental nutrition program, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provided at no
cost to eligible moms, babies and children. Its goal is to offer education on healthy eating, nutrition and breastfeeding, make referrals to other services and help improve health by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets.
If your family income does not exceed the following amounts for the size of your family, you could qualify for
Family Size
185% of Federal Poverty Level
Family Size
185% of Federal Poverty Level
To find out if you or
your children are eligible
for the WIC Program,
call for an appointment
at your local WIC Office/Community Health
Services Office. Offices
can be found under the
county listings in your
phone book or on the web
atTell them you saw it in the
http://sdwic.org/locations/. Broadcaster!
WIC is an equal opportunity provider. More
information about the
program is available at
PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard
Interns For Fall Term
Consider it...
sors to secure credit for the internship
is currently seeking applications for two
fall 2017 Governor’s Office internships in
Interested students should submit
Pierre. The positions will be paid and run a resume, cover letter and a letter of
from early September through December recommendation by April 28, via email,
to Grace.
Governor’s Office interns have the op- Beck@state.
portunity to work at the highest level of
state government. Interns’ duties will deFor more May 12, 2017 5:30 pm
May 14, 2017 12:30 pm
pend on interests and strengths. Typical
(City of Vermillion)
(Household and more) Vermillion
duties will include aiding the Governor’s
on duties
June 10, 2017 1:00 pm
general counsel and communications
or logisdirector, conducting policy research,
tics, please
House (Utica) and Personal Property
preparing policy briefings, and staffing
For full listing and photos go to Dakotarealty.com (Auction)
the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and
Grace Beck
First Lady.
at Grace.
Gary Madsen 605-638-0643
The positions are open to all underBeck@state.
Hazen Bye #11665
graduate or graduate-level students.
sd.us or 605and Jim Brady
Preference will be given to South Dakota
residents attending South
Dakota colleges or universities.
Students who are interDODGE CARAVAN, FORD 4X4 PICKUP, IHC 674 TRACTOR
ested in receiving credit
Vermillion, SD
SATURDAY, APRIL 29, 2017 10:00 AM
should also apply. The
Governor’s staff is open
We will sell the following at public auction located at 46388 287th St, Centerville, SD or located from Davis,
to working with individual
SD, 2 miles east on SD Hwy 18, 2 miles south on 463rd Ave and ¾ mile east on 287th St.
universities and profesMachinery: IHC 674 tractor, 6747 hrs, Dual loader; Bush Hog Squealer 184 rotary mower; Kiefer 16’ bumper
hitch livestock trailer, 2000 Artic Cat 500 4-wheeler/winch, 3213 miles; Cub Cadet 1515 mower/15 hp Kohler;
Huskee push mower; two wheel trailer.
Antiques and Collectibles: McCormick Deering cream separator; cedar chest; train set; Coca Cola trays;
toys and games; doll; oil lanterns; wash tubs; doctors bag; tins; lawn chairs; copper boiler; New Home treadle
sewing machine; Homer Laughlin dishes; china cabinet; Rogers silverware; rocking chairs; cookie jar; lawn
chairs; bedroom sets; kitchen table, claw foot bathtub; plus more.
MISC: Toshiba flat screen TV; Frigidaire freezer; White Westinghouse refrigerator; GE dryer; Maytag washer;
Sanborn air compressor; tools; battery charger; tap and die set; fuel barrels/stands; socket set; plus more.
Vehicles: 2012 Dodge Grand Caravan, 62,385 miles, good tires, nice; 1998 ¾ ton Ford pickup, 4x4, 124,731
miles, topper, 3rd door.
Terms: Cash/Sales Tax
24-4429 624-4429
Tell them
Tell them
ou saw it
you saw it
in the
in the
oadcaster! Broadcaster!
01 W. Cherry
ermillion, SD
201 W. Cherry
Vermillion, SD
24-4429 624-4429
PIERRE, S.D. – South Dakotans are being urged to
start preparing now for the inevitable severe weather
that will occur this spring and summer in South Dakota.
Next week, April 24-28, has been designated as Severe Weather Awareness Week in South Dakota. Officials
say this is a good time to start thinking about what to
do when severe thunderstorms or tornadoes impact the
“We never want severe weather, but unfortunately it
does happen,” says Tina Titze, director of the South Dakota Office of Emergency Management. “Severe weather
occurs in South Dakota and everybody needs to be
ready just in case.”
State and local officials will spend the week encouraging people to start making preparations now. Several counties throughout the week are holding severe
weather preparedness meetings for their weather spotters and the public.
“When severe weather hits, it is then too late to make
preparations,” says Titze. “Now is the time when individuals and families should discuss what to do in times
of severe weather.”
A statewide tornado drill will be held Wednesday,
April 26. The test watch is scheduled for 10 a.m. CDT
(9 a.m. MDT) with the warning issued at 10:15 a.m. CDT
(9:15 a.m. MDT).
In most communities on Wednesday, severe weather
sirens will be sounded. People are reminded that it is
only a test unless otherwise announced.
For more information on how to be ready for severe
weather, click onto the Office of Emergency Management’s Severe Weather Preparedness Guide at http://
Also new this year is the Office of Emergency Management’s mascot, Tommy the Turtle, who narrates
three different children’s books about severe weather
preparation. For more information on the books, click
onto http://dps.sd.gov/emergency_services/emergency_
The Office of Emergency Management is part of the
South Dakota Department of Public Safety.
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Governor Seeking
ell them
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in the
oadcaster! Broadcaster!
ermillion, SD
who want to learn a new skill so
they can get a job or develop new
skill sets that will support their
career development. Examples of
training provided include CNAs,
welders, and carpenters, as well
as classes in Quicken, Excel, and
other computer programs. Their
emphasis is in STEM, and have
worked with MN West Community
College in Granite Falls, MN as well
as the Brookings School District.
In 2015, BEDC also leveraged their
own funds with RBDG funds towards
the Brookings community entrepreneurship growth strategy that they
titled Makerspace. The Brookings
Area Makerspace provides affordable access to unique space and
specialized equipment in several
areas. Categories include wood
shop, kitchen area, industrial sewing
machine, 3-D printer, electronics
bench, welder, CNC router table,
laser engraver, plus more. The Makerspace is intended to be used by
entrepreneurs, artists, makers, and
hobbyists to collaborate on projects
and experiment on innovate ideas
– to encourage learning and entrepreneurship.
Funds have been set aside
nationally to assist Native Americans, and additional monies will be
allotted among the states for non-set
aside applicants. All grants will be
awarded competitively, based on
several areas including:
Evidence showing job crea-
WIC Program Announces New Income Guidelines
l them you Tell them you
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Broadcaster Press 7
April 25, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com
Edward Bergstrom Estate, Owner
Earl Nysven, Personal Representative
Joel R Westra, Broker, Beresford, SD 605-310-6941
Pete Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-9847
Joel A Westra, Broker Associate, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222
Broadcaster Press
201 W Cherry