10 Broadcaster Press
May 23, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com
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201 W. Cherry •Vermillion, SD 57069
605-624-4429 • classifieds@plaintalk.net
Make Each
Day Count
By Nikki Prosch
SDSU Extension Health & Physical Activity Field
Too often, individuals don’t take time to invest
in the importance of good nutrition and exercise
for their bodies. Many take their health for granted.
Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a realization or
diagnosis of bad health or a health condition for the
behavior changes to start.
Living a healthy lifestyle comes down to everyday
decisions. Will I ride my bike to work today or drive
the eight blocks? Should I make some homemade
lasagna or stop and grab something at the drive-thru
for lunch? Should I walk for 15 minutes during my
morning break or enjoy my regular cup of coffee?
Should I purchase some strawberries or my favorite
potato chips at the grocery store?
The list of decisions made each day goes on and
Overcoming Barriers
One of the first steps in making healthy choices
each day is realizing the importance of living a
healthy lifestyle and truly making a behavior change.
If you have a major barrier preventing you from living a healthy lifestyle, try one of the tips below for
overcoming a few common barriers.
One of the biggest, most frequent barriers expressed. To overcome this barrier, it takes true
honesty and assessment of your normal routine. Try
tracking your everyday life and decisions, identify
time slots where physical activity or other health
enhancing activities could be incorporated (i.e. can
you walk during work breaks, while you play with
your children, 15 minutes before and 15 minutes
after work?).
As far as food preparation, assess whether time
is the true barrier to preparing a healthy meal. Some
simple, healthy meals take very little time to prepare.
Try planning meals ahead of time; this can save fami-
lies time and also expenses on food purchasing.
Access to fitness centers, grocery stores, health
facilities and other healthy living resources may be
scarce or unavailable in your community. Although it
might seem like this is a barrier you can’t overcome,
try thinking creatively and advocating for change.
Can you work out in your house, at a local school or
church or can you create a walking club? Can you
plant your own garden or start a community garden?
Can you try purchasing more frozen and canned fruit
and vegetables? Can you advocate for development,
policies or access to exercise amenities? Can you
start a community coalition to help improve access
and education about these issues?
Too tired
“I’m too tired to prepare a full meal or do any type
of activity.” If tiredness is a common barrier for your
health decisions, think about assessing your sleep
routine to improve your health. Sleep may be the
component to solve your healthy living barriers.
Social Influences
We eat for pleasure, entertainment, when we are
bored, socially and for many other reasons. Additionally, individuals you surround yourself with may be
influencing your activity levels, both good and bad.
Assess how your social environment is influencing
your health behaviors and target areas where easy
changes could be made. For example, could you replace a regular dinner date with a walking date once
or twice a month?
In Summary
Awhile back, I heard a saying that has stuck with
me over the years, “It’s easy to lose weight, which is
why most fad diets out there often work. The hard
part is keeping the weight off and truly changing
your normal behaviors for lifelong health. - See more
at: http://igrow.org/healthy-families/health-and-wellness/make-each-day-count/#sthash.2GB7UYjh.dpuf
Auction House –
CTE Constructed House
Notice of Sale of Surplus Property
in the
Watch the
pile up when
you advertise
in the
201 W Cherry
Vermillion, SD
(605) 624-4429
(605) 624-2696
Auction will be held for an approximate 32 feet X 50 feet (1600 sq.ft)
house that has been constructed by the Career and Technical Education
students of Vermillion High School under the supervision of an
instructor. There will be a minimum bid requirement.
The auction will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, 2017,
at the CTE Building at Vermillion High School at 1001 E. Main Street,
Vermillion, South Dakota. Individuals having questions about the house
may contact Mark Froke, superintendent, 605-677-7000.
Saturday May 27 - 12:30 pm
2500 Burleigh St Yankton, SD 57078
HOUSEHOLD: Bosch front load washer and dryer; microfiber sofa; 2 swivel microfiber chairs; Easy Boy cloth
recliner; blue cloth recliner; oak game table w/6 chairs;
Browning gun safe; oak coffee table; oak end tables; 2
Kentucky rockers; wicker furniture set; two twin bedroom
sets with one vertical dresser; 2 dressers with mirrors;
GE refrigerator; upright freezer; dvd player; multi disc cd
player w/radio/amplifier;2 28” flat-screen tvs; 48” flatscreen tv; wooden bar stools; high-back bar chairs; 2
cedar chests; padded bench; Weber 3 burner grill w/
grill cover; children’s table & chairs; baby crib; children’s
wooden block set; stroller; highchair; antique dresser; microwave; toolbox; card table w/4 chairs; several mirrors;
lamps; corner tables; wooden glider bench; metal patio
table w/6 chairs; 2 metal patio chairs w small table;
lots of pillows; linens; rugs; camcorder; slide projector;
kitchen stand mixer; dishes; kitchenware; home décor
Terry Redlin Country Doctor, limited edition; John Crane
picture; South Dakota windmill picture; Van Gogh picture;
many other miscellaneous items
Dr. Michael McVay
Terms: Cash or bankable check. No property to be removed until settled for. Everything sold “as is”. Not responsible for errors or omissions in listing. Not responsible for theft or accidents. Announcements made day of
sale take precedence over all written material. SD sales
tax applies.
Harts Auction Service
Mission Hill, SD • 605-660-2460
+-10.0 Acres in Volin SD area, Vehicles, Trailers and Personal Property
As I am moving we will offer the following improved rural
acreage at Public Auction located at 45166 Bluff Road, Volin
SD; or from Volin SD, just slightly east on 306th St.; then go 1/2
mile southeast on the “Bluff Road” to acreage; or from Irene
SD, go 9 1/2 miles south on 452nd Ave., then 1/2 mile west on
Bluff Road. (Watch for Signs)
Personal Property @ 4:00 PM – REAL ESTATE @ 6:30 PM
Wed. May 17th (6 to 8pm) & Sun. May 21st (1-3pm)
Real Estate: 10.0 acre improved acreage with 2 story, 1,764sq.
ft. home with 4 bedrooms & 1 full bath, many recent updates
include bath, roof, paint, etc; with barn and sheds plus numerous trees, pines, vineyard and shrubbery. If you are in the market for an affordable acreage, investor, or looking for a sizeable
picturesque acreage on which to build your future home, visit
www.souvignierauctions.com for full ad details and pictures
and attend an Open House to see all the potential this acreage has to offer. For any additional inquiries or appt. contact
Souvignier RE & Auctions @ 605-987-2404.
Legal Desc: Lot 1 and NW1/4 of NE1/4, North of Bluff Road
except N660ft of NW1/4NE1/4 and Lot 2, Section 24, Twp. 94,
R. 54 (Volin Twp.), Yankton County SD
Terms: CASH. A 10% non-refundable earnest money payment
day of sale with balance due on or before July 11th, 2017 with
possession. Seller is a licensed RE Broker Associate.
Personal Property: Vehicles and Trailers: 2007 Toyota Rav 4
Limited; 1996 Dodge Dakota 4x4, ext. cab with 6ft. snowplow;
2015 Interstate enclosed trailer, 2015 Carry-On 6x12ft. trailer
w/ rear & side ramps; 2013 homemade 4x9ft. trailer; 2001 16ft.
car trailer; 1945 homemade trailer; 1995 Kaw 400 ATV; Lawn:
Toro “Time Cutter” 36in. mower, like new; Troybilt tiller; Cub
Cadet 2x526 snow blower; MTD Gold 21in. snow thrower;
Yutrax 3x5ft. yard trailer; elec. log splitter; Shop Equip: air
compressor; Lincoln arc welder; table saws; routers; radial
arm saw; scaffolding; Livestock: 2 solar fencers; 300 step-in
poles; elec. fence wire and ribbon; T posts; 16 galv. cattle panels; Household: Marquis 2 man hot tub; furniture; Kenmore
washer & dryer (like new); Collectibles: oak 4 sect. attorneys
bookcase w/ secretary desk (rare); old feed scale; Misc: 14x9ft
camping tent, sleeping bags; fishing poles and tackle; Bushnell 10x42 binos: Stanley floor dryer; and much more more.
See web site for full ad. www. souvignierauctions.com
Ph: 605-212-3677
Tom Souvignier, RE Auctioneer & Broker Assoc., Canton SD (605) 987-2404
Ted Souvignier, RE Auctioneer & Broker Assoc., Canton SD (605) 660-3962
Chuck Sutton, Auctioneer & Land Broker, Sioux Falls SD (605) 336-6315
Jared Sutton, Real Estate Auctioneer, Flandreau SD (605) 864-8527
Co-Listed w/ J&M Real Estate Group, Dakota Dunes SD (605) 232-1819