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Broadcaster Press 3 June 20, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com South Dakota Preventing Wildfires on the Receives Farm To School Grant Farm and Ranch Attorney General Jackley Warns of Deceptive Tobacco Settlement Advertising PIERRE, S.D. – Attorney General Marty Jackley warns South Dakota citizens of recent deceptive advertisements related to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement. These advertisements mislead consumers into believing they are eligible to receive tobacco settlement money. PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Department of “The settlement monies obtained through the Tobacco Education has received a $24,158 grant from the U.S. Master Settlement Agreement are not available to individuRAPID CITY, S.D. – Because of dry conditions across Department of Agriculture, as part of the Farm to als,” said Jackley. “Do not provide credit card numbers or School Grant Program, an effort to better connect much of the state, the South Dakota Department of any personal identifying information to unsolicited emails school cafeterias and students with local farmers Agriculture’s Wildland Fire Division (SDWF) urges or advertisements.” farmers and ranchers to be prepared in case a wildfire and ranchers and increase the amount of local foods The online advertisements lead consumers to believe served in schools. starts while they are baling. that they can claim thousands of dollars per month from South Dakota’s project is one of 65 across 42 states the tobacco settlement through a special program. The “Fire safety in the field has two key components -- prevention and preparation in case a fire does break and Puerto Rico receiving support this year. advertisement, which promises a tax-free portion of the The South Dakota Department of Education’s office Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement, misleads consumout," said division director Jay Esperance. "Both of Child and Adult Nutrition Services will partner with ers into believing they are eligible for guaranteed money are important and can mean the difference between disaster and controlling the situation for minimum of South Dakota State University Extension and Dakota backed by the government. The advertisements emphaRural Action to provide statewide training on farm to damage or work stoppage." size claiming and receiving these funds, when in reality, at school procurement. the end of the advertisement, consumers are prompted to “With the rural nature of South Dakota and the SDWF shares these fire safety reminders: purchase a subscription in order to learn more about how importance of agriculture in our state, this grant pro• All machinery should contain an approved fire to receive these funds. Once a subscription is paid for by extinguisher of adequate size that is easily accessible. vides a great opportunity to better connect students credit card, it may be difficult to cancel. and schools to the nutritious food resources that are There are two types of extinguishers, the powder exIn 1998, the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement tinguisher for electrical and petroleum based fires and practically in their backyards,” said South Dakota Sec- was signed by the four largest U.S. tobacco companies, 46 retary of Education Dr. Melody Schopp. the water extinguisher for vegetative fires. You may states, five territories and the District of Columbia. The According to the 2015 USDA Farm to School Census, settlement resolved several lawsuits against the tobacco need to carry both kinds of extinguishers. across the country, schools with strong farm to school industry for tobacco-related health care costs. In 2002, the • Store hay away from combustibles such as gasoline, fertilizers and pesticides, as well as open burning programs report higher school meal participation, State securitized the settlement funds. reduced food waste and increased willingness of stuareas like burn barrels, brush piles and vegetative Anyone with questions should contact the Attorney dents to try new foods, notably fruits and vegetables. General’s Consumer Protection Division by calling 1-800burning. • Leave 30 feet of mowed grass, bare ground or rock 300-1986 or via email at consumerhelp@state.sd.us. for your next adventure between the bale groups, creating a solid fire break. • When cutting hay in open pastures, make sure the sickle bar or cutting discs are set above any protruding rocks. Sparks from the impact of the metal hitting rocks while cutting hay in pastures or road ditches Thursday us Jointhe only at start wildland fires every year in South Dakota. FrEE on Find us on: 312 W 3rd Street If a fire occurs: boston June lawn for an Downtown Yankton WILL shoes to boots • Remain calm and call 911 immediately. Provide 605.665.9092 old-time footwear experts since 1915 Donation clear, concise directions to your location. Many field 29th ice cream and bin sites do not have 911 addresses, so be presocial. pared to identify an intersection or landmark to help Over Serving... responders find the exact location. Clay County Historic Preservation • To help control field fires until firefighters arrive, Vermillion, Yankton, Commission - Sponsor AustinServing quickly disk a fire break approximately 15 feet wide Sioux City and Everywhere Whittemore Live Music taverns, chips, around the fire. Carry out available In Between Years pie, cake, House • To assist with a structural fire, make sure there Inclement weather – ice cream, coffee In Business the event will be moved are no flammable objects nearby and if the circuit pan15 Austin St. & lemonade. to the Eagles Lodge el is safely accessible turn off the building's electricity. Vermillion 114 West Main Street. If time allows, evacuate any livestock. Also, if possible spray high-pressure water on any surrounding vegetation or structures, discouraging spreading embers. Do not take risks. • After using any equipment to fight a fire, look it over thoroughly for any embers that may start the equipment on fire. South Dakota Wildland Fire can be found on Twitter @SDWildlandFire and on Facebook by searching SD Vermillion: 605.624.5618 • Yankton: 605.665.4348 Wildland Fire. Sioux City: 712.252.2000 Ice Cream Social 5 to 7 PM Everyone Welcome! 95 Mark’s Machinery Inc. Pollinator Week Is June 19-25 In South Dakota Midsommar at Dalesburg Friday, June 23 NEW CASE IH HAY EQUIPMENT RAKES • BALERS • WINDROWERS 2.9% Financing PLUS Discounts PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard has proclaimed June 19-25, 2017, as Pollinator Week in South Dakota. South Dakota is one of the top five honey producing states in the U.S. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA) handles registration and inspection of honey bees, or managed pollinators. In 2016, there • CLAAS 880 ROTARY RAKE – CLEAN were over 7,000 apiaries registered, over 346,000 colo• NH H8080 SP – DISC HD WINDROWER FREE 2pm & 7pm programs with nies registered and almost 290 beekeepers registered • NH HW345 SP – DISC HD WINDROWER in the state. Sweden’s Vindonia Trio • KNIGHT 1150 SPREADER – 500 BUSHEL “Honey bee pollination improves a variety of agri• 2014 CIH SCX101 – 16FT. PULL WINDROWER Smorgasbord 4:30 - 6:30pm culture crops including alfalfa and sunflowers,” said • HESSTON 9260 – S.P. WINDROWER – DISC HD SDDA apiary specialist Bob Reiners. “In addition to • HESSTON 9770 – S.P. WINDROWER – 16FT. DISC pollinating crops at home, South Dakota beekeepers University Road DUAL CONDITIONER – LOW HOURS – CLEAN also travel to orchards and groves in the Southeast • VERMEER R23 – HYD TWIN BASKET RAKE 12 miles north of and Western United States to provide pollination • JD 4995 - S.P. WINDROWER – 15FT DISC services for specialty crop producers. Commercial Vermillion. I-29 exit • CIH WDX1902 - S.P. WINDROWER – 16FT DISC pollination is an important part of the industry and in38, 5.5 miles west. • HESSTON 4760 – 3X3 – LG SQUARE BALER valuable to fruit and vegetable production in the U.S.” • CIH 8575 – 3X3 – LG SQUARE BALER Hwy 19, 3 miles Reiners adds that pollinator species such as birds • HESSTON 7433 – 3X3 – LG SQUARE BALER and insects are essential to the production of many east on 306th St. • CIH 901 – S.P. WINDROWER – 14FT SICKLE of South Dakota’s leading crops. He says they also play a vital role in the health of our farms, forests and • CIH RBX 564 – ROUND BALER – NET WRAP grasslands. • NH BR 7080 – ROUND BALER –NET WRAP Agriculture is a major contributor to South Dakota’s • HESSTON 2756 AND 2856 – ROUND BALERS economy, generating • NH 1475 – 16FT SICKLE – PULL W/R $25.6 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 115,000 Public Safety South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department th 20,000 PLASTIC - $20.95 of Agriculture's mission is Public Safety to promote, protect and 20,000 BIODEGRADABLE - $20.95 COOKOUT & food giveaway preserve this industry for 64” AND 67” MESH WRAP - $185.00 th today and tomorrow. Visit At the USD Campus parking lot located northJune 30 of 1600 Sisal - $46.50 SDDA online at http:// 4:00 E. Cherry Street and west of N. Plum Street. PM – 6:00 PM sdda.sd.gov or find us on Big Square Twine In Stock At the USD Campus parking Facebook and Twitter. SD & food giveaway Come to the food giveaway, lot located north of E. Cherry Ag Chat podcasts can be th found in the Ag News secto Public Safety play some games and to Street and west of N. Plum tion at http://sdda.sd.gov/ Public Safety Street. meet the police officers in news. You may subscribe, 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM your community! free of charge, through Come to the food Google Play Music, iTunes At the USDplay giveaway, to Campus parking Bring reusable grocery bags or from https://sdagchat. some games, and lot located north of E. Cherry for the food giveaway. to meet the police podbean.com/. Yankton, SD: (605)665-4540 • (800)526-8095 & food giveaway & food giveaway Street and west of N.Wagner, SD: (605)384-3681 • (800)693-1990 Plum officers in your community! th th Street. Bring reusable grocery bags for the food USED EQUIPMENT Public Safety INDEPENDENCE Day COOKOUT & food giveaway June 30 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM Baler Twine/Net Wrap TRUCKLOAD PRICES COOKOUT June 30 COOKOUT COOKOUT June 30 June 30 4:00 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM PM – 6:00 PM giveaway. Come to the food Or visit us at: www.marksinc.com

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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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