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2 Broadcaster Press December 26, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com Dave Says Gift Cards for Grandkids? Dear Dave, What’s an appropriate amount for gift cards to send each of our five grandchildren for Christmas? Liz Dear Liz, How much do you spend on your grandchildren? Enough to make their parents nervous! Seriously, I think it depends on two things. First, are you two debtfree, or at least able to provide Dave gifts without going into debt or hurting yourselves financially? There’s nothing wrong with spoiling the grandbabies once in a while. But don’t use Christmas as an excuse to lose your minds, blow your budget, or go into debt every December. The amount you spend on gifts? I would suggest making it reasonable, not over the top, and relative to your income and that of the household in which the kiddos live. The second thing I wonder about is the ages of all the grandchildren. I can’t imagine a four-year-old getting excited over a gift card. So, if that’s the general age range we’re talking about, have some fun with it! Head down to the store, and really put some thought into these decisions. On the other hand, it might be just the thing for a teenager — especially if you know where they like to shop and hang out. Older kids want to make their own decisions, so depending on the personality of the grandchild, a gift card might be the way to go. But if your grandkids are still little, please don’t give them gift cards. No, grandma. No! — Dave Ramsey Interview Follow-up Dear Dave, What is the proper etiquette after the job interview pro- Together Forever By Daris Howard cess? I recently had an interview for a sales management Being a foster parent can be both a heartwarming and position. I’ve sent a couple of follow-up emails in the last few weeks, and I know I’m still under consideration, but I’m heartbreaking experience. That was the case with a nineyear-old boy who lived with us for whom I will use the name not sure what to do now. Charlie to protect his identity. Charlie and his two sisters Krista were taken into foster care because of the harsh conditions in their home. Charlie had also endured a lot of abuse from Dear Krista, his father. Next time, since you obviously have a sales backOne day, my wife, Donna, was driving the van with Charground, how about treating it like a sales call? If you’re on lie in it among our own children. Suddenly, Charlie began to a sales call, and the customer needs to perform some due scream, scaring everyone. diligence before deciding, a smart salesperson will ask to “That’s his house! He’ll get me!” schedule a follow-up. Ask if checking back on a certain day Donna was panicked by the sudden outburst, and Charlie in the next week or two will work. You don’t want to be obnoxious, but you want an appointment of sorts — a time was shaking uncontrollably. Donna had Charlie lie down on the seat so whoever he feared wouldn’t see him. frame — so you’ll know when to follow up without being “Who will get you?” she asked. pushy. “My father will!” Charlie said. “That’s his house we just In this situation, I would recommend sending another email. You want to walk right up to that fine line that sepa- passed!” Donna promised Charlie she would protect him, and rates bold from obnoxious, because that’s one of things Charlie calmed down. That night Charlie showed us his scars a good sales manager should be able to do. Respectfully where his father had burned him with a lit cigarette. tell them you understand the decision-making process One heartwarming part of the experience with Charlie takes time, but you need to know when you can expect an was seeing the love he had for his two younger sisters. They answer. Use the idea that you’re a great sales person, and you’re were in another foster home about two hours away. He asked to call them every day. When September came, with our eight treating this as a professional sales call. And don’t be children plus one extra, we started planning and working toafraid to have a little fun with it. If you’re still under conward Christmas. When we asked Charlie what he wanted for sideration, that means they like you. You could even hint Christmas, his answer didn’t surprise us. at the fact they don’t want to hire a sales manager who “I want to be with my sisters and never be separated from doesn’t know how to follow up! them again.” — Dave I felt empathy for this little boy and wished we could have * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and his sisters in our home, but it was out of our hands. And not business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored sev- long after we had this conversation, child care services called en best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. and said they were moving Charlie to another home. When a The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million judge had asked Charlie ’s mother how often she came to listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital visit him, she said it was too far away, so she hadn’t. We lived platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on about a half hour from her and were willing to take Charlie to visit her, but she always said she was too busy. Despite this, the web at daveramsey.com. the judge ordered Charlie be moved to a home closer to her. A home was located with a family who didn’t really want him, and it was hard to have him taken from us. One other sad part of being a foster parent is that once a child is moved from your home, you seldom hear how they are doing. But on the morning of December 26th of that year, as my Wednesday – oz Liver and Onions, 1/2c Company family still slept, I sat down to read the paper. The headline said three children had died in a fire. I gasped when I saw Potatoes, 1/2c Parslied Carrots, 1/2c Fruit Cocktail Thursday – 3oz Roast Turkey, 1/2c Baked Sweet Potato, Charlie’s name among them. As the story unfolded over the next couple of weeks, we learned that he and his sisters had 1/2c Creamed Peas, Orange, Cookie been put back into the home with their mother and her boyFriday – n/a friend. During the week before Christmas, Charlie had shovMonday – No Meals – Happy New Year! eled every walk in the neighborhood to earn money to buy Tuesday – Pork Chop with Celery Sauce, 1/2c Baked his sisters Christmas presents, the only ones they had. Brown Rice, 1/2c Broccoli, 1/2c Fruit Cocktail All of the neighbors loved the three children and were happy to help Charlie with his endeavors. But the mobile home they lived in was not clean, and on Christmas night, one of the heaters in the mobile home caught some clothes on fire, which in turn caught the home on fire. As the home burned, the children’s mother calmly walked to the neighbors to tell them the house was on fire, while her boyfriend saved his car. The neighbors rushed to pull the children from the fire, but the children died of smoke inhalation. choice that’s difficult to offer under existing labor laws. Some in the community felt the mother and her boyfriend The Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act that we must have been high on something, as calm as they were, passed would ban abortion after 20 weeks. And the bipartiand wanted charges filed. But the mother and her boyfriend san Resilient Federal Forests Act would pair a responsible quickly left the area. We never told our children anything budget fix with forest management reforms to dramatically about Charlie until many years later. improve the health and resiliency of our forests. As I struggled with my grief for the loss of this little boy we had grown to love, the memory of his Christmas wish We also passed the CUFF Act, which I introduced, that came back to me. As hard as it was to know he was gone, I would make sure wanted felons and parole violators would wondered if God had granted Charlie ’s wish, and on Christno longer have access to certain Social Security benefits. mas day, had taken the three children to live with him, never Another bill I introduced that would expand the Black Hills to be separated again. National Cemetery outside Sturgis also passed the House. I’m hopeful the Senate will take up and pass these bills in the New Year. Dakota Senior Meals Served at The Main Street Center & Town Square, “Meals on Wheels” Please call before 9:00am to schedule or cancel a meal at 624-7868. Menus listed below are December 27 – January 2. Menus are subject to change without notice. All menus are served with whole grain bread and 1% milk unless otherwise noted. A New Era By Rep. Kristi Noem It’s hard to believe we’re already at the end of 2017. January started with the inauguration of President Trump, ushering in a new era focused on making America great again. In the year that was to follow, the U.S. House of Representatives passed more than 460 bills – far surpassing recent averages. More than 90 of them have made it through the Senate and earned President Trump’s signature to become law. Among these were a series of bills that repealed costly Obama-era regulations. One empowered states to defund Planned Parenthood. Another strengthened Second Amendment protections for those with disabilities. Yet another expanded whistleblower protections within the Department of Veterans Affairs. In October, the President signed a bill I wrote, which would increase and strengthen women’s participation in peace negotiations and conflict prevention. When America’s security depends on the success of peace negotiations, we must make sure every proven conflict prevention tactic is on the table. This will help us do that. In addition to what’s already reached President Trump’s desk, the House has passed a series of bills to crack down on sanctuary cities and illegal immigration as well as legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare. A bill to improve rural call quality was approved, as was legislation that, if enacted, would ensure those permitted to carry a concealed handgun would be able to bring it to other states that permit concealed carry. The House-passed Working Families Flexibility Act would allow employers to give workers more flexibility in choosing between overtime pay and additional time off – a Happy New Year from all of us at As we look forward to the new year, may we look back on fond memories, and valued partnerships - we wish you continued prosperity. Tax reform has also steadily advanced throughout this time, as we’ve remained committed to providing families with relief in the New Year. But more work remains – particularly when it comes to the Farm Bill. This last summer, I joined the House Agriculture Committee in a field hearing to discuss the modifications that will be needed. We received a lot of good feedback. Additionally, I’ve introduced a series of reforms I’d like to see included, such as legislation to improve the wetland determinations process, better ensure fair CRP rental payments, and expand sodsaver provisions nationwide. I’ve also put forward a bill to permanently allow the hay harvested on certain CRP acres to be donated to ranchers suffering from drought or fire. In addition, I am pushing legislation that would prohibit the IRS from rehiring an employee who has been fired for certain forms of misconduct (yes, it’s ridiculous we have to pass legislation to do this). Reforms to the Indian Health Service as well as legislation to crack down on sex trafficking and the websites that often facilitate it are also top priorities. Without question, the last 12 months have made for quite a year, but with the momentum in our direction, I’m excited for what 2018 will bring. You are never too old to set GREAT JOB another goal GREAT JOB or to YEAR THIS dream THIS YEAR a new dream. TANAGERS! TANAGERS! Happy New Year! FDIC MEMBER 20 E MAIN STREET VERMILLION 624.2608 WWW.BANKEASY.COM Wishing every day of the New Year to be filled with success, happiness & prosperity Happy New Year! Know what to do if you hit a power line. poweryoursafety.com Happy New Year! Jensen Auto Body 301 W. Main, Vermillion • 605-624-2481 (605) 624-2673 • 1410 E. Cherry St. • Vermillion www.clayunionelectric.coop Adventures In Nature Program Begins January 16 At Wind Cave WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK, S.D. – Help your children learn about nature and develop skills to explore the natural world by attending Wind Cave National Park’s Adventures in Nature programs. These programs are offered at the park every other Tuesday beginning January 16 through April 10. “Participants will explore both surface and subsurface areas of the park as they learn about the mysteries of Wind Cave National Park,” said Park Superintendent Vidal Dávila. “These free programs are designed for children ages 3 to 12 to encourage them to experience nature while providing them an opportunity to play in an active learning environment.” Children will be grouped according to their age, allowing them opportunities to explore hands-on activities with their peers. Topics vary each week and will always include activities, crafts, and a hike exploring the day’s concept. Registration begins at 9:45 a.m., with programs running from 10 a.m. to noon. Parents are encouraged to provide their children with a snack before the program. To ensure enough materials for every child, parents are asked to call the park at 605-745-1134 or e-mail wica_interpretation@nps.gov to let rangers know they are coming. It is not a requirement, but it helps the park plan if they know ahead of time the number and ages of children. Calling ahead of time also helps the staff alert participants in the event of bad weather or road conditions. Older children can also attend and take part in activities or assist the younger children in their explorations and activities. In case of bad weather, the program may be canceled. Either call the park at the above number or visit our Facebook page for program status. The first program is “Mysteries of People” and will explore the way people over the ages have interacted with the land. For a complete listing of this year’s programs, visit www. RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS nps.gov/wica/forkids and click on the Adventures in 605.624.2994 Nature link. r! Happy New Yea JOHNSON ELECTRIC, INC. 1012 W Cherry, Vermillion, SD

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