
Broadcaster Press 7
July 3, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com
Remember Food Safety
During Summer Months
PIERRE, S.D. – Keep
the unwelcome guest of
foodborne illness from
making an appearance at
family reunions or summer gatherings with some
simple food safety tips.
“While you enjoy all the
summer festivities, don’t
forget good food safety
practices,” said Dr. Joshua
Clayton, state epidemiologist for the Department of
Health. “Wash your hands
thoroughly, cook and store
foods at proper temperatures, clean and sanitize
work surfaces after preparing raw meat and poultry
and don’t prepare food
when you’re sick.”
Symptoms of foodborne
illness include mild or severe diarrhea, fever, vomiting and abdominal pain.
Most people recover on
their own without medication, but some need fluids
to prevent dehydration.
The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention estimates foodborne illness
sickens 48 million Americans every year, resulting
in 128,000 hospitalizations
and 3,000 deaths. For
South Dakota this extrapolates to approximately
125,000 illnesses, 340
hospitalizations and eight
deaths annually.
In 2017, South Dakota
reported the following
foodborne illness cases:
Salmonella (226), Campylobacter (395) and E. coli
(91). That’s over 700 cases
just last year.
Clayton recommends
the following safety tips
for preparing and storing
• Clean and sanitize.
Wash hands, cutting
boards, utensils and countertops.
• Separate. Keep raw
meat and poultry separate
from ready-to-eat foods.
• Cook foods to a safe
temperature, checking
with a food thermometer
(145°F for whole meats,
160°F for ground meats,
PIERRE, S.D. – The Western Governors’
Association released its report on workforce development today detailing steps
states can take to address the skills gap.
Gov. Dennis Daugaard shared the report
165°F for poultry and stuff- during a roundtable at the group’s annual
meeting which is being held in Rapid City
this week.
• Chill. Keep your
“The job market has changed dramatirefrigerator below 40°F
cally in the last few decades. This report
and refrigerate leftovers
right away. Ensure coolers is an insightful collection of ideas that can
help states enhance career opportunities
are fully stocked with ice
or frozen gel packs to keep for students, graduates and displaced
workers,” said Gov. Daugaard.
perishable foods cold.
The report is the result of Gov. DauConsider packing beveraggaard’s initiative as chair of the Western
es in one cooler and food
Governors’ Association. The recommenin another.
dations were compiled based on webinars
• When cooking food
ahead of time cool it quick- and workshops held throughout the
region over the last year.
ly and reheat properly.
The findings of the report include:
• Never use unpasteur• How governors can better integrate
ized milk for cooking or
state efforts to address workforce develdrinking.
Learn more about food opment;
• The importance of highlighting postsafety at www.foodsafety.
secondary credentials other than fourgov/keep/basics/.
year degrees;
• Ensuring that educators, students
and parents can find information that
increases career readiness;
Classified Ads:
• How to increase the availability of
training and education for underemFriday at Noon
ployed adults to transition to higher
Display Ads:
skilled, better paying jobs; and
Friday at 11AM
• The need to expand broadband access in rural communities to help better
align the skills of the available workforce
to the needs of those communities.
U.S. Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta
joined the governors today for the roundtable discussion. Secretary Acosta shared
updates on the U.S. Department of Labor’s
efforts to address workforce challenges,
including the implementation of the
recommendations from the President’s
Apprenticeship Task Force, which Gov.
Daugaard served on. Acosta also shared
that USDOL is committed to streamlining
the H2A agricultural visa process and providing states greater flexibility to implement WIOA workforce programs.
The Western Governors' Association
was established in 1984 to represent
the governors of 19 western states and
3 U.S.-flag islands. The association is an
instrument of the governors for bipartisan policy development, information exchange and collective action on issues of
importance to the Western United States.
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Western Governors Release Workforce Report
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Equal Opportunity Employer
Do you have construction
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description or download an
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Responsibilities include: Performing a variety of
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replacement of City infrastructure and related facilities.
Position is open until filled,
review of applications will begin July 6, 2018.
A position description and an application for employment
can be found at www.vermillion.us/careers. Please submit a
completed application, and three (3) references to:
City of Vermillion • c/o Maintenance Worker Search
25 Center Street • Vermillion, SD 57069
(605) 677-7050
Truck Driver
Looking for a self-motivated,
organized individual to operate
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Responsibilities include but
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longer hours as needed
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Interested individuals
should contact
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to nelsensupplyllc@gmail.com
Sanford Vermillion
CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT: Full and part-time positions available
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HOUSEKEEPER: Full and part-time positions; Environmental Services is
The SD Human Services Center, a 277-bed inpatient
psychiatric and chemical dependency treatment facility, is
seeking full and part-time RN’s. Positions will participate
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hour for night shift and $1.00 per hour for Geriatrics plus
$1.50 per hour weekend pay.
To apply go to http://bhr.sd.gov/workforus.
Job ID #10028 or #10029.
For more information contact
the HR office at 605-668-3118
responsible for total cleanliness and maintenance of a safe and
comfortable environment. Specific assignments include cleaning patient
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medical center. Flexibility to assist coworkers in team approach.
NURSING ASSISTANT: Full-time position at Sanford Vermillion Hospital.
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For more information, please call 605.677.3500
Sanford Vermillion | 20 S Plum Street | Vermillion, SD 57069