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Broadcaster Press 5 December 18, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com USDA Launches New Program There’s No Time Like To Create High-Speed Internet Fair Time At The E-Connectivity In Rural America 2019 SD State Fair WASHINGTON, Dec. 13, 2018 – Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue today announced that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is offering up to $600 million in loans and grants to help build broadband infrastructure in rural America. Telecommunications companies, rural electric cooperatives and utilities, internet service providers and municipalities may apply for funding through USDA’s new ReConnect Program to connect rural areas that currently have insufficient broadband service. Answering the Administration’s call to action for rural prosperity, Congress appropriated funds in the fiscal year 2018 budget for this broadband pilot program. USDA Rural Development is the primary agency delivering the program, with assistance from other federal partners. “High-speed internet e-Connectivity is a necessity, not an amenity, vital for quality of life and economic opportunity, so we hope that today rural communities kick off their rural broadband project planning,” Secretary Perdue said. “Under the leadership of President Trump, USDA has worked to understand the true needs of rural communities facing this challenge so we can be strong partners to create high-speed, reliable broadband e-Connectivity.” USDA will make available approximately $200 million for grants (applications due to USDA by April 29), as well as $200 million for loan and grant combinations (applications due May 29), and $200 million for low-interest loans (applications due by June 28). Projects funded through this initiative must serve communities with fewer than 20,000 people with no broadband service or where service is slower than 10 megabits per second (mbps) download and 1 mbps upload. Approved projects must create access speeds of at least 25 mbps upload and 3 mbps download. Priority will be awarded for projects that propose to deliver higher-capacity connections to rural homes, businesses and farms. USDA seeks to stretch these funds as far as possible by leveraging existing networks and systems without overbuilding existing services greater than 10/1 mpbs. Evaluation criteria include connecting agricultural production and marketing, e-Commerce, health care and education facilities. Previous research by USDA has demonstrated that high-capacity broadband is critical to all aspects of rural prosperity, including the ability to grow and attract businesses, retain and develop talent, and maintain rural quality of life. To help customers with the application process, USDA is holding a series of online webinars and regional in-person workshops. The full list of upcoming public webinars HURON, S.D. – The South Dakota State Fair has announced its 2019 State Fair theme – “There’s No Time Like Fair Time!” “The 2019 theme highlights the genuine excitement and energy people have for the fair. Fair time is a special time of year!” said Peggy Besch, South Dakota State Fair manager. “Whether you show animals at the fair or just come for the grandstand, there is something special about walking onto the fairgrounds for the first time each year. The blend of fresh woodchips, hot corndogs and sweet cotton candy rush your nose as you head to your destination, bringing back memories of nights running around the carnival or days with friends and family in the barns. There just simply is no time like fair time.” Each year the South Dakota State Fair boasts a variety of events including livestock shows, 4-H exhibits, carnival rides, free entertainment, and top-notch grandstand entertainment. The fair also hosts well over 400 vendors for fairgoers to visit. An updated State Fair logo has also been designed and can be viewed on the SD State Fair website, www.sdstatefair.com. The 2019 South Dakota State Fair will run from Thursday, Aug. 29, through Monday, Sept. 2. Channel Seeds preview night will be Wednesday, Aug. 28. For more information on State Fair events, contact the fair office at 800.529.0900, visit sdstatefair.com or find it on Facebook or Twitter. Agriculture is a major contributor to South Dakota’s economy, generating $25.6 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 115,000 South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture's mission is to promote, protect and preserve South Dakota agriculture for today and tomorrow. Visit them online at sdda.sd.gov or find them on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. and workshops can be found at the ReConnect Program’s resource portal at reconnect.usda.gov. In April 2017, President Donald J. Trump established the Interagency Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity to identify legislative, regulatory and policy changes that could promote agriculture and prosperity in rural communities. In January 2018, Secretary Perdue presented the Task Force’s findings to President Trump. These findings included 31 recommendations to align the federal government with state, local and tribal governments to take advantage of opportunities that exist in rural America. Increasing investments in rural infrastructure is a key recommendation of the task force. To view the report in its entirety, please view the Report to the President of the United States from the Task Force on Agriculture and Rural Prosperity (PDF, 5.4 MB). In addition, to view the categories of the recommendations, please view the Rural Prosperity infographic (PDF, 190 KB). USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit LYONS, NEBRASKA – Wind energy projects in South www.rd.usda.gov. Dakota power more than 30 percent of the state’s energy needs while generating tax revenue for local schools and roads. A fact sheet released today by the Center for Rural Affairs analyzes the tax collection structure for wind energy generation in the state. “Many people wonder what their community will get out of wind development,” said Lu Nelsen, policy associate at the Center for Rural Affairs and author of the publication. “New tax revenue from a wind farm is something that benefits an entire community.” “Fact sheet: South Dakota wind energy tax revenue” highlights tax contributions through nameplate capacity and production taxes. The state uses a combination of these two taxes to collect revenue from wind energy projects. While much of this revenue remains in the county, PIERRE, S.D. – Five South Dakota teachers and four in school counseling. This certification shows that legislation passed in 2016 decreases the portion given school counselors have earned national certifications one has met national standards of practice, including to local school districts over 10 years. The local school Save knowledge and skill in Tune-Up! in 2018, demonstrating advanced$30 on a Summer AC additional education, experience and a specialty exam. district would keep all of its share for the first five years, their professions. The following school counselors reported to the South but starting in year six, the amount would decrease by 20 Teachers achieve National Board Certification Dakota Department of Education that they became Napercent. In year 10, the revenue would be redistributed through a rigorous, performance-based, peer-reviewed tional Certified School Counselors in 2018: statewide instead. Just give us a call and we’ll assessment of a teacher's pedagogical (teaching) skills •Dadra Avery, Meade School District “As South Dakotans move toward a renewable future, and content knowledge. Theout a qualified •Melissa Good, Rapid City Area School District it’s essential to determine how to keep these benefits send certification process takes one to three years to complete. While licensing stand•Sonja Smith, Sioux Falls School District local,” Nelsen said. “This ensures communities can make Service Technician a state, Naards set the basic requirements to teach in like •Nicole Weron, Hill City School District use of new revenue generated by projects.” tional Board Certified teachers demonstrate advanced South Dakota teachers who earn National Board For more information and to view the fact sheet, visit Tyler, to practices similar to the make sure your teaching knowledge, skills and Certification receive $2,000 per year for five years, with cfra.org/publications/WindEnergyTaxRevenueSD. certifications earned by experts in law and medicine. $1,000 paid by the South Dakota Department of EducaAC unit is ready for those South Dakota’s 2018 recipients of National Board Certifi- tion and $1,000 paid by the teacher’s school district. • AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR hot summer South Dakota cation include: The department will also reimburse fees personally paid Tyler Reiser • PAINT • FRAMEWORK •Trey Krier, Mathematics/Adolescence and Young by teachers and school counselors, upon their achievedays and save $30!* • GLASS REPLACEMENT Service Technician Adulthood, Yankton School District ment of national certification. As long as funds are avail13able, the department will also pay National Certified years experience •Sara Lorensberg, Mathematics/Early Adolescence, Northeast Education Service Cooperative School Counselors $1,000 annually for five years. •Kelsey Buchholz, English Language Arts/AdolesTo learn more about these certifications and stipend M-F cence and Young Adulthood, Garretson School District and reimbursement opportunities, visit https://doe. 9AM-6PM •Amy Berke, Literacy: Reading-Language Arts/Early sd.gov/nationalboard/ or call the South Dakota DepartSAT and Middle Childhood, Rapid City Area School District ment of Education at 605-773-3134. 9AM-12PM •Robin Beck New, Exceptional Needs Specialist/ 1205 CARR STREET • VERMILLION • 605.670.0471 Early Childhood through When You Want Comfort… You Want Kalins! BlainesBodyShop@gmail.com Young Adulthood, Pierre Vermillion: 605-624-5618 Indian Learning Center *Rebate Amelia Meyer, Literacy:offer only available to Vermillion Light & Power customers. Call for full details. Reading-Language Arts/ Early and Middle ChildEarn as much as $400+ this month 69 years as a Premier Lennox® Dealer hood, Black Hills Special 97 years in the Business & $120 this week Services Cooperative, re400 years of Heating and Cooling Experience newed her National Board Yankton Vermillion Sioux City Certificate. = Your #1 Choice in Vermillion! 605.665.4348 605.624.5618 712.252.2000 The National Certified kalinsindoor.com School Counselor certification recognizes counselors who demonstrate specialized knowledge and skills Tax Revenue Generated From Wind Energy Projects Move South Dakota Forward South Dakota Teachers, School Counselors Go Above And Beyond With Professional Certifications HOURS: When You Want Comfort...You Want Kalins If You Read This... 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