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4 Broadcaster Press 1101 CHURCH SCHEDULES Dalesburg Baptist Church, 30503 466th Ave., Beresford. Sunday School 9:45am, Worship 11am, Midweek Services WED 6:30pm 605-253-2622 www.dalesburgbaptist.org One Hour: Worship is led by a talented live band in a style that is consistent with today's culture. On the USD Campus at the MUC, 6:30pm Sundays! www.one-hour.org Dalesburg Lutheran Church, 12 miles north of Vermillion on University Rd., Worship 9:15am, Sunday School 10:45am, www.dalesburglutheran.org. Elk Point Baptist Church, 101 N. Green St., Elk Point, SD. Worship SUN 11am, Bible Study WED 7pm. 605-2221981. Providence Reformed Church, 830 Madison, Vermillion: Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 10:30am. WNAX 8:45 am Sundays. 605-624-4337 www.providencercus.com Faith Lutheran Church, 401 Main St., Maskell, NE, Sunday School, 9am; Worship, 10am w/Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays. 605-658-0240 (home) or (402)692-3323 (church). St Thomas More Newman Center, 320 E Cherry St, Vermillion. Sunday Mass 11am and 9pm www.usdnewman.org for weekday Mass and Adoration times. 605-624-2697 Faith United Lutheran Church, 44874 303rd St., Volin, SD, 605-267-2277. Worship: 9:30am SUN w/ communion 1st & 4th Sundays. WOW Wednesday/Confirmation, 6:30pm Church of Christ, 102 Prospect, Vermillion: Sunday Worship, 10am; Bible Study 9am; Bible Study Noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7pm Gayville Lutheran Church, Gayville, SD, Pastors Kristen & Ben Eisele. 8:45am Worship, 9:45am Sunday School. Facebook Gayville-Bergen Lutheran Churches, 605-267-4342 First Baptist Church, Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor. 605624-6391 home, 605-624-4658 church. Sunday School 9:15am, Worship 10:30am, Choir Practice 11:50am. Grace Baptist Church SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wed. Night 7 p.m. Faith Fellowship of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 & Hwy. 19. Sunday Celebration 10:30am Pastor Tony Armbrust, 605624-2921. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Masses: SAT 4:30pm; SUN 9:30am and 5:30pm St. Agnes Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer Office: 624-4478. Rectory: 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday Cornerstone Church, located at corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Service: Sunday 9am and 10:30am (during school year); 10am (summers). Cornerstonesd.org or 624-8809. Elk Point United Parish, 603 S Pearl Street, Elk Point, Pastor David Bambas. Sunday worship at 10:00 AM (nursery available) 605-356-2008, epups@iw.net or epunitedparish.org Hillside Community Church, 1800 Constance Dr. Vermillion. Sunday Worship: 9 & 10:45am. Kids Community: Wed., 6:308pm. office@hccvermillion.com www.hccvermillion.com Komstad Covenant Church Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 5632402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. The United Church of Christ Congregational, Highway 12 Newcastle, NE. Worship: 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Pastor Joyce Cook. Come join us! United Church of Christ Congregational, 226 E. Main St., Pastor Steve Miller. 10:30a.m. Worship Service. No Longer Strangers www.uccvermillion.org St. Paul's Episcopal Church Corner of Main and Linden. Sunday: nursery available. 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 11:00 a.m. coffee hour. Call 624-3379 for more information Bergen Lutheran Church “The Little White Church on Timber Road.” 605-267-4342, Pastors Kristen & Ben Eisele. 10:45am Worship, 9:30am Sunday School. Brule Creek Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship 11am, Sunday School 9:45am10:45am Christ Our Savior, WELS, Worship SUN. 6pm, Bible Study TUE. 9pm, Neuharth Center, 605-624-5398 or 1800-1234. Concordia Lutheran Church 7 S. University, Vermillion. Sunday School & Bible Study 9am. Divine Service 10am. Pastor Paul Albers, 605-6243459 or email@lcmsvermillion.org NOTICE Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. We look forward to serving you. Vermillion PLAIN TALK S e r v i n g o u r read e r s s i nce 1 8 8 4 . www.plaintalk.net Immanuel Lutheran Church Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church. Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 31903 475th Ave., Elk Point, Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. Rev. David Bentz, 605-356-2805; www.stpaullutheranelkpoint.com The Luther Center at USD Located at Cherry & Plum Streets, Vermillion. Wednesday evening worship at 8:30pm Fellowship events throughout the year. www.luthercenter.org Trinity Lutheran Church, 816 E Clark Street, Vermillion. Worship: Saturday 5:30pm & Sunday 10am. Radio KVTK AM 1570, 10am Sunday. Pastor Jim Fowler, 605-624-4442. Gospel Chapel Church, 708 Jessie St., Newcastle, NE, Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 10:45am; WED AWANA 7pm. 402-355-2305. Pastor John Smith. gospelchapel.org First United Methodist Church, 16 N. Dakota St. Sunday Worship 10:30am. Welcome Table - a free community meal Mondays 5:30-7pm. Call 624-2179 for more info. December 25, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com Announcements 1490 Lawn - Landscaping 1800 Sports Equipment Events 32nd Annual WJAG, KIX, Northeast Nebraska Farm and Equipment Show. Free Admission, Demonstrations & Prizes. January 16th & 17th, 2019. Chuck M. Pohlman Ag Complex, Northeast Community College, Hwy 35 & Benjamin Ave, Norfolk. For more details : www.nebraskafarmshow.com Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you're not hungry? Do you binge or purge? OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Saturdays, 10am at Newman Center- 320 East Cherry Street, Vermillion. Struggling with a hurt, habit or hang-up and ready for a change? CELEBRATE RECOVERY CORNERSTONE, Mondays 6:30pm-8:30pm at Cornerstone Church, 516 N. Crawford Rd, Vermillion. Questions: Call 605-677-9402 or 605-202-1336. 1200 Cars 32nd Annual WJAG, KIX, Northeast Nebraska Farm and Equipment Show. Free Admission, Demonstrations & Prizes. January 16th & 17th, 2019. Chuck M. Pohlman Ag Complex, Northeast Community College, Hwy 35 & Benjamin Ave, Norfolk. For more details : www.nebraskafarmshow.com CASH FOR CARS: We Buy Any Condition Vehicle, 2002 and Newer. Competitive Offer! Nationwide FREE Pick Up! Call Now For a Free Quote! 888366-5659! (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-855-977-7030. (MCN) 1410 32nd Annual WJAG, KIX, Northeast Nebraska Farm and Equipment Show. Free Admission, Demonstrations & Prizes. January 16th & 17th, 2019. Chuck M. Pohlman Ag Complex, Northeast Community College, Hwy 35 & Benjamin Ave, Norfolk. For more details : www.nebraskafarmshow.com Sucker Rod & Pipe. All sizes for fencing and manufacturing. Menno, SD 605-387-5660 605661-5050. December 3 thru December 29 Letters to Santa written by local first graders as Christmas Day is just around the corner. A story that hopefully will serve as a guide to last-minute holiday gift shoppers in the Vermillion community. And if you want to see: A story about a resolution recently passed by the Vermillion City Council regarding the revision of certain fees and the acceptance of a fee schedule detailing all fees set by resolution and a master fee schedule detailing all fees currently in place. A story about information recently presented to the Vermillion City Council about steps it can take to become more “green” than it presently is. Earlier this year, the council agreed to consider a resolution to achieve climate preparedness and carbon reductions by the year 2025. Coverage of recent discussion about the community’s use of the Prentis Plunge aquatic facility, the expenses the city has experienced in operated the facility and plans for a rate increase to help meet those expenses. Pick up this Friday’s Plain Talk! Local news since 1884! Here for you yesterday, today and tomorrow. 1600 Other Real Estate EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertised in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental or financing of housing or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal guardians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under the age of 18. In addition, South Dakota State Law also prohibits discrimination based on ancestry and creed. This paper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All person are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on a equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental or financing of housing, call the South Dakota Fair Housing ombudsman at 877-832-0161. Apartment For Rent 3 BD Townhouse. River Court Apartments, Vermillion. Rent based income. Must qualify by family size and income. Equal Housing Opportunity. 202-0008 or Skogen Company (605)2633941. NEW 2-bedroom Apartments. off-street parking, laundry facilities, no pets, no smoking. Larry's Rentals 605-665-9461 or 605-661-0987 after 5pm. 1700 Merchandise Fire King 75 piece set of dishes with gold rim, very good condition. $100 605-260-0585 1705 Items $100 or Less 44"/45" 100% Quilter's Cotton Reg. $7.99 - SALE - $5.99 per yard Minky - Solids & Prints - SALE - $5.99 to $7.99 per yard Hand Woven Rugs - 20% Off (Excludes special orders & sale rugs) Check out the VIRTUAL TOUR on www.inweavefabric.com 823 Central Ave. • Hawarden 1-800-646-9328 • 712-551-1523 www.inweaverugs.com • www.inweavefabric.com Mon.-Fri.: 9:30-5 • Sat.: 9:30-3 Coverage of the upcoming production of “A Christmas Carol” in Vermillion. The Dickens classic was performed as a progressive dinner theatre, with a different entrée served at four Vermillion churches. Local actors performed an act of the play at each church. Audience members dined on appetizers as they viewed the first act of the production at Trinity Lutheran Church. Soup and salad were served at Grace Baptist Church where the second act was staged. The third act was performed at the United Church of Christ, where an entree of roast beef and vegetables was served. Audience members enjoyed dessert and the conclusion of the play at the First United Methodist Church. WILL REMOVE TREE Stumps. Schumacher Tree Stump Removal, Insured. Dennis Schumacher, Call 402-3884487. Agriculture 1605 FABRIC GALORE! 201 W. Cherry Street, Vermillion, SD • 605-624-4429 Stories you missed this week because you’re not a Plain Talk subscriber Hartington Tree LLC TreeTrimming/Removal/Transplanting. Yankton 605-260-1490 Hartington 402-254-6710 Kent & Kyle Hochstein Licensed Arborists www.hartingtontree.com 5-1990's Holiday Barbie Collection by Mattell. $20.00 each. Call 605-661-6204. Four large Afghans clean and good condition $15.00 each. 32” tall children's kitchen set with dryer and misc pots and pans $20.00. 605-664-5291. Ladies Justin boots size 6, new, never worn $50. 4-sets of battery operated candles, new in box, $2/per set. 605-6658214. Universal snowblower cab, like new, $50. Cabelas ladies hiking boots size 9, worn once $40. 1986 Sears Collector Fievel mouse & VHS tape, $10. 605-260-0585. PRIME HUNTING GROUND SALE Marindahl Township, Yankton County, SD - Martin Madsen Estate REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS Sealed bids will be accepted at Legacy Law Firm, 7404 Bitterroot Pl, Sioux Falls, SD 57108, for the sale of the following real property located in Marindahl Township, Yankton County, SD. PARCEL 1 26/95/54 SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 26, and Township 95N, Range 54, west of the 5th P .M., Yankton County, South Dakota. Containing 40 acres. PARCEL 2 35/95/54 NE1/4 of the SE1/4 in Section 35, Township 95N, Range 54, west of the 5th P .M., Yankton County, South Dakota, containing 39 acres. PARCEL 3 35/95/54 NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 35, Township 95N, Range 54, west of the 5th P .M., Yankton County, South Dakota, containing 40 acres. SE4 SE4 NE4 SE4 NE1/4 NE1/4 This property is located 3 miles west of Wakonda, SD, 1/2 miles south on 452nd Avenue, and 1/2 mile west on 303rd Street. Sealed bids must be delivered to Legacy Law Firm by 5 PM January 14, 2019. Cashiers check payable to Martin Madsen Estate in an amount equal to 10% of the bid must be included with the sealed bid. Bidders should include name, address, and telephone number as well as the total amount of bid and the number of parcel bidding on. Frabill 2 person Ice Shelter, used 3 times $200. Barnett FX3 Pro Crossbow, hand crank cocking mechanism. Hard shell case, 3 arrows, 5 mechanical broad heads with 2 practice tips. $525 Call 605-760-0837 1815 Miscellaneous **STOP STRUGGLING ON THE STAIRS** Give your life a lift with an ACORN STAIRLIFT! Call now for $250 OFF your stairlift purchase and FREE DVD & brochure! 1-866-9724597 (MCN) 32nd Annual WJAG, KIX, Northeast Nebraska Farm and Equipment Show. Free Admission, Demonstrations & Prizes. January 16th & 17th, 2019. Chuck M. Pohlman Ag Complex, Northeast Community College, Hwy 35 & Benjamin Ave, Norfolk. For more details : www.nebraskafarmshow.com A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation's largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-855-811-8392 (MCN) AT&T Unlimited Talk and Text. Get a new device every year with AT&T NEXT! Call us today 1-844-290-8275. (MCN) Book Your Flight Today on United, Delta, American, Air France, Air Canada. We have the best rates. Call today to learn more 1-855-725-6305 (MCN) Cross country Moving, Long distance Moving Company out of state move $799 Long Distance Movers Get Free quote on your Long distance move. 1-800-503-6126 (MCN) DIRECTV CHOICE All-Included Package. Over 185 Channels! ONLY $45/month (for 24 mos.) Call Now- Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE! CALL 1844-245-2232 Ask Us How To Bundle & Save! (MCN) DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply 1-800-732-9635. (MCN) DISH TV $59.99 For 190 Channels + $14.95 High Speed Internet. Free Installation, Smart HD DVR Included, Free Voice Remote. Some restrictions apply 1-855-434-0020. (MCN) DO WARM WINTERS SOUND GOOD?? Bring your RV down to the warm Rio Grande Valley. J-5 RV Park in Mission Tx. will welcome you with a country setting, friendly people and lots of activities to keep you busy. We have a special for first time visitors. Phone us at 956-6827495 or 515-418-3214. Email info@j5rvparktexas.com Tom and Donna Tuttle, Managers (MCN) Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As 14.95/month (for the first 3 months.) Reliable High Speed Fiber Optic Technology. Stream Videos, Music and More! Call Earthlink Today 1-855-679-7096 (MCN) Life Alert. 24/7. One press of a button sends help FAST! Medical, Fire, Burglar. Even if you can't reach a phone! FREE Brochure. CALL 888-227-0525 (MCN) Lung Cancer? Asbestos exposure in industrial, construction, manufacturing jobs, or military may be the cause. Family in the home were also exposed. Call 1-866-795-3684 or email cancer@breakinginjurynews.com. $30 billion is set aside for asbestos victims with cancer. Valuable settlement moneys may not require filing a lawsuit. (MCN) Paying too much for car insurance? Not sure? Want better coverage? Call now for a free quote and learn more today! 855-417-7382 (MCN) Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-5777502 (MCN) STEEL CULVERTS FOR SALE: New, All sizes. 605-6615050 or 605-387-5660. Ulmer Farm Service, Menno, SD. Viasat Satellite Internet. Up to 12 Mbps Plans starting at $30/month. Our Fastest Speeds (up to 50 Mbps) & Unlimited Data Plans Start at $100/month. Call Viasat today! 1-855-445-5297 (MCN) The sealed bids will be opened January 18, 2019, at 10:00 am at Legacy Law Firm. The top three bidders will be given the opportunity to raise their bids at a private auction to be held Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at Legacy Law Firm. Seller reserves the right to extend bid raising privileges to any bidder who has submitted a competitive bid. All cashiers checks will be returned to unsuccessful bidders at the close of bidding. Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: P.O. Box 13557, Denver CO 80201 (MCN) The highest bidder will be required to provide earnest money equal to 10% of their winning bid and execute a Purchase Agreement on the date of the sale. The Purchase Agreement will be subject to acceptance and signing by seller. The closing date will be within 30 days of bid opening at the Yankton Title Co., 219 W. 3rd St., Yankton, when seller shall convey marketable title by Warranty Deed, subject to easements and reservations of record or visible upon the property. The balance of the purchase price is due on closing. 1820 Seller shall pay all real estate taxes accrued in 2018, and payable in 2019 and prorated to date of closing and the SD deed tax. Seller will provide updated abstract of title. Additional information about these properties or access to the properties, and sale procedures may be obtained from the seller, Renee Osborne, Personal Rep. of the Martin Madsen Estate at 605-949-0972. Note: Information contained herein regarding number of acres is estimated based upon seller’s information and belief. It is Buyer’s responsibility to verify and confirm this information to Buyer’s satisfaction. 201 W. Cherry, Vermillion, SD 57069 605-624-2695 Body Power Recumbent bike paid $400 new, asking $200 OBO, harldy used. Call 402357-2217 SELLER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS AND WAIVE ANY IRREGULARITIES IN THE SALE PROCEDURE. Give Aways Oak entertainment center, good condition, fits 32” flat screen tv. Call 605-661-1266. 1850 Agriculture 32nd Annual WJAG, KIX, Northeast Nebraska Farm and Equipment Show. Free Admission, Demonstrations & Prizes. January 16th & 17th, 2019. Chuck M. Pohlman Ag Complex, Northeast Community College, Hwy 35 & Benjamin Ave, Norfolk. For more details : www.nebraskafarmshow.com

Fair 59.0 F
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Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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