







February 19, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
SD National Guard Hosts
35th Annual Dining-Out
PIERRE, S.D. - The South Dakota
prominently displayed in public areas
continual skill, professionalism, courNational Guard hosted its 2019 Dining- of Sanford facilities for all to see,"
age and work ethic, which you display
Out at the Ramkota Hotel and Conven- Carlson said.
on a daily basis. We are enormously
tion Center in Pierre, Feb. 7.
"Employers are inextricably linked
grateful for your service and sacrifice,
The annual event brings together
to the nation's defense by sharing
and for that of your families."
Guardsmen from across the state for
their most precious assets, their
Past recipients of the award
a formal evening to honor the oremployees," Carlson added. "Sanford
include: Former Adjutants General
ganization's history and to recognize
Health is deserving of this recognition
Phil Killey and Harold Sykora; former
individual and unit achievements from for their outstanding contributions to
U.S. Senators Tom Daschle and Tim
the past year.
our military services. Their leadership Johnson; and former Governors Mike
The atmosphere, while formal,
exemplifies the patriotic spirit that is
Rounds and Dennis Daugaard.
includes deep-rooted traditions which
alive and well here in our great State of
The Adjutant General's Family
lighten the mood and provide both
South Dakota."
Award - The Nightingale Family
members and guests not only plenty
The Williamson Militiaman Award To conclude the awards portion of
of laughs, but a chance to learn some
Sen. John Thune
the evening, The Adjutant General's
of the organization's history, traditions
The SDNG next awarded the 2019
Family Award was presented to Kayla
and an opportunity to recognize indiWilliamson Militiaman Award to Sen.
and Tech. Sgt. Zane Nightingale with
vidual and unit achievements.
John Thune.
the 114th Fighter Wing.
A video highlighting the many acThe Williamson Militiaman Award,
The award recognizes family
complishments made by the men and
established in 1987 by Maj. Gen.
members who support their service
women of the SDNG in 2018 was shown Ronald F. Williamson, recognizes an
members in a truly exemplary manner
in addition to comments from Gov.
individual who exemplifies the spirit of while managing family, careers, or
Kristi Noem and Maj. Gen. Tim Reisch, the citizen-Soldier or Airman as shown even hardship, all the while not seekthe SDNG adjutant general. The Naby their community leadership, their
ing recognition for their sacrifices.
tional Guard also recognized a family,
support of the National Guard and the
"Kayla stepped up to be the key
an employer and a public servant with defense of the country.
volunteer with the program when
awards recognizing their contributions
"Sen. John Thune has been an arit began three years ago," said Maj.
to the SDNG mission.
dent supporter of the National Guard
Quenten Johnson, director of the
Pro Patria Award - Sanford Health
throughout his days as a congressman SDNG's Service Member and Family
The awards portion of the evening
in the U.S. House of Representatives
Support. "Since then, she has dedibegan by presenting Sanford Health
and as a United States senator," said
cated hundreds of hours to the Family
with the South Dakota Employer SupMaj. Gen. Reisch. "He is a perennial
Volunteer Group, as well as her own
port of the Guard and Reserve Pro
supporter and advocate for the U.S.
programs, to connect with the families
Patria Award.
Armed Forces, the National Guard and
of the maintenance squadron."
The Pro Patria Award is presented
for the veterans of South Dakota.”
This past year, Kayla dedicated
annually to one South Dakota employThune served on the Senate Armed over 125 hours attending meetings and
er who provides exceptional support
Services Committee and was a rankmaking phone calls to family members
to national defense through leadering member on the Readiness and
of deployed Airmen, which included
ship practices and personnel policies
Management Subcommittee, which
her husband Zane. She was on the
that support employees serving in the
oversaw military readiness including
phone almost daily with Airmen and
National Guard or Reserve.
military construction, training, logisfamily members and pulled in new volMaster Sgt. Nathan Peterson, chief
tics, maintenance and installations.
unteers, building the Family Volunteer
of staff and vice president of strateThroughout his political career,
gic planning for Sanford Health and
Thune has fought for the moderni"Kayla even arranged the first 'cofa member of the South Dakota Air
zation of equipment and facilities
fee and conversation' event, where
National Guard's 114th Fighter Wing,
required to ensure the success of the
families could visit with each other,
nominated his employer for the award. National Guard responding to emerleadership and with an Airman who
"Sanford Health, with its nearly
gencies here at home, as well as servreturned from deployment to begin
50,000 employees in 26 states, undering in combat missions abroad.
the transition process," said Johnson.
stands that our nation's employers
"Sen. Thune supported the eleva"Her work with leadership is second
are inextricably linked to our nation's
tion of the Chief of the National Guard
to none. Kayla is who they call to help
defense by sharing their most precious to a four-star position and inclusion as build the foundation of care."
assets, their employees," said Capt.
a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,"
Zane and Kayla were also instruChad Carlson, executive director for
Reisch added. "This is considered one
mental in helping set up two self-dethe SD ESGR committee.
of the most significant steps forward
fense classes for wing families prior to
As a result, they established the
for the National Guard in our history."
and during the Air Expeditionary Force
Sanford Department of Veteran and
Thune has also committed countdeployment last year. This was the
Military Services, which takes the
less hours of his time demonstrating
first time the wing had offered such an
lead on actively recruiting, employing
his personal support time and time
event and about 30 family members
and retaining service members and
again, attending nearly every deployand friends attended and learned how
ment or welcome home ceremony for
to defend and protect themselves.
"I have served in the Air National
South Dakota Army and Air National
"Kayla is the 'go-to' for wing families
Guard for the entirety of my eight
Guard units since 9/11.
when there is a hardship or need of
years at Sanford Health. During that
When members of the 114th Fighter support," Johnson said. "She has betime, my employer has always made
Wing returned home from a deploycome a great role model for our other
any necessary accommodations for
ment to South Korea, Thune made
key volunteers helping guide their
me to complete my military obligait a point to be there to personally
path during challenging times."
tions, including routine training,
welcome the Airmen home as they
Kayla also engaged directly with
periodic schools and short-notice
disembarked the plane.
the Family Volunteer Group, the
activations," Master Sgt. Peterson said.
Thune continues to demonstrate
Airman and Family Programs office,
"I've had other employers that suphis support for veterans and has
and with the wing during the Yellow
ported my military service, but none
been a tireless advocate to sustain
Ribbon programs, military send offs,
have done more to support me and my operations at the Hot Springs Veterans family day events, and the SDNG Famfamily than Sanford Health."
Home. He is a strong proponent for
ily & Youth Symposium.
Peterson said he experienced
the Veterans History Project, where he
"The Nightingale family is the pillar
Save its was Summer AC his father, Harfirsthand Sanford's commitment to $30 on a able to interview Tune-Up!
of excellence when it comes to the
service members when he deployed to old Thune, who served in World War II 114th Fighter Wing and to the South
Afghanistan in 2018.
as a fighter pilot.
Dakota National Guard," said Johnson.
Sanford Health's leave policy
While Sen. Thune was not able to
"We are proud to honor their dediJust give us a accept we’ll
provides its deployed employees with call and the award in person during the
cation and unwavering support for
differential pay for up to one year if qualified
Dining-Out, he pre-recorded a message service members and their families."
send out a
military pay is less than their salary
for the Soldiers and Airmen in attendService also
at Sanford. Service members areTechnician like
provided the option of Tyler, to make sure your
"I am deeply
healthcare, dental and life insurance
honored and
AC while defor those
benefits for up to one year unit is ready grateful to receive
ployed, mobilized or serving on state
this award,"
hot summer South Dakota
or national emergencies.
Thune said.
Tyler Reiser
Sanford also has recognition events $30!*
days and save "I couldn't be
Service Technician
for service members prior, during and
more honored to
returning from deployment. Peterson
represent the men 13 years experience
said they reached out to his entire unit and women of the
Election of new people for clerk, officers, etc.
and their family members.
South Dakota Na"We were all ensured our family
tional Guard who
Please Attend
members would be taken care of durrepresent our
Angela Jackson, Clerk
ing our deployment," he said.
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Broadcaster Press 5
SDRC Assistive
Technology Trainings
The South Dakota Rehabilitation Center for the Blind
(SDRC) would like to invite anyone who is a South Dakota
resident and has a visual impairment to participate in two
training events.
The trainings will be held on Friday, March 1 at the
SDRC facility located at 2900 W. 11th St., Sioux Falls, S.D.
The first training session is an assistive technology
walk-in clinic which will begin at 8 a.m. The second session is a skills of blindness open house at 1 p.m. The
second session requires registration due to limited class
size. Experienced SDRC staff will be on hand to answer
To register, please call JoMarie Laughlin at 1-800658-5441 or 605-367-5260. There is no cost to attend the
SDRC provides learning opportunities through various
programs to assist individuals who have a vision loss that
is creating difficulty for them at home, school, or work.
SDRC’s programs are administered and staffed by the
South Dakota Department of Human Services Division of
Service to the Blind and Visually.
SDSU Sheep Unit Hosts
Lambing Time Open
House February 21
BROOKINGS, S.D. - The SDSU Sheep Unit hosts a lambing time open house February 21 from 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
The SDSU Sheep Unit is located 1.5 miles north of the
South Dakota State University campus on Medary Avenue
(3729 Medary Ave).
There is no fee to attend the open house which includes educational programming, refreshments and SDSU
ice cream. The open house is co-hosted by SDSU Extension, the SDSU College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences Department of Animal Science and the
South Dakota Sheep Growers Assn.
Many important lambing time management and health
topics will be addressed by leading industry experts.
Some topic areas include:
•Flock management basics
•Advice on lambing barn concepts
•Newborn lamb care practices
•Health management concerns and recommendations
•Rearing options for orphan lambs, including the use
of automated feeding systems
•Nutritional management of ewes and lambs
Featured speakers include: Philip Berg, senior instructor with the Pipestone Lamb and Wool Program; Larry
Holler, veterinarian and pathologist in the SDSU Animal
Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory; Dave Ollila,
SDSU Extension Sheep Field Specialist; Jeff Held, Professor & SDSU Extension Sheep Specialist and Karolynn
Marsan, SDSU Sheep Unit manager.
With more than 250 ewes lambing at the SDSU Sheep
Unit throughout the month of February, during the open
house, sheep experts will demonstrate lamb care skills
and discuss management practice recommendations covering the full scope of a lambing season.
Sheep producers are encouraged to ask questions and
seek answers from the experts during the educational
In addition to program hosts, event sponsors include:
Big Gain, Inc., D&D Crop Insurance, AgFirst Farmers
Cooperative, Agri Tech, Hubbard Feeds, Volga Ag Center,
Sydell, Inc., Sinai Cooperative Elevator, Premier 1, Pipestone Vet Clinic, Purina Animal Nutrition, Volga Veterinary Clinic, Coplan Buying Station, Sioux Falls Regional
Livestock, Superior Farms, Strauss Brands and Van Well
Sheep Buying.
Stories you missed this week because
you’re not a Plain Talk subscriber
A report about Vermillion native Paul Erickson, who was indicted on
several charges by a federal grand jury last week.
Full coverage of the inauguration of Sheila K. Gestring as the 18th president
of the University of South Dakota. The inauguration took place 2 p.m.
Feb. 13 in Aalfs Auditorium on the USD campus.
Coverage of the 12th annual Community Health Fair, held Saturday
Feb. 9 in the Lee Medical Building on the campus of the University of
South Dakota in Vermillion.
Photos and video from the Vermillion’s Got Talent show, held Saturday,
Feb. 9 in the Thomas H. Craig Center for Performing Arts. The event
raised more than $3,000 to help send Vermillion High School students
to Scotland this summer.
A story about the City of Vermillion’s decision to provide $700,000
in funding in increments of $100,000 for the next seven years to the
National Music Museum in Vermillion to help the institution construct
a new 16,000 addition to its present building.
A report previewing the upcoming Polar Plunge that will be held in Vermillion
Feb. 23. The event will raise funds for Special Olympics of South Dakota.
And if you want to see:
A story about a “Cooking with the Cardiologist” class held Feb. 20 in
Vermillion to help promote heart health by showing people how to
create heart-healthy meals at home.
A story about recent test scores of elementary students in the Vermillion
School District and how those scores compare with state averages. This
data, along with test scores for middle school and high school students,
was recently presented to the Vermillion School Board.
A report recently heard by the Vermillion School Board of details
of options currently being considered by the district’s building
committee that, if eventually implemented, would construct new
administrative offices and space for the district’s alternative school
onto the Vermillion High School building. The district currently leases
spaces for the offices and alternative school on property not owned
by the district for about $40,000 annually.
Pick up this Friday’s Plain Talk!
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201 W. Cherry, Vermillion, SD 57069







