2 Broadcaster Press
March 12, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
Dave Says
The Skunk
Play It Smart
Dear Dave,
Recently, the garage where
I worked for a long time went
out of business. I have a lot of
my own tools, and I was thinking about taking out a loan of
around $20,000 to buy a few extra tools I need to open my own
garage. It’s always been a dream
of mine to have my own shop,
and this seems like the perfect
opportunity. What do you think?
Dear Rick,
I love it when a person has the
talent and drive to open their own
business, but right now you’re
unemployed and looking at going
into debt. That’s a bad idea.
You’ll never hear me recommend going into debt to
start a business. Did you know most new businesses fail
within the first five years due to debt payments? I literally started my company on a card table in my own living
room years ago, so I know for a fact you can launch a
business without going into debt.
You said you have your own tools, plus you have lots
of experience. My advice is to find a place that needs a
good mechanic. Then, use the income from a new job
to save up for the additional tools you need, and other
startup costs associated with opening your own shop.
If you play this smart and start slow, you could have
a thriving business on your hands in a few years and no
debt to eat up the money you make!
Get Off The Account Today!
Daris Howard
What does a person do with the skin of a skunk? Well,
Rick decided that it might make a piece to use for a practical joke. He placed it on his doorstep, and he loved to
watch people do a double take when they came to his
door. Some people would see it from a distance and not
even come to his door. Rick saw that as a definite plus.
Rick thought fewer interruptions in life was always good.
Another advantage was it kept door-to-door salesmen
Dear Melody,
Yes, you can. Call the credit card company right now, away. But it also kept away people that his family did want
to visit, so he decided to hide it somewhat under a bench
and tell them to take your name off the account immethat was there. That meant most people were almost on
diately. Find out if there’s a balance on the card. If there
top of it before they saw it. Some people would stumble
is, and it was charged up while your name was on the
account, you’ll still be liable for that amount. They won’t and fall backward, almost tumbling off of the steps before
release you from responsibility for those purchases, but they realized it was not alive. But it made it so people at
least got close enough to know it would not get them.
you can get off the hook for any future charges.
Rick had a lot of fun watching out his window and seeThen, send them a certified letter—return receipt
ing how people reacted, but he had to admit that he had
requested—stating that you are no longer liable for additional charges on the card going forward. It wouldn’t be almost taken a backward tumble once or twice himself. He
was the one that put it there, but there were times when
a bad idea to call them again in a few days to make sure
he had come to his own door while deep in thought, only
they got the letter, too.
You’re learning a hard lesson here, Melody. You should to be startled into the present by the black and white fur
never open any kind of joint account with someone when sticking out from under the bench.
There was another advantage that Rick had found.
you’re not married. And stop using credit cards!
Even though the skunk skin had long ago lost any scent it
may have carried to human senses, it tended to deter wild
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and
animals from coming near. Rick found that he could put
business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored
his cats’ food bowl on the doorstep near the skunk skin,
seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeoand wild animals didn’t come around as much to eat the
ver. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million cat food.
listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital
Of course, at first, even his cats tended to shy away.
platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on
But after some time, his own cats got used to it. He could
the web at daveramsey.com.
put out some food, and his cats would come running. He
was spending about half as much on cat food as before,
and his cats were still fatter.
Word got around the community about the skunk skin,
and soon everyone knew about it, People talked about it
and joked about it. Still, even knowing it was there and
that it was not alive, people approached Rick’s door cautiously.
“Why do you keep that old thing around?” Rick’s wife
asked him one day.
“Give me one good reason not to,” Rick said.
ing new legislation on the
Construction of the
His wife’s reasons were nonfunctional—things like the
33rd day of the legislative Keystone XL pipeline is
skin was old and ugly.
session is problematic,
currently on hold.
“Do you want me to bring it into the house to wash it
Skarin says. The last day
A ruling by U.S. Disand spruce it up?” Rick asked
for a bill or joint resolutrict Court Judge Brian
His wife said it would be the last conscious thing he
tion to pass both houses
Morris in November 2018
ever did if she found that in her bathroom. And so they
is Thursday, March 7. If
found that the Trump
compromised with Rick keeping it on the porch and never
the rules are suspended
administration failed
bringing it into the house.
to allow for Noem’s bills
to conduct required
Rick had had the skunk skin for over a year, and peoto proceed without a
environmental review
ple in the community had quit talking about it. It was old
committee hearing in orstudies prior to granting news now. It didn’t even catch Rick’s attention anymore,
der to meet that deadline, TransCanada approval to even when he was deep in thought. He didn’t even notice
the public may not have a construct the Keystone
it was there.
chance for input.
XL pipeline. Judge Morris
But then one day, the word around the community was
“The legislative problocked TransCanada
that the skunk skin was gone. No one knew for sure that it
cess needs to be followed from constructing the
was, and no one knew why. But someone had heard someand respected,” Skarin
pipeline and, in a subsething had happened. At church the next day, curious comsays. “Public input is a
quent ruling, also prohib- munity members watched for Rick to come so they could
vital part of our democited the company from
find out the details. But Rick didn’t come to church. Howracy. The voice of the
engaging in any activities ever, his wife and children did, so people gathered around
people must be able to
that would advance the
to hear the tale.
“Well, Rick came home yesterday,” his wife said, “and
be heard in a meaningconstruction until the
ful way, and taking that
appropriate environment he walked up on the porch as usual. Nothing seemed out
of the ordinary to him until, suddenly, the skunk skin
opportunity away from
reviews could be comturned its back end toward him and put its tail in the air.”
South Dakotans is a
That was when Rick realized there was one animal that
subversion of our entire
a skunk skin didn’t scare away from eating out of the cat
democratic process.”
dish—another skunk.
No one except Rick’s family saw him for a week or two.
His wife said, “It was because he was feeling scent-si-tive
about the odor-deal he had been through.”
“Get Connected!”
Dear Dave,
I opened a credit card account with a boyfriend several months ago in both of our names. We’re no longer
dating, and I was wondering if I can get my name off the
Noem’s Keystone XL Pipeline Legislation May
Be A Threat To Free Speech, Right To Protest
Two last-minute bills
regarding the Keystone
XL pipeline introduced
March 4 by Gov. Kristi
Noem may be a threat to
freedom of speech and
the right to protest.
Noem says the legislative package, the text of
which hasn’t been posted
online yet, is intended to
“ensure the Keystone XL
pipeline and other future
pipeline projects are built
in a safe and efficient
manner while protecting
our state and counties
from extraordinary law
enforcement costs in the
event of riots.”
The ACLU of South Dakota is concerned about
this package of legislation. It is clear that Noem
is taking aim at protests
that could occur around
the pipeline.
“The right to join with
fellow citizens in protest
or peaceful assembly is
critical to a functioning
democracy and at the
core of the First Amendment,” said Libby Skarin,
policy director for the
ACLU of South Dakota.
“Unfortunately, government officials sometimes
violate this right through
means intended to thwart
free public expression
sometimes by casting or
framing protected speech
as riotous. Based on Gov.
Noem’s statement, it’s
clear that she’s taking
aim at the protests that
could occur around the
Keystone XL pipeline.
At best, these bills are
entirely unnecessary. At
worst, they are meant to
chill speech.”
Additionally, introduc-
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