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Broadcaster Press 3 June 18, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available Arts Council Grants $1.36 Million PIERRE, SD – The South Dakota Arts Council will provide grant and special initiative support to more PIERRE, S.D. – The Department age or destruction to the place of tax forms or check stubs; and than 200 South Dakota artists, arts organizations, of Labor and Regulation (DLR) employment as a direct result of documentation of employment, schools, projects and programs totaling $1.36 milis accepting applications for Disthe disaster; self-employment or prospective lion in fiscal year 2020, South Dakota Governor Kristi aster Unemployment Assistance Cannot reach their place of work when the disaster occurred. Noem announced today. (DUA) as a result of the Presiden- employment or self-employment To receive DUA benefits, all “Through our state arts agency, we are supporttial Disaster Declaration, FEMA location because they must travel required documentation must be ing nearly 200 creative projects and programs. DR-4440. through the disaster area and are submitted within 21 days from These grants will help communities thrive, enhance Workers who lost their jobs prevented from doing as a direct the day the DUA application is education for our students, and improve the quality and self-employed individuals result of the disaster; filed. of life for everyone in South Dakota as well as our and farmworkers who have been Have been prevented from Claims must be filed by Monmany visitors,” said Governor Noem. unable to work due to the severe work or self-employment because day, July 15, 2019, to be conGrants awarded to artists total approximately winter storm, snowstorm and of an injury as a direct result of sidered timely. Any claims filed $205,000 and include four artist fellowships, 10 flooding March 13 to April 26, the disaster; after this date will be considered artist career development grants, one traditional 2019, may be eligible for benefits. Establish work or self-employuntimely unless the individual arts apprenticeship grant, two artist collaboration DUA is available for individuals ment they can no longer perform provides good cause for filing grants, two artist project grants, and 32 touring in Bennett, Bon Homme, Charles was their primary source of after this date. The first possible artist grants. These grants contribute to the artists’ Mix, Cheyenne River Sioux Resincome; or week of compensation for DUA professional development and reward their comervation, Dewey, Hutchinson, Have become the breadwinner purposes is the week ending mitment to live and work in the state. Touring Arts Jackson, Mellette, Minnehaha, or major supporter of a houseMarch 23, 2019, and the last pos- grants also provide South Dakotans the opportunity Oglala Lakota, Pine Ridge Reshold because of the death of the sible week of compensation is the to attend quality performances and exhibitions in ervation, Rosebud Reservation, head of the household. week ending Dec. 7, 2019. small towns throughout the state. Todd, Yankton and Ziebach counIndividuals whose employment Services are available through Grant awards to 78 organizations total about ties who: has been affected should apply the DLR job service offices to $715,000. Additionally, $160,000 has been awarded Do not qualify for regular state for DUA by calling the Claims Call provide and facilitate support, to support 204 weeks of artist residencies in school, unemployment benefits in any Center at 605-626-3179, Monday education and training to individ- healthcare and community settings. The grants state; through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:20 uals seeking employment in South encourage organizations to develop and sustain Worked, were self-employed, or p.m. CDT. Please specify your Dakota. All programs and serimportant arts projects in their communities and were scheduled to begin work or claim is related to DUA and the vices are provided at no charge. provide employment opportunities for artists and self-employment, but were unable winter storms. More information is available at arts administrators. to do so because of the disaster; Applicants will need their sdjobs.org. Special initiatives and activities funding totaling Can no longer work or perform Social Security number; copies of $231,000 will support programs such as arts educaservices because of physical dam- their most recent federal income tion, public awareness, traditional arts, technical assistance, professional development, excursion grants, Poetry Out Loud, Art for Life and Art for State Buildings. Arts Council funds are provided by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and by the State of South Dakota from a portion of the state’s PIERRE, SD – Housing inspectors from the Federal PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi Noem today named tourism promotion tax. Annually, Arts Council Paul Casper of Lake Preston as the 2019 Governor’s Ag Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are now out grants help generate $20 million in local spending in South Dakota communities to help those impacted Ambassador Award recipient. He will be recognized by severe storms and flooding from March 13 to April to complete funded projects and reach more than 1 at the annual Governor’s Agricultural Summit in Sioux million audience members statewide. For more infor26. Inspections provide critical information that alFalls on July 11. mation about SDACprograms, visit www.artscouncil. lows FEMA to determine what assistance individuals “Paul Casper embodies hard work, honesty, and sd.gov. humility,” said Governor Noem. “Paul’s visionary leader- and households are eligible for, and allows referrals to TheSouth DakotaArts Councilis a state agency other federal, state and voluntary agency resources. ship has increased processing opportunities for farmorganized under the South Dakota Department of The first step in the process is to register with ers and communities across South Dakota. He is one of Tourism. The Department is led by Secretary James FEMA for federal disaster assistance. Those with our state’s strongest agricultural ambassadors, and I’m D. Hagan. proud to recognize him with this well-deserved award.” disaster damage that was not covered by insurance may register online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov. or “Paul has worked diligently and optimistically to advance agriculture in our state,” said Secretary of Ag- by phone at 800-621-3362 or (TTY) 800-462-7585 from 7 riculture Kim Vanneman. “He has dedicated much of his a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Inspections occur after one registers with FEMA. They life to finding solutions that will improve life for South are an essential part of the recovery process for those Dakota’s producers, as well as others across our state, who need to make their homes livable again or have nation, and world.” serious personal property loss. Homeowners and renters Casper grew up on his family farm in Lake Preston, should make sure their contact information is up to date SD, where he farms today with his son, Drew. Over the and have access to a telephone. They will need to have a years, Casper has been a key player in South Dakota’s photo ID and proof of ownership or a lease. soybean industry. He was one of the driving forces beFEMA housing inspectors have photo IDs. If a homehind the creation of the South Dakota Soybean Procesowner is uncertain about someone that is asking to ensors Cooperative, the first soybean processing cooperater their home, be sure to ask to see their ID. A FEMA tive in South Dakota. He also served as the president inspector will not visit a home if there has not been a of the South Dakota Soybean Association and lobbied both the South Dakota legislature and the U.S. Congress registration made by someone in the household. on behalf of agriculture. Casper has worked diligently to • AUTOMOTIVE COLLISION REPAIR help protect South Dakota’s natural resources, includ• PAINT • FRAMEWORK ing serving on the River Basin Natural Resource District • GLASS REPLACEMENT We will have Maxxum – Puma – Magnum Oversight Advisory Task Force. To learn more about the Ag Ambassador Award visit Tractors at Significant Discounts! bit.ly/1jyOPZS. To register for the Governor’s AgriculReserve Yours Now! tural Summit, go to sdagsummit.com. M-F Casper Named 2019 Governor’s Ag Ambassador Fema Housing Inspections Underway Mark’s Machinery We are participating in the 2019 SD-DOT Lease Program. HOURS: MARVIN A. GIRARD 9AM-6PM SAT 9AM-12PM 1205 CARR STREET • VERMILLION • 605.670.0471 BlainesBodyShop@gmail.com 12/16/1951 – 6/5/2019 Ice Cream Social To all our friends, family, customers, bidders, buyers, sellers & clients – Thank-you from the bottom of our hearts for all the love, prayers and continued support to our family during this difficult time. Marvin was not just the founder of our company; but he was a husband, a father & a grandfather and he will be greatly missed! Pat, Carmen, Ken, Mike and the rest of our family & staff Thursday June 20th • 5-7 p.m. Our Austin-Whittemore House 50th Year 15 Austin St. • Vermillion Taverns, chips, ice cream and pie. Free will donation. Enjoy music on the lawn and rides in a Model-T. Family Friendly! Rain Location - Eagles Club Sponsored in part by Clay Co. Historic Preservation Society 2019 FALL REGISTRATION Recreational League Registration Open June 17 - July 15 Season Dates August 19 - October 12 Fee: $55 Open to Birth Years 2006 - 2015 Travel Team Round Up and Skills Clinic July 30th at Barstow Park picnic shelter • 6PM Hot Dogs and Chips provided with Bounce House Coaches needed for all recreational divisions. Additional information and registration available at www.vermillionsoccer.org NEW MAXXUM 150 MFD – GOV’T RETURN – LOADED – SAVE BIG $$$ – AVAILABLE NOW! 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