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Broadcaster Press 9 July 23, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com Use Disaster Funds As South Dakota Intended To Ensure Ends 2019 Budget Year With $19.4 Continued Eligibility PIERRE, S.D. – State and federal disaster assistance is bringing needed financial help to homeowners, renters and business owners who suffered damage or loss as a result of the severe storms and flooding occurring between March 13 and April 26. Emergency management officials encourage recipients to use disaster funds wisely and for their intended purpose to ensure continued eligibility for assistance. Funds are available through grants for housing and other needs and through low-interest federal loans for repair or replacement of primary homes, personal property and business recovery. Individuals will receive a letter stating what their disaster assistance is for, whether repairs to a specific part of the home, replacement of personal property, or rental assistance to find temporary housing while the home is being repaired. Rental assistance is initially made available in the amount of one or two months rent. If residents are unable to return to their home for a longer period, they may be eligible for continued rental assistance, but must contact FEMA and provide documentation of how the initial aid was used. Rental assistance funds cannot be used for other disaster related needs. If individuals have any questions about rental assistance or any other FEMA assistance they have received they may call 1-800-621-FEMA (3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) anytime from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. central time seven days a week until further notice. Multilingual operators are available. Or individuals can visit a Disaster Recovery Centers for assistance. To find locations of Million Surplus center, visit www.fema.gov/DRC. Here are tips to help you get the most out of disaster recovery assistance funds: PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi 1.1 percent of the total fiscal year 2019 • Keep all of your receipts. Noem today announced that South general fund budget. • Don’t be tempted to pay household Dakota closed the 2019 budget year on Ongoing general fund revenue bills with disaster recovery payments. June 30 with a $19.4 million surplus. for fiscal year 2019 was lower than • Don’t use disaster recovery payThe state general fund budget ended estimates adopted by the Legislature ments to make purchases unrelated to with lower expenditures than budgin February by $4.4 million, or 0.3 needs created by the disaster. eted, while ongoing revenue finished percent. Sales and use tax receipts In addition to the grants available lower than projected levels. are the state’s largest revenue source through FEMA, low-interest disaster “In South Dakota, we don’t spend and grew by 3.7 percent over the prior loans from the U.S. Small Business money we don’t have. We live within fiscal year, but still finished the fiscal Administration are available to homeour means, and we operate in a way year $9.9 million below estimates. owners, renters, businesses and private that doesn’t require us to raise taxes,” Other sources of general fund revnonprofit organizations of all sizes. said Noem. “Once again, South Dakota enue finished the fiscal year above FEMA’s housing assistance and legislative estimates including bank is leading by example by finishing the grants for disaster-related medical and fiscal year with a balanced budget. We franchise tax, unclaimed property dental expenses, funeral and burial receipts, and lottery. are saving money for the future and expenses do not require individuals to “It’s still early, but it is prudent ensuring that the next generation’s apply for an SBA loan. However, applito have not budgeted for any addifinancial foundation remains strong. Save $30 on a Summer AC Tune-Up! tional sales and use tax from online cants who receive SBA loan applications I am committed to maintaining the fimust submit them to the SBA to be eligi- nancial responsibility for which South and other remote sellers given the ble for assistance that covers personal Dakota has become known. We will fact that this year’s overall sales tax property, vehicle repair or replacement,give us a call and we’ll integrity.” remain rooted in fiscal numbers didn’t hit their projections,” Just and moving and storage expenses. Total spending for fiscal year 2019 concluded Noem. “We’ll continue to send was $23.1 million lower than budgetCompleting an SBA loan application out a qualified monitor the data coming to see how does not commit applicants to take the ed, which includes $17.3 million of fis- the Wayfair decision and the subseService Technician like loan if it is offered, but applying for the cal year 2019 general fund reversions quent tax changes impact our state’s Tyler, and $5.8 million of loan is an important part of the federal to make sure your unspent funds from bottom line.” financial disaster assistance process, unitspecial appropriations and carryover By law, the fiscal year 2019 surplus AC is ready for those and will help ensure individuals can funding. Of the $17.3 million of 2019 of $19.4 million was transferred to the hot summer South Dakota receive all the aid they are eligible for. general fund reversions, $15.3 million budget reserve fund. The state’s budgTyler Reiser days came from executive branch agencies, et reserve fund now has a balance of Federal disaster assistance is avail- and save $30!* Service Technician able to renters, homeowners and $145.1 million and the general revenue $1.0 million came from the Unified 13 years experience businesses in Bon Homme, Charles Mix, Judicial System, $0.7 million came replacement fund has a balance of Hutchinson, Minnehaha, Turner and $44.0 million, for a total reserve of from the Board of Regents, and $0.3 Yankton counties; the Pine Ridge Reser- million came from the Legislature and $189.1 million. vation to include the counties of Oglala constitutional offices. The unspent Lakota, Jackson, and Bennett; the Rose- funds in fiscal year 2019 represent just bud Reservation to include the counties of Mellette and Todd; and the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation to include the When You Want Comfort… You Want Kalins! counties of Dewey and Ziebach. Vermillion: 605-624-5618 When You Want Comfort...You Want Kalins *Rebate offer only available to Vermillion Light & Power customers. Call for full details. Disability Benefits Available to Vietnam Blue Water Navy Veterans Serving Offshore By Greg Whitlock, secretary SD Department of Veterans Affairs With the passage of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019, Blue Water Navy Veterans are now entitled to a presump¬tion of service connection for conditions related to Agent Orange exposure. Veterans aboard a vessel operating not more than 12 nautical miles seaward from the demar¬cation line of the waters of Vietnam and Cambodia between January 9, 1962, and May 7, 1975, are presumed to have been exposed to herbicides such as Agent Orange and may be enti¬tled to service connection for conditions related to that exposure. Some items to note: • The law takes effect January 1, 2020. • Veterans can file claims at any time, and they will be decided after the law is implemented. • Blue Water Navy claims and appeals currently in process have been placed on hold (stayed) until the new rules go into effect. • If veterans had an Agent Orange claim with one or more presumptive conditions denied in the past, you are urged to file a new claim. Claims that are currently in the VA review process or under appeal will be reviewed under the new policy. • Eligible survivors of deceased Blue Water Navy Veterans also may benefit from this new law and may file claims for benefits based on the veterans’ service. • Veterans should provide the name(s) of the ship(s) and the date(s) they crossed within 12 nautical miles of the Republic of Vietnam. • Veterans should provide medical evidence showing a diagnosis of a current Agent Orange presumptive condition. I encourage all veterans, and their families, to visit their respective county or tribal veterans service officer. We have posted a link on our website to assist you in locating the VSO located nearest you: https://vetaffairs.sd.gov/ veteransserviceofficers/locatevso.aspx. As always, our staff in our Sioux Falls Claims Office stands ready to assist veterans with their claims. Our office is located on the Sioux Falls VA Healthcare System campus – Building 38 (right off 22nd Street) or give us a call at 605.333.6869. 70 years as a Premier Lennox® Dealer 98 years in the Business 400 years of Heating and Cooling Experience = Southeast South Dakota’s #1 Choice! Yankton Vermillion Sioux City 605.665.4348 605.624.5618 712.252.2000 kalinsindoor.com Vermillion Dental HealtH VERMILLIONDENTALHEALTH.COM 1302 Verges Ave., Norfolk, NE 111 COURT ST., VERMILLION, SD l 605-624-8695 402-371-0886 Dr. Zachary Kopf D.D.S. Dr. Blake Kopf D.D.S. New Patients and Emergency Patient Walk-ins Welcome! 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