









2 Broadcaster Press
Dave Says
September 3, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
A Blessing in Disguise
Test His Resolve
Daris Howard
This time of year, as students head back to school, my
mind often turns to football. I loved sports, but due to the
amount of work on the farm, my father had a rule that we
could only be in one sport each year. My brothers and I
traded turns being in sports and doing the chores. But
since I was one of the youngest in the family, during my
sophomore year I had no one to do the chores while I was
in wrestling. That meant I had to do the chores anyway.
When one of the coaches asked me to come out for football my junior year, my father decided he’d let me as long
as I kept good grades and still did the chores.
“But there is one problem,” he said. “We might not always have anything available for you to drive for the practices. Your brother has first option to use the old car for
The car issue wouldn’t be too much of a problem once
school started and practice was after school. But football
practice started weeks ahead of the first day of class. I
talked to my brother about letting me use the car, but he
Dear Bryce,
wasn’t keen on the idea, even when he wasn’t using it.
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and
The first thing I’d advise telling him is that you and his business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored
I considered driving the hay truck or a tractor the four
mom aren’t going to whip out the checkbook, and make
seven best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeomiles to town, but I was sure my teammates would tease
ver. The Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million me. Then one evening, after hauling hay all day, I rode my
his problems disappear. That may sound harsh, but he
listeners each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital bicycle to the usual swimming hole to meet my friends,
had a really good thing going until he messed it up by
platforms. Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on
acting impulsively and irresponsibly with his finances.
and I realized I did have transportation if I wanted it.
the web at daveramsey.com.
Nope, I wouldn’t take care of it for him—not at his age.
When the first day of football practice came, I left early
and rode my bike. Practice the first weeks was called the
inferno. I had not experienced it before. And when practice was over, even though I was in better shape than
most of my teammates, I could still hardly drag myself to
the locker room. The thought of riding my bike the four
miles home about killed me. When my teammates saw my
transportation, they laughed and wished me luck as they
PIERRE, S.D. – Governor Kristi
ration request is $3 million covering
Ziebach as well as the Cheyenne
climbed into their cars.
Noem has requested two additional,
six counties and two reservations.
River and Rosebud Indian ReservaBy the time I got home, my mind was reeling with the
separate Presidential Disaster DecIn her letters to President Trump, tions.
feeling of unfairness that I didn’t have a car to drive. But
larations to help local government
Noem wrote that an “overall largeCounties part of the second rewhen I raised the issue with my father, he simply said, “If
entities and certain private non-prof- scale pattern” from the end of April
quest are Butte, Gregory, Kingsbury, you truly want to be good in sports, having to bike to and
its recover from property damage
into June 2019 for one declaration
Lawrence, Meade, and Tripp as well from practice will just make you that much better.”
sustained during severe weather this and the other from June 30 to July
as the Cheyenne River and Lower
The next day, I could hardly get out of bed, but my musspring and summer.
21, 2019 had included heavy snow
Brule Indian Reservations.
cles eventually loosened up. By the time I rode to practice,
These requests are in addition
and rains, flooding, tornadoes,
Noem noted the severe weather
I felt better. But by the time practice was over, I was even
to the disaster declaration that
and burdens on local government
impacted all parts of the state
more tired than I had been the previous day. This went on
was approved June 7 by President
infrastructure such as highways,
including agriculture, transportafor a few days, and I even considered dropping out of footTrump. That declaration covered
dams, and local energy systems. The tion, mail delivery and commerce.
ball. Then things began to change. I found the soreness
both public property and individual
Governor wrote that many areas
The governor said the impacts of
easing up, and riding home was getting easier. I started
damage that occurred during spring
statewide have dealt with multiple
the various storms will be felt for a
pushing myself harder on the ride home and soon was ridsnowstorms and flooding between
long time and federal assistance is
ing it in around fifteen minutes, about a fourth of what it
March 13 and April 26. Work on that
“South Dakota has been battered
took the first night after practice when I had to stop and
disaster declaration continues with
by storm after storm that continue
“This event, coupled with the
rest. I also found I was recovering faster.
at least $43 million in damages being to further erode our valuable public
previous disaster declaration, cripIn practice, I wasn’t the best player, but the longer the
infrastructure,” Noem wrote in one
pled the economics in the state and practices went, the more I dominated in my area. I had
Both new requests are for FEMA
continues to cripple it for our agribeen forced by my wrestling coach to run an extra couple
assistance to help with repairs for
The disaster request, which noted culture community,” Noem wrote.
of miles after everyone else quit, and I experienced the
damage done to public infrastrucapproximately $8 million in prelimi“The impact of this event will be felt advantage that gave me. Now, this bike riding had forced
ture. One declaration request states
nary assessed damage, includes the
in these communities well into the
me to do something similar for football.
that a preliminary damage assesscounties of Aurora, Bennett, Brule,
When the first game came, I played offense the whole
ment indicated approximately $8
Butte, Campbell, Custer, Deuel, Fall
South Dakota currently has seven game. And toward the end of the game, as everyone was
million in damage to public infraRiver, Gregory, Haakon, Hamlin, Han- open Presidential disaster declaragetting tired, the coach also put me in to play defense.
structure in 25 counties and on two
son, Jackson, Jones, Lyman, Meade,
tions for other events and is working By the third game, I played offense the whole game, and I
reservations. The preliminary damMellette, Pennington, Sanborn, Todd, with FEMA on the recovery process played defense most of the game. The coach then added
age assessment in the second declaTripp, Turner, Union, Walworth, and
for each of those disasters.
me to special teams, and from then on I was seldom off of
the field during the rest of the season.
One day, after a tough fought game, Coach pulled me
aside. “Howard, I want to know something. I want to know
how you can keep going at the pace you do?”
I smiled as I replied. “I’ve learned that doing just a litPierre, S.D. - The South
committed to protecting
raised through this raffle
the weapon and season in tle more, after everyone else is done, especially when you
Dakota Game, Fish and
and enhancing habitat so
will help create and imwhich they will use their
think you have nothing left, pays big dividends.”
Parks Department (GFP)
the next generation can
prove hunting opportunitag.
That was when I really realized how grateful I was that
announced the winners of
have the same outdoor op- ties. Thank you to all who
The raffle raised
I didn’t have a car to drive to practice like everyone else.
their first Hunt for Habitat
portunities we’ve enjoyed
$320,990 to improve
for the last 100 years. It is
The raffle offered four
habitat in South Dakota
The Hunt for Habitat
exciting to see folks step
to help all animals thrive
raffle is part of Governor
up to support habitat
A Trophy Custer State
– that means everything
Kristi Noem's Second
through the Hunt for Habi- Park Bison license, which
from butterflies and other
Century Initiative, which
tat raffle,” said Governor
was a separate drawing
pollinators to deer, elk,
works to ensure the next
Noem. “Advancing habitat
and open to resident and
pheasants and everything
generation has an opin South Dakota touches
in between.
portunity to enjoy South
every aspect of life in our
Three "triple tag" winThe money raised
PIERRE, S.D. - The South Dakota Senior Health
Dakota’s outdoor heritage. state – from the outdoor
ners will receive an antewill be used to improve
Information and Insurance Education (SHIINE)
“As South Dakota’s
activities we enjoy to the
lope, deer, and elk license. habitat on both public and
program is advising the public to be suspicious of
Sportsman in Chief, I’m
honey we eat. The funds
Nonresidents were eligible private lands, along with
to win one of the three
improving access to public anyone who is offering “free genetic” tests and then
“triple tag” prizes.
hunting areas across South requesting the individual’s Medicare number.
“Beneficiaries should be on alert for “free” proWinners may use their
From now thru September come
grams that give representatives the opportunity to
licenses in either the 2019
The Custer Trophy
help stitch hats and scarves for
or 2020 season. Each
Buffalo tag goes to Sheryl potentially steal an individual’s medical identity and
falsely bill Medicare,” said SHIINE Director Caitlin
our local elementary schools.
winner will also choose
Leland of Mitchell, South
Bring in a hat and/or
These tests can also be referred to as DNA screenThe three “triple tag”
scarf and get 10% OFF
winners will each receive a ings, cancer screenings and hereditary testing.
your purchase through
SHIINE recommends that Medicare beneficiaries
tag for an antelope, a deer,
September 30, 2019
consult with their primary physician prior to takPRECISION PAINTING and an elk. Those winners ing part in any of these test offerings, promoted as
Visit eweknitit.com for details!
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If any fraudulent activity is suspected, please re•Yarns • Books • Needles • Hooks
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send out aSouth Dakota
Dear Dave,
Our son is 27, and he has a
good job making $55,000 a year.
Recently, we learned he financed
an expensive car he’s now upside
down on. In addition, he has accumulated over $15,000 in credit card
debt. He lives in a small town, and
only pays $650 a month in rent, but
he is asking for money. We taught
him about living on a budget and
staying out of debt when he was
younger, and now it seems he
didn’t listen very well. How do you
think we should handle this situation?
This young man needs to have some skin in the game.
I’d tell him to sell the fancy car, and get something
way cheaper to drive for a while. I’m talking about a little
beater in the $2,000 to $3,000 range. It sounds like he’ll
have to get a small loan to cover the difference, but a little car debt is better than a lot of car debt. I’d also advise
him to pick up a part-time job nights or weekends until
he gets that credit card debt paid off.
In other words, let him wallow in it and worry about
things for a while. Then, if he’s willing to accept responsibility for his actions, and starts handling money more
wisely, you two might help out every so often with a little
extra cash on the payments.
But I’d test his resolve first. And I’d want to see proof
he has learned from his mistakes!
Noem Requests Additional Presidential
Disaster Declarations For Weather Damage
Hunt For Habitat Winners Announced
Be Aware Of Genetic
Testing Fraud
Stitch For A Cause
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