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4 Broadcaster Press 1815 Miscellaneous FREE AUTO INSURANCE QUOTES for uninsured and insured drivers. Let us show you how much you can save! Call 855-648-7642. (MCN) November 26, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com A Perfect Vision Of Fun At The Concentrated Animal 2020 South Dakota State Fair Feeding Operations Training To Be Held On December 11 HURON, S.D. – The South Dakota State Fair has announced its 2020 State Fair theme, “Perfect Vision of Fun.” “It’s going to be the 2020 fair, so naturally when A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families this idea was thrown at find senior living. Our trusted, us, we had to go with it! Of local advisors help find solu- course, it’s true, because tions to your unique needs at no cost to you. Call 1-888-894- when you think about the fair, there’s a lot that 7038 (MCN) pops to mind from food, Unable to work? Denied benshowing animals, special efits? We Can Help! Strong recent work history needed. Call memories from a prior fair, to start your application or ap- concerts, carnival rides, peal today! 1-866-276-3845 -- or taking a stroll through a Steppacher Law Offices LLC Principal Office: 224 Adams vending building, the fair Ave Scranton PA 18503. is just plain fun! The fair (MCN) offers so much and means so much to people. People 1820 Give Aways come to it to catch up, for Beautiful older farm kittens, a quick getaway, to show available free to good homes, animals, the list could go many colors and sizes. Call on and on,” commented 402-254-3435. Peggy Besch, State Fair FREE: Nice coffee table, like manager. “In planning and new pedestal sink/hardware, preparing for the State new brass outdoor motion de- Fair, every step of the way tector lamp. Must pick up. 402we envision fun. Fun in 254-3435 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 855-8362250 (MCN) showing livestock, fun in agriculture education, fun in exhibiting static exhibits, fun in riding rides, fun in sampling fair food, fun in entertaining, and fun in spending time with family and friends. Whatever the case, people come to the Fair to experience the “Perfect Vision of Fun.” Each year the South Dakota State Fair boasts a variety of events including livestock shows, 4-H exhibits, carnival rides, free entertainment, and top-notch grandstand entertainment. The fair also hosts well over 400 vendors for fairgoers to visit. An updated State Fair logo has also been designed and can be viewed on the South Dakota State Fair website, sdstatefair. com. Members of the media can download the logo here. The 2020 South Dakota State Fair will run from Thursday, September 3 through Monday, September 7. Channel Seeds Preview night will be Wednesday, September 2. For more information on State Fair events, contact the fair office at 800.529.0900, visit sdstatefair.com, or find it on Facebook or Twitter. Agriculture is a major contributor to South Dakota’s economy, generating $32.5 billion in annual economic activity and employing over 132,000 South Dakotans. The South Dakota Department of Agriculture's mission is to promote, protect, and preserve South Dakota agriculture for today and tomorrow. Visit us online at sdda.sd.gov or find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. BROOKINGS, S.D. - An environmental training session for operators of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) will be held December 11 at the Crossroads Convention Center in Huron. Specialists from SDSU Extension, the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Natural Resources Conservation Service will be conducting the training. In Spring of 2017, the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources reissued the General Water Pollution Control Permit for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs). The new permit requires existing permitted operations to obtain coverage under 1840 Lost and Found the proposed permit between one and four years Found a pair of men's glasses with bifocals were left at Sunafter the general permit is rise Apartment complex, left on issued. One of the proshelf by mailbox. Call 605-665posed permit conditions 9 3 JGP3[QW3DW[3C3ENCUUKHKGF3CF3KP3 8306. for existing permitted opV 3 JG3$TQCFECUVGT32TGUU3KV3CNUQ3 erations is that an onsite 1895 Utility – Livestock T 3 WPU3KP3VJG38GTOKNNKQP32NCKP36CNM3 representative attends an Trailer C 3 PF3VJG3/KUUQWTK38CNNG[35JQRRGT3 approved environmental H 3 QT3C3EQODKPGF3EKTEWNCVKQP3QH3 Trailer Sale; B-B Skidloader  3 3CPF3WR3VQ33 training program within trailers 14,000#, 16,000# & R 3 QVGPVKCN3TGCFGTU the last three years prior 20,000# bumper pull gravity to obtaining a new permit. tilts; 14' Livestock & 3 horse Aluminum Slant; 6'X12' V-nose If the person who attended Cargo $3,199.00; 76"X12' training no longer works 7,000# tilt bed single axle; at the operation, another Many utility & Dump trailers; Don’t Strike Out With Competitors, Get Your Ad in the Broadcaster Press Today! Prices & info: www.FortDodrepresentative must attend 201 W Cherry • Vermillion, SD • Phone: 624-4429 • www.BroadcasterOnline.com geTrailerWorld.com or 515training within one year. 972-4554 (MCN) This current training program meets the training requirement of the proposed permit as long as it is attended within three years of obtaining coverage under the new permit. Manure applicators, producers and any other BROOKINGS, S.D. - South Dakota One front-line antibiotics in human medicine interested individuals who Health is a collaborative effort that prohas shone a spotlight on antibiotic use in motes a deeper understanding of the conhuman and veterinary medicine,” said Russ are not currently applynections between the health of people, aniDaly, SDSU Extension Veterinarian and State ing for a permit can also benefit from the informamals and the environment. SDSU Extension Public Health Veterinarian. “The issue has is partnering with the Sanford USD Medical been contentious at times, with finger-point- tion and are encouraged School, the South Dakota Department of ing at livestock uses of antibiotics, typically to attend. Certified crop Health, the South Dakota Animal Industry by those not involved in animal agriculture, advisor credits are available as well. Board and Area Health Education Centers as well as at physician prescribing pracThe speaker line-up and to provide educational opportunities surtices, usually by those involved in animal rounding different topics important to those agriculture.” presentation details of the who live and work in the state and region. Attendees at the South Dakota One training are as follows: Educational opportunities include Health meeting, which were split almost •John McMaine, Assissemiannual seminars open to the public evenly between people involved in animal tant Professor & SDSU Exand an informational website. The seminars health and human health, learned that there tension Water Management choose a One Health topic of interest to are many nuances to the uses of antibiotics, South Dakotans and enlist speakers and whether they’re prescribed for a child in an experts to explore both the human health acute care clinic or for a finisher barn full and animal health aspects of the topic. They of hogs. bring together people who are involved in “The goal of the meeting was for people human medicine, public health, veterinary unfamiliar with antibiotic use and stewardmedicine and animal production. ship in either human or veterinary mediAntibiotic use in people and animals, cine, to learn about the challenges faced along with efforts to preserve the usefulby practitioners on the ‘other side of the PIERRE, S.D. - Governor 3.5” x 2.5” ” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt ness of these tools, were discussed at the| Maximum Fontsaid. “Attendees agreed that aisle’,” Daly Size: 30 pt Kristi Noem today announced most recent South Dakota One Health semi- antibiotics are important tools to preserve that the 2019 Grand Lighting nar held in September in Sioux Falls. for the future, in people and animals alike. Ceremony for Christmas at “The emergence of bacteria resistant to Understanding the challenges faced by all the South Dakota Capitol will who use these tools is the take place in the Rotunda on first step in working together Tuesday, Nov. 26, at 7 p.m. toward that goal. One Health CST. The public is invited to efforts such as the South join Governor Noem, First Dakota Curt Robinson Curt Robinson seminar, are one way Gentleman Bryon Noem, and Financial Financial understand- Pierre Tom Overby Patrick Higgins Curt Robinson Advisor Patrick M Higgins Curt Robinson Advisor Curt Robinson to enhance thatPatrick M Higgins Mayor Steve Harding . . Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Financial 23 Market Street Advisor Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Street Financial 23 Market ing.” Advisor Financial Advisor as they welcome guests and Vermillion, SD 57069 Vermillion, SD 57069 the speaker lineup For 23 Market Street 77 W. CherryStreet W. Cherry Street 23 Market Street 23 Market Street light the Capitol trees. 605-624-2028 23 Market Street 7 W. Cherry Street 605-624-2028 Vermillion, SD 57069 Vermillion, SD 57069 Vermillion, SD 57069 Vermillion, SD 57069 Vermillion, SDSD 57069 and presentations fromSD 57069 www.edwardjones.com Vermillion, 57069 Vermillion, the “Christmas in the Capitol www.edwardjones.com 605-624-2028 605-658-0205 605-624-2028 605-658-0205 605-624-2028 605-624-2028 605-658-0205 South Dakota One Health is a wonderful tradition that www.edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com Antibiotic Use Meeting, www.edwardjones.com Pierre residents and folks visit the One Health archives across South Dakota enjoy website. every year,” said Noem. Member SIPC It’s a Triple Play! South Dakota One Health Efforts Look at Antibiotic Use and Other Connections Between Animals and People Engineer – Water Quality •Bob Thaler, SDSU Extension Swine Specialist – Livestock Nutrition Options for Reducing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content of Manure •Jason Roggow, Natural Resources Engineer with the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources – South Dakota DENR Livestock Permit Program Overview •Anthony Bly, SDSU Extension Soils Field Specialist – Managing Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Land Applications of Manure •Jason Gilb, Conservation Agronomist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service – Nutrient Management Planning •Kent Vlieger, Soil Health Specialist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service – Soil Erosion and Infiltration Demonstration •Bob Thaler, SDSU Extension Swine Specialist – Air Quality and Odor Pre-registration is required and can be found on the Event page. The event will cost $50 to attend, which includes lunch, breaks and training materials. Additional participants from a farm or operation may register to attend for $50 to receive a binder with training materials, or can register for $25 to attend without an additional binder. Check in will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the program starting at 8:50 a.m. and concluding around 4:45 p.m. The Crossroads Convention Center is located at 100 Fourth St. S.W. Huron, SD 57350. For questions and event details, contact SDSU Extension Swine Specialist Bob Thaler by email or at 605.688.5435, or Assistant Professor and SDSU Extension Water Management Engineer John McMaine by email or at 605.688.5610. Noem Announces Details For Christmas At The Capitol Tree-Lighting Ceremony ave 403(b) nancial strategies. uestions? Let’s talk. Have 403(b) Financial strategies. questions? Let’s talk. Make Your ne-on-one advice. Financial Future a Priority. One-on-one advice. MEMBER SIPC MKT-5894J-A NOTICE TO CLAY COUNTY RESIDENTS DETRIMENTAL USE OF RIGHTS-OF-WAY ALONG COUNTY HIGHWAYS IS ILLEGAL Instances have come to the attention of the Clay County Highway Department of violations of South Dakota Codified Law 31-32-3.1, entitled INTENTIONAL DUMPING ON HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY PROHIBITED. This statute applies to all public highways, all County Highways, and Township Roads. The piling of snow on County Highways, or within the Right-of-Way thereof, causes a serious hazard to the traveling public and constitutes a Class 1 misdemeanour. These piles of snow can cause serious injuries or fatalities if struck by a vehicle. They also cost the County funds to remove or push back. Because the piles of snow can become very solid, and at times contain debris, serious damage to County snow removal equipment can occur. The County can recover the cost of equipment damage from the individual responsible for the snow piles, SDCL 31-32-9. In addition, the person performing this misdemeanour also may be legally liable in the event of a vehicle accident. Please remove or flatten any piles you may have placed on public highways, as well as refrain from piling snow in the future. CLAY COUNTY COMMISSION CLAY COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Member SIPC YOUR RADIATOR HEADQUARTERS! • Great Parts • Great Warranty On-Hand & In-Stock! NO WAITING! Cox Auto 1007 Broadway Ave Yankton, SD 605•665•4494 WJ Ranch 18th Annual Cowboy Christmas (7 mi. south of Yankton, SD just off Hwy. 81) Friday, November 29 Store Open 4pm-8pm (No Activities) Sat. & Sun., Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 He See Mey Kids! Satu 1-3pm rday 10 am-5pm (All rides begin at 1pm) •Horse, Buggy & Hayrack Rides •Crafts For Kids •Petting Zoo •Family Activities •Refreshments Clothing, Primitives, Jewelry, Western Decor, Florals, Metal, Wood, Fabric, Christmas Decor & Much More! NO ADMISSION CHARGE! See www.schiferlswjranch.com “I’m thrilled to continue the festivities and highlight the different elements of our hometowns through the tree displays. Come visit the Capitol and catch the Christmas spirit!” The Capitol Christmas display includes around 90 trees decorated by volunteers from communities, schools, churches, nonprofit organizations and state government offices. This year’s theme for Christmas at the Capitol is “Hometown Christmas.” The largest tree in the Capitol, a 35-foot Colorado Blue Spruce, is being decorated by the South Dakota Realtors Association and was donated by Andrew Forest and Ciara Rounds of Pierre, SD. After being trimmed, the tree stands at 25.5 feet in the rotunda. At the ceremony, music will be provided by the James Valley Christian High School Choir and the Haakon County Crooners. Immediately after the ceremony, kids of all ages can pose for pictures with Santa Claus in front of the South Dakota Christmas tree. Parents are reminded to bring their cameras. The holiday display will be open to the public from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily starting on Nov. 27. The last day to view the display is Dec. 26. You can follow the Christmas at the Capitol events on Facebook or visit the website at christmasatthecapitol. sd.gov.

Fair 59.0 F
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Temperature:59.0 F
Wind:West at 16.1 MPH (14 KT)
Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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