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November 27, 2012 www.broadcasteronline.com Broadcaster Press 05 USD Researches PTSD Affecting Vets USD musicians shine at competition BY RANDY DOCKENDORF randy.dockendorf@yankton.n et System in Bay Pines, Fla. Simons and Gaher are also working with a behavioral geneticist at the University of NebraskaLincoln, an electrochemical engineering firm in Boston and a leading expert in longitudinal modeling at the University of California-Davis. The researchers are studying the link between traumatic stress and health, Simons said. “The subjects give us a saliva sample for the genetics study, which is related to specific neurotransmitters in the brain,” he said. “It’s not like there’s a gene for PTSD. It’s more related to reactivity and control. We are looking at selfregulation and emotions.” The researchers are also studying a veteran’s surroundings. They are examining social, psychological and environmental factors. In turn, those factors contribute to individual differences in resilience and vulnerability. “Some of what we do tries to look at what extent someone is isolated or in supportive — and nonsupportive — relationships,” Simons said. The project uses advanced data collection, including real-time monitoring of veterans’ behavior with palmtop computers. “We get assessments of their behavior on a day-today basis,” he said. “We understand the factors that contribute to their patterns of good days and bad days. We understand the factors that lead to positive growth over time.” Using the palmtop computers, the veterans answer specific questions on a variety of topics, Four musicians from the University of South Dakota showcased their For many combat talents at the South veterans, the battle doesn’t Dakota Music Teachers end when they return Association (SDMTA) home. Conference at Spearfish, They find themselves Nov. 1-2. torn between the war they Adrian Ries of Elk left behind — or can’t Point, a senior piano leave behind — and trying performance major and a to deal with family, jobs student of Professor and other issues on the Susan Keith Gray, homefront. D.M.A., was a first place And often, no one else performer in the MTNA seems to understand them Steinway & Sons Young or their situation. Artist Piano Now, University of Competition, which is South Dakota researchers held in conjunction with at Vermillion are seeking the SDMTA. Ries new insights into the qualified for regionals to complex issues be held in Lawrence, KS, surrounding PostTwo men discuss issues during the eighth annual veterans’ supper in Vermillion. The communi- in January. Traumatic Stress Disorder ty program, held last week at the Eagles Club, provided veterans and current military members Laura Bertschinger, a (PTSD). with camaraderie as well as a meal. graduate student in vocal Drs. Jeffrey Simons and (Photo by Randy Dockendorf/P&D) performance, finished in Raluca Gaher of the USD second place in the psychology department MTNA Young Artist Voice are part of the have a sufficient number “People have all kinds Simons said. Competition. A multidisciplinary study. “We have a whole series of biases in how they recall of people,” Simons said. Creighton, NE, native, The project is made “It’s more inclusive and of questions that provide a information. If you ask Bertschinger is the possible by a $1.7 million adds to the study.” them today, ‘How was rating to their various alternate for the January grant from the National The researchers will your week?,’ in part they moods, and we ask about regional competition in Institutes of Health start recruiting subjects in will be influenced by how their symptoms,” he said. Kansas. She is a student (NIH). The grant will the near future, Simons they are today,” he said. “It’s programmed to ask of Voice Professor cover equipment, salaries “By knowing how they are said. them questions at a and reimbursement for “We have referrals from Tracelyn Gesteland, feeling in each point in random time throughout D.M.A. participants. within the VA system and time, we can quantify it as the day, and it records Blake Proehl, a The study focuses on are also using opposed to getting your data. We are able to sophomore piano Operation Iraqi Freedom advertisements and local perceptions about a more quantify things.” performance major from (OIF) and Operation media,” he said. “Another remote time.” The veterans are asked Parkston, received first Enduring Freedom (OEF) After one to two weeks, way is we try to access about their experiences at place in the SDMTA veterans, Simons said. The the South Dakota veterans various veterans groups the moment, Simons said. collegiate piano ultimate goal of the directly. We’re trying to come to the USD campus “We start off asking competition while Jared researchers is to improve cast a wide net.” in Vermillion or to a VA where the person is at in a Mogen, a junior music care for the country’s The study will office in Sioux Falls to given point in time. Are education major from newest generation of hopefully create better download their data. The they at work or at home? Sioux Falls, received veterans. awareness of PTSD, veterans are also What is their social honorable mention “It’s a rolling defined as a reaction to interviewed, giving environment like? honors in the SDMTA experiment over four severe stress, Simons said. researchers a chance for Whether they are with sponsored voice years. We are following a In that respect, the face-to-face interaction. people or not?” he said. particular subject for 18 research can create a wide- competition. Proehl is a The Florida veterans “We also ask questions student of Professor months,” he said. “By time ranging impact for future visit offices in their state, about experiences that Susan Keith Gray while we are done, we will have Simons said, noting Gaher generations. might have reminded Mogen studies with followed 250 people over “This study will help has contacts among the them of the war.” Brandon Hendrickson, the four-year period.” veterans not only now but Florida researchers. The real-time The research is being in the future,” Simons said. D.M.A., assistant “By having both South information, along with professor of voice. conducted with partners Dakota and Florida, we the randomness of the The SDMTA at the Veterans Affairs have a wider variety of calls, provide a much Conference featured (VA) Medical Center in clearer picture than asking subjects and we’re able to students from USD, Sioux Falls and the veterans to remember past South Dakota State Veteran Health Care moods, Simons said. University, Augustana Buying all types of SCRAP IRON College, Black Hills State Farm Machinery • Cars & Trucks University and the References Available • Top Market Prices Paid University of Sioux Falls. Home: 402-945-1512 • Cell: 402-533-3640 SDMTA was founded in 1955 by a group of educators across the state to improve the standards of teaching music and is an affiliate of Music Teachers National Association. Members teach piano, organ, voice, South Hwy. 81, Norfolk. strings, woodwinds, brass Former Arkfeld Manufacturing building and percussion to individuals or to small groups. Any music Hurry! professional or college Only 25,000 sq . ft. music student is invited remaining to join. Vermillion Medical Clinic, P.C. is pleased to announce the association of Amy M. Fluit, MPAS, PA-C. Fluit specializes in the practice of Family Medicine. She is a graduate of the University of South Dakota Physician Contact Brian 88972 Assistant Studies Program, Vermillion, SD. Amy comes to the Vermillion Medical Clinic after serving as a PA in an OB/GYN clinic. The clinic welcomes her to our team of care. She will assist Drs. Dendinger and Yelverton; and Michelle Chaussee, MPAS, PA-C in providing comprehensive primary care to patients of all ages. Please join us in welcoming Amy, her husband Justin, and their children, Frankie, Henry, and Eddie. 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