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4 Broadcaster Press May 26, 2015 www.broadcasteronline.com CHURCH SCHEDULES Dalesburg Baptist Church, 30503 466th Ave., Beresford. Sunday School 9:45am, Worship 11am, Midweek Services WED 7pm 605-253-2622 www.dalesburgbaptist.org Elk Point United Parish, 603 S Pearl Street, Elk Point, Pastor David Bambas. Sunday worship at 9:30 AM (nursery available) 605-356-2008, epups@iw.net or epunitedparish.org Elk Point Baptist Church, 101 N. Green St., Elk Point, SD. Worship SUN 11am, Bible Study WED 7pm. 605-2221981. Hillside Community Church, 1800 Constance Dr., Vermillion, Worship Sept.-May 10:30am AWANA Small groups; 9-10:15. Worship MayAugust 10am, 605-624-4862. First Baptist Church, Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor. 605624-6391 home, 605-624-4658 church. Sunday School 9:15am, Worship 10:30am, Choir Practice 11:50am. Grace Baptist Church SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wed. Night 7 p.m. Faith Fellowship of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 & Hwy. 19. Sunday Celebration 10:30am Pastor Tony Armbrust, 605624-2921. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Masses: SAT 4:30pm; SUN 9:30am and 5:30pm St. Agnes Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer Office: 624-4478. Rectory: 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday Cornerstone Church, located at corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Service: Sunday 9am and 10:30am (during school year); 10am (summers). Cornerstonesd.org or 624-8809. Komstad Covenant Church Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 5632402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. One Hour: Worship is led by a talented live band in a style that is consistent with today's culture. On the USD Campus at the MUC, 6:30pm Sundays! www.one-hour.org Providence Reformed Church, 830 Madison, Vermillion: Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 10:30am. “We welcome you to historic protestant worship and fellowship.” St Thomas More Newman Center, 320 E Cherry St, Vermillion. Sunday Mass 11am and 9pm www.usdnewman.org for weekday Mass and Adoration times. 605-624-2697 Unitarian Universalist "The Uncommon Denomination." Services: first and third Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. in the basement of the United Church of Christ, 226 E. Main. Church of Christ, 102 Prospect, Vermillion: Sunday Worship, 10am; Bible Study 9am; Bible Study Noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7pm LARGE 2 DAY ANTIQUE & COLLECTIBLE PUBLIC AUCTION Friday, June 5 & Saturday, June 6, 2015 Located: Cedar County Fairgrounds, Hartington, NE East Edge of Hartington AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Please join us for this large 2 day auction of the collection of James Gubbels. James used a keen eye in adding to his life-time collection but now says it’s time for someone else to have these items. Many items have some great possibilities for restoration projects. Many more items not included in this listing will be sold on both days. Two auction rings will be used please plan accordingly. Visit our Web-Site for many photos at www.CHJAUCTIONEERS.COM FRIDAY June 5 AUCTION STARTS: 10 A.M. Lunch Available Auctioneer’s Note: Friday, June 5th will be an interesting session of General Antiques, Adv. Signs, Literature, Primitives, Toys & Miscellaneous Collectibles. ANTIQUE SIGNS & LITERATURE: JD Porceline Sign (1920’s?), AC Tractors Sign, AC 3 ft x 12 ft. Double Sided Lighted Dealer Sign, Gleaner Sign, Goodyear Sign, Double Sided Pocelain Budweiser Sign, Ford Dealer Sign, Cast Iron Skelly Gas Sign Stand, AC Green Porceline Double Sided Sign, Coke & Pepsi Signs, Advertising New Power Crater WD-45 Sign, Autolite Sign, Plus Other Misc. Signs. Large Assortment of Allis Chalmers Posters, Literature & Sales Literature including Case, Allis Chalmers, New Idea, IH, JD, Bosch & Others – Check web site for many photos of the signs & literature. ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Visable Gas Pump, Bennett Model 766 Pump, Drug Sundries Shelving Stand, Pedal Air Plane, S/S Milk Buckets, Wooden Rim Bicycle, Anvils, Steel Wheels, Cream Cans, Tin & Cast Iron Seats, Large Assortment of Gas & Oil Cans, Brass Gas Nozzels, Pump Jacks, JD Planter Boxes w/ Lids, Winchester Ammo Box, Copper Pots, Screw Jacks, Fire Hydrants, Old Lumber, Pepsi & Coca Cola Coolers, Corn Shellers, Cast Iron Soap Kettles, Primitives & Much More. Plus 100’s of many more collectible items selling on Friday, many items sold choice off pallets and numerous items sold from inside the building. We will possibly be running two auction rings – please plan accordingly. SATURDAY June 6 AUCTION STARTS: 10 A.M. Lunch Available Auctioneers Note: Plan on a big day for Saturday, June 6th of the Gubbels’ Collection: Running Tractors, Restorable Tractors, Tractor & Equipment Parts, Farm Equip., Automobiles, Horse Drawn Items, & More. ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTORS: AC 210 Wheatland SN # 15450*, AC D-17 Series I, Diesel (Needs Head Gasket)*, AC “D-17 Series III”, WF, SN # 43002*, AC “D-14”, NF, (1957), SN # 4929*, AC “D-15” Gas, Series II WF, Factory 3 Pt, SN # 15584*, AC “WD-45” WF, SN # 200468*, AC “WD-45” WF, SN # 178337*, 1957 AC-“ WD-45”, WF SN # 2368754*, AC “WD-45”, NF, SN # 22396, AC -“G” SN # 2212 - Nice w/ Attachments: Plow, Planter & Sickle Mower, AC-“WC”, SN # 168237, AC “U”, SN# 12055, AC”2035” SN# 9232- Front Steel, AC “20-35” Full Steel, AC “WC” SN# 10214, Factory Spokes, Front & Rear, AC “WC”, SN # 15406, Rear Steel, Front Cast, AC “WC” SN” 18140, Rear Spokes, Front Press Steel, AC “WC’ SN# 164374, AC “D-14”, SN # 8568*, AC “C”, AC “WC” w/Bale Loader, AC”RC”, AC “WD-45” Diesel w/Gas Motor, SN # 216459D, AC “WC” 1934 SN # 1691, Plus More Tractors for Parts or Restoration. (NOTE: “*” Denotes Tractor Runs). MANY ALLIS CHALMERS PARTS: AC Radio NIB, AC All Crop Tachometer, NIB, Many NIB Parts, Large Selection of Sheet Metal, Parts, Steel Wheels, Motor Parts, Various Wheel Weights, Side Weights for CA, New Old Stock AC Umbrella, All Crop Parts, Scour Kleen, Bin Extensions, Windrow Attachments, Spreader Attachments, New Old Stock; Magnetos, Bosch Mags/Parts, Fairbanks Mags & Parts, NIB “AC” Lawn Sprinkler, Corn Picker Shields, New Old Stock Power Lift Brass Gears, Plus Lots of Allis Chalmers NOS Parts. LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS: AC “Scamp” Riding Mower, AC “B-207” Riding Mower, AC “HB-212”, AC “B-1”, AC “Big Ten” Hydraulic Lift & Wheel Wtgs., AC “B-12”, AC “B-10”, AC “316-GT”, MF “8” Riding Lawn Mower, Cub Cadet Riding Mower, (2) AC Power Washer. ALLIS CHALMERS EQUIPMENT: All Crop 40 Combine, All Crop Camel Back Harvester, All Crop 60 & 90 Combines, (2) All Crop SP 100 Combines, Gleaner T Self Propelled Combine, Pull Type 6 Combine, AC Threshing Machine -Complete, Nice Cond., AC Threshing Machine for parts, Several AC Pull Type & Mounted Plows 2,3,4, & 6 Bottoms , AC Corn Picker, Snap Coupler Rotary Hoe, AC Sub Soilers, AC Mounted Grain Drill, AC 2 & 4 Row Listers, AC Dirt Scoop, AC WD Trip Bucket Loader, AC “D” Series Loader, Several AC Hay Rakes including, 2,3, & 4 Wheeled PTO Rakes, 77-M & No. 7 Hay Rakes, AC Post Hole Digger, Pull Type Silage Cutter, Snap Coupler Blade “Box Extensions”, AC Silage Blowers, AC Sickle Mowers including; No.3, No. 7, & 80-R, AC 2 Bottom Rollover Snap Coupler Plow, Several Pull Type Plows- Including Various Models of 1,2,&3 Bottom Plows, AC 3 & 4 Bottom Mounted & Semi Mtg. Plows, AC 10 ft. Tandem & Straight Disks, AC Mounted Boom, AC 3 Blade Disk Plows, AC Bale Loader, AC Roto-Baler, AC Square Baler & Bale Thrower Attachments, AC Ground Driven Manure Spreader - Plus Lots of Machinery for Parts. HORSE MACHINERY: 1930’S McCormick Deering Reaper - Very Nice - Always Shedded, Wooden 8 ft. Dump Rake- Very Nice, Wooden High Wheeled Wagon, JD Wooden Grain Drill - Shedded, Dirt Scrapers, JD & IH 2 Row Check Planters, JD, IH & MM Dump rakes, JD Sulky Plows, Wagons, Asst Plows, Cultivators, Planters, Fuel Delivery Wagon Tank, Various Walk Behind Plows. OLIVER EQUIPMENT: Oliver Hart Parr Row Crop Tractor SN # 101104, Always Shedded, Full Steel, Oliver Walk Behind Plow - Right Hand Bottom Shedded, Oliver Walk Behind Plow - Left Hand Bottom Shedded, Plus Various Oliver Parts, Fenders, Hoods, Manifolds & More. JOHN DEERE EQUIPMENT: JD “AW” SN # 601693, Factory Wide Front, JD Unstyled “A” SN # 471808, JD “A” Slant Dash, SN # 549672, JD “A” SN # 667906 JD Horse Drawn Listers Wide & Narrow Axles, JD Steel Wheeled Running Gear, JD “No. 5” Horse Mower- Nice, (2) JD 5 ft. Disk Plows (1) on Steel, JD Wooden Grain Drill - Always Shedded, JD Sulky Plows, Plus Other Various Parts & Equipment. CASE: Case Model “CC” SN # C421082 - Nice Condition, Factory Spokes, Front/ Rear , Case Model “SC”. FARMALL: Farmall “H” Factory Wide Front, Farmall “H” Narrow Front. MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE MACHINERY: MM 8 FT. Windrower - Always Shedded, MM 21 ft. Straight Disk, MM 10 FT. Dump Rake & MM Tractor Fenders. VEHICLES: Early 1900’s Durant Pickup, 1920’s IH Truck, 1929 Chevy Car, 1930’s IH Truck, 1940 Ford Cab Over Truck, 1956 Plymouth, 1948, 1952 & 1954 Chevy 5 Window Trucks, 1956 GMC 5 Window Truck, 1956 Chevy Cab Over Truck, 1956 Chevy Truck, 1955 Chevy Truck *, 1958 & 1959 Chevy Viking, 1963 Chevy Truck *, 1954 Chey 3100 Pickup, 1963 Chevy Belair, 1950’s Pontiac Car w/ 8 cyl. Motor, 1947 Ford Pickup, 1955 Ford C-600 Cab Over, 1957 Chevy Car, 1941 Food Coupe, 1951 Chevy Car, 1953 Ford F-100 Pickup (Anniversary Model), 1958 Chevy Apache Pickup, 1950’s Ford Car, 1969 Chevy Shot Box Fleetside 2WD, 1964 Chevy Pickup, 1963 Chevy Short Box Fleetside 2 WD, 1962 Chevy Short Box Fleetside, 4 x4, 1972 Chevy 10 4 x4, Auto, 350, Runs, 1940’s Plymouth Car, 1941 IH Truck, 1987 Dodge 4 x 4 Pickup, 1950’s?? Jeep, Plus Many Bumpers, Hoods, Tailgates, Hub Caps, 1979 Ford Tail Gate & Other Vehicle Related Merchandise (Note “*” Denotes Runs) - Some vehicles will sell with titles, some without titles. ATV’S & MOTORCYCLE: Kawasaki KD 100-M, Honda 175 Motorcycle 1969 Honda CL-90 - 4,000 Miles. JAMES GUBBELS OWNER PHONE 402-640-6335 SEE www.MCHJAUCTIONEERS.COM FOR LISTING & PHOTOS Terms: Cash or Bankable Check. Not Responsible For Accidents or Theft. AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: CREAMER HEIMES JANSSEN AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS L.L.C. RYAN CREAMER 402-254-9753 ALTON HEIMES 402-254-3315 ROGER JANSSEN: 402-388-4409 The United Church of Christ Congregational, Highway 12 Newcastle, NE. Worship: 6:00 p.m. Saturday. Pastor Gary Kimm. Come join us! United Church of Christ Congregational, 226 E. Main St., Pastor Steve Miller. 10:30a.m. Worship Service. No Longer Strangers www.uccvermillion.org St. Paul's Episcopal Church Corner of Main and Linden. Sunday: nursery available. 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 11:00 a.m. coffee hour. Call 624-3379 for more information Bergen Lutheran Church “The Little White Church on Timber Road.” Worship 10:30am, Sunday School 9:15am Brule Creek Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship 11am, Sunday School 9:45am10:45am Christ Our Savior, WELS, Worship SUN. 6pm, Bible Study TUE. 9pm, Neuharth Center, 605-624-5398 or 1800-1234. Concordia Lutheran Church, 7 South University St. Divine Service–Sunday, 10:30am; Sunday School, 9am. Pastor Samuel Needham. 624-3459 or at lcmsvermillion.org 1200 Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church. Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 31903 475th Ave., Elk Point, Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. Rev. David Bentz, 605-356-2805; www.stpaullutheranelkpoint.com The Luther Center at USD Located at Cherry & Plum Streets, Vermillion. Wednesday evening worship at 8:30pm Fellowship events throughout the year. www.luthercenter.org Trinity Lutheran Church, 816 E Clark Street, Vermillion. Worship Saturday evening: 5:30PM and Sunday morning:10:00AM. Pastor Nate Lizarazo. www.trinityvermillion.org Gospel Chapel Church, 708 Jessie St., Newcastle, NE, Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 10:30am; WED AWANA 7pm. 402-355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. First United Methodist Church, 16 N. Dakota St. Sunday Worship 10:25am. Welcome Table - a free community meal Mondays 5:30-7pm. Call 624-2179 for more info. 1101 Dalesburg Lutheran Church, 12 miles north of Vermillion on University Rd., Worship 9:15am, Sunday School 10:45am, www.dalesburglutheran.org. Faith Lutheran Church, 401 Main St., Maskell, NE, Sunday School, 9am; Worship, 10am w/Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays. 605-658-0240 (home) or (402)692-3323 (church). Faith United Lutheran Church, 44874 303rd St., Volin, SD, 605-267-2277. Worship: 9:30am SUN w/ communion 1st & 4th Sundays. WOW Wednesday/Confirmation, 6:30pm Gayville Lutheran Church, 307 Washington St., Gayville, SD, SUN 9am Worship, Sunday School 10:15am. Immanuel Lutheran Church Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m. www.broadcasteronline.com Announcements Events ELVIS wants everyone to donate to the Food Bank. Thank You, Thank You very much! FREE for 30 words or less for private party classified line ads in the Broadcaster and Plain Talk. If you need more than 30 words, don't worry you still won't pay a lot. A 31-word ad is only $.90 and the cost only goes up $.50 per word thereafter. Stop in at 201 W. Cherry Street, Vermillion or call 605-624-4429. 1200 Cars CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We're Local! 7 Days/Week. Call Toll Free: 1888-416-2330 nani CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 nani Hartington Tree LLC TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & TRANSPLANTING TREES FOR SALE EVERGREEN • SHADE • ORNAMENTAL Yankton 605-260-1490 Hartington 402-254-6710 Serving Southeast SD & Northeast NE for 20 Years Kent & Kyle Hochstein • Licensed Arborists www.hartingtontree.com Cars 1475 CASH FOR CARS: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not Sell your Car or Truck TODAY Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-888420-3805 (MCN) DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) FREE for 30 words or less for private party classified line ads in the Broadcaster and Plain Talk. If you need more than 30 words, don't worry you still won't pay a lot. A 31-word ad is only $.90 and the cost only goes up $.50 per word thereafter. Stop in at 201 W. Cherry Street, Vermillion or call 605-624-4429. GET CASH TODAY for any car/truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800864-5796 or www.carbuyguy.com nani 1210 Trucks FAMILY DENTISTRY Dr. Richard Knutson Dr. Matthew Knutson Dental Excellence for Children & Adults Cosmetic • Implants General Practice •Single Visit Crowns Braces For Adults & Children •Invisalign HOURS: Leer fiberglass topper. Red, L-81" x W-71" off of a 1992 Chevy short box. Good condition. Ph. 605-677-8068 1240 Boats - Watercraft 2 Jon Boats: 14' and 12'. Electric trolling motors and trailers. $700 and $1600. Call (605)670-1460. 1270 Utility Trailers Tree & Concrete Removal Site Clearing Ditch Cleaning Grain Hauling Manure Hauling Crushed Concrete Toben Tree Service, LLC: Trimming, tree and stump removal, pasture clearing, Cedar tree removal. Fully Insured. Commercial & Residential 605660-4640. 1555 Dogs - Puppies Toy and miniature Australian Shepherd excellent farm/family shots, ready to go. 3373. 1560 purebred puppies, dogs. All 605-384- Cats - Kittens Apartment For Rent 3 BD Townhouse. River Court Apartments, Vermillion. Rent based income. Must qualify by family size and income. Equal Housing Opportunity. 202-0008 or Skogen Company (605)2633941. 6x18 Flatbed Utility Trailer. 402-388-4532 or 605-6618531. For Rent: 2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments. (605)624-6993 or cell# (605)202-0630. Trailer Sale & Repairs!! 6X12 V-nose ramp door $2,750; 7X10 (TRIKE) V-nose ramp door $2,990.00 14 14,000# Dump trailer with tarp $6,757.00; 102X25+5 24,000# gooseneck with 3 ramps & spare $8,657.00; 5X8 solid side utility $986.00 120 trailers in-stock! 515-972-4554 Information & prices: www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com (MCN) One and Two Bedroom Apartments for elderly or persons with disabilities at River Court Apartment, 24 E. Duke, Vermillion. HDC accessible. Must qualify by income. Rent base on income. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Contact (605) 202-0008 or Skogen Company (605)263-3941. 1410 Agriculture Sucker Rod & Pipe. All sizes for fencing and manufacturing. Menno, SD 605-387-5660 605661-5050. 1435 Carpentry LARRY'S HOME IMPROVEMENTS, FOR ALL YOUR REPAIRS, REMODEL, ADD ONS SHEETROCK, FENCING, DECKS, ETC CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATES 605-6611601. Premier Student Housing. Meckling House. 10 minutes west of Campus on Hwy 50. Individual rooms, doubles, apartments and limited suites. Individual baths and 3 Kitchens. Exercise Room and sand volleyball court on property. Preference given to Graduate level students. (605)350-0413. 1650 Houses For Sale 1304 Summit • $255,000 Open House Sunday, 5/24, 2pm-4pm 4-bedroom, 3.5 bath. 3-family rooms, gas fireplace. Large kitchen & deck. 605857-0093. COMPETITIVELY PRICED COVERAGE FOR: •Farmowners •Rental Property Mark Donnelly Ph. (605) 659-5596 18 Church St • Vermillion 677-7060 Electric and Irrigation Waterline & Electric Trenching Cedar Ridge Mowing and Snow Removal No job to big or small. We offer a flat monthly rate for mowing/snow removal bundle. It includes weekly mowing and snow removal up to 12 times as needed. 10% discount applied if paying for a whole year up front. Discounts for property managers. Call Wayne for free estimate at 605-999-0531. 1605 HEINE Irrigation PVC, Wire Installed Well Drilling – Domestic and Irrigation Pump Installation Lawn - Landscaping Komfort 5th Wheel Camper for sale. 1999 27ft, excellent condition. Air conditioner/furnace, slide out, awning, many extras. 605-589-3609 or 605-4641191. Pat Girard Ph. (605) 267-2421 Irrigation sales and service 1490 Giveaway to a good home: 6 week old kittens. Call 605-2030306 if interested. •Renters Bobcats • Crane • Dozers • Excavators • Grader Grain Trailer • Scrapers • Side Dumps • Trenchers TDG Construction No job is to small. Siding, Roofing, Drywall, Doors, Windows, etc. 605-760-5281, or look us up on Facebook. For Sale: PullRite 5th wheel camper hitch. 14,500 lbs. $300 Call (605)220-4023. 605.624.6291 ALL TYPES OF DIRT WORK. FREE ESTIMATES. Home Improvement RVs - Campers 1245 •Homeowners Hartington, NE (402) 254-2568 Vermillion, SD (605) 670-9567 1485 Extra Cute Kittens – free to a good home. Would make great pets. Call (605)659-5115. Monday – Friday, 8:30 – 5:30 1714 East Cherry Street, Vermillion Wanted: Handyman to do odd jobs. $13/hr cash. Call 605260-1853. WILL REMOVE TREE Stumps. Schumacher Tree Stump Removal, Insured. Dennis Schumacher, Call 402-3884487. www.broadcasteronline.com KNUTSON Other Services or vermillionpubliclibrary.org for more information Summer Reading Program Schedule of Entertainers for June Mondays at 1 pm* Mon, June 8 – Jason Huneke, Comedy & Juggling Mon, June 15th – Coyote Athletes *Thurs, June 17th – Jeff Quinn, Magician Mon, June 22nd – Steven Rokasek, SDPB Educator Mon, June 29th – T. Wilson King, Musician th

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