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bpp b January 5, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com ‘Twas A Year For Progress And Book 60 For Scandals In Pierre Sudoku #5 Since 1934 Since 1934 B P roadcaster ress Broadcaster Press Intermediate Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad Fill the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every section contain the numbers 1-9 without repeating a number. Sudoku #6 Broadcaster bp By Bob Mercer 5 4 2 9 9 7 Sudoku #1 Sudoku #2 Press 4 State Capitol Bureau 6 5 9 8 1 6 1 9 4 2 7 9 4 1 2 3 7 PIERRE – Here 2 just some8of1the folks who had notewor-4 are 5 7 6 1 7 4 8 1 2 6 8 7 5 6 1 9 thy roles in state government during92015. Marty2Guindon 9 7 3 8 2 1 5 1 7 87 8 6 3 3 – The state’s auditor general and staff at the3Department of 1 2 5 8 4 7 9 5 1 3 5 4 4 6 5 7 Legislative Audit conducted the first review6of the GEAR 2 8 UP 3 4 514 2 6 8 4 9 – 2 1 6 3 2 8 7 program and found trouble.Sen. Mike Vehle 7 Refusing to 7 1 5 4 7 1 3 2 9 give up, his work led to the Legislature1finally approving and 89 4 6 7 7 6 6 9 1 3 73 the governor signing the first highway-tax package in two 7 4 Sudoku #3 Republican leader 1 9 2 Sudoku #4 decades. Rep. Brian Gosch – The House 5 5 9 7 1 6 2 3 6 7 showed his legislative savvy once3again when 2 8had the 80 he 29 5 6 9 7 8 2 5 6 6 1 mph speed limit for I-90 and I-29 added4to8the highways and 7 2 6 1 6 9 4 2 3 4 8 1 7 2 5 5 2 3 4 8 bridges package. Gov. Dennis Daugaard – The Republican 9 8 5 1 1 5 1 7 8 6 9 zigged into new territory for him with acceptance of fund6 2 9 3 8 4 1 6 2 4 3 7 8 1 5 9 6 1 9 7 2 5 3 5 ing hikes for roads and with studies on7teacher pay, Medic- 6 4 9 © 2008 KrazyDad.com © 2008 KrazyDad.com 1 Deb 4 7 3 2 5 1 9 7 aid expansion and child abuse. Sen. 6 Soholt – With the INTERMEDIATE 4 INT BOOK 60 #6 5 7 6 2 3 7 3 1 8 governor’s support she kept alive9the Jolene’s Law task force Last Tuesday’s on child sexual abuse and there’s now funding recommended Solution Sudoku #5 Sudoku #6 by the governor for a state center6to study the1problem. 5 3 7 6 2 8 9 1 Sudoku and Sudoku #8 6 2 8 co-chaired the 4 3 5 Rep. Jacqueline Sly – She#7 Sen.7Deb Soholt 9 3 4 1 8 9 4 7 9 5 3 4 governor’s Blue Ribbon task force12 teachers5and 6 on 8 1 6 students, 7 2 8 1 7 © 2008 1 KrazyDad.com 3 2 6 2 5 8 helping the group find a target of $85 million more for teach9 3 7 8 1 5 9 7 3 2 6 4 Check next Tuesday’s paper for 8 9 4 9 1 3 4 2 3 1 2 17 8 5 ers. 6 1 8 5 9 7 6 8 9 4 1 the solution to today’s puzzle. Rep. Jim Bolin – He took the2Legislature to 3 8 edge of the 7 5 7 4 1 7 4 2 1 6 1 2 6 748 5 8 7 voiding the transgender-acceptance 9 3 7 for high school policy 6 EA BOOK 60 #6 athletics. Sen. Gary Cammack – The third-year legislator and 2 4 5 1 Sudoku #7 Sudoku #8 first-year senator prevailed within a split Senate Republican VHS Booster Club Excited about 2016 Upgrades 4 1 5 2 9 6 3 1 6 2 5 9 3 48 1 caucus to become president pro tem after a1series of unex6 2 8 3 7 By Elyse Brightman 5 well. Once the laser shooting pected resignations. Sen. Corey Brown 7– The seventh-year 6 4 1 3 4 2 3 pro 8 to Senate Repub- 8 Elyse.brightman@plaintalk. 7 55 3 1 1 is finished and the booster 5 6 9 5 senator stepped from president 2 tem 1 7 4 net 5 8 club receives estimates, fun5 2 6 3 9 1 7 9 3 2 lican leader after Sen. Tim Rave9became second in row to 1 6 5 3 8 4 6 3 3 9 4 5 1 The Vermillion High draising will begin through resign post mid-term.Rep. Kristin 8 6 Conzet – The Legislature’s 1 9 3 4 4 5 3 8 6 School booster club is a public/private sector. The 18 4 5 6 2 9 5 8 7 6 7 9 4 2 Executive Board chose the sixth-year lawmaker to chair looking to complete some booster club will also be 2 9 3 8 6 1 1 7 6 5 the interim study on county government finances where 9 6 4 Costello – The big 9 2 selling naming3 rights for each some big funding ideas emerged for 2016. Pat 5 © 2008 KrazyDad.com upgrades during 2016. © 2008 KrazyDad.com “The main (project) we are of the three fields and the governor’s commissioner of economic development found his office under scrutiny as the U.S. Citizenship and Immigra- focusing on, the larger capital complex as a whole. Smaller upgrade, is the crowning and project plans will continue aftion Services notified South Dakota its status in the federal redoing of the football field, ter the completion of the field EB-5 foreign investors program would be terminated. Joop KRAZYDAD.COM/PUZZLES the practice fields and then upgrades, as well as other Bollen –them you saw it Inc. foundBroadcaster! The president of SDRC in the himself back in Tell to move the soccer field up,” ongoing funding. “The larger the EB-5 boil with the USCIS notice of termination and the said booster club president capital projects and planning 624-4429 Daugaard administration suing him for money that had been Jim Peterson. “We retained stations are new outdoor promised in his company’s 2009 state contracts. Melody Banner Associates to laser concession stand at the Schopp – After years of shifting South Dakota’s state Indian shoot the football field, football/track field and then education program to Mid Central Education Cooperative, the we’ll upgrade bleachers,” governor’s secretary of education made the phone call to Mid where the soccer field will be and the practice fields.” Peterson said. “Other proCentral administrator Dan Guericke terminating the GEAR UP Currently, the football and jects we still do are uniforms, contract. Scott Westerhuis – The Mid Central business mantrack field at the high school funding, other equipment ager stands accused by investigators as the killer of his wife, is used for youth sports, teams need.” The high school their four children and himself at their house south of Platte seventh grade through junior booster club is also looking within hours of Schopp’s phone call. Angela Kennecke – The varsity football and track to start working closer with KELO television veteran chased the GEAR UP saga hard into youth sports in Vermillion to a statewide news story. Shantel Krebs – The new secretary of meets, while the soccer teams play games below the ensure the young athletes, state put the office back in order. Rep. George Mark Mickelson hill at Cotton Park. These and the coaches, receive the and Attorney General Marty Jackley – Running hard already upgrades would make fields proper tools and training for statewide office, presumably Republican nomination for suitable for all teams to host they need to be successful governor, in 2018. James Nord – The sometimes-bushy guy at the high school level. The proved a promising successor to venerable (and now retired) games at the high school complex. “The goal would boosters will also be lookChet Brokaw as The Associated Press reporter in Pierre. be to have those three fields ing for nominations for the improved so that they could second class of Hall of Fame play,” Peterson said. “We inductees for the event to be could play high school socheld this spring. “The second cer up there if they chose hall of fame event will be to versus below the hill and held on April 30, 216 at Old then just to upgrade and Lumber Company,” Peterson improve that practice field.” said. “In January we will be 201 W. Cherry • Vermillion, SD The two remaining tennis putting the nominations out courts are also planned to be so people can send those completed in the spring, as back in.” Book 60: Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad bp Broadcaster Since 1934 2 3 7 5 6 4 3 4 3 4 8 6 1 7 2 1 2 4 8 3 9 6 1 2 8 7 8 6 9 7 3 5 8 4 4 5 6 6 4 5 2 6 4 6 1 3 9 5 3 9 7 9 7 7 4 4 6 3 7 5 1 2 1 3 su do ku 9 5 5 9 4 7 2 7 6 4 8 3 9 4 2 9 5 8 4 6 4 8 1 9 7 2 4 2 3 8 6 9 9 8 2 3 9 8 2 1 8 3 4 3 7 6 7 7 2 4 4 2 7 4 1 2 1 2 8 7 5 5 8 6 6 8 2 4 5 8 4 5 3 7 6 5 5 5 9 8 5 6 2 2 9 5 1 3 7 6 7 4 5 9 1 8 2 9 2 9 1 4 6 4 6 9 9 9 6 2 8 6 5 2 3 4 8 5 4 5 7 1 3 8 2 1 8 1 2 9 8 3 3 1 7 3 9 3 7 5 1 3 1 5 3 2 3 Press 8 4 4 4 8 9 9 8 9 6 4 5 2 4 4 3 8 9 5 4 8 1 5 7 4 8 5 2 3 1 7 3 Since 1934 2 9 5 5 8 6 3 8 8 6 3 8 7 2 7 3 2 4 5 5 6 6 9 9 5 9 5 3 2 6 1 7 4 9 3 Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! 624-4429 Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! 624-4429 Tell them you saw 1315 itDrivers the in Full-Time Warehouse Person Broadcaster!have a valid drivers license Must CLASS A CDL Driver. Good home time. Stay in the Midwest. Great pay and benefits. Matching 401k. Bonuses and tax free money. Experience needed. Call Scott 507-4379905. Apply on-line http://www.mcfgtl.com (MCN) 201 W. Cherry • Vermillion, SD and able to lift 50 lbs. Apply 624-4429 in person, 920 Broadway, Yankton OWNER OPERATORS wanted. Paid all miles. No touch freight. Many operating discounts. Family run business for 75 years. Many bonuses and good home time. Direct deposit paid weekly. Call 800-5330564 ext.205. (MCN) 1320 Education More Bang for Your Buck! Sunset Manor Avera is now accepting applications for the following positions to join our excellent team of caring professionals: Certified Nursing Assistant Full-time night positions available nani 1335 Housekeeping/ Laundry Part-time or full-time position Other Employment CDL Drivers needed to haul livestock, home on weekends. Great Benefit Package for FullTime Drivers! www.lynchlivestock.com or call Angie @ 563776-3051 for more information. EOE (MCN) NEW YEAR, NEW AIRLINE CAREER. Get FAA approved certification at campuses coast to coast. Job placement assistance. Financial Aid for qualifying students. Call AIM 888686-1704. nani 10,800 copies distributed with 27,000 readers per issue and now in a larger, reader-friendly format! Call 624-4429 to get your ad in! CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Are you ready to put your customer service skills to work in a industry leading and growing company? Are you passionate about technology, quality and on time delivery? Are you ready to make a difference and push the envelope to make innovative changes to help support customers? If you answered yes to all three questions, we are looking for a Customer Service Manager to provide leadership and direction to entrench us as our customer’s supplier of choice. The successful candidate will have excellent relationship-building, interpersonal & communication skills, coupled with a strong service orientation and a solid understanding manufacturing/machining processes. Highly desired candidates will have at least 7-10 years of experience as a Customer Service Manager with a manufacturing company and a proven track record for continuous improvements activities in customer service. Send resumes to HR_@outlook.com USD Basket Ball wins at Sanford Pentagon South Dakota 89, FGCU 81 (OT) the front of the rim. Coyote big man Eric Robertson converted a threeSIOUX FALLS, S.D.—Capoint play on the first possessey Kasperbauer scored a sion of overtime and added a career-high 31 points and D.J. jumper at the 3:43 mark that Davis scored six points in the gave USD a 76-73 lead. Robfinal 20 seconds of overtime ertson fouled out moments to lead South Dakota to an later. He finished with 11 89-81 win against Florida Gulf points and six rebounds. Coast Monday at the Sanford Dan Jech, who replaced Pentagon. Robinson, scored a layup in It was the third overtime the lane after his pass deflectwin in seven games for the ed off an official and bounced Coyotes (8-6), which ended back to him. The score put a two-game skid and finished South Dakota ahead 83-78 its most grueling road trip of with 58 seconds remaining. the season with a 2-2 record. Jech had six off the bench. South Dakota begins Summit Eagles guard Julian League play at 2:30 p.m. DeBose drilled a triple to cut Friday against IUPUI. the deficit to two points with Florida Gulf Coast (6-7) 51 seconds left. He had 12 got a career-high 25 points points. It was the final score from guard Christian Terrell, of the game for FGCU. but lost its third straight. Davis, who picked up his Marc-Eddy Norelia recorded fourth foul with eight minutes 20 points and 12 rebounds left in regulation, scored in for his sixth double-double of the paint to give USD an 85-81 the season. He also had five lead with 20 seconds left. of the Eagles’ 10 blocks. He had two steals and two Kasperbauer tied his breakaway scores in the closcareer high of seven 3-pointing seconds to seal the win ers against the nation’s top including an emphatic dunk defense against the long on the final play of the game. ball. Eagles’ opponents had Davis finished with 12 made 24 percent of their atpoints, four rebounds, four tempts entering play Monday. assists and three steals. The Kasperbauer made his first Coyotes scored 22 points off three to push USD to a 9-1 21 FGCU turnovers. USD also lead. He had five triples bemade 19 of 25 free throws for fore the midway point of the its second-best performance first half. from the stripe this season. South Dakota built a 35FGCU, the top rebound22 halftime lead behind 19 ing team in the Atlantic Sun, points from Kasperbauer. The earned a 49-39 advantage Eagles used a 20-5 run during Monday. The Eagles scored a five-minute stretch to take 15 points off 18 offensive its first lead of the second rebounds. Norelia had eight half at 53-52 with eight minoffensive boards. utes left in regulation. Terrell South Dakota finished 8 of scored 11 points during the 22 from three-point range for rally and the Eagles used a 36 percent. Kasperbauer was full-court press to help force 11 of 20 from the field and 2 five turnovers. of 2 from the line. He scored Burnette converted a the most points by a Coyote three-point play with 33 in a game since Juevol Myles seconds left in the second had 32 against Morehead half to tie the game at 71-71. State on Dec. 19, 2012. The Eagles held for the final possession, but couldn’t get a shot off before the shot clock expired. South Dakota guard Trey Norris took a long 3 at the buzzer that bounced off ? Smile. Come Join Our Design Team RN/LPN Charge Nurse Full-time night position ACCOUNTING & PAYROLL TRAINEES NEEDED! 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