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2 Broadcaster Press January 12, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com Serving Those Who Have Served Final Week For Donating To Veterans’ Holiday Relief Drive By Sarah Wetzel For the Plain Talk enough to partner with me and to help make sure that this initiative is statewide Autumn Simunek, the and is consistent and leaves current Miss South Dakota, a legacy when I’m gone,” she made it her platform to be an said. advocate for Veterans even According to Ben, the bigbefore she was crowned. gest challenge is not raising “Once again this (year), funds but finding the ones in we are collecting donations need. to benefit homeless and “The Veterans are very at-risk Veterans and military proud and don’t necessarily families,” Marie Anne Ben, like to ask for help but we’re Immediate Past President glad to make donations to of the American Legion help them,” she said. Auxiliary stated. “These According to Simunek, individuals have sacrificed each Legion in the state does to help protect our liberties something a little different for and freedom. We need to do the drive. our part to support them in “We do gift cards because their time of need.” it’s an easy way to ensure Simunek said it is a focus the money is being used for close to her heart. something specific and it’s “As Miss South Dakota not going toward furthering it’s my job as a Veteran’s problems such as substance advocate to make sure that abuse,” Simunek said. “Also people across South Dakota they can do the single item better understand how to donations or donate what we serve one another and how call the buddy baskets. It’s to serve their service memessentially a laundry basket bers and families in their full of household items and communities,” Simunek said. goods that people are in need “We have several different of that you wouldn’t necesdrop-off locations throughsarily think of every day but out South Dakota for what those little numbers add I put together. It’s called up. They donate in differthe Veteran’s Holiday Relief ent ways. Some Legions do Drive.” a combination. They’ll do This is Simunek’s fourth buddy baskets, single item year doing the drive which donations and gift cards runs until January 15, 2016. depending on what works for She expressed her gratithem. I know we have done tude for the American Legion a combination for all four Auxiliary of South Dakota years.” and their efforts. The variety of ways to “They have been kind donate is especially helpful in Bright Energy Solutions Program Vermillion Light and Power and Missouri River Energy Systems provide rebates for energy conservation in the community. Polaris received $34,140 for energy efficient light fixtures and equipment in the new addition. Vermillion Public Schools received $23,262 for lighting and HVAC equipment done during the Vermillion High School remodel. St. Agnes school received $1,400 for the school addition and remodel for their conservation equipment. For more information or questions contact City Hall at (605) 677-7050. Consider it... Sold! Classifieds Simunek and Ben’s opinions because people can donate in whichever manner is easiest for them. “A lot of people who it’s harder for them to move around, some of the elderly people, they usually donate a check by mailing that in because it’s quicker for them,” Simunek said. “They know they’re doing something to give back but they don’t have to get up and do a lot in order to contribute. Something that’s great about this particular drive is there’s a lot of ways to give back to our Veterans and none of them are any less credible than another.” “Last year we had a community member who were downsizing their house and called me,” Ben remembered. “They said they had a lot of items that were given to them over the years that were either new or gently used and quite usable. I enlisted a friend of mine who had a truck. They had it all in an area in their house. We picked it up and took it to the Broadcaster’s.” A desirable aspect of this drive is the funds and goods stay local. “Anything that is not kept at the legion for long-term use or the VSO office such as these gift cards will go to the Berakhah house,” Simunek said. “It’s the Sioux Falls drop-off location. That is a great facility because Veter- ans from all of the surrounding area pass through there.” The initiative has seen much success so far. “It’s something that I’ve worked very hard on to build up and it’s in communities all throughout South Dakota,” Simunek said. “Just three days ago I was in Spearfish and we put together tons of buddy baskets and we took them to the mission where the Veteran’s military members were staying who are currently homeless or passing through into transition housing. All this is for them. Thus far going into our fourth year we’ve been able to raise over $45,500 for military men and women and their families in need. It’s successful I’d say.” To contribute a “Buddy Basket” to the Veterans’ Holiday Relief Drive, you can follow the following recipe: Assemble a laundry basket/waste basket filled with paper towels, laundry detergent, household cleaners, rubber gloves light bulbs, dust pan w/hand brush, flashlight/batteries, shower curtain w/rings, bath towel set, bathroom tissue, dishes, eating utensils, dish soap, dish towel set-frosted with clear wrap/bow and greeting tag Substitute or single household and essential items include bed sheets, pillows, blankets, sleeping bags, small appliances, alarm clock, hygiene products, warm ap- A Five-Year Fight By Rep. Kristi Noem For five years, I have fought for the day that we could put a bill on the President’s desk that would repeal Obamacare. January 7, 2016, turned out to be that day. From my first day on the job to now, I have spoken to thousands of South Dakotans about the President’s health care law. The mandates. The costs. The plans that have been lost. Year after year, the problems seem to become more pronounced – and more expensive. It’s hard to believe, but this year, every single health care plan on the exchange in South Dakota saw a double-digit rate increase, according to analysis from Agile Health Insurance. It’s too expensive and there seems to be no end to these increases in sight. The President’s health care law fundamentally failed to do anything that actually drives down the cost of health care in this country. Instead, Obamacare issued top-down mandates to en- sure more people would foot an even larger bill. It isn’t working. Nonetheless, President Obama was quick to threaten a veto on our legislation. That doesn’t mean, however, that we don’t owe it to the American people to take our best shot at repealing a piece of legislation that the majority of Americans oppose. Moreover, we’ve been able to get some smaller wins by making big pushes in this way. In fact, we’ve had more than a dozen repeals or delays of Obamacare provisions become law because of our efforts. We’ve been working toward this for a long time. I’ve joined the House in passing a number of full and partial repeals, but our efforts have repeatedly been blocked by Senate Democrats. This time, however, we were able to use a process called “budget reconciliation,” which allows Congress – once a year – to avoid a Senate filibuster and pass legislation with a simple majority in the Senate. There YANKTON AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE Thursday, January 21st, 10:30 a.m Located: 109 Douglas Ave, Yankton, SD (1 1/2Blk south of Walnut Bar) HARLEY & CAR TRAILER: 2005 Harley Davidson Dyna, new top end w/ big bore & cams; fairing conversion, full custom done in 2014 w/over $9,500 in receipts, nice; 2008 Rough Rider 7’x14’ aluminum car trailer – like new; car trailer & motorcycle will sell at noon. TOOLS: PMW Mdl 112 gas fired parts washer- 3 yr old; KI sand blaster w dust collector – new gun; 58” & 42” Cornwell tool cabinets; 11 ft steel shop bench w vise; sev. steel shop benches; lg metal rack full stocked; aluminum, brass, stainless steel, galvanized, conduit; bolt bin w stock; most of the tools are Snap On, Cornwell, and SK; sockets 1/4”, 3/8”, 3/4", deep wells, drivers, Dewalt side grinder, open & box end wrenches, screw extractors, pry bars, hammers, 1000lb chain hoist w 11ft beam, sev engine stands; pullers; spray welding kit; Lincoln 225 welder; Northern elec hoist; sev micrometers; straight edges; torch & cart; Wilton band saw; roller stands; carts; motorcycle jack; hyd jacks; racks; shop vac; Snap on stud removers; An assortment of air tools; engine hoist; compression testers; snap ring pliers; Snap on tool box; Kent-Moore rod bearing checking tool; OCT puller set; misc tubing; machine levelers; new Warn ATV winch; 4 sec of pallet racking; bander; lockers; desks; cabinet, racks; Mobil fluids, IT manuals; AC,Perkins, MF, & NH; manuals & books; aluminum ramps; WWII bomb hoist; new engine cradle; sev spark plug repair kits; much more! are strings attached to that process, so we weren’t able to do a full and complete repeal, but we did successfully target major portions of the President’s health care law, including the individual and employer mandates. We also found significant savings for hardworking taxpayers. In fact, the Congressional Budget Office estimates our legislation would reduce the deficit by $516 billion over 10 years. I understand it’s not enough just to repeal Obamacare. Our health care system is broken. But there is a better way. We could create competition by letting people purchase insurance across state lines. Small businesses could be allowed to pool together to purchase more affordable coverage. You could get a tax break for purchasing insurance, rather than a tax penalty if you didn’t. There is an alternative – a conservative, patient-centered alternative. This isn’t the last you’ll hear from me on this, I’m sure. Even if we can’t replace Obamacare under this administration, I will do everything I can to provide relief where possible until we have a new President. And in the meantime, I’m grateful that we got a bill through Democrat gridlock and to the President, a small victory. ' 3 HDGOLQHV Classified Ads: Friday at Noon Display Ads: Friday at 11AM MARK WENZLAFF, OWNER (605) 660-3339 GIRARD AUCTION & LAND BROKERS, INC. (605) 267-2421 Toll Free: 1-866-531-6186 www.GirardAuction.com Autumn Simunek, MIss South Dakota ? Smile. With the start of the new year, Sanford Vermillion Medical Center, Sanford Vermillion Clinic and Sanford Vermillion Care Center have new telephone numbers. Sanford Vermillion Medical Center: 605-677-3500 Sanford Vermillion Clinic: 605-677-3700 Sanford Vermillion Care Center: 605-677-3500 “We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding in this transition,” said Tim Tracy, CEO of Sanford Vermillion. The new numbers come with a new phone system upgrade at Sanford Vermillion. The upgrade has been in process during the month of December with official activation of the new phone system the week of January 4. This new technology will enhance the medical center phone system capabilities. Have a Great Day Venture Communications Supports Sd Ffa Venture To Advocates For Agriculture BATH – The SD FFA Foundation promotes and supports FFA members, chapters & agriculture education teachers, and creates an awareness of agriculture careers and the needs of a growing and diversified industry. To meet the challenge of advocating for agriculture to a population less connected to its food supply, the SD FFA Foundation has embarked on an important venture to further strengthen FFA and SD agriculture - renovating the FFA Ag Learning Center at the SD State Fair into a showcase of modern agriculture. Upgrades include cementing the building floor to control dust, installing rubber mats in the animal pens, moving and painting the office/ storage area, and installing displays showcasing the diverse aspects of agriculture. The project will result in a healthier facility for our students and guests, as well as expanded opportunities for more hands-on activities advocating for agriculture. Venture Communications Cooperative in central and northeastern SD, values the SD FFA and the vision they have for the FFA Ag Learning Center. Venture Communications has committed to match up to $2,500 of SD FFA Chapter donations to the SD FFA Foundation, toward the SD FFA State Fair Ag Learning Center improvement project! Venture Communications representative, Rod Kusser shared that they invest in projects that benefit students where the students them- Warm, Leather Slippers selves are also working to meet the goal. Therefore, they chose to match funds contributed by FFA chapters. They want to give chapters an incentive for contributing, as their donations will be doubled, and also give chapters plenty of time and opportunity to raise funds toward the project. All FFA Chapter donations made by SD FFA chapters now through April will go toward the match. We challenge each chapter to contribute $100 to this project that will benefit the SD FFA long term, by providing a better environment for our district and state officers as they advocate for agriculture, the visitors as they spend more time engaging in activities and learning about production agriculture, and the SD FFA brand as we represent our organization in a professional, knowledgeable and engaged manner. Community member and industry contributions are also much needed and welcome toward the project, however would not be matched by Venture Communications. FFA is the premier youth development organization for agricultural education students that provides lifechanging experiences for its members. The SD FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of its over 4000 SD members in 81 high schools by developing premier leadership, personal growth, and careers success through agriculture education. Learn more at: http://www.sdffafoundation. org/ Pric Redu es ced! Men’s Women’s Boston Shoes to Boots 312 W. 3rd • Yankton • 665-9092 Scrap Iron, Brass, Stainless Steel ENGINES – PARTS: Chev 406 – complete; Dynoed high compression race engine; 350 rebuilt; 350 block rebuilt; rebuilt Chevy 6 cylinder 230; new JD 4020 engine kit – 404 T – complete; new JD 3020 engine kit – 270; 500 cu in Cadillac block- fully machined; 466 IH head- rebuilt; 366 big block Chevy engine core; LS7 454 core; V10 Chrysler core; LS Chevy engine parts & manifolds; Wisconsin engine; IH – H head; AC 4 cylinder head; LT 1 heads & intake; turbo 400 trans; transfer cases; NEW – Mack tooling & engine parts – 4 cylinder head & rods; reconditioned cylinder heads, some w gaskets ; crank shafts (460, 455, 454); dbl hump heads; Detroit parts & tools; assortment of gaskets; NEW cylinder heads; 10 & 14 bolt Chevy rear ends; used running 350; cylinder heads- Chevy, Ford & Chrysler; Chevy & Ford blocks; misc hardware; valve spring inserts; Dyno sheets, much more! TOY NASCARS: 50+ Toy Nascars & Sprintcars; mostly NIB; Terms: Cash, Good Check, Visa, MasterCard. SD sales tax applies. Not responsible for accidents. See many photos online. parel, socks and gift cards. For monetary donations make checks payable and mailed to: American Legion Auxiliary Unit 1, Attn: Vets Relief Drive, c/o Marie Anne Ben, 16 E. Bloomingdale St., Vermillion, SD 57069. For more information: autumn.simunek@misssd.org; 605-890-3093. Vermillion drop-off locations: Broadcaster/Plain Talk, 201 W. Cherry St.; Main Street Center, 320 W. Main St. Sanford Vermillion Phone System Upgrade Casual, Comfortable & Arch Support Romsdahl’s Repair & Remodel Carpentry, Interior & Exterior, Painting, Refinishing, Drywall, & Ceramic Tile 16 Years In Business Free Estimates FREE ESTIMATES 605-670-2161 605-670-2161 GUBBELS SALVAGE Wanted: • Old Cars • RV Motorhomes • Farm Machinery • Irrigation Systems • Any Type of Scrap Iron • Grain Bin Removal Paying Top Dollar Will Pick Up Towing Service & Roll-Off Dumpsters Available 1-402-640-6335 Coleridge, NE Find the Right People Advertise your job openings in the Broadcaster. 201 W Cherry Vermillion 624-4429

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