
6 Broadcaster Press
Menus listed below are for
February 17 - 23. Menus
are subject to change without
Vermillion Schools
Available everyday:
Breakfast entrée or choice
of cereals with toast. Fruit or
Fruit Juice, Milk choices
Wednesday – A. Yogurt with
Goldfish Grahams, B. Cereal
Choices and Toast, Fresh
Blueberries, Juice Choices,
Milk Choices
Thursday – A. Pancake Sausage Stick, B. Cereal Choices
and Toast, Mixed Fruit, Juice
Choices, Milk Choices
Friday – A. Fresh Baked
Cinnamon Roll, B. Cereal
Choices and Toast, Sliced
Pears, Juice Choices, Milk
Monday – A. Pancakes with
Blueberry Sauce, B. Cereal
Choices and Toast, Mixed
Fruit, Juice Choices, Milk
Tuesday – A. Waffle with
Syrup, B. Cereal Choices
and Toast, Pineapple, Juice
Choices, Milk Choices
Vermillion Elementary
Wednesday – A. Pizza,
Cheese Pizza (Austin), B.
Home-style Golden Macaroni
and Cheese, Golden CornThursday - A. Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, B.
Hot Dog, Mixed Vegetables,
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Friday – A. Home-style Tater
Hot Dish and Dinner Roll, B.
February 16, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com
BBQ Rib Sandwich, Candied
Monday – A. Home-style
Cheeseburger Soup and Dinner Roll, B. Crispy Chicken
Sandwich, Peas
Tuesday –A. Soft Shell Tacos,
B. Hot Ham and Cheese
Sandwich, Chili Lime Corn,
Carnival Cookie
Vermillion Middle
Wednesday – A. Pizza, B.
Home-style Golden Macaroni
and Cheese, Golden Corn
Thursday – A. Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, B.
Hot Dog, Mixed Vegetables,
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Friday – A. Home-style Tater
Hot Dish and Dinner Roll, B.
BBQ Rib Sandwich, Candied
Monday – A. Home-style
Cheeseburger Soup and Dinner Roll, B. Crispy Chicken
Sandwich, Peas
Tuesday – A. Soft Shell Tacos, B. Hot Ham and Cheese
Sandwich, Chili Lime Corn,
Carnival Cookie
Vermillion High
Wednesday – A. Home-style
Tater Hot Dish and Dinner
Roll, B. BBQ Rib Sandwich,
Candied Carrots
Thursday – A. Schoolin’ the
Street: Philly Cheese Steak,
B. Hot Dog, Mixed Vegetables, Chocolate Chip Cookie
Friday – A. Pizza, B. Homestyle Golden Macaroni and
Cheese and Dinner Roll,
Golden Corn
Monday – A. Home-style
Cheeseburger Soup and Dinner Roll, B. Crispy Chicken
Sandwich, Peas
Tuesday – A. Soft Shell Tacos, B. Hot Ham and Cheese
Sandwich, Chili Lime Corn,
Carnival Cookie
Elk Point-Jefferson
Wednesday – A. Yogurt
with Goldfish Grahams, B.
Cereal Choices and Toast,
Fresh Blueberries, Juice
Choices, Milk Choices
Thursday – A. Pancake Sausage Stick, B. Cereal Choices
and Toast, Mixed Fruit, Juice
Choices, Milk Choices
Friday – A. Fresh Baked
Cinnamon Roll, B. Cereal
Choices and Toast, Sliced
Pears, Juice Choices, Milk
Monday – A. Pancakes with
Blueberry Sauce, B. Cereal
Choices and Toast, Mixed
Fruit, Juice Choices, Milk
Tuesday – A. Sausage
Gravy over Biscuit, B. Cereal
Choices and Toast, Pineapple, Juice Choices, Milk
Elk Point-Jefferson
Elementary & Middle
Wednesday – A. Home-style
Tater Hot Dish and Dinner
Roll, B. BBQ Rib Sandwich,
Candied Carrots
Thursday –A. Pizza, B.
Home-style Golden Macaroni
and Cheese, Golden Corn
Friday – A. Italian Dunkers
Dakota Senior Meals
Served at The Main Street Center &
Town Square, “Meals on Wheels”
Please call before 9:00am to schedule
or cancel a meal at 624-7868.
Menus listed below are
Feb. 17 - Feb. 23. Menus are subject to
change without notice. All menus are
served with whole grain bread and
1% milk unless otherwise noted.
Wednesday – Baked Chicken, Mashed
Potatoes and Gravy, Harvard Beets, Coleslaw,
Thursday – Beef Nachos with Pinto
Beans, Cranberry Sauce, Peas and Carrots,
Jello with Topping
Friday – Baked Cod, Oven Brown
Potatoes, Parslied Carrots, Pineapple Chunks
Monday – Spaghetti with Meat Sauce,
Italian Blend Veggies, Tossed Salad, Peaches
Tuesday – Tuesday – Hot Beef Sandwich,
½ cup Mashed Potatoes, 3oz Gravy, ½ cup
Corn Broccoli Bake, ½ cup Peaches, ½ cup
Vanilla Ice Cream
See what’s
on the
Help Wanted
job market.
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and Plain Talk
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Use The Broadcaster
with Marinara Sauce, B.
Monday – Breakfast Pizza,
Hot Dog, Mixed Vegetables, Fruit, Milk Choices
Chocolate Chip Cookie
Tuesday – Long John Donut,
Monday – A. Home-style
Fruit, Milk Choices
Cheeseburger Soup and DinIrene-Wakonda
ner Roll, B. Crispy Chicken
Elementary School
Sandwich, Peas
Tuesday – A. Soft Shell TaWednesday – A. Italian Meatcos, B. Hot Ham and Cheese
Sandwich, Chili Lime Corn, ball Sub, B. Hot Dog, Corn
Chips, Carrots
Carnival Cookie
Thursday – A. Chili with Corn
Elk Point-Jefferson Chips, B. Chicken Nuggets,
High School
Cinnamon Roll, Corn
Friday – A. Macaroni and
Wednesday – A. Home-style Cheese with Bread, B. ChickTater Hot Dish and Dinner en Nuggets, Green Beans
Roll, B. BBQ Rib Sandwich, Monday – A. Italian Pasta
Bake with Breadstick, B.
Candied Carrots
Cheeseburger, Green Beans
Thursday – A. Pizza, B.
Home-style Golden Macaroni Tuesday – A. Grilled Ham and
and Cheese and Dinner Roll, Cheese, B. Crispy Chicken
Sandwich, Baked Beans
Golden Corn
Friday – A. Schoolin’ the
Irene-Wakonda High &
Street: Philly Cheese Steak,
Middle School
B. Hot Dog, Mixed VegetaLunch
bles, Chocolate Chip Cookie
Wednesday – A. Italian MeatMonday – A. Home-style
Cheeseburger Soup and Din- ball Sub, B. Hot Dog, C. Italian
ner Roll, B. Crispy Chicken Sub, Corn Chips, Carrots
Thursday – A. Chili with Corn
Sandwich, Peas
Tuesday –A. Soft Shell Tacos, Chips, B. Chicken Nuggets, C.
Cold Cut Sub, Cinnamon Roll,
B. Hot Ham and Cheese
Sandwich, Chili Lime Corn, Corn
Friday – A. Macaroni and
Carnival Cookie
Cheese with Bread, B. ChickIrene-Wakonda School en Nuggets, C. Roast Beef and
Cheese Sub, Green Beans
Available every day:
Monday – A. Italian Pasta
Breakfast entrée or Choice Bake with Breadstick, B.
of cereals w/toast, Fruit, Cheeseburger, C. Ham and
Milk Choices
Cheese Sub, Green Beans
Wednesday – Breakfast Slid- Tuesday -– A. Grilled Ham
ers, Fruit, Milk Choices
and Cheese, B. Crispy
Thursday – Cinnamon Roll, Chicken Sandwich, C. Cold
Cut Sub, Baked Beans
Fruit, Milk Choices
Friday – Pancakes, Fruit,
Milk Choices
Just when many of us
were starting to feel the relief
of lower gas prices, President
Obama put forward a plan
to increase the price at the
pump by about 25 cents per
gallon. Obviously, he does
not recognize that many
people are just trying to keep
their heads above water
financially. Why hike costs
when people are finally getting some room to breathe?
Earlier this month, President Obama put forward
his final budget proposal.
Included in it was a $10.25
tax on every barrel of oil.
GasBuddy.com’s Patrick
DeHaan reacted saying, “This
proposal would trickle down
and be a $10 per barrel tax
on motorists – or 20 to 25
cents per gallon on refined
fuels…. It will likely be completely passed to consumers
in the years ahead.” The
White House confirmed
DeHaan’s assessment, saying: “We recognize that oil
companies would likely pass
on some of the costs.”
Why would the President
offer up such a hard-hitting
tax? To support his environmental agenda.
TUESDAY, MARCH 1st, 2016
3:00 - 5:00 P.M.
Annual Meeting
Township of Garfield
will be held
Tuesday, March 1 , 2016 2:30pm
at the Dalesburg Lutheran Church for
the purpose of electing one supervisor,
treasurer and one clerk and for any other
business that comes before the board.
Jim Danielson, Clerk
Welcome Home Acreage Buyers!
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Innovation over Regulation
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Time and again, this
administration has put its
anti-energy agenda above
your financial security. He
rejected the Keystone XL
Pipeline, which would have
offered much-needed revenue for cash-strapped South
Dakota counties. He also
announced a rule last month
that would stop coal production on federal land as well
as one that would make it
more difficult for companies
to produce oil and natural
gas on federal land.
Perhaps the most
concerning was the administration’s greenhouse gas
proposal, which the President admitted would “necessarily skyrocket” energy
costs for families. By that he
meant electricity costs could
increase by as much as $17
billion nationwide and put a
quarter-million people out
of a job every year, by some
estimates. In South Dakota,
power providers have already said wholesale electricity rates could increase by
40 percent, if changes aren’t
made to the President’s plan.
Already, families in our state
earning less than $50,000 per
year spend one-fifth of their
after-tax income on energy
costs, which is double the
national average. Many can’t
afford to pay even more.
Fortunately, the Supreme
Court blocked the administration’s greenhouse gas
proposal earlier this month
– temporarily, at least. As
the judicial system is doing
its job, I’ve been working
in Congress to stop the
President’s proposal as well.
More specifically, we’ve
passed legislation to stop it,
although the President chose
to veto it. I also cosponsored legislation, which has
already passed the House,
requiring bureaucrats to institute regulations based on
sound data and at the lowest
possible cost to taxpayers.
It seems like commonsense
– or something that should
be happening already – but it
isn’t, so I’d like to write that
requirement into law.
We all want to preserve
our environment for future
generations, and in a place
like South Dakota where we
largely make our living off
the land, that is especially
true. But that preservation
should be done through innovation, not regulation. I’ve
fought hard to make it easier
to invest, produce, and build
smarter technologies in
America, but President
Obama has opted for Washington bureaucracy instead
of American ingenuity.
St. Agnes
Knights of Columbus
Fundraising Fish Fry
Friday, February 19th 5–7 p.m.
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Fire or Smoke Damage?
Call the Intek Team!
47272 323rd St. Elk Point, SD
This 2-story home features 5 bedrooms and 3.25 baths on
5 acres. Open the front door to a beautiful custom home with 3,144
square feet of finish built in 2009. The kitchen and dining room
both open in to a large main floor living room with hardwood
floors, vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace and a picture window to the
backyard. The large master bedroom has walk-in closet and master
bath. Upstairs features a carpeted family/rec room and three
bedrooms. The basement is unfinished and ready for your personal
touches. The home is energy efficient with geothermal heating and
cooling. The home also boasts a large 24X36 three stall garage and
a 40X60 shed. This property is the perfect set-up for a hobby farm
or horses with multiple pens and a pasture. Don’t miss the opportunity to live just a few miles from town and enjoy country living!
Troy Donnelly
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Yankton, SD