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8 Broadcaster Press July 26, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com If you don’t get the word out about your business, no one else will!!! ANNUAL FALL MACHINERY CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Thursday, September 1, 2016 – Hartington, NE To Consign Your Farm, Livestock, Construction Equipment CONTACT AUCTIONEERS: ALTON HEIMES 402-254-3315 RYAN CREAMER 402-254-9753 ROGER JANSSEN 402-388-4409 Advertising Deadline is August 15, 2016 www.CHJAUCTIONEERS.COM HUGE AUCTION TRACTORS – COLLECTOR TRACTORS – COMBINES – HEADS – SKID LOADERS – PAY LOADERS GRAIN CARTS – FORAGE-HAY-FEEDING EQUIPMENT – FARM MISC – ASST. MACHINERY RIDING MOWERS – ATTACHMENTS – VEHICLES – TRUCKS Our annual August Pre-Harvest auction event will be held at the MACHINERY MALL OF SOUTH DAKOTA located 1 mile south and ½ mile west on Highway 44 from Marion SD or 44628 SD Hwy 44 on: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3RD • 8:00 AM CST Lunch by Presbyterian Church Ladies TRACTORS JD Tractors: 2014 JD 8310R, MFD, loaded; JD 6170R, MFD, CAH, 350 hrs w/JD 360 Ldr; 14 JD 7230R, MFD, CAH, 2100 hrs, loaded; 15 JD 6150R, MFD w/Ldr; 15 JD 6125R, MFD, CAH, 470 hrs w/JD H340 SL Ldr; 06 JD 8330, MFD, PS, 4500 hrs, 3 PTO’s, duals, new rubber; 02 JD 8320, MFD, 7000 hrs w/duals; 02 JD 8220, CAH, 2WD, 5350 hrs, duals, sharp; 07 JD 7930, MFD, CAH, 3100 hrs, 20 sp, PQ, LHR; 95 JD 8200, MFD; 08 JD 7430 Premium, MFD, CAH, PQ, LHR, 2990 hrs, duals; 06 JD 7320, MFD, CAH, 7000 hrs w/JD 741 Ldr; 12 JD 5115M, MFD, CAH, 270 hrs w/JD H310 Ldr; 08 JD 7230 Premium, MFD, CAH, 2562 hrs, PQ, LHR, sharp; 1999 JD 7610, MFD, PQ, RHR, CAH, 7968 hrs, large rubber; 96 JD 8570, CAH, 3563 hrs, bareback, sharp; 97 JD 8200, MFD, CAH, 6670 hrs, duals, sharp; JD 8450, CAH, 4x4, 3325 hrs, 3 pt, PTO, sharp; 90 JD 4255, MFD, CAH, PS, 12,000 hrs; 81 JD 4840, PS, CAH, 7600 hrs, duals; 3 – JD 4630, CAH, PS (1 Eng. OH)-(1 has Westendorf WL42 Ldr); 80 JD 8440, CAH, 4x4, 3 pt, 8000 hrs; 97 JD 7810, MFD, PS, CAH w/JD 740 Ldr; 02 JD 7610, MFD, CAH, PS, 8200 hrs; 83 JD 4850, MFD, 9600 hrs, w/duals, needs trans work; CIH Tractors: 2011 CIH 340, MFD, CAH, dualed 1300 hrs, loaded, sharp; 11 CIH 260, MFD, CAH, 2800 hrs, loaded; 09 CIH 245, MFD, CAH, 3600 hrs, loaded; 09 CIH 215, MFD, CAH, 1850 hrs, loaded; 08 CIH 180 Puma, MFD, CAH, 3100 hrs w/ CIH 770 Ldr & grapple; 05 CIH MX210, MFD, CAH, 5300 hrs, loaded; CIH MX270, MFD, CAH; 97 CIH 8920, MFD, CAH, 6400 hrs w/Miller GL30 Ldr w/grapple; 95 CIH 7240, MFD, CAH w/duals; CIH 7120, MFD, CAH, 6000 hrs, duals; CIH 7130, MFD, CAH; IHC 1586, CAH, WF, $13,000. in repairs; 76 IHC 1086, CAH w/duals; 73 Case 2470, CAH, 4962 hrs, 3 pt; 74 Case 1070, PS, cab; 77 IHC 1086, CAH w/Westendorf WL40 Ldr; NH-Stieger-Versatile Tractors: 12 NH T8-390, MFD, CAH, Suspension, 680 hrs, duals, sharp; 08 NH T6050, MFD, CAH, 4173 hrs w/NH 850 Ldr, grapple & joystick, sharp; 06 NH TG275, MFD, CAH, 4900 hrs, auto steer, duals; 06 NH TV145, CAH, 3025 hrs w/NH 7614 Ldr & grapple; NH TV145 bi-directional, CAH,5400 hrs, 3 pt, 2-PTO’s; Stieger ST310 tractor 4x4, bareback; 82 Versatile 895, CAH, 4x4, 5100 hrs, duals; 97 NH 8670, MFD, CAH, 8600 hrs w/Miller GP 30 Ldr; Agco: 2010 Agco DT225B, CVT, CAH, 1850 hrs, sharp; MF: MF 1105 D., WF w/Dual 3100 Ldr; COLLECTOR TRACTORS & VINTAGE EQUIPMENT JD Collectors: 73 JD 6030, D. WF, cab, duals, wts, new rubber, sharp; 68 JD 5020, D., Std, bareback; JD 4520, D., WF, 3 pt, new rubber & paint, sharp; 71 JD 4020, D., PS, WF, sharp; 66 JD 4020 D., WF, synchro, sharp; JD 4020 LP gas, NF; 62 JD 4010, D., WF, restored; 64 JD 3020 LP gas, WF, 3 pt, sharp; JD 3010, gas (stuck); JD 2510 D., synchro, restored, sharp; 58 JD 720 D., pony starter, NF; JD 530, gas, new tires & paint, sharp; 1967 JD 110H riding mower; JD 60, gas, NF, repaint; 49 JD MT, 3 pt; 39 JD B, NF; JD 3 pt hitch for 720; JD 42 sq. back combine; JD 18’ & 21’ disks; JD 8’ disk, 3 pt; JD AW disk; JD 4 x 14 PT plow; JD 4 x 16 plow, 3 pt; Other Items: JD 350 side rake; JD potato planter; JD drill; JD manure spreader; IHC Collectors: IHC 1456, D., WF, 3 pt, restored; IHC Super M, Diesel, restored; 74 IHC 966, D., WF; IHC 656, gas, hydro, NF, 2 pt; IHC 706, D.; IHC Super MTA, gas; IHC 3414 w/loader; IHC 460, gas, NF; IHC 560, D., NF; IHC 400, D.; IHC 856, D., WF, 2 pt, 4714 hrs, cab w/Miller loader; Allied 9620 snow blower (as unit, sharp); 74 IHC 1066, D., WF, 6400 hrs; IH 656, gas, NF; 2 – IHC C’s, NF (1 has belly mower); IHC tractors (2-SM – not running, 51 M-WF, M-NF, H’s); IHC 450 planter, 4RN; 2 – IH horse mowers; skeleton wheels for IHC F20; MF – Ford – AC – Cockshutt – Oliver – Etc Collectors: MF 97, D. standard, running; 2 – Ford 8N’s; 52 MH 55 Std; AC CA w/5’ belly mower; 47 AC C, WF; 66 AC 190, gas, WF, 3 pt, new engine; AC B tractor-no engine; AC C w/belly mower; AC WD45, WF; AC WD w/belly mower; 47 AC WC, NF, sharp; Case Tractors (VC, VAC, SC, DC); AC 200 D., WF, cab w/Miller M12 Ldr; Oliver 1255, D., WF, 3 pt; Oliver 70, NF; 55 Oliver 88, D.; 58 Oliver Super 88, gas, restored; 48 Oliver 60, NF, restored; Cockshutt 40 & 550 – for parts; Coop E4, WF & E3, NF; 63 MM M602, gas, WF; 1920 Russell horse drawn road grader #4 w/cab; Ford 1 bottom 3 pt plow; manure spreader; single disk; Ford 2RW cultivator; NI horse mower; wooden double box w/wooden wheel gear; Bobsled; horse drawn ice cutter; 1919 Railroad luggage cart; Dowden potato digger; AC steel wheel plow; Brillion 16’ land packer; platform scale; MM E corn sheller; DB barge box w/gear; CONSTRUCTION - SKID LOADERS – PAY LOADERS –– ATTACHMENTS Skid Loaders: 07 NH L170 D., 72” bucket, 730 hrs, sharp; 05 NH LS185B, 78” bucket, 220 actual hrs, sharp; 06 Bobcat S160 D., 900 hrs; 02 Gehl 4835 SXT, 4400 hrs, 70” bucket; JD 70 gas skid Ldr; 2 – Rounder L600 gas skid Ldrs; Pay Loaders: Komatsu WA-250-1 pay loader, cab, 13,400 hrs; Backhoes – Scrapers – Construction: 72 JD 410 cab, D., tractor Ldr backhoe, 5942 hrs, 1 owner; White 2-44 gas tractor/ Ldr/backhoe, 2007 hrs; JD 760A SP scraper, 4443 hrs; Cat 621 SP scraper, repowered Cummins; 89 Ingersol Rand SD4-40F SP packer; 84 Fiat FG95 road grader; Loaders: New JD/Koyker 740 Ldr w/mts; New JD grapple fork; 2 – Miller M12 Ldrs; Dual 3100 QT Ldr w/grapple, IH mts; FH F236 Ldr w/bale spear, JD mts; Dual 275 QT Ldr, JD mts; Westendorf TA26 & WL30 Ldrs, JD mts; Dual 320 Ldr; 04 Degelman 46/57 dozer, 12’, JD 8000 mts; JD 10’ dozer w/JD mts; Walden 9 ½’ dozer; Big V-plow; Miller PL3 QT Ldr; Skid Loader & Loader Attachments – Box Blades & Blades: Asst of new (pallet forks, rock buckets, brush buckets w/grapple, bale spears, tree & post pullers, 84” material bucket); New QT plates; MDS sq. bale fork; JD 740 Ldr bucket; pallet forks for JD 740; 9’ dozer for JD 740; 8’ QT skid loader dozer; snow pusher blade for pay loader; New 7’-10’-12’ PT box blades; JD 155 blade, 3 pt; 09 Miller 10’ dozer for PL3; New 72” skid Ldr, hyd. boom; New 86” hyd. dozer blade; 72” fork extensions; COMBINES – CORN HEADS – FLEX HEADS – GRAIN CARTS – GRAIN HANDLING Combines: 2013 JD S670 STS, 2236/1527 hrs, loaded, new rubber; 08 JD 9770 STS, 1887/1185 hrs, loaded; 08 JD 9870 STS, 2286/1532 hrs, chop, CM, duals; 06 JD 9560 STS, 1933/1347 hrs, duals, loaded; 05 JD 9660 STS, 2790/1929 hrs, duals, loaded; 02 JD 9550, 1400 eng. hrs, chop, DAM; JD 9510, hydro, chop, 30.5’s; 92 JD 9500; 91 JD 9500, 5737/4150 hrs; 91 JD 9500, 4888/3300 hrs; 81 JD 6620, gear; JD 7720 Titan II, hydro; JD 4420, 2520 hrs; 3 – JD 7720’s; JD 6620 side hill; JD 4425, 2500 hrs; 80 JD 6620; JD 6600 D.; 80 JD 4420; 81 JD 6620, hydro; 77 JD 6600, gear; CIH: 2011 CIH 7088, duals, chop, tracker, 1600/2200 hrs; 06 CIH 8010 AFX, 2090/1527 hrs, duals, loaded; 98 CIH 2388, RT chop, 3200/2500 tracker; 95 CIH 2166, RT chop, 3900/2900 hrs; CIH 2366, RT, chop, 3300/2400 hrs; 95 CIH 2166, RT, chop, 4644/3274 hrs, 30.5’s; 92 CIH 1680; CIH 1620, RT, 4800 hrs; 96 CIH 2144, chop, 4749/3692 hrs; 84 IHC 1460, RWA, 4750 hrs; Gleaner: 76 - L, hydro; L2-gear; L3; 80 – L2 gear; MF: 82 MF 550 D., 3575 hrs; 80 MF 550 D., 2896 hrs; Albert Cahoy Estate from Fairfax SD (Darrell Bentz 605-208-0476) will sell: 1973 IHC 1468, WF, V8, cab, 2698 actual hrs, sharp; 1989 Belarus 572 Diesel, MFD, cab, 1878 hrs w/ FH XL940 Ldr w/grapple; Oliver 1555 gas, WF, cab, 1279 hrs, bareback, sharp; Oliver 70 gas, NF; 48 IHC M, NF; 1991 Case 1818 gas skid loader, 38 actual hrs w/bucket & grapple; 1978 MF 540 D. combine, spreader, low useage, sharp; MF 44 corn head, 4RW; MF dummyhead w/5 belt PU; JD 800 SP swather, 15’ head, super sharp, low hrs; JD AMT 600 Gator, 5 wheel; MF snowmobile; CIH 1300 mower, 3 pt, 9’ bar; NH 850 R. baler; JD 24T sq. baler; IHC 490 disk, 24’; IHC 5500 chisel, 3 pt, 17’; Oliver 546 plow, 6 x 16; JD & IHC 12’ tandem disks; FH F25 loader w/bucket; FH QT manure bucket w/grapple; FH hay bucker; JD 55A PT 3 x 14 plow; Fair 848A, 3 pt, 8’ HD snow blower, like new; IHC 400 planter, 4RW; DK 11801 PTO grain vac; JD L manure spreader; JD 605 TA fertilizer spreader; Fimco 50 gallon 3 pt sprayer; Letz/JD Plow Co #80 burr mill; JD hand corn sheller; 4 – New 11.2 x 20 tires; All items are sharp & shedded. The Forrest Tupper Estate – Bison Kansas (Garen Tupper 970-692-1900 Janie Tupper 620-923-5034) will sell: 2011 Brent 882 CA 850 bu. grain cart w/scale; 2013 CIH 2612 chopping, 12RN corn head, knife rolls, hyd. decks w/2013 NH corn rower windrower attachment, sharp, like new; 4 – 2011 JD 612C corn heads (single point, knife rolls, hyd. decks, CM drives) (1 has Calmer chopping roll attach.); 3 – header trailers; used sickles; 2 – New Firestone 20.8 x 42 duals for JD combine; 18.4 x 38 duals, 10 bolt; pallet of JD 612C corn head parts (rolls-stripper plates-etc.); JD feeder house adapters; misc. parts; 1997 Freightliner FLD 120 semi sleeper, Detroit motor, 10 speed, sharp; 1990 Merritt 45’ TA hopper trailer, 84” sides & tarp; The Fred Graber Estate of Marion SD will sell: IHC 584 Diesel utility, WF, 3 pt, 2864 hrs, sharp; 1973 IHC 666 gas, WF, 3 pt, 6558 hrs, new rubber, sharp; IHC B, NF; CIH SCX100 Moco, 14’, 1 owner, sharp; 2 – Demco 365 gravity boxes w/gears (Red & Green); NH 519 manure spreader, sharp; 2003 PJ 20’ GN, TA flatbed trailer, sharp; 02 Ford F250 super crew 4 dr, 4x4, V10, auto, 81,000 miles; 01 Ford F150 crew cab 4 dr, V8, auto, 4x4, 131,000 miles; 02 Ford Explorer XLT 4 dr, 4x4, 180,000 miles, clean; Large assortment of Corn Heads; Flex Heads; Flex Draper; Dummy Heads; Header Trailers; Grain Carts; Gravity Boxes; Augers; Grain Vac; Haying & Feeding Equip.; Silage Equip; Grinder Mixers; Manure Equip; Planters; Drills; Sprayers; Tillage Equip; Machinery; Semi Trucks; Farm Trucks; Trailers; Vehicles; ATV’s; Riding Mowers; Duals; Tires; Car Hoist; Farm Misc. Auctioneers Note: A portion of the Auction will be available on Proxibid.com for online bidding with a 2.5% buyer’s premium with a max of $ 750.00 per item. Another large interesting sale! Bring a friend, come prepared. Misc. items start @ 8:00 w/ 3-4 rings. Machinery starts at 9:00 AM sharp with 2 auction rings all day, 3rd ring @ 11:00 will sell augers-vehicles-trailers-trucks. South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This ad is subject to additions and deletions. All consignments must have been approved by the Wieman’s. We have excellent loading and unloading equipment. We appreciate your business. We are in our 67th year of selling. Honest and fair treatment to all. Financing and trucking available. Sorry we are full! Come Prepared to Buy! If you are driving a good distance – call to make sure your item is here. (Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South Dakota”). Our Next Auction is December 14, 2016 WIEMAN LAND & AUCTION CO., INC. (SINCE 1949) MARION SD 605-648-3111 or 1-800-251-3111 AUCTION SITE: 605-648-3536 or 1-888-296-3536 EVENINGS: Richard Wieman 605-648-3264 Mike Wieman 605-297-4240 Kevin Wieman 605-648-3439 Derek Wieman 605-660-2135 Gary Wieman 605-648-3164 For a detailed ad and some pictures call our office or visit our website at: www.wiemanauction.com e-mail address: wiemanauction@yahoo.com www.broadcasteronline.com STABE CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Saturday, August 27th @ 9:30 A.M. Siouxlands Fastest Growing Auction 6 mi. E of Hinton, IA on C-60 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED CALL NOW TO GET YOUR ITEMS LISTED IN ALL OUR ADS FOR BETTER RESULTS Sales average over 1,500 buyers. We need tractors, combines, trucks, trailers, farm & atq. equip, lawn & garden, livestock equip, tools, hay & straw-etc. NO HOUSEHOLD ACCEPTED Advertising deadline August 15th www.stabeauctionandrealty.com Email: auction@frontiernet.net Ph: Stabe Auction Co.712-540-9640 AUCTION SUNDAY, JULY 31, 2016 • 10:30 A.M. Lunch available LOCATED: 55431 Hwy 12, Crofton, NE -or from the cemetery at east edge of Crofton on HWY 12, 2 ¼ miles east -or from Junction of Hwys 12 and 81, 1 ¾ miles west Auctioneers note: The Prussa’s have sold their acreage and will be downsizing to a smaller home. If you are interested in horse equipment, antiques, primitives, lawn & garden or acreage equipment make plans to join us for this interesting auction. TRACTORS and LIVESTOCK TRAILER IH Farmall 400 gas w/ wide front , SN-25969 S, 3 pt, w/ Farmhand F-11 loader w/ 8 ft bucket; IH Farmall H, SN-245838, w/ fenders and belt pulley, rolling draw bar; 3 pt. Bale fork; 3 pt. rotary shredder, 5 ft; DK livestock trailer 5 ft x 16 ft bumper hitch SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGH AND HORSE EQUIPMENT 2-Seated horse drawn spring wagon w/ canopy, w/ single driver shaves, both front wheels broken; 2-Seated horse drawn spring wagon w/ set of shaves; Spring wagon frame for parts; Old cutter sleigh; 2 sets of buggy shaves; 3 buggy tongues; 2 full set of double trees; Several neck yokes; Set of Boyt harness w/ brass top hames and bridles; 2 sets of sleigh runners for buggy or spring wagon; 2 new breast collars for saddles; Pony saddle w/ 13 inch seat; Several horse blankets; Several bridles; 2 full single driving harness; Horse collars; Hames; Horse shoes and nails; Fold up top frame work for buggy; Many harness buckles; Feed buckets. LAWN & ACREAGE EQUIPMENT Huskee portable log splitter, 6.5 hp. Gas, 22 ton; Homelite generator model LR-5500 (very little use); Craftsman power washer new pump; Snapper RS-150 Riding mower, 14 hp; Snapper Rear tine tiller, model RT8S, 8.5 hp, 20 inch, 4-speed, w/ reverse; 2 Snapper push mowers as is; Fimco pull behind lawn sprayer w/ 5 ft boom; 20” Toro gas snow blower; Craftsman leaf blower; Cement mixer with electric motor (like new); 2-Husqvarna chain saws, 1 Rancher Model 455, 1 Model 240; Garden cart metal 4-wheel; Single Harrow section; PRO Force air compressor; New push fertilizer spreader; Small water tank ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES Large horse shoe anvil on stand, made in Brooklyn, NY; Small anvil; Several barn doors and barn siding; Several cream cans, including one w/ brass tag Mr. Richard J. Wright Atkinson, NE Compliments of Laverne MN; German lantern Petromax Rapid, Made in Germany- very old; Old dresser w/ triple mirror; Chest of drawers; Range qualified green wood kitchen stove, w/ warmer; Allmard arc welder on cart w/ carbon arc torch; Wood rocker; 2 cane chairs; Metal file cabinet; Cistern pump planter combination; Handy Groseth Int’l Inc. tool box; Sleds; Live traps; Red wood round picnic table w/ benches; Several wood boxes; 4 sections of Wood house yard fencing; Several galvanized pails and tubs; Small child’s metal day bed frame; Gas cans and Standard, Skelly and Archer buckets; Metal sprinkling cans; Foston wood fanning mill 24 inch wide; Forge table w/ fan; Horse grooming supplies; Portable shooting target w/ bench; JD & IH pitman sticks; REA Banjo & spoon posthole digger; Sunbeam Stewart clip masters clipper; Oster Stewart clip master clipper; Horse shoe dirt scraper; Windrower attachment for sickle mower; Chimney brick and other brick; Blue canners, enamelware; Glass insulators; 2-brass blow torches; Kraut cutter; Old chairs; Set of buffalo horns; Ammo box; Western crocks 5 and 2 gal.; Large assortment of decorative flower pots and planters; Wheel barrows; Large brass planter; Bird cages; Large cement horse lawn ornament; Horse Lap robe; Old cast iron lawn tractor sprinkler; 2 hand garden tillers; Mirada Schwinn bike (nice). SHOP AND MISCELLANEOUS 20 ft. Aluminum extension ladder; Tractor chains; New car chains; Hi-lift jack; Shop lights; Car ramps; Plasplugs diamond wheel tile wet saw; portable air compressor; Aluminum concrete bull float (like new); 2-Mercury vapor lights; 12- 4 x 8 sheets OSB particle board; New come-a-long; Bolt cutters; Large assortment of garden tools, rakes, hoes, shovels, spades, pitch fork, and more; Floating tank heaters; Cornhusker Drive Sign; Adjustable basketball frame; Hand tools and assortment; Post driver; Golden rod wire stretcher HAY 100 Small square prairie hay bales HOUSEHOLD Many cook books; New portable kitchen island; Chest deep freezer 15 cu ft; Fruit jars; Misc. household items; picture frames; Pressure cookers; 4 Swivel wood kitchen stools; 4 Metal lawn chairs (new cushions); 60 inch round metal patio table; Toaster oven. KEN AND DOREEN PRUSSA 402-388-4292 TERMS: CASH OR BANKABLE CHECK NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS OR THEFT. AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: CREAMER, HEIMES, JANSSEN AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS, L.L.C. AUCTIONEERS ROGER JANSSEN 402-388-4409 RYAN CREAMER 402-254-9753 ALTON HEIMES 402-254-3315

Fair 59.0 F
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Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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