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On All NEW Hay Equipment Broadcaster Press 3 December 20, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com * Self-Prop and Receives ‘Smart Gov. DaugaardPull Windrowers *On Crime’ Recommendations Round Balers - Twine/Net Wrap Dave Says Wife Wins Dear Dave, We just started following your plan, and we have $39,000 in debt. We make $55,000 a year, and two of our smaller debts — one car and a credit card — are both $7,500. The credit card has a higher interest rate, so my wife thinks we should pay it off first. I look at the car as a necessity, and for that reason I think we should pay it off first. Who’s right? Pat Dear Pat, When the rules of paying off debts Dave from smallest to largest don’t apply, I look at things this way: If you have two debts that are of equal amounts, I would attack the one with the larger interest rate first. In your case, that would be the credit card debt. I get what you’re saying about the car. You guys might be in a bind if something happened and you lost one car. But it’s also something you could work around if you had no other choice. So yeah, knock out the credit card first then move on to the car. Going this route will serve two purposes: First, it will save you some money. And second, I’ve got a feeling it will fire up your wife and get her on board with the plan even more than she already is. She’s taking this seriously if she’s eyeballing interest rates, Pat. So use this momentum to work together, and knock out that debt! — Dave RAMSEY IRA to Gold? Bad Idea Investing In Infrastructure Is An Investment In The Future By Sen. Mike Rounds In 2017, with a new president in office and a reinvigorated Congress eager to get to work, finding ways to help grow our economy will be a top priority in Washington. For the first time in nearly a decade, we will have an executive branch willing to work with us to reform the tax code and undo many of the burdensome regulations that are preventing job creators from expanding their businesses. Additionally, we will have a president in office who has committed to investing in infrastructure across America, another important tool that is critical to our economy. Infrastructure is defined as basic organizational structures that are needed for the operation of society. This includes roads, railways, electric grids, pipelines, water systems, bridges, ports and airports, among other things. There is an expectation among Americans that no matter where they are across the country, they can expect clean water when they turn on a faucet and safe roads and bridges when they travel from place to place. A strong infrastructure system is important for public safety, and it has many economic benefits as well: it helps us maintain international competitiveness, creates jobs in construction and manufacturing industries and helps us make sure we are at the forefront of cutting-edge technology. A vibrant infrastructure system also strengthens national security: because we depend so heavily on travel and electricity to go about our daily lives, a breach in one of these systems could have far-reaching effects. In fact, the * Large Square Balers Last week the Smart on Crime Workgroup delivered its report to Gov. Dennis Daugaard. The workgroup was formed this summer by the Governor to study how the regional increase in meth trafficking has impacted South DaDear Dave, kota’s criminal justice system and to review the progress What are your thoughts on transferring an IRA over to gold? of the Public Safety Improvement Act, which was passed in Sandy the 2013 Legislative Session. “I’d like to thank the workgroup members for their USED the summer and fall. The policy recommenEQUIPMENT efforts through Dear Sandy, Honestly, I think that’s about the dumbest thing a person could dations within the report represent the state’s next steps HAY fight the meth epidemic,” Gov. Daugaard said. “We have TRACTORS do. I hope I wasn’t unclear. to EQUIPMENT Gold is going down like a rock right now as people start 14be- to concentrate on all three aspects of the policy 4WD - Duals to Wheel Rake recomH&S CIH 9150 lieve in the economy and the economic direction of this country mendations: stopping meth from coming into the state, again. The stock market indicates this is true, and inM&W 14 Wheel Rake people from using it and helping those who - 170HP the process, preventing CIH MX200 MFD are gold becomes worth less and less. Gold is essentially a fear-based addicted to live Claas 880 Rotary Rake a sober life.” CIH 8940 MFD - 210HP product, and the less fear that’s out there, the cheaper gold is. Recommendations from the group include creating an That’s not how you want to fund your IRA, Sandy.Vermeerto You want R23 Rake CIH 7110 and 7120 2WD fund it with something that has a long track record based on interstate drug trafficking taskforce, coordinating existgrowth due to the performance of the companies involved — not ing - 3x3prevention programs, and instituting a minimum 4WD Hesston 4760 meth Ford/Versitile 876 someone’s greed or fear. Gold is a horrible investment, and I don’t sanction for parolees or probationers caught using while Challenger on supervision. CIH MXM 120 - 95HP MFD own any except for one nice watch and a pair of cufflinks. That’s it! LB34 - 3x4 — Dave CIH 8575 3x3 Baler CIH MXU 125 MFD The workgroup consisted of prosecutors, judges, legis- 105HP lators, - enforcement, defense attorneys, 120 MFD/LDR N. Holland BB940law3x3 judicial branches, and the Attorney General. CIH MX members of the executive and * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and busiN. Holland J. Deere “Quick Links.” View the ness, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven best- 660 Round report at sd.gov/governor under 7320 - IVT - MFD selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The DaveRD Soft CTR CIH 8480 Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each COMBINES CIH Follow week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms.RBX 562 and 563 CIH 2388-2003-1300HR Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web CIH SC100 - 16’ Pull W/R at daveramsey.com. ~ All In Stock ~ With an ad in the CIH 2588-2008-900HR N. Holland 1475 - 16’ W/R 624-4429 2377-2005-1700HR CIH Broadcaster N. Holland 1431 Disc W/R McDon 5000 - 16Ft W/R Hesston 9260 SP Disc W/R CIH WDX 1902 SP Disc W/R in the With an ad Department of Homeland Security has identified 16 different Broadcaster critical structures whose assets, systems and networks JD 9550-AWD-1500HR JD 9410-1998-1700HR Several CIH 1660 - $19,500 CIH 1640 - CDC - Chopper Mark’s Machinery - YANKTO Year-End Sale 624-4429 are considered so vital to the U.S. that their destruction or disruption would have a “debilitating” effect on our nation. Putting people to work may be a short-term positive effect when we break ground on new infrastructure projects, but any project in which we choose to invest taxpayer dollars must also grow the economy. It’s important that PRE-SELL & END - OF - YEAR we don’t start new projects simply for the sake of starting DISCOUNTS ON ALL EQUIPMENT! projects—we need to be guaranteed a return on our investments. Since the beginning of the Roman Empire, infrastructure nts has been a key component of prosperous, thriving nations. Discou After the development of the aqueduct, for example, the anUp to We’ll meet or beat !all Fit Most Makes cient Romans were able to move water long distances, thus 21% expanding their empire. The growth of the United States is advertised prices directly tied to innovation and infrastructure development. In the 19th century, our country expanded to the west We Have Partnered With Case-IH To Move Inas travel became more accessible. People and products could be moved on new rail lines, roads and waterways. It Stock Inventory Before Year-End increased our ability to trade with others, move people to Guards - Sickles - Sections new parts of our burgeoning country and, as 19th century journalist John O’Sullivan put it, spread the “great experi• Tractors • Planters • • Case IH • IH • Hesston Combines ment of liberty” west to the Pacific Ocean. • Hew Holland • Hay Equipment • All Types Tillage Equipment • McDon Since the early days of our republic, our infrastructure system has played a vital role in the growth of our country – Round Baler – and the strength of our economy. As we begin work in the 16000 Sisal.....................$32.95 115th Congress, investing in infrastructure will be a top 20000 Plastic..................$21.95 9ft. Balanced Head priority. Everything For Hay TWINE PARTS APPLIES TO ALL NEW Great Guard Prices! *December Deals* Biodegradable• “LOCK IN”.SUPER FINANCING ON NEW AND USED EQUIPMENT - 20K. . . . .$22.95 Mower Sickles $79.95 67” x 7000 Net Wrap.........$220 • LO-RATES-WAIVERS-0% • SUPER LO-RATES Finger Wheel Rake Parts LEASES NOW! Big Square Plastic • GREAT PRICES ON LEASE RETURN AND GOVERMENT DOT Baler Belting 350 and 440 IN STOCK TRACTORS NOW! ALL SIZES Health Department Staff Honored Assistive Daily Living Services PIERRE, S.D. – Five South Dakota Department of Health staff were recently recognized in the agency’s annual Secretary’s Awards Program. Marcia Benning and John Osburn, both of Rapid City, received Outstanding Contribution to Public Health Awards for significant contributions over the course of a career. A dedicated Pennington County community health nurse, Marcia goes above and beyond to serve clients, particularly when it comes to providing immunizations. She leads quality assurance activities for all nurses in the large office and is a valued teacher and mentor for both new and experienced nurses. John manages a large workload as assistant administrator for the office of health protection which licenses food service, campground and lodging establishments. He managed the successful implementation of a new electronic licensure and inspection system which included a new web portal for consumers to access scores and inspection reports. Eric Grimm, Pierre, received the Rising Star Award as a new employee making a significant contribution. As data manager for disease prevention, he has advanced the capabilities and efficiencies of the agency’s centralized, electronic disease surveillance system. Using advanced computational statistical software, he analyzes and mines complex datasets, creating hundreds of high-quality visual images that transform raw data into meaningful and actionable information. Excellence in the Workplace Awards for outstanding performance in the past year went to Ashley Klatt, Watertown, and Jessica Schreurs, Sioux Falls. A tuberculosis (TB) nurse consultant, Ashley managed a challenging multi-drug resistant case of TB, maintaining regular contact with the patient and the family for nine months. She developed an innovative method of carrying out directly observed medication therapy using FaceTime on iPhones, a technology now implemented statewide. Jessica is a 12-year correctional health veteran and has been the clinical supervisor at the main penitentiary since 2014. In addition to those duties, she has helped in the Women’s Prison clinic in Pierre during staffing shortages and has been invaluable in helping orient new clinical supervisor and charge nurses there. She is also now serving as interim clinical supervisor at Jameson Annex in the State Penitentiary. COWBOY BOOTS Check out our selection today! COMING SOON boston shoes to boots Women’s Cowboy Boots footwear experts since 1915 312 W 3rd Street | Downtown Yankton | 605.665.9092 Join Us For Worship Saturday, December 24 Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 5:00 pm Medicaid Waiver Renewal * Pallet Qty Discounts Everything for Hay!! PIERRE, S.D. – Assistive Daily Living Services * Truckload Pricing (ADLS) waiver participants, providers and partners DISC MOWER PARTS are invited to participate in a webinar and conference call regarding the ADLS Medicaid waiver renewal. The webinar and conference call will be held Dec. 28 at 3p.m. The webinar can be accessed online at http://tinyurl.com/hjcnkgs. To join by phone, call 866-410-8397 and enter the conference code of 7439898846. For more information, contact Jennifer Geuther at 605-773-3195 or by email at Jennifer.Geuther@state. East Hwy. 50 3211 745 E. Hwy .46 sd.us. 2009 CASE-IH STX 485, 4WD, WHEEL Yankton, 57078 Wagner, SD ADLS is a Medicaid Waiver program for individuals SDCASE-IH STX 425, 4WD, WHEEL 605-665-4540 605-384-3681 with quadriplegia. CASE-IH 9270 AND 9370 – 4WD USED EQUIPMENT Mark’s Machinery Inc. TRACTORS Two locations to serve TRAC CASE-IH STX 375 QUADyou! 4WD 800-526-8095 And if you want to see: Stories and photos from a cooperative effort that distributed approximately 25,000 pounds of food in Vermillion on Dec. 15. A report from a planned meeting of the Vermillion School Board and District 17 legislators. Hillside Community Church • 1800 Constance Dr, Vermillion NICE SELECTION OF USED COMBINES! 2388 - 2588 - 5088 - 6088 - 7088 - 7120 GREAT FINANCING OPTIONS NOW -RECENT TRADES- KNIGHT 1140 – 400 BU – TANDEM SPREADER HAYBUSTER 2650 BALE PROCESSOR BUSH HOG 3615 – 15FT MOWER KNIGHT 3142 AND 3136 – MIXER WAGONS SAVE TIME! SAVE $$$ PRE-SEASON INSPECTION PROGRAM TRACTORS COMBINES PLANTERS HAY EQUIPMENT A story detailing the Christmas celebrations planned at area churches. Pick up this Friday’s Plain Talk! Local news since 1884! PROGRAM INCLUDES CLEANING INSPECTION AND ESTIMATE OF WORK NEEDED FREE TRUCKING TRACTORS AND COMBINES Here for you yesterday, today and tomorrow. Sunday, December 25 Christmas Celebration at 10:00 am Sunday, January 1 Worship Service at 10:45 am 800-693-1990 JOHN DEERE 8760 – 4WD W/DUALS CIH 275 MAGNUM – LO HOURS – CLEAN Stories you missed this week because CIH 245 www.marksinc.com – 240 – 215 – 200 MAGNUMS CASE-IH MAXXUM IH registered trademarks of CNH America you’re not a Plain Talk subscriberCapital America LLC. All fights reserved. CNH Capital and Case140 WITH 760 LDR LLC. Printed in the USA ©2009 CNH CASE-IH FARMALL 125A AND 140A JOHN DEERE 6210R – 400 HOURS Coverage of last Saturday’s winter commencement JOHN DEERE 7320 MFWD W/LDR ceremony at the University of South Dakota. CASE-IH MXM 130 – MFD – FULL PS CASE-IH MXM 190 – MFD – FULL PS The news that the Vermillion School Board has CASE-IH PUMA 130 – CVT W/LDR FORD 7710 – 2WD W/CAB AND LDR accepted Superintendent Mark Froke’s resignation, FARMALL 686 DIESEL W/LOADER effective in June 2017. IH 684 DIESEL UTILITY TRACTOR MAXXUM 125 – 2WD – CAB – SHARP A news report of the Tanager Preschool, which held an CIH MX110 MFD MAXXUM W/LDR open house for local parents and their children. CIH 5240 MFD W/KOYKER LDR JOHN DEERE 2940 MFD- LDR- OPEN KUBOTA BX2350 – HYDRO – LDR – MFD Stories and photos from Vermillion Tanagers boys’ and KUBOTA L3540 MFD – CAB – LOADER girls’ basketball, gymnastics, wrestling and bowling. KUBOTA L4600 – ROPS – LOADER JOHN DEERE 4230 – QUAD – LOADER 201 W. Cherry, Vermillion, SD 57069 605-624-2695 3211 East Hwy. 50 Yankton, SD 57078 605-665-4540 800-526-8095 745 E. Hwy. 46 Wagner, SD 605-384-3681 800-693-1990

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