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Broadcaster Press 3 January 31, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com TheAvid Scouter By Daris Howard Delos was an avid scouter all of his life. From the time he turned twelve and joined his first Boy Scout troop, he never missed a campout. Even after he moved into the group of older boys, he still volunteered to go on the campouts with the younger scouts. He was only seventeen when he was asked to be the Assistant Scoutmaster. He happily agreed. The boys loved and respected Delos, partly because they knew they were important to him. He expected a lot of them. He not only insisted they know their knots, but he also taught the boys to survive under any circumstance. There were a few times when the boys claimed the skills that Delos taught them had saved them. But then came the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, and soon Delos’s number came up for the draft. But the problem was that he was not the only one being called away. Almost all of the men were drafted. The scouts would have no one left to be their Scoutmaster. Delos went away to basic training. As he marched, drilled, and did calisthenics, he thought of the boys in his troop. There was no one there teaching them to tie knots, no one taking them camping, no one to eat the burned food they made, and no one to sit around the campfire and tell them stories. As he was approaching the end of the first part of training, the men were told they were going to receive a short leave. It was only for one long weekend, and then they had to be back for more training. Most of the men just planned to go to the nearby town and live it up, but Delos decided on another plan. Late Thursday night he called home and told his family to have the boys meet him at the train station with their packs and camping gear. He then left to board the train home. He traveled all through the night, arriving at the train station in his home community early Friday morning. Delos wasn’t sure everything would work out, or if the boys would even be there, but when he stepped off of the train, there were the boys with their packs and gear, along with the one thing Delos never went camping without, his guitar. There were also community members there ready to drive the troop members to the designated campsite. Off they went into the woods. They had the usual burned food and sat around the campfire telling stories. The boys listened intently as Delos told them about basic training and shared his love of country. Then Delos pulled out his guitar and sang patriotic songs. He also sang “I Am My Own Grandpa” and other old-time favorites. All too soon it was Saturday evening, and the community members were back to take them home. The boys all loaded into the cars, tired, dirty, and happy. Delos rode back to the train station where he was able to enjoy a visit with his family before it was time to board the train back to the base. Delos, once more, rode through the night to get back. As he walked into the barracks on Sunday evening, most of the men were still nursing hangovers. When Delos sat on the edge of his bunk, one of the other soldiers sniffed the air. “Is that you that smells like a campfire?” the soldier asked Delos. Delos smiled and nodded. “I rode the train home and took my scouts camping.” “That’s crazy,” the other soldier said. “You could have been out drinking and having fun.” “I was having fun,” Delos said. “But while I was having fun, I was also making men out of boys, and there’s nothing better than that.” 1101 CHURCH SCHEDULES Dalesburg Baptist Church, 30503 466th Ave., Beresford. Sunday School 9:45am, Worship 11am, Midweek Services WED 6:30pm 605-253-2622 www.dalesburgbaptist.org Christ Our Savior, WELS, Worship SUN. 6pm, Bible Study TUE. 9pm, Neuharth Center, 605-624-5398 or 1800-1234. Elk Point Baptist Church, 101 N. Green St., Elk Point, SD. Worship SUN 11am, Bible Study WED 7pm. 605-2221981. Concordia Lutheran Church (LC-MS) 7 S. University, Vermillion. Sunday School 9 a.m. Divine Service 10 a.m. Pastor Paul Albers, 605-624-3459 or email@lcmsvermillion.org First Baptist Church, Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor. 605624-6391 home, 605-624-4658 church. Sunday School 9:15am, Worship 10:30am, Choir Practice 11:50am. Dalesburg Lutheran Church, 12 miles north of Vermillion on University Rd., Worship 9:15am, Sunday School 10:45am, www.dalesburglutheran.org. Grace Baptist Church SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wed. Night 7 p.m. Faith Lutheran Church, 401 Main St., Maskell, NE, Sunday School, 9am; Worship, 10am w/Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays. 605-658-0240 (home) or (402)692-3323 (church). Faith Fellowship of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 & Hwy. 19. Sunday Celebration 10:30am Pastor Tony Armbrust, 605624-2921. Faith United Lutheran Church, 44874 303rd St., Volin, SD, 605-267-2277. Worship: 9:30am SUN w/ communion 1st & 4th Sundays. WOW Wednesday/Confirmation, 6:30pm Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Masses: SAT 4:30pm; SUN 9:30am and 5:30pm St. Agnes Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer Office: 624-4478. Rectory: 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday Cornerstone Church, located at corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Service: Sunday 9am and 10:30am (during school year); 10am (summers). Cornerstonesd.org or 624-8809. Gayville Lutheran Church, Gayville, SD, 605-267-4342, Pastors Kristen & Ben Eisele. 8:45 am Worship, 9:45 am Sunday School Immanuel Lutheran Church Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Pleasant Valley Lutheran Church. Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. Over Elk Point United Parish, 603 S Pearl Street, Elk Point, Pastor David Bambas. Sunday worship at 9:30 AM (nursery available) 605-356-2008, epups@iw.net or epunitedparish.org www.stpaullutheranelkpoint.com Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you're not hungry? Do you binge or purge? OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS Saturdays, 10am at Newman Center- 320 East Cherry Street, Vermillion. 1200 The Luther Center at USD Located at Cherry & Plum Streets, Vermillion. Wednesday evening worship at 8:30pm Fellowship events throughout the year. www.luthercenter.org Trinity Lutheran Church, 816 E Clark Street, Vermillion. Worship Saturday evening: 5:30PM and Sunday morning: 10:00AM. Pr. James Fowler www.trinityvermillion.org Gospel Chapel Church, 708 Jessie St., Newcastle, NE, Sunday School 9:30am, Worship 10:30am; WED AWANA 7pm. 402-355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. First United Methodist Church, 16 N. Dakota St. Sunday Worship 10:25am. Welcome Table - a free community meal Mondays 5:30-7pm. Call 624-2179 for more info. 1101 Announcements Events FREE for 30 words or less for private party classified line ads in the Broadcaster and Plain Talk. If you need more than 30 words, don't worry you still won't pay a lot. A 31-word ad is only $.90 and the cost only goes up $.50 per word thereafter. Stop in at 201 W. Cherry Street, Vermillion or call 605-624-4429. Cars *BUYING JUNK CARS* Cars Your Car to Veterans Today! Help and Support our Veterans. Fast - FREE pick up. 100% tax deductible. Call 1800-245-0398. nani DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. 1-800-283-0205 (MCN) Drive with Uber. You'll need a Smartphone. It's fun and easy. For more information, call: 1800-902-9366 (MCN) 1210 Scrap Iron Wanted Old Cars, Trucks, Buses, Farm Machinery, Roll off dumpsters available. Paying top dollar. Will pick up. Gubbels Salvage 402-640-6335 Coleridge, NE 2012 Impala LT, Excellent condition. 73,000 miles, $8950.00, Call (605)670-1084. CARS/TRUCKS WANTED!!! All Make/Models 2000-2015! Any Condition. Running or Not. Competitive Offer! Free Towing! We're Nationwide! Call Now: 1-888-416-2330. nani DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-752-6680 (MCN) Trucks For Sale: 2 wheel drive Pulling Truck. Call for more information. (605)220-4023. 1225 Automotive Parts For Sale: 20” Ford F150 Factory aluminum wheels and tires. 80% tread left. $900.00, Vermillion. (605)670-0906. 1250 Motorcycles WANTED OLD JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES KAWASAKI Z1-900 (1972-75), KZ900, KZ1000 (1976-1982), Z1R, KZ 1000MK2 (1979,80), W1-650, H1-500 (1969-72), H2-750 (1972-1975), S1-250, S2-350, S3-400, KH250, KH400, SUZUKI-GS400, GT380, HONDA-CB750K (1969-1976), CBX1000 (1979,80) CASH!! 1800-772-1142 1-310-721-0726 usa@classicrunners.com (NANI) Men’s & Women’s Serving... 95 Years In Business Hillside Community Church, 1800 Constance Dr., Vermillion, Sunday: Worship 9:00am & 10:45am and Vespers 8:00pm; WED: AWANA (3-yrsGr.5) 6:30-8pm. 605-624-4862. St. Paul Lutheran Church, 31903 475th Ave., Elk Point, Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9 a.m. Rev. David Bentz, 605-356-2805; Announcements 1200 Events Donate Vermillion, Yankton, Sioux City and Everywhere In Between San Antonio Shoemakers Handcrafted Comfort Shoes boston shoes to boots footwear experts since 1915 312 W 3rd Street | Downtown Yankton | 605.665.9092 Thank You Blessings of gratitude to our community of friends. We are overwhelmed by the generosity of support everyone has shown us through prayer, cards, gifts, food, visits, and great care from doctors and nurses this past month while Phyllis was in the hospital and since returning home. Our children and family you are the best. Friends you are great. We appreciate each day the Lord has given us. Komstad Covenant Church Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 5632402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. Grieving? One Hour: Worship is led by a talented live band in a style that is consistent with today's culture. On the USD Campus at the MUC, 6:30pm Sundays! www.one-hour.org Vermillion: Know someone who is? 605.624.5618 • Yankton: 605.665.4348 Blessings of Love and Thanks. Sioux City: 712.252.2000 Phyllis and Sheridan Sternquist When you are grieving a loved one’s death, Providence Reformed Church, 830 Madison, can be especially painful. the holiday season Vermillion: Sunday School 9:30am, Worship Surviving the Holidays seminar helps Our 10:30am. “We welcome you to historic protestant worship and fellowship.” www.griefshare.org/holidays Your Journey from participants prepare for the holidays and Mourning to Joy Saturday, November 12 Grief pm 2:00 week Seminar RecoveryEdith B.1312:00 Vermillion pm Library Siegrist Public Begins: Tuesday, Feb. 7 Support 18 Church St, Vermillion 6:30 - 8:30 pm Group Vermillion Public Library Call today to register: 18 Church St., Vermillion St Thomas More Newman even Cherry hope for Center, 320 EdiscoverSt, Ver- the future. million. Sunday Mass 11am and 9pm www.usdnewman.org for weekday Mass and Adoration times. 605-624-2697 Church of Christ, 102 Prospect, Vermillion: Sunday Worship, 10am; Bible Study 9am; Bible Study Noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7pm The United Church of Christ Congregational, Highway 12 Newcastle, NE. Worship: 5:30 p.m. Saturday. Pastor Gary Kimm. Come join us! United Church of Christ Congregational, 226 E. Main St., Pastor Steve Miller. 10:30a.m. Worship Service. No Longer Strangers www.uccvermillion.org Mark’s Machinery th Jean Brown 712 551 6401 Cost: $25 suggested donation for material Mary Auch 605 202 0935 See Us For The Full Line Of Tough Bobcat Equipment For more Information call Mary Auch 605.202.0935 Sponsored by Hillside Community Church JeanSponsored by: Brown 712.551.6401 Hillside Community Church 605 624 4862 Thank you... A big THANK YOU to everyone who sent a card, said a prayer, stopped to visit, called, sent a gift or delivered food to the house. St. Paul's Episcopal Church Corner of Main and Linden. A special THANK YOU to Anita White Sunday: nursery available. who did a fall cleanup of my yard and garden. 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 11:00 a.m. coffee hour. Call Another special THANK YOU to 624-3379 for more information our neighbor Jeremiah Dibley and his students Bergen Lutheran Church who arrived one day with three huge pots “The Know someone who is? Little White Church on Timber Road.” 605-267-4342, of flowers and stayed to plant the cannas. Pastors Kristen & Ben Eisele. When you are grieving a loved one’sbiggest THANKS go to my husband Bill, The death, 9:45am Sunday School, 10:45am Worship. kids and the holiday season can be especially painful. grandkids who rallied together Brule Creek Lutheran Church, to give me moral support every day. Grieving? Elk Point,Surviving the Holidays seminar helps Our SD: Worship 11am, Sunday School 9:45amI appreciate 10:45am participants prepare for the holidays and IN STOCK SKID LOADERS S450 - S595 - S650 - S740 - S750 TRACK LOADERS T590 - T595 - T650 - T770 * MINI-ESCAVATORS * RTV VEHICLES USED LOADERS - SKID LOADERS - everyone who hosted and attended www.griefshare.org/holidays BOBCAT S750 - 2192 HR - 2 SPD - CAB/AIR my retirement party. The care and concern www.broadcasteronline.com BOBCAT S300 - 2 SPD - CAB/AIR - 3000# Saturday, outstanding even discover hope for the from community members was November 12 future. BOBCAT 773 - CAB - HAND CTRL - $14,500 and it helped me thru 12:00 pmdark day. many a 2:00 pm 2002 CASE XT70 - REDUCED $17,500 Edith B. Siegrist Vermillion Public Library Jane Larson 2005 NEW HOLLAND LS185B - $18,500 18 Church St, Vermillion Bunyan’s 5th Annual Call today to register: Jean Brown 712 551 6401 Adult 2012 NEW HOLLAND L220 - JOYSTICK - AIR 2013 NEW HOLLAND L220 - 239 HR - LOADED BOBCAT S650 - CAB/AIR - 2490 HR - 2 SPD - TRACK LOADERS - Mary Auch 605 202 0935 BOBCAT T200 - 2002 - 2789 HR - $22,500 - 2244 HR - CAB/AIR BOBCAT T650 - 2012 - 1358 HR - NEW TRACKS GEHL RT250 - CAB/AIR - 2 SPD - 247 HR - 74 HP CAT 259D - 2687 HR - JOYSTICK - 2 SPD NEW HOLLAND C238 - 2013 - HI FLOW - 2 SPD Sponsored by: BOBCAT T320 Hillside Community Church 605 624 4862 Saturday, February 11th Doors open at 6:00pm Bring your sweetie and enjoy the evening – DJ & Raffles SEE US FOR YOUR BOBCAT PARTS AND SERVICE NEEDS Proceeds to benefit Dax Alan Jepsen Bunyan’s Bar and Grill son of Brett & Jenn • grandson of Donna Jepsen Bring in a canned good to benefit the local Food Pantry and recieve a free raffle ticket. 605.624.9971 • 1201 WName • Vermillion Dealer Main Address • Phone 3211 E. 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