
July 25, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com
Broadcaster Press 3
Miscellaneous Dave Says
Lunch Menu
Using the Grandchild for Money
Lower that Cell Phone Bill.
Get 2 lines of unlimited data for
$100/mo. with AutoPay--taxes
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Limited offer/Restrictions Apply. Call Today and Save. 855549-9399 (MCN)
Dear Dave,
My wife and I have been helping
our adopted daughter financially for
some time. She’s 25, has been married for three years, and we don’t see
this cycle stopping anytime soon. The
worst part is, they will often throw in
that our grandchild will go without
something unless we help. We’re certain this isn’t teaching them to stand
on their own feet, but we don’t know
what else to do.
OXYGEN Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No
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OXYGEN – Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No
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Paying too much for car insurance? Not sure? Want better coverage? Call now for a
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Warranty we pay 100% of covered Home repairs! CALL FOR
877-279-3904. nani
Warranty we pay 100% of covered Home repairs! CALL FOR
888-925-8106 (MCN)
SENIOR LIVING referral service, A PLACE FOR MOM.
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Spectrum Triple Play: TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea.
60 MB per second speed. No
contract or commitment. We
buy your existing contract up to
$500! 1-800-919-3588 (MCN)
SALE: New, All sizes. 605-6615050 or 605-387-5660. Ulmer
Farm Service, Menno, SD.
Stop paying too much for cable, and get DISH today. Call
855-589-1962 to learn more
about our special offers! (MCN)
$50/Month, includes FREE Genie HD/DVR # 3 months HBO,
STARZ. Get a $50 Gift Card.
Call 877-894-5275 (MCN)
Valentines Getaway! 4-Day
Bahamas Cruise on Carnival
Liberty Sailing 2/11/18 from
$363.55pp Balcony $483.55pp,
including taxes & port fees.
$150pp Deposit by 9/10/17 to
secure your cabin! Call NCP
Travel 877-270-7260. nani
Water Damage in your Home?
Call now for a free, fast quote.
Insurance approved. Help restore your piece of mind! 866865-1875 (MCN)
Give Aways
FREE: Galvanized tin from
shed that blew down. Wood
still attached. Must take all.
Want to buy: Small square
baler, hay tub grinder, JD
3800-3960 silage cutter, JD
454, 643 or 444 corn head, JD
212 pickup head also Sund
pickup 605-661-6335 or 605665-4753.
any type of farm work including
cutting cedar trees. Put up
fence and tear down fence.
24 years' experience. For more
information call (712)943-2084,
Cell (712)251-3277.
Graffiti Artist
By Daris Howard
Don’s Dust
Utility – Livestock
Trailer Sale! Triton All Aluminum utility trailers; Tilt bed
aluminum UTV & utility trailers;
Scissor lift trailers; 4-Place
Snowmobile trailer; 16 14,000
lb. Dump trailer; 100s of
TRAILER parts! 2017 6X12 Vnose, ramp $2,775.00; 2017
7x16' V-nose, ramp door, radials $4,439.00; www.FortDodgeTrailerWorld.com 515-9724554 (MCN)
In Business
Senior Meals
Served at The Main Street
Center & Town Square,
“Meals on Wheels” Please
call before 9:00am to
schedule or cancel a meal
at 624-7868.
Menus listed below are
July 26 – August 1.
Menus are subject to
change without notice.
All menus are served with
whole grain bread
and 1% milk unless
otherwise noted.
Wednesday – Liver and
Onions, Baked Potato, Green
Bean Amandine, Crunchy
Cranberry Salad
Thursday – Ham Loaf,
Diced Parsley Potatoes, Cooked
Cabbage, Apricots
Friday – Cooks Choice
Monday – Roast Pork,
Scalloped Potatoes, California
Blend Veggies, Cooked Apples,
Cake and Ice Cream
Tuesday – N/A
or Re
-farm fresh produc
sweet corn – summer squash
cucumbers – peppers
basil – local honey
tomatoes coming soon!
Open 7 days a week • M-F 12 Noon-6pm • Sat & Sun 10am-6:30pm
Vermillion: 605.624.5618 • Yankton: 605.665.4348
Sioux City: 712.252.2000
Vermillion Dental HealtH
Located 2 Blocks South of Cotton Park & Soccer Park
or 708 S. Dakota St. Vermillion
605-624-9330 or 605-677-7852
On behalf of children with life threatening illnesses, we would
like to thank Vermillion and its surrounding communities.
new pAtien
The eleventh annual Make A Wish dinner and auction was a huge success!
For Sale: Onions, Beets &
new potatoes 75¢ per pound.
Call Andy Nielsen. 605-6617326.
Wednesday – Cheeseburger,
Green Beans
Thursday – Baked Corn Dog,
Friday – Hot Ham and Cheese
Sandwich, Golden Corn
Wyatt thought about it and realized there was a little
bit of excitement, but that was getting old. It was more the
“Creativity is a part of human nature,” the church leader
said. “You need to take care of the illegal things you have
done, but you also need to find another creative outlet.”
Wyatt turned himself in and was sentenced to hours
of community service, much of it scrubbing off graffiti or
painting over it. But he couldn’t find a creative outlet and
could feel the desire to create growing within him. Then
one day he heard a business owner talking to a customer.
“We need to paint our shop,” she said, “but I wish I could
get someone to paint a logo or picture or something instead
of just a boring paint job.”
Wyatt had an idea. By promising to paint over it at his
Classified Ads:
own expense if the owner didn’t like it, he talked her into alFriday at Noon
lowing him to paint a logo in a graffiti style on the building.
The evening he started to paint, the police arrested him. He
Display Ads:
had to get the business owner to explain their agreement
Friday at 11AM
before he was released. Wyatt bought a suit to paint in after
that so he looked professional. Graffiti art is something that
takes some getting used to, and at first, the owner wasn’t
sure she liked it. But she got so many compliments that she
kept it and grew to love it.
Soon job offers poured
1115 Valley View Drive • Vermillion
in. He even painted cars,
pickups, and trucks. He had
Spacious Executive Family Home with
a waiting list for months
6 bedrooms, 3 baths, new appliances,
of work. He said he even
two fireplaces, family room, two safe
checked with the art departrooms, partially fenced yard, and two
ment to see if it was possible
detached garages, situated on secluded
to major in graffiti art. They
2.8 acre lot with beautiful bluff view
had never even considered
it before, yet Wyatt ended
up making a good living at it
For details call Robin at
while going to school.
As the truck whizzed by
me, my thoughts returned to
the present, and I smiled and
said, “Nice work, Wyatt.”
A truck was approaching, and I recognized some art
work on the side and smiled. I thought back to the first day
of class a couple of years earlier. The students were introducing themselves. When we got to Wyatt, his introduction
was unique.
“I am a graffiti artist,” he said.
“Not like the graffiti on buildings and trains, though,
right?” I asked.
“Well,” he said slowly, “yes and no.”
By this time the whole class was curious.
“Would you like to expound on that, Wyatt?” I asked.
“When I was a teenager,” he said, “I started out painting
train cars with some friends. My friends soon tired of it.
But for me, there was an adrenaline rush trying not to get
caught. In addition, I found I was good at it. I must admit
that I felt proud when I was out driving by my creations
with someone and heard them say it was awesome artwork,
even as they talked about how wrong it was for someone
to do it. And I hated not being able to tell them it was my
“Did you ever get caught?” another student asked.
Wyatt shook his head. “I came close a few times. One
night I’m sure the police knew they had me cornered, but
they couldn’t find me. It was winter, and I stayed hidden all
night. They stayed until the next morning but finally left. I
nearly froze to death.”
“Obviously something must have changed,” I said, “or
you wouldn’t be telling us this.”
Wyatt nodded. “I had been doing it for around four years
when one evening I was out with a girl, and she asked me
what I did. When I told her I painted graffiti, she said that
was awesome. I had the strangest feeling come over me as I
thought, ‘I don’t want to date someone who thinks it’s awesome to break the law.’ Then I realized I was the person
breaking the law, and that was worse. I decided I needed to
change my ways.”
Wyatt said he went to his church leader and explained to
him what he had been doing and that he wanted to change.
“The problem is,” Wyatt told his church leader, “I love
doing it.”
“Do you love it because
of the excitement of doing
Vermillion, Yankton,
something wrong, or beSioux City and Everywhere
cause it is a creative outlet?”
In Between
the church leader asked.
Registered 18 month old Angus bulls from A.I. Many are
suitable for heifers. One
Sim/Angus bull. Phone John
Marnie Shieffer 402-388-4532.
Borrow Against Retirement?
Dear Dave,
I have an opportunity to take a loan against my 401(k) retireDear David,
ment, and pay myself interest. Is this a good idea?
You’re right about one thing. It’s time they Susan
both learned how to handle money like mature, responsible adults. I don’t know how Dear Susan,
much your tried to teach her about finances Actually, you’ll end up costing yourself interest. Never take a
when she was growing up, but it sounds like this “needing help” loan against your retirement!
thing is turning into an endless cycle.
When you pay interest against your retirement, you cost yourself
You’re giving them money left and right, and it’s not working. interest. If you leave the company — which you will someday —
You’re giving them fish, and you’ve heard that whole saying. You the loan against the 401(k) is due within 60 days. If you don’t pay
could also teach them to fish and then not give them any fish, but it off, they consider it an early withdrawal and you’ll get taxed and
I like a third choice in this scenario — give them fish only if they penalized big-time.
take fishing lessons. They get no more money from you unless If you have a certifiable emergency, like owing the IRS or facing a
they get financial counseling together and make a serious move foreclosure, you may have to withdraw some. You’ll still get taxed,
toward straightening up their lives.
but please don’t ever borrow against retirement!
If they try to play on your feelings by saying your grandchild — Dave
is hungry, tell them to send the child over for a meal. If they run
out of money until payday, tell them to go to their financial counseling session to find answers. Right now, every time they have a * Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and busiproblem they call mom and dad. Guess what? They don’t have any ness, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven bestproblems as long as you’re doing what you’re doing.
selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The Dave
Love them well. Hold their hands and say, “When I was your age, Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners each
I wish someone had done this for me. I’m not going to give you week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms. Follow
any more money unless you go to financial counseling sessions
regularly and together. If you do this, turn in a budget to us and Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at daveramlet us coach you on how to be adults and handle your own money sey.com.
• Horse Arenas
• Private & Commerical
Livestock - Poultry
• Unpaved Roads
For Sale: 18 Black AI bred
heifers to calve 2/20/18 for 10 • Grain Elevator Access
days. Bred to low BW Angus • Free Estimates
bull, Graphite, 402-649-4891.
For Sale: Very large chicken
coop, could be a tiny house.
Make offer. You move it. Call
or text (605)624-6015.
The Summer Food Program at
well, we’ll help and set up a matching system. If you don’t do the
Jolley Elementary will be servmatching part though, you won’t see anything from us.”
They’ve figured out if they hold your feet to the fire when it ing lunch Monday through Friday
from May 30th to July 28th
comes to this grandbaby, you’re going to open the wallet. They’re
from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm.
playing you right now, and it’s not to their benefit — or yours!
— Dave
This meal is FREE to anyone 18
or younger. For more
information call 677-7000.
Menu listed below is for
July 26 – July 28. Menus are
subject to change without notice.
11 Court St. Vermillion
vermilliondh@gmail.com D.D.S.
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
6th & Jennings • Sioux City, IA
3 Days
Drive Thru Available
JULY 28, 29, 30
FRI. 5PM-10PM • SAT. 11AM-10PM • SUN. 11AM-3PM
Free Admission
Authentic Greek Food, Music, Bake Sale, Church Tours
Through the efforts of everyone involved, children from our
area with life threatening illnesses can be granted a wish!
• To Old Lumber Company for hosting!
• To All of the businesses that provided auction items!
• To All of the people who bought auction items and tickets!
• To All of the volunteers that assisted in making the night a success!
• To 106.3 and Randy Hammer for their support!
•To Our Auctioneers: Kenny Winnersteen, Hazen Bye and Jim Brady
Gary Madsen, Rick Steenholdt, Kenny Stoos, Sara Bye Schulte,
Lucky Huber, Alison Brown, Terry Rye, Sarah Wieseler, Mark Schissel,
Blaine & Heidi Schollerman, and Bruce & Kelly Fischbach