
Broadcaster Press 7
July 25, 2017 www.broadcasteronline.com
HHS Issues
Tips To Help
Local Residents
Protect Health
During Extreme
Following the heat advisory issued by the National
Weather Service for your local area, the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) reminds local residents
about steps they should take to protect their health from
the extreme heat.
People suffering from heat stress may experience heavy
sweating; weakness; cold, pale, and clammy skin; fast, weak
pulse; and nausea or vomiting. Early signs include muscle
cramps, heat rash, fainting or near-fainting spells, and a
pulse or heart rate greater than 100.
People suffering from heat stress should be moved to a
cooler location to lie down. Apply cool, wet cloths to the
body especially to head, neck, arm pits and upper legs near
the groin area where combined 70 percent of body heat can
be lost; and have the person sip water. They should remain
in the cool location until recovered with a pulse heart rate is
well under 100 beats per minute.
Signs of the most severe heat-related illness, heat stroke,
include a body temperature above 103 degrees Fahrenheit;
hot, red, dry or moist skin; rapid and strong pulse; and
altered mental status which can range from confusion and
agitation to unconsciousness. Call 911 immediately and take
steps to cool the person.
While children are especially vulnerable to heat illnesses,
they may be unable to explain what is wrong but may act
differently than usual. In extreme heat, consider changes in
a child’s behavior to be heat stress.
Similarly, people with communication-related disabilities
may have difficulty expressing a heat-related problem. In
extreme heat, look for a change in behavior as a sign of heat
Older adults face additional risk of heat stress and heat
stroke, for a variety of reasons. The National Institute on Aging’s fact sheet explains more about how extreme heat can
affect seniors.
To help prevent heat-related illness:
• Spend time in locations with air-conditioning when
• Drink plenty of fluids. Good choices are water and diluted sport electrolyte drinks (1 part sport drink to 2 parts
water) unless told otherwise by a doctor.
• Choose lightweight, light-colored, loose-fitting clothing
• Limit outdoor activity to morning and evening hours
As air conditioning use increases, electrical grids can
become overwhelmed causing power outages. In power
outages, people who rely on electricity-dependent medical
devices, like oxygen concentrators, may need assistance so
check on family members, friends and neighbors who use
this type of equipment.
Community organizations and businesses can help local
emergency managers and health departments plan for the
community’s health needs amid the summer heat – and other emergency situations that cause power outages – using
the HHS emPOWER Map. The HHS emPOWER Map provides
the monthly total number of Medicare beneficiaries’ claims
for electricity-dependent equipment at the national, state,
territory, county, and zip code levels.
For more information about how to prevent heat-related
illnesses visit the HHS public health emergency preparedness website at http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/extremeheat/. For information about how to better prepare for
disasters and other emergencies, visit www.ready.gov.
HHS’ mission is to enhance and protect the health and
well-being of all Americans and fulfills its mission by providing
for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services. ASPR leads
HHS in preparing the nation to respond to and recover from
adverse health effects of emergencies, supporting communities’ ability to withstand adversity, strengthening health and
response systems, and enhancing national health security.
Greek Fest
2017 Begins
July 28
Sioux City – Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
will be hosting its 17th
Annual Greek Festival.
You are invited to come
enjoy Greek food, dancing,
music, taverns, bake sale,
and so much more!
Coming back this year
for Greek Fest include
“Drive up on 6th Street”
offering a limited menu for
a meal pick up, chicken
gyros are returning to
our menu again this year
for our chicken lovers,
pastries prepackaged for
your convenience, Mediterranean specialties such
as cheeses & olives, olive
oils, pastas, coffees and
frozen foods for purchase,
food demo times and
church tours set throughout the three-day event.
Community Partners –
Sioux City Fire & Rescue,
Sioux City Police Department, 185th Air Guard,
Siouxland Humane Society,
& Mercy Hospital.
This three-day event
will be held at Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church,
located at 900 6th Street,
on July 28, 5 p.m.-10 p.m.,
July 29, 11 a.m.-10 p.m.
and July 30, 11a.m.-3p.m.
Free admission and parking.
40-Year Collection!
USDA Offers Home Loans with 100% Financing
in Rural South Dakota Communities
Huron, S.D. July 19, 2017 - The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
(USDA) Rural Development is currently accepting loan applications from low-income families to purchase or repair homes in
rural South Dakota communities.
Recent changes to USDA Rural Development’s housing
programs mean more rural South Dakotans can now achieve
their homeownership goals.
Earlier this year the maximum mortgage limit for a USDA
Rural Development direct home loan increased to $220,532, a
jump of nearly $3,700 from the previous mortgage limit.
Also, a typical income limit for a one-person household
using the USDA direct home loan program to purchase a home
in an eligible rural South Dakota community or area is now
$35,300. For a family of four a common limit is $50,400.
Income limits vary by county and household size, so applicants are encouraged to contact South Dakota USDA Rural
Development staff for limits in their specific area.
The loans provide 100 percent financing, require no down
payment or private mortgage insurance, no points, and no
origination fees. The loans have a fixed interest rate for a term
of 33 or 38 years. Low-income applicants may qualify for
subsidized payments and effective interest rate as low as 1.0
percent. Loan funds may also be used to assist current eligible homeowners with repairs at reasonable rates and terms.
Applicants must have an acceptable credit history, meet
income guidelines, have repayment ability to service the new
loan and any existing obligations, be a United States citizen
or legally admitted for permanent residence, and own and
personally occupy the home on a permanent basis.
To learn more, contact Single Family Housing Director
Janell Telin at the USDA Rural Development Aberdeen Office at
(605) 824-3622 or visit www.rd.usda.gov/sd.
Pay It Forward Day Planned
Huron, SD - The South Dakota State Fair is making plans
for the second annual Pay It Forward Day. The South Dakota
State Fair is partnering with businesses and organizations
to provide free admission to the fair for those in need or to
random people on Monday, Sept. 4.
“It was rewarding to be part of this last year. Our staff
enjoyed surprising people with free admission at the gates!”
said Peggy Besch, SD State Fair manager. “Last year at the
first annual Pay It Forward Day 450 passes were distributed,
so this year there is a goal to distribute 500!”
Fair officials are working with United Way Heartland Region to distribute the tickets to those in need.
“We are strong supporters of the SD State Fair,” said Robin
Olson of R & L Sanitary.“We are not necessarily in a position
to do a big sponsorship but still wanted to participate at
some level. I approached the fair and asked how we could go
about purchasing some tickets to distribute to the less fortunate and they were very receptive. While it may seem like a
little thing, it has the potential to have a large impact.”
If you are interested in participating in Pay it Forward Day
or would like more information, please contact the fair office
at 605-353-7340.
The 2017 South Dakota State Fair will run from Thursday,
Aug. 31, through Monday, Sept. 4. Channel Seeds preview
night will be Wednesday, Aug. 30. This year’s theme is
“Seriously Twisted Fun.” For more information on State Fair
events, contact the Fair office at 800-529-0900, visit www.
sdstatefair.com or find them on Facebook or Twitter.
Deadline for South Dakota 100,
125 and 150 Year Farm & Ranch
Recognition is Aug. 11
HURON, S.D.- The South Dakota Farm Bureau (SDFB)
and the South Dakota Department of Agriculture (SDDA)
will again recognize and honor longstanding South Dakota
families at the 2017 South Dakota State Fair.
South Dakota families having enjoyed ownership of their
farm or ranch for 100, 125 and 150 years have the opportunity to be honored on Thursday, Aug. 31, during the South
Dakota State Fair in Huron.
To qualify as a South Dakota Century Farm or Ranch,
a family must have retained continuous ownership of at
least 80 acres of original farmland for 100 years or more. If
the family ownership of land has reached 125 or 150 years,
they may apply to be recognized as a Quasquicentennial or
Sesquicentennial Farm or Ranch respectively. Documentation of the original date of purchase must be included with
the application.
Application forms are available on the SDFB website at
www.sdfbf.org or by visiting the SDDA website at http://
Since recognition began in 1984, there have been 2,888
century farms and ranches and 323 quasquicentennial farms
and ranches acknowledged so far.
Saturday July 29, 2017 starts at 9:00am
LOCATION: Hwy 20 & 9, Martinsburg, NE • 1 North, 1/2 West, 25 miles west of Sioux City, IA
Hans Knudsen Estate
Lacey 712.420.3362 ~ Jesse 712.259.3160
Lunch by
Auctioneers Note: We will run 2 lines, gas engines at 12pm.
Come plan on spending the day, very large sale. Come prepared to buy Gas Engines
Gas Engines: Witte 6 hp, SN20684; Novo 2-cyl model RV, 3 1/4x5, SN6744; Stover hp, SNKG197091; Fuller & Johnson, 1 1/2 hp, SN94094; International LB SN125008; Cushman, upright, Banjo cat; JD 1 ½ w/cart; Ideal upright on
trucks; Associated 1 ¾; Fairbanks Morse, 6 hp w/trucks; Sattley 1 1/2, SN68064 w/trucks; Cushman 1 1/2 hp; Ottawa
5 hp, w/drag saw; JD 3 hp; Fairbanks Morse 3 hp w/trucks; Cracker Jack 3 hp, no trucks; JD 1 1/2, no trucks; Mogul 1
hp, w/trucks; Fairbanks Morse, 2 hp upright, SNI30994; Economy, 1 1/2 w/trucks; Fairbanks Morse upright w/Eclipse
pump jack; Cushman Cub, 3 hp w/trucks; Fuller Johnson upright; Economy 5 hp; Cushman on trucks; Upright fan
cooled; Fairbanks Morse Dishpan 2 hp on trucks; Galloway 2 1/4 hp w/trucks; Fuller & Johnson 1 3/4 hp w/pump jack;
McCormick Deering 1 1/2 hp w/truck; Little Jumbo 2 hp w/trucks; Nova upright w/truck, unknown hp, came from
Gurney’s, Yankton, SD; Witte 2 hp w/trucks; International 6 hp; Fairbanks 28 hp on trucks; Fairbanks 6 hp Model T upright on trucks; Fairbanks 2 hp on trucks; Witte 8 hp on trucks; Hercules 5 hp; Fairbanks 3 hp; Stover 3 hp; Fairbanks 6
for parts; Fairbanks parts engine; IH 303 combine engine; Briggs engine; Maytag engine; Gibson tractor w/Wisconsin
engine; JD LUC engines; 2 AC power units of gas engines; 3 dummy bombs, Experimental. Parts Gas Engines: Economy 1 1/2 open crawl Fairbanks 2 1/2, extra parts; 2 Iron Horse ; Stover on truck; B & S kick start; David Bradley walk
behind w/attachments; Maytag parts; Dandy corn sheller, Wooden; Many Engine trucks. Tractors: (1) M Farmall; (2)
JD A’s; Bobcat T200, 3788 hours; 2011 Load Trail, 32’ Dually, flatbed; Road Boss, 24; flatbed, 8-bolt wheels; Several
other salvage tractors. Miscellaneous: Corn King wooden 2-hole corn sheller; Wheel Horse bottom plow, motor in
wheel; Several cast iron seats; Sally saw; Wooden log saw; Baker circular saw; Unique Burrall corn sheller (Gould Mfg.,
Seneca Falls, NY); Several burr mills; Several engine trucks; IH corn sheller; Dempster mill; Case silage blower; Several
clutch pulleys; Dempster pump jack; JD steel wheel disc plow; Several steel wheel plows; Several horse mowers; JD
101 corn picker; JD 4-hole sheller; AC blade; Several running gears; Dump rakes; 3-pt Blade; IH terrace disc, 1 blade;
JD stalk cutter; Sheep sheers JD shutter; Handsaws; 8/26 Ace Hardware snow blower; Spray tank; Many tarps; Wood
crates; Snow shoes; Fishing poles; Tool cabinet; Blue & unique glass jars; Hand tools; 2-Man bone cutters; Hero bone
cutter; New Rapid ice breaker; Pump jacks; Disc sharpener; Tear Drop JD draw bar; Sickle grinder; Maytag washing
machine; Line shaft; Jacks; Dain Cutter, needs restored; Potato digger; Well pumps; Several steel wheels; Rear steel
wheels - Farmall, Oliver, AC; Adriance horse mower-unique; Large assortment of oilers & mufflers; JD front axle; Many
cast iron seats; Ammo boxes; Ice tongs. Tools: Skil saw; Cutting torch, head & hoses; Several oxygen bottles; New
Bostitch air compressor; Tool shop nailer, Hand tools. Traps: Several hundred, some unique Vehicles: Olds ‘88 Royale;
1988 Ford Econovan, 104,996 miles; 1994 Dodge 1500, V8, 186,152 miles; 2001 Dodge dually, turbo, Diesel; 1995
Dodge dually; 1972 VW bus; Snowmobile, Fox Trac, Serial #4376 Kohler engine, very unique. Corn Seed Sacks: 200
plus cloth flour, seed & gunny sacks: Wagon Master, Adele, LaRosa, Blue Bird, Fiesta, Green Acres, Pioneer, Reliable
Seed, Standards, DeKalb, Hamilton, Earl May & Maygold, Moeller’s; Mattson Lumber Co.& Impl - white lab coat.
Many more items too numerous to mention. View pictures at www.edhuwaldt.com
TERMS of the sale are cash or check. All items are sold
as is, where is, with no guarantee or warranty implied.
Ed Huwald
Tony Thelen
Todd Book
All statements made day of sale take precedence over Kelly Konken
written materials. Not responsible for injury or theft. 402.254.3472 402.337.0784 402.360.2039 712.251.4464
Located: Bloomfield, NE - American Legion Pavilion
East edge of Bloomfield, NE at Knox County Fair Grounds
AUCTION Starts at 9:45 AM
Lunch Available
Auctioneers Note: Please join us in Bloomfield, Nebraska for this Large Auction for the Bette Ann Jessen Estate. When this Auction was written up many
items were in boxes and it was impossible to really get a clear & complete listing
of what will be sold. Plan on some surprises as the boxes are unloaded and this
Auction starts to come together. We will be running two auction rings for a portion of the day, therefore please plan accordingly to cover both rings. Visit our
web site www.CHJAUCTIONEERS.COM for many photos of what will be sold.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Wooden Music Cabinet. (2) Cedar Chests.
Timex & Zippo Lighters-Plastic Display Cases. Several Longaberger
Baskets. Very Large Collection of Advertising Ash Trays & Cigarette
Lighters. Many Pieces of Sheet Music (Several Trunks Full). Marlboro
Advertising Clock & Jacket, Signs & Posters & Other Marlboro Items.
Jo Camel Ash Tray. Coca Cola Items - Including Glasses, Clock & More.
Selection of Fancy Work. Crock Bowls. Fisher Price Toys & “Going Bell”Vintage Child’s Pull Toy. Child’s China Sets. Large Cookie Jar Collection
- Over 70 Plus Cookie Jars. Numerous Car, Truck & Airplane Banks. Large
Offering of Farm Toys - Many Different Pieces of Farm Toys - Including
John Deere & IHC. Cook Books. Bell Collection. Misc. Crock Bowls. Jadite
Batter Bowl & Pitcher. Jewel T & Asst. Misc. Glassware. Salt & Pepper
Shakers & Misc. Collectible Knick Knacks. Asst. of Costume Jewelry.
Head Vases. Nice Offering of Glass Baskets. Occupied Japan Mugs.
Several Brass Figurines - Giraffes, Horses & More. Large Plaster Elephant.
Large Safe 25” by 23” by 36”. Camel, Coca Cola & Marlboro Signs. Dayton
Motor Sign. Golden Sun Feed Advt. Clock. 7 up Clock. Miller Lite Clock.
Joe’s Place Lighted Sign & Display. Several Metal Doll Hoses. Star MFG.
Hot Dog Machine. Nachos Display. Several Newer Collectible Tins. Plus
Many More Miscellaneous items too numerous to mention.
HOUSEHOLD: Spinet Piano “Grand Piano” Brand - Piano w/Bench. Red
Recliner. Living Room Glider. Corner Office Desk w/ Office Chair. Full Size Bed.
Chest of Drawers. Electrolux Epic Vacuum Machine. Blonde Buffet. Kenmore
Microwave Oven. Large Set of Corelle Ware. Paintings, Pictures & Wall
Decor. Misc. Pots & Pans, Cookware, Bread machine & Other small kitchen
items. Misc. Bedding, Towels & Etc. Painting Canvases & Numerous Painting
Supplies & Painting Books. Throw Rugs. Many Seasonal Decorations & Newer
Cast Iron Sleigh & Reindeer. Miscellaneous Hand tools. Kenmore Gas Grill.
Metal Patio Love Seat. Lounge Trimmer. Elec. Hedge Trimmer & Leaf Blower.
Plus many more miscellaneous household items too numerous to mention.
For complete listing & photos visit: www.CHJAUCTIONEERS.COM
Terms: Cash or Bankable Check. Not Responsible For Accidents or Theft.
RYAN CREAMER 402.254.9753
ALTON HEIMES 402.254.3315 ROGER JANSSEN: 402.388.4409
12:30 Sunday July 30th, 2017
Lunch Served
National Guard Armory (603 Princeton) Vermillion, SD
Auctioneer notes: For picture and more go to Dakotarealty.com.
Boat- model 15 R50, 1994 Smoker Craft Resorter, live well, rod
storage, depth finder, 3 swivel seats, trolling motor, 1994 40 hp
Mercury ptt stainless prop, 1994 Shorelander galvanized bulk
Guns/ bayonets, 20 ga. Bolt action Mossberg shotgun, antique
musket, 2 swords, 2 military bayonets, Mossberg mo. 835 slugster 12 ga. w/ 3-9 Tasco pronghorn scope, ammo for Mossberg,
20 ga. Escort slugster (ammo), rifle display case and BB gun.
Over 100 assorted coins – some silver in all conditions 3 Eisenhower $ and 2 silver quarters, Kennedy half dollars, silver halves
and quarters, Susan B silver quarters, SB’s Sacajawea quarter –
just to name a few!
Guest- bedroom set, single bed, chest of drawers, couch, stuffed
chairs, desk, dining room table w/4 chairs, lamps, golf clubs,
shelving, library table, queen size motorized bed.
James Meyer- BBQ grill, Craftsman radial arm saw 10” Sears Radial
Miter Saw, main line sickle bar 46” electrical items, and fishing poles.
Meryln Schmuck- 6x95 JD Riding lawn mower, electric impact,
wrench, tool & die set, soldering gun, craftsman tool box, side
grinder, screw jack bulldog jack, hydraulic jack, basement jack,
air compressor, drill press, extension cords, AC-DC Arc welder, 20 ft. cables for welder, Acetylene cart & hoses, drill doctor,
Dewalt chop saw, compound miter saw, wet tile saw, log chains,
wheel barrow, water pump, hand pump head, side walk edger,
gunny sacks, fence stretcher, 2 basket propane deep fryer, turkey cooker, sausage stuffer, Weber grill, dehydrator, 12v cooler,
garden tiller, Miller Lite sign, JD umbrella, minnow traps, boat
gas tanks, portable ice shack, antlers, coon cuffs, Clay Pigeon
thrower, sledges, all kinds of tools.
Gerhart- kitchen table set, patio set, patio umbrella w/stand, 2
lift chairs, armoire, 2 dressers, 3 curios, black coffee table, stand,
TV stand, glass curio, cedar chest, bench, assorted stands, 2 corner stands, king bed w/headboard, 7 units of shelving, new resin
4x6’ shed, wooden rocking chair, tire from Tony Stewart, lots of
carnival glass, assorted china, tea pot collection, metal gun case,
slicer, upright freezer, 2-6’ resin storage cabinets, Resin 6’ yard
tool w/cabinet, stoneware set 8 (46 pcs), box of lead crystal items,
McCoy & Roseville items, assorted prints, box of craft books and
patterns, office supplies, collectibles, albums, 3500 watt portable generator, boxes of assorted garage items, paint supplies,
misc. hand tools, Werner 4” fiberglass step ladder, 3 folding step
stools, antique cross cut saw, antique sled, 55” Vizio TV, Shark
vacuum cleaner, smoker grill, 20” sq. charcoal grill, cargo carrier, 2-20lb. propane tanks filled, 2 door 3’ resin storage cabinet,
lawn/garden wagon, 16 in. gas chain saw. 20”gas push mower, gas
weed eater, electric lawn edger, gas leaf blower, washtub, 3 fishing poles, Coleman cot, sawhorses, Bosch hand planter, hand
sander, garden sprayers, Black and Decker – buffer and jigsaw,
impact wrench, household respirator, car/trailer ramps, jacks,
USD wood carving, Die cast cars and 18 wheelers – Tony Stewart, Kevin Harvick, Dale Earnhardt Jr.
Guest-4 office chairs, collector plates- Frankoma, Gorham,
Christmas, Knowles. Plus 2 drop leaf tables, cedar chest, salt
and peppers, figurines, pictures, printers, shadow boxes, lots of
magazine bundles, small grandfather clock, toy box/hassock, vtg
microwave-one of the first ones, vtg RV radio/TV combo, childs
metal folding tables and chairs, patio ashtray, lots of office equipment, chairs and more...
Madsen Auction Service
Gary Madsen 605-638-0643
Hazen Bye 605-670-0422
and Jim Brady 605-670-9638