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Broadcaster Press 7 March 13, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS Menus listed below are for March 14 – March 20. Menus are subject to change without notice. Vermillion Schools Breakfast Available everyday: Breakfast entrée or choice of cereals with toast. Fruit or Fruit Juice, Milk choices Wednesday – A. Pancakes with Syrup, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Apple Wedges, Juice Choices Thursday – A. Egg & Cheese Biscuit Sandwich, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Applesauce, Juice Choices Friday – A. Fresh Baked Cinnamon Roll, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Sliced Peaches, Juice Choices Monday – A. Egg & Cheese Taco Roll, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Apple Wedges, Juice Choices Tuesday – A. Breakfast Sliders, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Pineapple, Juice Choices Vermillion Elementary Schools Lunch Wednesday – A. California Lasagna & Garlic Breadstick, B. Home-style BBQ Pork Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, B. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – A. Domino’s Pizza, Austin School Pizza, B. Cuban Hot Dog, Mixed Vegetables Monday – A. Sloppy Joe, B. Pancakes & Sausage, Potato Triangle Tuesday – A. Home-style Golden Macaroni & Cheese, B. Buffalo Ranch Chicken Wrap, Peas, Carnival Cookie Vermillion Middle School Lunch Wednesday – Home-style BBQ Pork Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – Domino’s Pizza, Mixed Vegetables Monday – Pancakes & Sausage, Potato Triangle Tuesday – Golden Macaroni & Cheese, Peas, Carnival Cookie Vermillion High School Lunch Wednesday – Homestyle BBQ Pork Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – A. Cuban Hot Dog, B. Domino’s Pizza, Mixed Vegetables Monday – Pancakes, Sausage & Eggs, Potato beefSD Travels East To Gain Insight Into Consumer Purchasing Decisions Triangle Tuesday – Golden Macaroni & Cheese and Dinner Roll, Peas, Carnival Cookie St.Agnes School Lunch Wednesday – A. California Lasagna & Garlic Breadstick, B. Home-style BBQ Pork Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – A. Italian Dunkers with Marina Sauce, B. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – A. Domino’s Pizza, B. Fish & Cheese Sandwich, Mixed Vegetables Monday – A. Sloppy Joe, B. Pancakes & Sausage, Potato Triangle Tuesday – A. Home-style Golden Macaroni & Cheese, B. Buffalo Ranch Chicken Wrap, Peas, Carnival Cookie Elk Point-Jefferson Breakfast Wednesday – A. Chocolate Chip Muffin with graham Crackers, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Apple Wedges, Juice Choices Thursday – A. Egg & Cheese Biscuit Sandwich, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Applesauce, Juice Choices Friday – A. Iced Long John, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Sliced Peaches, Juice Choices Monday – A. Ultimate Breakfast Round, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Apple Wedges, Juice Choices Tuesday – A. Sausage Gravy over Biscuit, B. Cereal Choices and Toast, Pineapple, Juice Choices Elk Point-Jefferson Elementary School Lunch Wednesday – A. Cheeseburger, B. BBQ Rib Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – A. Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, B. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – A. California Lasagna & Garlic Bread Stick, B. Pizza, Mixed Vegetables Monday – A. Sloppy Joe, B. Hot Dog, Potato Triangle Tuesday – A. Home-style Golden Macaroni & Cheese, B. Crispy Chicken Sandwich, Peas, Carnival Cookie Elk Point-Jefferson Middle School Lunch Wednesday - A. Cheeseburger, B. BBQ Rib Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – A. Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, B. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – A. California Lasagna & Garlic Bread Stick, B. Pizza, Mixed Vegetables Monday – A. Sloppy Joe, B. Hot Dog, Potato Triangle Tuesday – A. Home-style Golden Macaroni & Cheese, B. Crispy or Spicy Chicken Sandwich, Peas, Carnival Cookie Elk Point-Jefferson High School Lunch Wednesday Wednesday – A. Cheeseburger, B. BBQ Rib Sandwich, BBQ Beans Thursday – A. Italian Dunkers with Marinara Sauce, B. Teriyaki Chicken Sandwich, Golden Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – A. California Lasagna & Garlic Bread Stick, B. Pizza, Mixed Vegetables Monday – A. Sloppy Joe, B. Hot Dog, Potato Triangle Tuesday – A. Home-style Golden Macaroni & Cheese & Dinner Roll, B. Crispy/ Spicy Chicken, Peas, Carnival Cookie Irene-Wakonda School Breakfast Available every day: Breakfast entrée or Choice of cereals w/toast, Fruit, Milk Choices Wednesday – French Toast Sticks, Fruit, Milk Choices Thursday – Egg & Cheese Biscuit, Fruit, Milk Choices Friday – No School Monday – Pancakes, Fruit, Milk Choices Tuesday – Long John Donut & Toast, Fruit, Milk Choices Irene-Wakonda Elementary School Lunch Wednesday – A. Chicken & Noodles w/Bread, B. Corn Dog, Garlic Toast, Peas Thursday – A. Beef & Cheese Burrito, B. Popcorn Chicken, Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – No School Monday – A. Turkey & Gravy, B. Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Bread Tuesday – A. Italian Dunker, B. BBQ Meatball Sub, Carrots Irene-Wakonda Middle & High School Lunch Wednesday – A. Chicken & Noodles w/Bread, B. Corn Dog, C. Italian Sub, Peas Thursday – A. Beef & Cheese Burrito, B. Popcorn Chicken, C. Roast Beef & Cheese Sub, Corn, Chocolate Chip Cookie Friday – No School Monday – A. Turkey & Gravy, B. Chicken Nuggets, C. Ham & Cheese Sub, A&B: Bread, Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Tuesday – A. Italian Dunker, B. BBQ Meatball Sub, C. Cold Cut Sub, Carrots Dakota Senior Meals Served at The Main Street Center & Town Square, “Meals on Wheels”. Please call before 9:00am to schedule or cancel a meal at 624-7868. Menus listed below are March 14 – March 20. Menus are subject to change without notice. All menus are served with whole grain bread and 1% milk unless otherwise noted. Wednesday – oz Meatloaf, Baked Potato, 1/2c Lima Beans w/ Pimento, 1/2c Pineapple Tidbits, Dinner Roll Thursday – Cooks Choice Friday – 2 Cinnamon Oatmeal Pancakes, 1 Poached Egg, 1/2c Carrifruit Salad, 1c Orange Juice Monday – 3oz Baked Chicken, 1/2c Creamed Potatoes, 1/2c Baked Squash, Apple Tuesday – Taco Salad, 1/2c Mixed Veggies, 3/4c Pudding w/fruit AARP Seeking Nominations For AARP® Purpose Prize® Award BROOKINGS, S.D. - A group of South Dakota cattle producers recently traveled to the east coast to learn more about what today's consumers want. "It's important that producers of beef have a clear understanding of what beef processors expect as well as what influences the buying decisions of everyday consumers," said Adele Harty, SDSU Extension Cow/Calf Field Specialist and Sioux Falls, SD — Are you or someone you know age go beyond individual volunteering to take on a specific beefSD core team member. 50 or older using life experience to give back, solve prob- social problem in a sustained, systematic, and measurbeefSD is an intensive two-year educational program delems or change lives? If so, nominate them or yourself able way. Included within the AARP Purpose Prize is the signed and led by SDSU Extension to take participants to the for the AARP Purpose Prize. Five winners will receive Andrus Prize for Intergenerational Excellence which recnext level in beef production. $60,000. ognizes work that brings multiple generations together "Participation in beefSD is an excellent opportunity for beginning producers to increase knowledge and understandNominating someone for the AARP Purpose Prize for a better community. ing of all aspects of the beef industry and develop the skills is fast, easy and open to anyone 50 and older who is “This past November, AARP recognized the tremenneeded to be successful," Harty said. making a difference in our communities. All nominations dous, community-focused work of five extraordinary The beefSD tour began in Washington, D.C., where class for the AARP Purpose Prize must be received by March individuals age 50-plus, each of whom received help to members toured the North American Meat Institute, visited fund their ongoing work,” said AARP CEO Jo Ann Jenkins. with Senate Ag Committee Staff, met with Commodity Markets 31, 2018. Visit www.aarp.org/purposeprize to submit a nomination. Tell them you saw it in the “This year, to celebrate AARP’s 60th anniversary, we Council President, Gregg Doud and visited the Australian The person you nominate may be named one of five have increased the prize level, for each of five AARP Embassy. Then, the group traveled to Philadelphia and New York City. AARP Purpose Prize winners, each of whom will receive Purpose Prize winners, to $60,000 and we will name 10 In New York, the group toured Strassburger Steaks, a $60,000, or they may be named one of 10 AARP Purpose AARP Purpose Prize Fellows, each of whom will receive family-owned meat procurement business; Stew Leonards Prize Fellows, each of whom will receive $5,000. $5,000.” of Yonkers, a family-owned grocery store chain; Hudson and AARP Purpose Prize winners come from all walks For more information about the Purpose Prize, includCharles Butcher Shop, a locally-owned butcher shop in midof life — they’re your co-workers, neighbors, teachers, ing the nomination and application process, and prize Manhattan and Hello Fresh, a mail order meal service. Book 65 Intermediate Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad former colleagues, and friends. Although organizations eligibility, odds, disclosures, and official rules, please In Philadelphia, the group toured Sysco Philadelphia, a large distributor of food products to foodservice businesses can range in size from the very local to national or even visit www.aarp.org/purposeprize www.broadcasteronline.com winners that distributes nearly 1.6 million boxes or $111 million of beef international inSudoku #1 scope, AARP Purpose Prize Sudoku #2 per year. During their tour of this facility, beefSD classmates took in 3 2 9 2 5 a consumer panel coordinated by Sysco Philadelphia and the Pennsylvania Beef Council. The panel was designed to inform 8 1 7 9 1 South Dakota producers on what consumers - specifically milBethel Township will hold its lennials - are looking for, where they find their information and 1 8 annual Equalization meeting at 5 6 3 what decisions they are making regarding their food choices. 201 W. Cherry, Vermillion "What surprised us most was realizing that people rely 5 2 1 3 8 6 so heavily on social media to get their information on what 7:00 PM, Monday, March 19, 2018 they eat and where they eat," said Ronda Wollman, a cattle 4 6 at the Wakonda Legion Hall,4 7 9 1 Wakonda SD www.broadcasteronline.com producer from Pierre who was on the tour with her husband, John. "We as producers need to be watching what is being put 9 4 5 8 9 Written2 notices of appeal must be delivered or out on social media so we can support what is accurate and postmarked no later than March 15, 2018 to: correct what is wrong." 7 6 4 8 9 BRULE TOWNSHIP PROPERTY OWNERS Bethel Township Clerk, 30506 455 Ave., Volin SD 57072 John added, "It was very evident that producers need to be more active on social media to share their story so that the The Board of Supervisors will meet as a Board of 7 9 Darby Ganschow, Clerk 4 1 3 consumer can have a better understanding of where their food Equalization on Monday, March 19th, 2018, 5:30 p.m. comes from and how it is raised," he said. at the Union County Shop in Spink, SD and will be 9 5 6 3 8 The beefSD class was very engaged in the conversation and available March 20-23 if needed. © 2008 KrazyDad.com © 2008 KrazyDad.com listened to what panelists had to share. "What surprised me most about the consumer panel was A written request to appeal must be delivered to the roadcaster ress that they talked about not eating beef very often, citing that clerk’s office no W. Cherry, Vermillion 15th, 201 later than Thursday, March they didn't know how to prepare it or didn't want to spend Fill the puzzle so that every row, every column, and every 2018, 5:00 p.m. The request must include the parcel more on beef versus another protein source," said Sarah Mysection contain the numbers 1-9 without repeating a number. number. Sudoku #3 Sudoku #4 ers a Winner cattle producer." As we consider eating habits in the Midwest, and especially rural areas, we need to rememwww.broadcasteronline.com 9 3 7 Alternate date if bad weather: March 26th. 1 ber that beef isn't always the center of the plate across the country." Gregg Hanson, Clerk4 9 5 6 7 4 8 When panelists discussed purchasing decisions, Newell 47572 SD Highway 50 cattle producer, Theresa Bruch was surprised by the impact Elk Point, SD 57025 8 3 3 9 labeling had on those decisions. "I was really shocked how much the millennials buy food 8 5 3 2 2 8 1 off of trigger words such as antibiotic free, hormone free and 7 9 4 2 happy cows," she said. "It was Book 65: Answers Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad also shocking to me that their 9 4go into effect in the near 6 Sudoku #2 7 6 5 place of research fell on Pinter- THE ANNUAL SPRING LOAD LIMITS will Sudoku #1 1 4 6 8 1 7 2 8 4 1 5 6 9 3 3 7 9 est if they wanted to gain more future on Clay County roads. Limits will be enforced as 2posted. 5We ask 2 38 7 9 8 1 4 6 5 4 5 1 5 3 9 6 7 8 2 6 6 knowledge on what to eat." for your cooperation at this critical time of the year. Studies 3 8 that 6 3 9 7 8 2 4 1 5 1 7 9 5 4 6 2 show Throughout the week, 4 5 2 9 3 8 117 6 4 8 beefSD classmates also took in roads lose over 60% of their strength during the spring thaw. Research by 1 7 67 59 2 2 6 7 9 51 34 5 7 9 3 3 1 8 8 7 6 5 2 1 3 4 9 various unique dining experi3 8 3 9 1 6 7 4 5 2 8 5 9 7 the South Dakota D.O.T. claims road damage by one legally loaded truck ences to better understand 9 8 221 4 7 5 64 6 21 4 8 3 9 1 4 5 2 6 9 8 3 7 the opportunities of east coast causes as much damage as 9,600 cars. One truck with 20% overload © 2008 KrazyDad.com 5 4 7 6 1 2 3 8 © 2008 KrazyDad.com 9 8intermediate 4 9 3 1 5 7 2 6 int BOOK 65 #4 consumers. Some of these 6 8 3 4 we will not 2 6 7 8 4 3 9 5 1 9 1 assured, 5 2 7 causes as much damage as 19,200 cars. You can be included: Old Ebbits Grill in Last tuesday’s Washington, D.C.; Talula's Daily have the load restrictions in effect any longer than necessary to protect Sudoku #3 Sudoku Solution #4 in Philadelphia and Keens in the large investment you have in your County Highway System. 1 9 5 7 4 3 6 2 8 5 9 1 6 3 8 4 2 7 KRAZYDAD.COM/PUZZLES New York. 2 1 3 5 7 8 9 4 6 7 3 2 4 1 9 6 8 5 beefSD is funded through 8 4 6 9 1 2 7 3 5 6 4 8 7 2 5 1 3 9 a grant from the U.S. Depart© 2008 Krazydad.com 5 7 9 8 6 3 4 1 2 1 5 3 9 6 2 8 7 4 ment of Agriculture Beginning 4 8 1 7 2 5 3 6 9 4 8 7 3 5 1 9 6 2 Check next tuesday’s paper for Farmer Rancher Development 6 3 2 1 4 9 5 7 8 2 6 9 8 4 7 5 1 3 Program. To learn more about 7 9 5 3 8 1 6 2 4 8 2 5 1 9 3 7 4 6 the solution to today’s puzzle. 3 1 4 5 7 6 2 9 8 3 2 8 6 5 4 1 9 7 beefSD, contact Adele Harty at CLAY COUNTY COMMISIONERS • CLAY COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1 6 4 2 9 7 8 5 3 9 7 6 2 8 4 3 5 1 605.394.1722 or by e-mail. ea BOOK 65 #4 CLAY COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT Broadcaster! Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! 624-4429 Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! Notice of Equalization Meeting 624-4429 Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! 624-4429 bpp b Since 1934 Since 1934 Broadcaster Press P B bp Broadcaster bp B Press roadcaster Since 1934 Press Since 1934 NOTICE su do ku There will be no over-width or over weight permits issued during this period. Sudoku #5 4 1 3 7 5 6 2 9 8 Sudoku #6 6 5 9 1 3 2 4 7 8

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