
4 Broadcaster Press
May 8, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com
Items $100 or Less 1815
White 4.6 cu.ft. Compact refrigerator like new $45. Great
for colleg or basement. Turbo
charge high pressure with
gauge tire pump, new $40.
Lawn - Garden
Garden King 18” rear tine
tiller $280. Yardmen front tine
tiller $150. Call 605-260-1488.
A PLACE FOR MOM. The nations largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted,
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Bathe safely and stay in the
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Cross country Moving, Long
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Earthlink High Speed Internet. As Low As 14.95/month
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Exede Satellite internet. Affordable, high speed broadband satellite internet anywhere in the U.S. Order now
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FREE for 30 words or less
for private party classified
line ads in the Broadcaster
and Plain Talk. If you need
more than 30 words, don't
worry you still won't pay a lot.
A 31-word ad is only $.90 and
the cost only goes up $.50 per
word thereafter. Stop in at 201
W. Cherry Street, Vermillion or
call 605-624-4429.
OXYGEN - Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No
deliveries. Only 2.8 pounds!
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Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea.
60 MB per second speed No
contract or commitment. More
Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-5777502 (MCN)
SALE: New, All sizes. 605-6615050 or 605-387-5660. Ulmer
Farm Service, Menno, SD.
Want to purchase minerals
and other oil/gas interests.
Send details to: P.O. Box
13557, Denver CO 80201
Rummage Sales
523 Poplar Ave.
Saturday, 5/19, 8am-12 Noon
Rummage Sale: Adult and
young adult clothing, 3 prom
dresses, young mans suit.
Many books
mostly crime/
mystery, teddy bears, hair
curlers, CD Player/ radio, lots
of miscellaneous stuff. Come
for coffee/juice, look around,
you might find something.
Older Americans Month:
Engage at Every Age
Written by Bethany Stoutamire
under the direction and
review of Leacey E. Brown.
May is the month of new flowers,
mothers, and…older Americans?
That’s right, this month is Older
710 E Washington, Elk Point Americans month and this year’s
Friday, 5/11, 8am-5pm
theme to Engage at Every Age. In
Saturday, 5/12, 8am-5pm
honor of this year’s theme, here are
Sunday, 5/13, 8am-5pm
HUGE RUMMAGE: Fishing five fun ways you can be active and
equipment, jewelry, collectaengaged this month.
bles, perennial plants, many
Visit a State Park and Go Fishing!
miscellaneous. Rain or shine.
The weekend of May 18-20, the
924 E Clark St, Vermillion
Department of Games, Fish, and
FRIDAY, 5/11, 5PM-7PM
Parks is hosting the annual open
Small appliances, Wii, DVD
house weekend, where there are no
players, beds, desks and other
entrance fees to enter the park and
furniture, kitchen items, books,
you don’t need a license to fish! You
toddler/little girl clothes and
shoes, kids toys, mower and
have lots of state parks to choose
other yard equipment, and oth- from.
er household items.
Celebrate National Pizza Party
The third Friday of every month
Irrigation pipe trailer, 30ft.
Long, 7ft. Wide. Dual truck
wheels on heavy axle. Could
be converted to roll-in boat
dock or portable sign. $500.
any type of farm work including
cutting cedar trees. Put up
fence and tear down fence.
24 years' experience. For more
information call 712-943-2084,
Cell 712-251-3277.
is National Pizza Party Day (One
fun way to celebrate may be to get
together with friends, where each
person bakes a different type of
pizza and exchange the recipes with
each other. You can also try to make
homemade pizzas with the young
children in your life. Even if you’re
watching what you eat, you can
try some of a healthy pizza crust
or some of our other healthy pizza
recipes. However, you can always
celebrate the old fashioned way by
going out to a pizza joint with friends
and family.
Take a Class!
Check out your local library, community center, local craft or hardware store to see if they offer any
classes for a skill you would like to
develop more. If you can’t find what
you’re looking for, online platforms
like YouTube and Coursera may have
what you’re looking for.
Platforms like Volunteer Match
and Volunteer Helpline can help
you find a volunteer opportunity in
your area. Volunteering is not only
a great way to give back to the community, but can also help you meet
others who share your interests and
values and can also be good for your
Visit a Farmer’s Market!
In South Dakota, many farmer’s
markets have their opening weekend
in May. Visiting a farmer’s market is
a great way to buy fresh fruits and
vegetables, support local business,
and maybe find a locally made gift
for someone this Mother’s Day. If
you’re able too, you could also ride
your bike to the market, since
Rounds Accepting Fall 2018
Internship Applications
r Mike Rounds ron today anPIERRE– U.S. Sen.oadca ste(R-S.D.)n
li e.c
Ag Equipment nounced that he is currently accepting internship m
applications for fall 2018. The deadline to apply for
1984 5288 International tractor, front weights and duals. internships in his Washington, D.C., Pierre, Rapid City
Nice cab, 5,600 hours, good and Sioux Falls offices is May 21, 2018. College credit is
condition. Call 402-993-6684.
Duties in the Washington, D.C., office may include
Livestock - Poultry tracking legislation, researching bills, attending comFor Sale by private treaty reg- mittee hearings and briefings, leading tours of the U.S.
istered Black Angus 2-year-old Capitol, handling constituent phone calls, sorting mail
and yearling bulls from AI. and providing legislative support. Duties in the South
Bred for performance, calving
ease, maternal traits and docili- Dakota offices include researching constituent inquirty. Call John Schieffer 605- ies and requests, participation in outreach activities,
661-8531 or Marnie Schieffer assisting staff on special projects, handling phone calls
and 2x1
constituent requests and sorting mail. In all offices,
students will work closely with constituents and staff,
polish their research and writing skills and gain an indepth understanding of a Senate office.
Interested college students should complete the
online internship application and submit a resume no
later than May 21, 2018. Resumes should be submitted
to intern coordinator Kari Weller at kari_weller@rounds.
senate.gov. Information about the internship program,
along with the application, can be found online at www.
Additional questions can be directed to Kari Weller at
(605) 336-0486.
Polled Hereford Bulls performance information available
guaranteed breeders.
Huwaldts Herefords
Randolph, NE. 402-337-0784
or 402-360-4387.
Poppe Bulls for Sale at
Horseshoe Hill Ranch.
Featuring, HHR Ten Speed
E030; CED +10, BW +1.5,
WW +79, YW +147, $B
+174.82. To see this bull and
more Angus & Sim Angus
Bulls, go to
Jays Cell, 402-640-9031
Purebred Angus Bulls and
Herford Bulls, yearling and 2yr.
Old, bred for calving ease and
carcass qualit. O'Brien Angus,
Tilden, NE. 402-368-2195 or
402-649-1327 www.obrienangusfarms.weebly.com
Purebred Angus Bulls and
Heferd Bulls, yearling and 2
year old, bred for calving ease
and carcass quality. O'Brien
angus, Tilden, NE. 402-36821995 or 402-649-1327.
You Read This...
You Know
Call the
Broadcaster at
or stop by to
place your ad
26' Dodge Sportman VIN
F34BF5V011082. Towed from
47131 SD Hwy 48 Burbank,
SD. If yours, please claim at
Redi Towing 1016 W. Cherry
St. Vermillion, SD.
201 West Cherry St
Vermillion, SD
Wanted: Pasture for 20-120
cow/calf pairs, 402-910-0606.
Wanted: Pature for 20-120
cow/calf pairs, 402-910-0606.
Carpentry, Decks,
Windows & Doors,
Re?nishing, Drywall, &
Ceramic Tile
Repair & Remodel
19 Years in Business
Free Estimates
Secretary Of State
Reminds Voters Not To
Publicize Marked Ballots
absentee voting underway
and voters heading to the
polls on Primary Election
day, Secretary of State
Shantel Krebs is issuing a
reminder to South Dakota
voters not to publicize an
official, marked ballot.
“Our South Dakota
voters are energized
around this year’s Primary
Election,” stated Secretary
Krebs. “However, posting
a photo to social media of
an official, marked ballot
showing how the individual voted is illegal.”
State law outlines that
no person may publicize
an official ballot after it is
marked to any person in
such a way as to reveal
the contents of the official
ballot, or the name of any
candidate for whom the
person has marked a vote.
No person may solicit a
voter to show the voter's
official ballot.
If a citizen feels this law
is being broken, they are
encouraged to contact law
The Primary Election
in South Dakota will be
held Tuesday, June 5, 2018.
Absentee voting for the
Primary Election began
Friday, April 20, 2018 and
can be done in person at
the county auditor’s office
or by requesting a ballot
by mail.
12-18-27. Marked ballot not to be publicized-Immediate deposit in
ballot box. No person may
publicize an official ballot
after it is marked to any
person in such a way as
to reveal the contents of
the official ballot, or the
name of any candidate
for whom the person has
marked a vote. No person
may solicit a voter to show
the voter's official ballot.
Immediately after marking
the official ballot the voter
shall deposit the official
ballot in the ballot box, if
necessary, leaving the official stamp exposed.
Farm Ground For Sale
67 Acres of Farm Ground
(adjoining acreage to be sold at later date)
45408 Jetley Park
Street at 454th Avenue
Meckling, SD
Legal Description:
W ½, NW ¼
Meckling Township
Inquiries to email: dc@sodak.org
or box holder P.O. Box 285, Vermillion, SD 57069
All transactions are confidential.
Surplus Property Sale
The University of South Dakota will be offering for sale
bookshelves, dryers, floor cleaning machines,
kitchen cabinets with countertops
Friday May 11, 2018 from 9am to 4pm
Location of the sale is at the USD Quonset located
north of the Dakota Dome on Hwy 50, next to the
Vucurevich Day Care Center.
Any questions call 605.677-5669
Terms of Sale: Cash Only, NO Checks
Now Hiring
Mill Maintenance position with experience in grain
handling equipment, welding, electrical, plumbing
and routine maintenance.
Auto Technician/Mechanic Position. Mechanical
knowledge, good work ethic, communication and
organizational skills are desired.
Willing to train the right individual. Competitive
wages, offering Full Benefits.
Call: 800-950-0164 or
Send resume to brenden@herdco.net