
August 14, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com
SDSU Announces
2018 Eminent Farmers/
Ranchers & Homemakers
BROOKINGS, S.D. - The South Dakota State University
College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences
and College of Education and Human Sciences will recognize four individuals with the Eminent Farmer/Rancher and
Eminent Homemaker honor during a banquet on September
21, 2018 at the McCrory Gardens Education and Visitor
Center in Brookings.
A social hour begins at 5:30 p.m., with the program starting at 6:30 p.m. Reservations are $25 and can be made until
September 5 at the Office of the Dean of Agriculture, Food
and Environmental Sciences, Berg Agricultural Hall 131,
SDSU Brookings, S.D., 57007 or by calling 605.688.4148.
The 2018 Eminent Farmers/Ranchers honored are Doug
Hanson of Elk Point and Orrin Korth of Watertown. The
2018 Eminent Homemakers honored are Susan VanderWal
of Bruce and Mary Bjerke of Volga.
Established in 1927, the Eminent Farmer/Rancher and
Eminent Homemaker awards recognize individuals for their
contributions of leadership and service to the community
on the local, state and national level.
Each year SDSU selects four individuals to honor based
on confidential nominations from across the state. The
nominations are reviewed and selected by a committee of
SDSU faculty members, administrators and SDSU Extension
personnel. The selected honorees are approved by the
Deans of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences and College of Education and Human Sciences.
The honorees’ photos join the more than 300 portraits
of Eminent Farmers/Ranchers and Homemakers which are
displayed in the “Hall of Fame” portrait gallery located in
Berg Agricultural Hall on the campus of South Dakota State
Sturgis Rally Vehicle Numbers
Continue To Increase
STURGIS, S.D. – Data from the South Dakota Department
of Transportation shows that traffic is up 5.1 percent overall
for the first six days of this year’s 78th annual Sturgis
Motorcycle Rally compared to the same time last year.
The numbers, released Thursday, are for Friday through
Traffic totals at the nine locations entering Sturgis for the
2018 Rally:
Friday August 3: 49,424 entering – up 1.9% from Friday
last year
Saturday August 4: 60,119 entering – up 10.8% from
Saturday last year
Sunday August 5: 52,153 entering – down 4.2% from
Sunday last year
Monday August 6: 59,431 entering – up 1.55% from
Monday last year
Tuesday August 7: 60,281 entering – up 8.8% from
Tuesday last year
Wednesday August 8: 60,608 entering – up 11.4% from
Wednesday last year
Six Day total:
2018: 342,016 2017: 325,554 up 5.1 % over last year
Broadcaster Press 9
Summer 2018 Is An Active
Year For Carpenter Ants
BROOKINGS, S.D. - Throughout summer 2018, SDSU Extension staff have received numerous reports of carpenter
ant activity.
"The concern with carpenter ants is that they can
become a structural pest if they nest in homes or other
buildings," said Patrick Wagner, SDSU Extension entomology
field specialist.
How to identify carpenter ants?
Carpenter ants can be distinguished from other ants
based on a few characteristics:
1.Most carpenter ants are quite large, ranging in size
from 3/8 to 1/2 of an inch long. They also have dark-colored
bodies that are either uniformly black or black and red.
2.Carpenter ants have a uniquely shaped thorax, which
is the body segment directly behind the head. Most ants
have an indentation on the top of the thorax, whereas on
carpenter ants, the top of the thorax is smooth and even
(Figure 1).
3.Carpenter ants have only one node or peak on the
pedicel or the thin segment connecting the thorax and
"It is important to understand that, unlike termites,
carpenter ants do not eat wood," Wagner said. "However,
they will burrow through and displace wood as they build
their colonies."
"Carpenter ants prefer to nest in wood that has been
softened by moisture," he said of locations like tree stumps,
rotting logs and damp wood in and around buildings. "It is
likely that the wet summer experienced throughout much
of South Dakota has been favorable for carpenter ants,
resulting in their increased activity."
The best management for carpenter ants is to prevent an
infestation from occurring in the first place. Below, Wagner
outlines some prevention tips:
State Historical Society Receives Grant
To Put More Historical Newspapers Online
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota State Historical SocietyArchives in Pierre was awarded a third round of grant funding in the amount of $280,200 from the National Endowment
for the Humanities to continue digitizing historical newspapers.
The project is part of Chronicling America, a Library of
Congress initiative to develop an online database of select
historical newspapers from around the United States. As
part of the grant the State Historical Society-Archives will
digitize approximately 100 rolls of microfilmed newspapers
pre-dating 1922 over two years.
The 37 titles that were digitized in the previous two
rounds of grant funding include The Canton Advocate, Dakota Farmers’ Advocate, The Dakota Farmers’ Leader, The
Daily Dakota Farmers’ Leader, Lincoln County Advocate,
Canton Daily Leader, The Mitchell Capital, Daily Press and
Dakotaian, Yankton Daily Press and Dakotaian, Press and
Daily Dakotaian, Forest City Press, The Hot Springs Star, Hot
Springs Weekly Star, Turner County Herald, Kimball Enter-
Our Annual Pre-Harvest Consignment Auction Event will be held at the
Wieman Auction Facility located at 44628 SD Highway 44, Marion, SD
or from Marion, SD, 1-mile South and ½ mile West on Highway 44 on:
Lunch by the Presbyterian Church Ladies
This Auction will offer over 1400 items in total. A Large Assortment of
Tractors (4 – 4x4’s, 30+ MFD’s, 10+ 2 WD, and 70+ Collector Tractors),
2 – Payloaders, 5 – Skid Loaders, 25+ Combines, Large Assortment of Corn
Heads, Bean Heads, Dummy Heads, Head Transports, Grain Carts, Gravity
Boxes, Augers, Planters, Tillage, Haying & Forage Equipment, Skid Loader
Attachments, Trucks, Trailers, Fencing, Miscellaneous and more!
Auctioneers Note: This is another large and interesting auction of consignments by Area
Farmers & Dealers. Online bidding will be available at Proxibid.com with a 2.5% buyer’s
premium and a $750 maximum per item. Miscellaneous starts at 8:30 AM sharp and
older equipment at 9:15 AM with 2-3 auction rings all day. A 3rd auction ring will sell
trucks-trailers-vehicles-augers @ 11 AM. For more details/pictures, please call our office
or visit us online at WiemanAuction.com. South Dakota sales tax will be charged. This
ad is subject to additions and deletions. All consignments must have been approved by
the Wiemans - sorry we are full! We have excellent loading and unloading equipment.
Financing and trucking are available. We are in our 70th year of selling. We offer honest
and fair treatment to all because we appreciate your business! Bring a friend and come
prepared to buy! If you are driving a good distance – please call to make sure the item
is here. Welcome to the “Machinery Mall of South Dakota!” Our next auction is
December 12th, 2018.
Wieman Land & AuctionMARION, SD 57043(since 1949)
Co. Inc.
44628 SD HIGHWAY 44,
AUCTION OFFICE: 800-251-3111 or 605-648-3111
MACHINERY OFFICE: 888-296-3536 or 605-648-3536
Email: Info@WiemanAuction.com
1.Allow good air circulation in homes and other buildings to prevent moisture build up.
2.If there is wood with water damage, replace it if possible.
3.Remove rotting tree stumps, logs, and wood piles (i.e.,
firewood) from around buildings. Carpenter ants often
migrate indoors from these areas, so it is best to keep them
far away from the exterior walls.
"If you suspect a carpenter ant infestation, immediate
treatment is recommended," Wagner said. "However, keep
in mind that seeing a few carpenter ants indoors does not
mean that their nest is also indoors.
One option is to use perimeter sprays which form an
insecticide barrier that kills the ants on contact. Wagner
explained that this will prevent accidental invasions and
also limit populations from making it indoors.
However, these products are only effective for a limited
amount of time and fail to eliminate the ants at the source.
Setting out poison ant baits, either granular or liquid, is
usually more effective.
"Ants not only consume the bait, but also take it back to
their nest and feed it to the rest of the colony," he said.
Ant baits are relatively inexpensive and may be applied
either directly or inside specially designed ant traps.
There are a variety of other alternative methods such as
using a mixture of boric acid and sugar as poison bait, or
sprinkling diatomaceous earth near the nest to kill ants on
For severe infestations, it may be wise to hire a professional pest control company to evaluate and treat the
If you have questions or concerns regarding carpenter
ants, please contact your nearest SDSU Extension entomologist for more information. A complete listing can be found
at iGrow under the Field Staff icon.
Website: WiemanAuction.com
EVENINGS: Ryan Wieman 605-366-3369, Kevin Wieman 605-660-1587,
Rich Wieman 605-660-0341, Derek Wieman 605-660-2135,
Mike Wieman 605-351-0905
prise, Saturday News, The Kimball Graphic, The Black Hills
Union, The Black Hills Union and Western Stock Review,
Pierre Weekly Free Press, The Sisseton Weekly Standard,
The Citizen-Republican, Wessington Springs Herald, The
State Democrat, The Aberdeen Democrat, Sud Dakota Nachrichten, Sud Dakota Nachrichten und Herold, NachrichtenHerold, Deutscher Herold, The State-Line Herald, The Lemmon Herald, The Sully County Watchman, The Grant County
Herald, The Herald, The Advance, The Herald-Advance and
The Madison Daily Leader.
These newspapers can be viewed online by visiting the
Chronicling America website: http://chroniclingamerica.loc.
For more information, contact the State Historical Society-Archives at 605-773-3804. State Archives hours at the
Cultural Heritage Center are 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. CDT MondayFriday and the first Saturday of most months.
12:00 • Sunday, August 19, 2018
National Guard Armory (603 Princeton) Vermillion, SD
Lunch Served
Full listing and photos go to dakotarealty.com
Cars/Van- 2007 Lincoln MKX 98,000 miles, 1997 Chrysler Sebring JXi Convertible, 2000 Buick
LeSabre 94,000 miles 3800 engine clean and new tires, 2006 Chrysler Town and Country 174,000
miles loaded.
Guns- Winchester mod. 1300(like new), Savage Axis 223 bolt action, Stoeger 350 12 Ga. 3 ½ pump,
Thompson Center Venture 300 mag. bolt action, hard gun case and gun case for 4 wheeler.
Coins: Seek & Find- Large cents 1837-1851, Indian cents, wheat cents some uncirculated, Shield,
Buffalo, Silver war nickels, barber, mercury, Roosevelt silver dimes, Standing Liberty, Washington
silver quarters, Barber, Franklin, Walker, Kennedy silver halves, Morgan, Peace dollars, some uncirculated, some cc, many proof and mint sets, comm. silver coins, gold jewelry, silver turquoise
jewelry, lots of costume jewelry.
Guest- Griswold cast iron, dutch oven, old silverware, lawn table w/2 chairs, and commemorative
proof sets, bar lights.
Marge Coker- Collection of Hallmark Kiddie Car classics, luggage, office chair, old violin, clarinet,
drawings, binoculars, old movie projector, shower chair, bath chair, teak flooring, Schwinn exercise
bike, Amana refrigerator, fan, folding chairs w/tables, sleeping bags, roll up table, lantern, back
pack stove, water jugs, filing cabinet, antique table, wooden TV trays w/tables, book shelves, coffee table, mission end tables, zip walls, wood racks, large assortment of tools, Makita chop saw w/
stand, Dewalt 10” table saw (like new), Jet disc sander, router table, Delta drill press, fold up ladder,
wood clamps, twin bed frame, lg. books cases w/drawers, bird feeders, Honda lawn mower, 6600
cp pressure washer, lots of lumber, craftsman 10” radial arm saw, Stihl weed eater, snow shoes, Stihl
M5251C chain saw, aluminum ladder, sprayers, Reddy Heater, kids scooter, 50 Amp battery charger, saw horses, rakes, shovels, sm. garbage can, shop vac, Bianchi bicycle.
Marlon Smith- Propane shop heater, wooden saw horses, vintage Cosco high chair, 16 ft. aluminum ext. ladder, fishing rod racks and misc. fishing equipment and misc. tools.
Guest- 4 person paddle boat, antique dishes, clocks, crocks, old games, antique books, railroad set,
Japan china, 1950’s kids kitchen set, comic books, old records, leather suit cases, spinning wheel,
cap guns w/holsters, lanterns, 1800’s chandeliers, drop leaf table w/chairs, dressers, Hutch craft fabrics, craft books, stereo, antique ticking quilts, vanity bench, toy trucks, tractors, blue jars, trumpet,
music books, children’s chairs, antique rockers, dishes, double wash tubs, chest style deep freeze,
swisher weed eater w/6 h.p. engine, antique saws, Alkota hot/cold diesel power washer, garden
planter, fishing poles, fishing boxes, Craftsman’s 6” disc sander w/stand, work mate, and jars.
Ron Pikels- 2- 5 shelves, magnifier, china covers, air purifier(portable), heater, 5 drawer cabinet,
2- pictures, hangings/pictures, record cabinet, wine rack, Morryl chase pic, marble hall bench, pink
lamp, DVD recorder, 2 Tiffany lamps, hamper, 2 end tables, dresser, 5 drawer low boy closet of
dressers, dirt devil, wt. bench and weights, tire, concrete bench.
Jons- Several Christmas items, Christmas village buildings, Christmas window form lights, totes,
Dukes of Hazzard game, RC dump truck, antique puzzle, BO 5” television, several cook books, dog
kennel, leg brace, laundry baskets, wheel chair parts.
Auctioneer notes: Terms: Cash, good check, or card (4% processing fee on cards) not responsible
for accidents/theft.
Madsen Auction Service
Gary Madsen 605-638-0643
Hazen Bye 605-670-0422
and Jim Brady 605-670-9638