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10 Broadcaster Press October 8, 2013 www.broadcasteronline.com The Prairie Doc Perspective Oh! we got trouble By Richard P. Holm MD Trouble, trouble, trouble, Oh! we got trouble, Right here in River City! With a capital "T" That rhymes with "P" And that stands for Prescription Drugs. Proof of this trouble comes from South Dakota's new Prescription Drug Monitoring Program or PDMP established by the South Dakota legislature in 2010. This tool is there to help prescribers and pharmacies know when a drug seeker is at the door falsely claiming a medical problem in order to obtain drugs to sell or abuse. We know that in South Dakota 162 people have obtained separate prescriptions for narcotics from more than ten physicians/PAs/NPs over only 8 months, and 55 have tapped at least six prescribers for such meds using six or more different pharmacies. We also know that since 2004, poisoning deaths in South Dakota from abuse or wrongful use of certain prescription drugs have averaged at 19 per year, mostly due to narcotics and opioids, and that number appears to be on the rise. Still, appropriate prescribing of narcotic pain medicine provides for many an escape from suffering. Rest assured that physicians and care providers will and should prescribe pain relievers without hesitation when such medicines are needed to help people in trouble. But with all that compassionate care comes excessive prescribing. In fact, the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program tells us that in the first eight months of this year in South Dakota there has been dispensed more than eleven million tabs of the specific medication hydrocodone with acetaminophen or Vicodin. That is 13 tabs for every South Dakotan. Other prescriptions for potentially abused medications commonly sold on the streets include zolpidem or Ambien, lorazepam or Ativan, methylphenidate or Ritalin/Concerta, and oxycodone with acetaminophen or Percocet, to name a few. The harms from drug abuse extend beyond the illicit user to those living nearby. The surrounding community so exposed has increased crime and violence, child and spouse abuse, motor vehicle accidents, sexually spread diseases, fetal malformations in children, and deaths due to accidental and intentional overdose. We've got trouble, trouble, trouble right here in South Dakota. This is a call to all physicians and pharmacies out there who are targeted by drug seekers. Do not fall for it. Use the PDMP, be aware of the danger to patients and society, and just say no when you should. And to those who are seeking illicit drugs, know that we are watching you. Dr. Rick Holm wrote this Prairie Doc Perspective for “On Call®,” a weekly program where medical professionals discuss health concerns for the general public. “On Call®” is produced by the Healing Words Foundation in association with the South Dakota State University Journalism Department. “On Call®” airs Thursdays on South Dakota Public Broadcasting-Television at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. Visit us at OnCallTelevision.com. Get your ad in the.. ANTIQUE, COLLECTIBLES, GUNS, HOUSEHOLD, LAWN & GARDEN AUCTION SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2013 - 10:00 A.M. LOCATED: AT THE FARM 54888 - 892 2ND WAY, CROFTON, NE. , FROM WEST EDGE OF CROFTON, NE. , ON HWY 121, NORTH 2 1/2 MI. ,WEST 2 1/8 MILES AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: MAKE PLANS TO JOIN US FOR THIS GREAT AUCTION. WE WILL HAVE OLD FURNITURE, PRIMITIVES, COLLECTIBLES, GUNS, AND LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT COMING FROM THIS OLD COUNTRY HOME FOR YOU TO BID ON. BOXES WERE YET TO BE UNPACKED AT THE TIME THIS BILL WAS PRINTED. LUNCH ON GROUNDS ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Oak High Boy; Waterfall Chest of Drawers and Dresser w/Mirror; (3) Oak Wardrobes; Several Oak Dressers w/Mirrors; Oak Chest of Drawers and Dresser w/Mirror; (2)Birds Eye Maple Dressers with Mirrors, One with Claw Feet; Full Sized Bed; (2) Old Kitchen Cupboards; Metal Kitchen Base Cabinet; Many Oak Chairs Different Designs; Commode; Oak Teachers Desk; Oak Parlor Table; Oak Rocking Chair; Oak Buffet; Oak combination China Hutch & Secretary; Large Cedar Chest; Oak Arm Chairs; Old Ice Box; Cast Iron Stove Duplex Riverside #3; Cast Iron Warm Morning Heating Stove; 4 ft. Pine Bench; Ice Cream Table with 5 Ice Cream Chairs; Free Tredle Sewing Machine; Phonograph; Child’s Oak Rocker; Oak Library Table; ANTIQUES, PRIMITIVES, AND COLLECTIBLES: 32 Volt Generator; Shoe Cobblers Anvil and Stretchers; Oak Wall Telephone; Several Cast Iron Fry Pans; Cast iron Soap Kettle, and other Kettles; Sword with KKK Emblem 28” Blade; Yard Gate; New Prima #2 Table Top Cream Separator made in Finland; Stereo Optic Viewer w/Cards; Baby Buggy; Electric Aladdin Lamp; Foot Lockers and Trunks; Military Pictures and History Books of World Wars; Wash Tubs and other Tubs; Crocks including, Western Blk top 5 Gal. Jug, 12 gal. Crown Crock, Plus other Smaller Crocks & Jugs.; Electric Gem dandy Butter Churn; Old Light Fixtures; Wood Tool Carrier; Mormann Angle Selector; Coal Bucket and Coal Scoops; Many Old Cameras; Electric Train and Track on Board; Ice Cream Freezers and Malt Machine; Old Silverware; Bottle Capper w/Caps; Sprinkling Can; Whitman Candy Container; Fred’s Tavern & Liewers Adv. picture, Crofton, NE; John Frey, Crofton, NE adv. Picture with Chain Link Frame; Quilting Frame; Pocket Watches including: Elgin, Hamilton, Rockford; Watch Chains for both Men’s & Women’s Watches; 1920 Knox Co. Atlas plus other Atlas’s; Pocket Ledgers including: E.J.Burbach, Randolph, Ne, M & M Motor Co., Wausa, NE and others; Old Razor Clipper #6718; Ornate Pitcher and Bowl w/several Matching Pieces; Rain Gauges and Pocket Knives with Advertising from area Businesses; Match Holders w/ advertising; Fire King and Jadite Glassware; Crock Bowls; Gillette and Keating Half Pint Milk Bottles plus other Milk Bottles; Glass Jar lids; Many assorted sized Fruit Jars and Jugs; Knife Steels and Sharpeners; Enamelware, Red and Green; Large and Small Noodle cutters; Cherry Pitters in various Styles; Old Popcorn Poppers; Advertising Book Matches; Large Assortment of very old Cookbooks; Cizek Thermometer Clutier, IA; Cigar Boxes; Commission Co. Books from Sioux City, IA Stock Yards; Manicure Set; Adv. Yard Sticks; C & L Imp. Co., Yankton, Adv. Thermometer Picture; Many misc. Knick Knacks; Lots of Glassware; Rooster Cookie Jar; Candy Container shaped like an Iron, train, and tank; Avery Tractor Service Manual, Port Huron, Steam Tractor Adv. Literature; The Traction Engine Book Pub. 1901; 1957 Edition JD Modern Farming; Sewing Supplies including: Yarn and Quilting Material; Aero Sampler Windmill; Children’s Games and Toys; Meat Saws; Chicken Picker; National Geographic going back to 1920’s; Successful Farming going back to 1950’s; Old Kitchen Utensils; Several Pressure Cookers different sizes; NFO sign; Cream Cans; Arrow Heads; HOUSEHOLD: RCA 40” Flat Screen TV; Sharp 27” TV; Video Eye Power Zoom; York Safe 18” x 20”; Singer Sewing Machine; Kenmore Portable Dish Washer; Litton Microwave; Chrome Kitchen Table; Kenmore Model 253 Chest Deep Freeze; Pfaff Portable Sewing Machine; Salad Master Cookware including: Kettles, Fry pans; Large Assortment of Baking Pans, Cake Pans, Bread Pans; Crock Pot; Large Assortment of Bedding and Towels; Card Table and Chairs; Wheel Chair; Hide-a-Bed Couch; (2) Rocker Recliners 1 blue and 1 brn.; (2) Metal Wardrobes; Older Chest Deep Freeze; Fans; Luggage; Coolers; DeHydrator; GUNS AND AMMUNITION: GUNS WILL BE SOLD AT 12:00 P.M. 28 Gauge Single Shot IverJohnson; Winchester Model 1892, 25-20 Lever Action; Winchester Pump Model 12, 12 Gauge, Full choke, Nickel Steel; Winchester Pump Model 1897, 12 Gauge; Remington Model 12 Pump 22, Short, Long and Long Rifle; Springfield Model 87A, 22 Short, Long or Long Rifle Automatic; Military Service Training Rifle, US Training Rifle Company, Philadelphia; Daisy Power line 856 Pellet Gun; Remington Rolling Block Rifle made for New York State Nat’l Guard 1872 with Bayonets; Caliber 50-70with 36” barrel.; Shells: Winchester, Federal, Remington, Expert Western, and Western, including 28 ga., 25-20ga , 12 ga., 22 ga.,45 ga.; LAWN, GARDEN AND SHOP: John Deere GX 335 , Power Steering, w/48” Deck Riding Mower; John Deere SRX 95 Riding Mower; Fenco 25 gal. Sprayer on Cart; Oblong 6 ft. Water Tank; Metal Trash Cans; Cedar Lumber; Hand Sprayers; 6” Vise; 1/2 hp Bench Grinder; 4” Angle Grinder; Craftsman 2 gal. Wet Dry Vac.; Coleman Heater; Assorted Gas Cans; Socket Sets; Miscellaneous Hand Tools; Spades, Shovels; Chicken Lawn Ornaments; ELVINA WALTER FAMILY FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: LEROY WALTER 402-388-4600 OR EILEEN STEWART 402-388-4748 FOR THIS LISTING & MANY PHOTOS VISIT OUR WEB -SITE WWW.MCHJAUCTIONEERS.COM AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: CREAMER HEIMES JANSSEN AUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS L.L.C. RYAN CREAMER 402-254-9753 ALTON HEIMES 402-254-3315 ROGER JANSSEN: 402-388-4409 Classifieds Today! CALL: 624-4429 or FAX: 624-2696 EMAIL: classifieds@plaintalk.net ONLINE: BroadcasterOnline.com DROP BY: 201 W. Cherry, Vermillion Federal deadlock will put highway projects in a bind By Bob Mercer State Capitol Bureau The inability of Congress to get a new transportation program approved this year was bad enough for South Dakota’s highway project planning. Now the situation is about to turn much worse because of the deadlock over the federal budget. State Transportation Secretary Darin Bergquist said his department will need to become very cautious about bid lettings and must be sure sufficient federal funds will be available when South Dakota submits its bills. The danger is that state government otherwise could be caught in the middle with debts it can’t pay. All 50 states use a backfunding approach. They contract for projects to be constructed and then ask the federal government to pass along the money for the work. South Dakota sends bills approximately every two weeks. In addition to the current highway program officially expiring Sept. 30, and the deadlock over the next budget, Bergquist said a backlog of debt is mounting at the federal level in the highway program. He said the latest estimates show 95 percent of the expected 2015 federal highway funding will be needed just to cover projects already in the pipeline across the nation. In 2008 federal highway officials said they could cover only 50 percent of the bills being submitted for projects. “That created chaos among the states,” Bergquist said. Congress began supplementing the highway program with general funds, which really meant borrowing more money. Five years later Congress still hasn’t reached an answer about how to handle that problem too. Bergquist briefed members of the state Transportation Commission about the situation at their meeting Thursday. “You used the term ‘iron out,’” commissioner Sam Tidball of Fort Pierre told him. “I think they’re working with a pretty cold iron.” Bergquist said routine operations in South Dakota such as winter snow-plowing won’t be affected if there is a federal government shutdown. WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENINGS OAKWOOD APARTMENTS •AFFORDABLE RENT ADJUSTMENT FOR YOUR INCOME •LARGE 2 AND 3 BEDROOM RENTAL UNITS •STOVE, REFRIGERATOR & AIR CONDITIONING •OFF-STREET PARKING AND PLUG-INS •UTILITIES INCLUDED •ON-SITE COIN LAUNDRY •PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT & SAND BOX •3 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS CALL NIKKI OR DAVE (605) 624-9557 Buying all types of SCRAP IRON Farm Machinery • Cars & Trucks References Available • Top Market Prices Paid Home: 402-945-1512 • Cell: 402-533-3640 K&K Iron & Metal TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Yankton, SD • 605-665-4540 • Toll Free: 1-800-526-8095 Wagner, SD • 605-384-3681 • Toll Free: 1-800-693-1990 Web site: www.marksinc.com Financing provided by CNH Capital EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ©2006 CNH America LLC. All rights reserved. Case IH is a registered trademark of CNH America LLC. CNH Capital is a trademark of CNH America LLC. www.caseih.com • AT AUCTION • 160 ACRE IMPROVED GAYVILLE TOWNSHIP, YANKTON COUNTY LAND OFFERED AS 3.61 ACRES IMPROVED & 156.39 ACRES BARELAND TRACTOR - ACREAGE ITEMS - GENERATOR - ANTIQUES - HOUSEHOLD As we have retired, we will sell the following on the farm site located at 31349 - 450 Ave, Gayville SD or from Gayville SD, go 1 1/4 miles west on Hwy 50, then 2 1/2 miles South on 450 Ave or at the Jct of 450 Ave and 314 St on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30TH 10:30 AM REAL ESTATE • 12:00 NOON PERSONAL Ridge Kitchen Lunch Wagon REAL ESTATE: To be offered as 3.61 Acres Improved - 156.39 Acres Bare Land or 160 Acre Unit! The acreage improvements include a 1982 Custom Built 2 or 3 Bedroom Ranch Style Home 30’ x 42’ (1260 Sq ft) with attached 26’ x 26’ Garage. There is a full finished basement (tiled with sump) with oak woodwork and cabinetry, newer electric heat pump and central air, 6” walls, Anderson windows and much more! Out buildings include a Behlen All Metal Quonset Machine Shed 51’ x 62’ with 2 - 20’ Sliding Doors; Coop 6000 Bu and 2 Butler 3200 Bu Grain Bins, older 20’ x 26’ Double Garage, other storage buildings plus a 65’ well with submersible pump. Annual taxes are $1241.16. A quiet peaceful country setting! LEGAL DESC: Tract A in SE 1/4 and the East 334’ of the South 23’ of NE 1/4 of Section 2793-54, Yankton County, South Dakota. The 156.39 Acres currently has 141.16 Acres that are tilled (farmed) and the balance in waterway - trees and road right of way. The topography is level, has great eye appeal, a clean tract, well farmed - managed. According to Agri Data Inc., this tract has a productivity rating of 76.5 and powerful soils including Fa Forney Silty Clay Loam, Be - Blake Silty Clay Loam, Ob - Owego Silty Clay Loam and Ld - Luton Silty Clay. Current taxes are $3727.42. It would appear that this farm could be easily irrigated! Note: Acreage Buyers - Farmers - Investors, check out this great offering! For an informational auction packet, call our office at 800-251-3111 or visit www.wiemanauction.com LEGAL DESC: The SE 1/4 except Tract A in Section 27-93-54, Yankton County, South Dakota OPEN HOUSE: Tuesday, October 15th 3:00 to 5:30 PM and Tuesday, October 22nd 3:00 to 5:30 PM TERMS AND CONDITIONS: On acreage – Cash Sale with 15% downpayment on sale day and the balance on December 2, 2013 with possession. The bare land, 20% down payment on sale day and the balance on contract for deed, full payment on January 3, 2014 with 1.5% interest. Warranty title to be given and owner’s title insurance will be used. Seller to pay the 2013 taxes due in 2014. Sold subject to any easements or restrictions of record and the owner’s confirmation. Come prepared to buy! The bare land is cash leased for 2014 crop year, so landlord possession will be given. Sold subject to the one year land lease. CLINTON & DARLIS KASER REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST • 605-665-9243 Wieman Land & Auction Co., Inc. Gary & Rich Wieman, Land Brokers Mike, Kevin & Derek Wieman, Assoc. Brokers Marion SD 800-251-3111 www.wiemanauction.com Dale Strasser Closing Attorney Freeman SD 605-925-7745

Fair 59.0 F
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Temperature:59.0 F
Wind:West at 16.1 MPH (14 KT)
Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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