10 Broadcaster Press
USD Food Fights On
games asking for donations
and giving away T-shirts and
bags for cash donations.
The University of South Da- Milica Pavlovic, Elise Van Zijst
kota (USD) athletic department and Yuliya Sidenko of the USD
Tennis team were stationed
is in the middle of a competiat HyVee Saturday. “It’s nice
tion to benefit the Vermillion
to do something good for the
community. The Food Fight is
an annual food drive where all community,” said Van Zijst,
universities in the league fight Freshman psychology major
from Holland. “We’re trying
to collect the most food for
to raise as much money as
their local food pantry.
we can. People really want
Jamie Oyen, Associate ADto donate money. Sometimes
Compliance for USD Intercolyou get people who already
legiate Athletics, is heading
the drive this year. “It’s always donated.” Junior Graphic Debeen the Summit League initia- sign major, Sidenko of Ukraine
remembered doing the drive
tive that our conference does
in previous years. “It’s a good
with all nine schools within
the league,” she said. “We have experience to help people get
money for donations,” she
to pick two weeks throughout
said. “I feel like we’re doing a
the winter basketball season.
We can do them in succession great job. We did it in the Dome
last year before basketball
or we can do them separated.
games. We did the same thing
All cash and food we collect
with t-shirts and bags.”
will go to Vermillion Food
USD hopes to surpass, or
Pantry. The school that raises
at least come closer to their
the most money will become
the Summit League Food Fight major competitor in the Food
champion.” This year the drive Fight this year. “SDSU has
was planned the 20-26 of Janu- won the trophy four of the last
ary then the 18-24 of February. five years with USD coming
USD Athletics has certainly in second the last few years,”
Oyen said. “We really want to
covered all their bases for
collecting the food. During the beat state. They’re the ones we
first week, athletes were set up chase every year in the food
at HyVee and home basketball fight. They’ve got great supBY SARAH WETZEL
For the Plain Talk
Members of the USD Tennis team (L-R Yuliya Sidenko,
Milica Pavlovic and Elise Van Zijst) were among USD
Athletes stationed at HyVee last week collecting items
and cash for the annual Food Fight canned food drive
to benefit the local food pantry.
port up there and every year
port the food pantry,” Oyen
we gain a little more ground. I
said. “We’ve got businesses
think one day we’ll get there so in Vermillion that have been
hopefully this year we catch up putting their business up to do
a little bit more.”
a food fight day or food fight
Local businesses have
night where a percentage of
also chipped in. “We’re really
sales from that business that
appreciative not only of the
day goes toward the food fight.
businesses in Vermillion that
It’s great to see those businesshelp in a huge way but also
es help us. It drives business
members of the community
to them but also helps the food
that come out and help suppantry.” The athletes hope to
February 2, 2016 www.broadcasteronline.com
continue to see a high level
of community support during
their second week of the drive
in February.
If possible, cash donations
are encouraged according to
Oyen. “For cash donations, a
$5 donation equals 13 pounds,”
she said. “You certainly can’t
buy 13 pounds of food for $5.
Often for the competition, the
cash donations add up a lot
quicker for us. Last year we
had 13,000 pounds of food
that we collected and we’d
like to get over 15,000 pounds
this year. Having the support
of both the cash and the cans
is great because ultimately it
goes to the food pantry and
helps stock their shelves.”
Vermillion residents don’t
even have to leave their house
to donate to the Food Fight.
“We will be putting bags out
on doors February 18 and
collecting them February 20,”
Oyen said. “If residents have
Vermillion have a plastic bag
on their door with a note asking for a can donation we’d just
ask if they’d be willing to put
a few cans in and stick it back
on their door that Saturday
and our athletes will be going
around from 10 to noon that
day picking up any cans that
people leave on their front
porch or their door. We wanted
to make it as easy as possible.”
Ultimately it is not only
the community but also the
athletes that benefit from this
act of service. “Our athletes
actually deliver the food once
the drive is over every year,”
Oyen said. “For us to be able
to bring that in and see how
much it refills their shelves and
helps so many people in the
community, it’s very rewarding
for our student athletes to help
with that and see the impact.”
Upcoming community collection events are as follows:
Basketball games on February
18, 20 and 21. Tuesday, Feb.
23: Food Fight Night at Buffalo Wild Wings in Sioux Falls
(Louise Ave.) from 5-8 p.m.
(10 percent of all sales at the
Louise Ave. location between
5-8 p.m. will be donated).
Wednesday, Feb. 24: Food Fight
Day at Mr. Smith’s in Vermillion
(10 percent of all sales will be
donated to the Food Fight).
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