Different Roles For The
Father Of The Bride
Popular movies and televisions shows
needs are being met. He also can keep an
give the impression that the job of the father eagle eye trained on anyone who may have
of the bride in a wedding is ultimately about overindulged and needs to take a break.
making sure the festivities are adequately
• Speech: Give your father an
funded. In the movies, fathers fret about the opportunity to shine by letting him make a
costs of everything from flowers to photos.
speech. Remember, this is a momentous day
But gone are the days when the father
for Dad as well, as he may be trying to come
of the bride bankrolls his daughter’s entire
to terms with his daughter starting a new
wedding. The Knot’s ‘2014 Real Wedding
Survey’ reported that, on average, the bride’s • Father-daughter song: Let Dad pick
parents contribute 43 percent of the total
father-daughter song, and go with his choice
cost of a wedding; the bride and groom
even if you had something else in mind.
contribute another 43 percent; the groom’s
• Ceremony: Even if you prefer a less
parents spend 12 percent; the remaining 2
traditional wedding ceremony, let your
percent of the budget is paid for by family
father walk you down the aisle. This will
members or friends. That frees up Dad
likely be a moment he’ll remember for years
for other roles in wedding planning. With
to come.
some creativity, couples can find ways to
Expand the father of the bride’s role
incorporate the father of the bride into the
in the wedding by assigning him tasks
festivities in even more productive ways.
where he can put his style, experience and
• Wedding sites: Assign dear old dad
excitement to good use.
v MetroCreative Connection
the important task of looking at potential
wedding reception sites
prior to visiting them
yourself. He may have
certain connections
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business or leisure
occasions at catering
halls and other venues.
Dad’s connections can
pay off. Let him impart
his negotiating skills and
find the best deals with
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• Wardrobe: Let your
father assist the best man
and other groomsmen in
• Showers
securing their tuxedos or
• Rehearsal Dinners
other wardrobe essentials.
• Cocktail Parties
Dad also can step in
• Corporate Events
and return rented items
Delivering the perfect
combination of delicious food,
following the wedding.
artful presentation and flawless
• Beverages: Dad may
service in a unique environment
be fitting to keep tabs on
for your celebrations.
(*Seating 30)
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bar during the reception,
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Wedding Planner 2017v13