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Broadcaster Press 9 May 1, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com South Dakota South Dakota No Department of Social Longer Last In Average Teacher Pay Services Launches Public PIERRE, S.D. – For the first time since 1985, South Dakota’s average teacher salaries in the 2016-17 school year were no longer the lowest in the nation. The news comes from the National Education Association’s 2018 Rankings and Estimates report, an annual report that was released on April 23. According to the report, South Dakota’s average teacher salaries increased from $42,025 in 2015-16 to $46,979 in 2016-17 – an increase of $4,954 or 11.8 percent. South Dakota’s average salary rose from 51st in the nation to 48th. The increases came as a result of the 2016 State Legislature’s passage of the recommendations of the Blue Ribbon Task Force. Both as a dollar amount and as a percentage, South Dakota’s increase in salaries was the highest in the nation by far – the second largest increase as a Tell them you New York in$2,750, and the second dollar amount was saw it at the Broadcaster! largest by percentage was North Carolina at 4.2 percent. According to the NEA, South Dakota’s average teacher 624-4429 salary had ranked 51st in the nation in every annual report issued from 1986 to 2017. “The primary goal of the Blue Ribbon Task Force was to make South Dakota’s teacher salaries competitive with other states, considering salaries and cost of living, and we are accomplishing that,” said Gov. Dennis Daugaard. “We also sent an important message to our teachers – that we value the work they do, that three decades in last place was enough and that we were willing to step up to improve their salaries.” South Dakota teacher salaries rank even higher when adjusted for cost of living and taxes. According to the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, the state ranks 29th when the NEA state averages are adjusted to reflect state and local tax burden and regional price parity data, which is calculated by the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis. Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! 624-4429 Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! 201 W. Cherry • Vermillion, SD 624-4429 Now Hiring MILL MAINTENANCE/MECHANIC Tell them you saw it in the Broadcaster! Mill Maintenance position with experience in grain handling equipment, welding, electrical, plumbing and routine maintenance. Auto Technician/Mechanic Position. Mechanical knowledge, good work ethic, communication and organizational skills are desired. Willing to train the right individual. Competitive wages, offering Full Benefits. 201 W. Cherry • Vermillion, SD 624-4429 Call: 800-950-0164 or Send resume to brenden@herdco.net Awareness Campaign to Combat SNAP Fraud Pierre, SD – The South Dakota Department of Social Services (DSS) recently launched a public awareness campaign, “It’s FOOD or it’s FRAUD” to explain the purpose of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the appropriate use of program benefits. In 2017, South Dakota had over 40,000 families receiving SNAP benefits monthly. According to DSS, the vast majority of individuals receiving SNAP use their benefits to keep their families healthy, but there are individuals who use their benefits incorrectly. SNAP helps low-income South Dakotans buy the food they need to stay healthy while they work to regain financial independence. SNAP benefits are not intended to cover all of a person or family’s food costs but will help with purchasing the food needed for a nutritionally adequate diet. In South Dakota, 56 percent of SNAP recipients are elderly or children and over 14 percent are disabled. SNAP benefits may only be used to purchase food, and cannot be used to purchase non-food items, such as cleaning supplies, cigarettes or alcohol. The goal of SNAP benefits is to help stretch limited budgets, improve nutrition and reduce the risk of dietrelated health problems. People of all ages use SNAP benefits. For children, SNAP benefits mean a better diet that can improve learning in school. For adults, it means better performance on the job. For seniors and individuals with disabilities, it means access to a balanced diet vital to their nutritional well-being. To learn more about SNAP and how to prevent SNAP fraud, please visit SNAPfactssd.org. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is a federal program that operates under the requirements of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Yankton’s Premier Yarn Shop we have... They’re all so how will you ever pick just one?! Yarn and pattern included in each kit! • Yarns • Books • Needles • Hooks 909 Broadway, Tripp Park Plaza 605-689-3999 Open: Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm Sat. 10am-5pm • www.eweknitit.com YOUR RADIATOR HEADQUARTERS! • Great Parts • Great Warranty On-Hand & In-Stock! NO WAITING! Cox Auto 1007 Broadway Ave Yankton, SD 605•665•4494 MAY 28TH Early Deadlines for the May 29th Issues Deadline: Noon Thursday, May 24 Deadline: 11:00am Thursday, May 24 Regular Deadline The Week Before & After

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