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8 Broadcaster Press October 2, 2018 www.broadcasteronline.com BOA Releases FY2018 Obligation Recovery Center Annual Report Pierre, S.D. – The debt recovered by the Obligation Recovery Center nearly doubled in its second year of collections, according to a report released by the Bureau of Administration today. The Bureau oversees the state Obligation Recovery Center program which just ended its second year. The annual report covers Fiscal Year 2018 and shows a total of $3.5 million in collections, up from $1.8 the previous year. In addition 4,347 debtors are currently entered into payment agreements valued at Americorps VISTA Members Team Up With SDSU Extension To Serve South Dakotans just under $11.4 million. “We have seen continual increases in the past year,” said Commissioner Scott Bollinger of the Bureau of Administration, “which has resulted in more state agencies participating in the debt referral program with the Center.” The entire report can be found on the Obligation Recover Center webpage at https:// boa.sd.gov/obligation-recovery/default.aspx. Click on the FY2018 Annual Report link. BROOKINGS, S.D. - Five AmeriCorps For more information, please contact Leah VISTA members will team up with SDSU Svendsen at 605.773.3688. Extension staff to serve South Dakotans throughout the 2018-2019 year. "These individuals bring a diversity of experience and talents to the SDSU Extension team and will enhance the work The Department of Revenue encourages that we do to serve South Dakotans," said any business that wishes to obtain licensing Aimee House Ladonski, SDSU Extension prior to the Nov. 1 deadline to do so. The De- Volunteer Development Field Specialist. partment of Revenue offers a free, online sales Ladonski explained that because of the tax license application, which is available at large geographical area SDSU Extension http://sd.gov/taxapp. staff are charged to serve, the extra asRemote sellers who do business in sistance offered by the AmeriCorps VISTA multiple states may also register through the members in specific areas will be valuable. Streamlined Sales Tax Project. The Stream"There is a finite number of SDSU Exlined Sales Tax Project offers free licensing tension employees who serve South Dakothrough its 23-member states and is available tans. We will be able to accomplish even at www.streamlinedsalestax.org. more this year, because we'll have the “The Department of Revenue will continue VISTA members here to help," she says. to be a resource to businesses of all sizes The goal of AmeriCorps VISTA program during this process,” Gerlach said. “We also is to increase knowledge of, and access to, encourage our in-state businesses who sell physical and financial health and wellness products online to contact the department if techniques and resources for economithey have questions about how remote seller cally disadvantages South Dakotans. laws in other states apply to them.” VISTA members will serve in areas Additional information and frequently within SDSU Extension that align with this asked questions are available at the departgoal. ment’s dedicated remote seller webpage, The following five VISTA members will http://sd.gov/remoteseller. The department join the SDSU Extension team working in will also provide assistance through its webthe areas of gerontology, family resource site’s live chat feature or over the phone at management and tribal local foods: 1-800-829-9188. Monica Herrera, will work on SDSU Department Of Revenue Offers Additional Guidance On Remote Seller Law PIERRE, S.D. — The South Dakota Department of Revenue reminds remote sellers that they must obtain a South Dakota sales tax license and pay applicable sales tax beginning Nov. 1, 2018. The Nov. 1 deadline is a result of Senate Bill 1, which was signed into law at the conclusion of last week’s special legislative session. South Dakota’s remote seller law applies to businesses without a physical presence in South Dakota that meet one or both of the following criteria in the previous or current calendar year: •The business’s gross revenue from sales into South Dakota exceeded $100,000. •The business made sales for delivery into South Dakota in 200 or more separate transactions. “South Dakota has been at the forefront in achieving tax fairness throughout the nation, and we look forward to the next step in this process,” said Department of Revenue Secretary Andy Gerlach. “The Nov. 1 start date not only allows remote sellers ample time to obtain licensing, but it also provides fairness to our brick and mortar businesses during the holiday season.” Extension projects to help provide older adults with greater access to social connections, services and information. She will office in the SDSU Extension Regional Center in Sioux Falls. Missy Korczak, will serve SDSU Extension as the VISTA Leader, supporting the recruitment, selection and development of high quality VISTA members. She will office in the SDSU Extension Regional Center in Aberdeen. Elizabeth Word, will work through SDSU Extension to enhance the financial literacy of underserved South Dakotans. She will office in the SDSU Extension Regional Center in Watertown. Jackie Solano, will provide training on local foods and beginning farming/ranching techniques designed to help lift tribal members out of poverty and increase food security. She will office in the Pine Ridge Tribal Extension Office in Kyle. Nicholas Ciaramitaro, will work to enhance beginning farmer/rancher and local foods education for those interested in tribal farming. He will office in the SDSU Extension Regional Center in Winner. SDSU Extension is currently accepting applications for AmeriCorps VISTA positions with options to start in November 2018 and Spring 2019. To learn more and to apply, visit their website. 2018 Governor’s Awards Presented PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard presented the 2018 Governor’s Awards Sept. 25 to South Dakota businesses and workers who have made significant contributions to the employment of people with disabilities. Governor’s Awards were presented to the following recipients: Enma Lemus Arriaga of Watertown currently holds two jobs. Outside of work, Enma is an active member of her church, assisting with childcare and teaching Spanish. Enma has also served on the Watertown Mayor’s Committee for People with Disabilities. For her determination, hard work and self-motivation, Enma was awarded the Outstanding Citizen with a Disability Award. Catherine Greseth of Custer has worked as an area manager for a national medical company and a business development director for several Fortune 500 companies. Greseth is legally blind due lingering results from physical abuse. Currently, she serves as the executive director of the Workforce Diversity Network of the Black Hills. Greseth was awarded the Outstanding Citizen with a Disability Award for her efforts. Ryan Bartz of Sioux Falls was diagnosed with Autism at the age of ten. After acquiring a degree from Southwest Minnesota State University in Communication Studies, Bartz began two summer internships with the USD Center for Disabilities. After that, he began working at the center full-time while still holding a position at the local Hyvee. Outside of work, Bartz is a member of the Sioux Falls Young Professionals Network. For these achievements, Bartz was awarded the Outstanding Employee with a Disability Award. Burger King #1187 of Mobridge retains individuals with disabilities as part of their winning workforce, and they have been recognized as the Outstanding Private Employer (Small Employer Category). Under the leadership of Bob Coulter, every employee or potential employee is treated as a person first. Global Polymer of Madison was today’s recipient of the Outstanding Private Employer (Large Employer Category). Global Polymer partners within the community to promote a diverse workforce, offering equal employment opportunities for all. Outdoor Campus West of South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks received the Outstanding Employer Award. Outdoor Campus West has worked diligently to become a model employer in hiring individuals with disabilities. Every employee is a priority and are viewed on an equal status. They are held to the same standards and receive training in effective ways to work with a diverse customer and workforce base. Dave Halverson of Sturgis has worked for 19 years to ensure that students with disabilities in western South Dakota receive services to make a positive transition from school to adult life. For that reason, Halverson has been selected as the recipient of the Outstanding Transition Services Award. The 2018 Governor’s Awards ceremony was co-sponsored by the Board of Vocational Rehabilitation, the Board of Service to the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Statewide Independent Living Council and the South Dakota Department of Human Services. VERMILLION HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION Why can’t I just throw Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) away? Certain types of HHW have the potential to cause physical injury to sanitation workers, contaminate septic tanks or wastewater treatment systems if poured down drains or toilets, and present hazards to children and pets if left around the house. Read product labels for disposal directions to reduce the risk of products exploding, igniting, leaking, mixing with other chemicals, or posing other hazards on the way to a disposal facility. Even empty containers of HHW can pose hazards because of the residual chemicals that might remain. When and where can I dispose of my HHW? On October 12th, from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM, bring your HHW to the Missouri Valley Recycling Center. The cost per vehicle is $10. The Missouri Valley Recycling Center is located at: 840 N Crawford Rd • Vermillion SD, 57069 Vermillion Household Hazardous Waste Collection When: Friday, Oct. 12th, 2:00 PM–6:00 PM Where: Vermillion Recycling Center Why: To get rid of hazardous waste that can harm you, your family or the environment. Examples of HHW •Latex and Oil Based Paints •Household Cleaning Products •Fluorescent Light Bulbs •Batteries •Pesticides •Anti-Freeze •Oil BrougHt to you By: The CiTy of Vermillion Missouri Valley recycling • clay county

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