







Broadcaster Press 5
May 21, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
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515-972-4554 (MCN)
PUC Gives Nod To
Otter Tail Power Co.
To Increase Rates
PIERRE, S.D. — The South Dakota Public Utilities Commission today approved a
return on equity rate for Otter Tail Power
Co. that paves the way for the company to
increase base rates charged to its 11,700
customers in northeastern South Dakota.
Return on equity is a measure of profitability a company can generate on its
shareholder investments. The commission
approved an 8.75 percent rate of return
on equity at its regular meeting in Pierre
on May 14. Otter Tail Power Co. argued for
a rate of 10 percent; the PUC staff recommended a rate of 8.25 percent.
The commission’s action came after
a year-long analysis of Otter Tail Power
Co.’s request to increase customer base
rates to generate approximately $5.98
million in additional annual revenues. The
final revenue requirement as a result of
today’s decision is expected to be presented jointly by Otter Tail Power Co. and
the PUC staff for commission approval on
May 28.
Most of the issues surrounding the
rate increase request were settled in an
agreement between Otter Tail Power Co.
and the PUC staff that the commission approved on March 1, except for the rate of
return on equity, on which the two sides
did not agree. Further information about
the rate of return on equity was presented
to the commission at an evidentiary hearing in Pierre on March 26. Otter Tail Power
Co. and the PUC staff filed briefs with the
commission before today’s decision.
As part of the approved comprehensive rate increase, the company will move
the recovery of some costs related to
investment and operating expenses into
base rates. These specific costs had been
collected through mechanisms known as
transmission cost recovery and environmental cost recovery riders. Both riders
were previously approved and reviewed
annually by the commission.
The settlement approved by the
commission included a phase-in rider to
recover appropriate costs related to the
company’s Merricourt wind project in
North Dakota and its Astoria Station simple-cycle natural gas fired energy conversion facility near Astoria, South Dakota.
The negotiated settlement also included
a provision to offset the phase-in revenue
requirements associated with these plant
investments with adjustments to reflect
the net benefit of additional load in the
Lake Norden, South Dakota, area and the
net savings associated with the retirement
of the Hoot Lake plant in Minnesota. The
company further agreed to wait until 2022
to file its next request to increase base
rates, at which time the phase-in rider is
PIERRE, S.D. – This week, both Standard & Poor’s Global
(S&P) and Moody’s Investors Service announced they have
reaffirmed South Dakota’s AAA Issuer Credit Rating with a
stable outlook.
"AAA is the highest possible rating assigned by credit
rating agencies,” said Gov. Noem. “Sound fiscal management
is a priority for my administration. As a result of our fiscal
discipline, maintaining reserve funds at 10 percent, and a
structurally balanced budget, South Dakota continues to
benefit from the highest rating possible. The financial impact
of the AAA credit rating will continue to position the next
expected to be discontinued.
Otter Tail Power Co.’s last general rate generation for success.”
Both S&P and Moody’s note the strong financial condition
increase was approved by the commission
of South Dakota, strong level of reserve funds, well-funded
in April 2011. Since then, the company
pension system, and a focus on a structurally balanced
cited significant system investments
budget as key reasons for reaffirming the state’s AAA rating.
and increased operations and mainte“We consider the state's management practices strong
nance costs as the reason for seeking an
under S&P Global Ratings' financial management assessment
adjustment now. Among the projects and
(FMA), indicating that, in our view, practices are strong, well
improvements Otter Tail Power Co. has
embedded, and likely sustainable,” said S&P.
implemented are an extensive customer
Moody’s Investors Service stated, “The stable outlook
information system, replacing a decadesreflects the expectation that low leverage and fixed costs
old program.
combined with a very healthy financial position will support
PUC Chairman Gary Hanson noted the
South Dakota's strong credit quality going forward.”
depth and breadth of the facts, data and
Credit ratings give potential bond purchasers a measureevidence presented in the case. “I found
this docket to be fascinating. There was a ment of state performance and credit worthiness. High credit
ratings allow issued bonds to carry a lower interest rate,
tremendous amount of work and thought
providing interest savings to issuers as well as the taxpayers
committed to this process by PUC staff
in the State of South Dakota.
and Otter Tail. Both sides presented
strong cases. I appreciate the acumen of
all participants that led to the information
that helped us make our determination
today,” Hanson said.
“The commission works hard to make
sure the rates we set are reasonable for
ratepayers in South Dakota,” PUC Vice
Chairman Chris Nelson said. “We also
PIERRE—U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) today announced
have an obligation to ensure Otter Tail is
Gavin West, a senior at Sturgis Brown High School, has refinancially sound. I’m comfortable that the ceived a fully qualified offer of appointment to the U.S. Naval
decisions this commission has made are
Academy, which he has accepted. West is the son of Patrick
fair to the ratepayers and the investors,”
and Cassandra West of Piedmont, SD. He is the brother of
he concluded.
Justice West, who also received a nomination from Rounds
Commissioner Kristie Fiegen made
and currently attends the Naval Academy.
the motion to set the rate of return on
“I congratulate Gavin on working hard to get into the
equity. “I have made a thorough review
Naval Academy,” said Rounds. “After watching his brother get
of the filed material, direct and cross-exaccepted to the Naval Academy and visiting Arlington Nationamination, and briefs. I believe with Otter al Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Gavin felt
Tail’s forthcoming expansion and its track called to serve his country. In addition to being an outstandrecord of service, a return on equity of
ing athlete—he plays varsity football, basketball, baseball
8.75% achieves a fair balance of ratepayer and track—he is a bright student who is a member of the Naand investor interests while still giving
tional Honor Society. He and his family should be very proud.
substantial consideration to the factors
We wish Gavin all the best at the Naval Academy.”
that supported the PUC staff’s recommen“I am honored to have received an appointment to the U.S.
dation,” Fiegen stated.
Naval Academy and I am very excited to start my career as a
On Oct. 18, 2018, as allowed by state
midshipman,” said West. “Attending the Naval Academy has
law, Otter Tail Power Co. implemented
been a goal of mine for many years and I couldn’t have done
interim rates based on their initial reit without the support from my family, friends and commuquest, that resulted in a 10.1 percent rate nity, and I look forward to commissioning as a Naval Officer
increase across all customer classes. Toin the U.S. Navy.”
day’s action by the commission will result
Each year, Sen. Rounds is able to nominate a select group
in a lower rate. Company representatives
of eligible students from South Dakota to attend our nation’s
will work with the PUC staff to present a
four service academies: The U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Merrefund plan for commission approval at a 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt
chant Marine Academy, Size: 30 pt
3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font U.S. Military Academy at West Point
later date.
and the U.S. Naval Academy.
The Otter Tail Power Co. rate increase
request docket can be viewed on the
PUC’s website at www.puc.sd.gov, Commission Actions, Electric Dockets, 2018
Electric Dockets, EL18-021 – In the Matter
of the Application of Otter Tail Power
Company for Authority to Increase Its
Curt Curt Robinson
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Mowing Regulations For
The State Right of Way
PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Destate-owned railroad right of way and the
partment of Transportation would like to
abutting landowner waiver are located
remind landowners of mowing regulations on the DOT website at http://sddot.com/
for the state right of way.
Administrative Rule 70:04:06:06 states:
The department may mow medians
No mowing of the right of way may begin
and areas within the rights of way prior
in the west river counties of Gregory,
to June 15 to control noxious weeds and
Lyman or Tripp before June 15 and east of provide increased safety to the traveling
the Missouri River before July 10. All mow- public.
ing by permit must be completed by Sept.
For questions, please contact the ap1 each year.
propriate area engineer, contact informaIn accordance with the administration is available here: http://sddot.com/
tive rule, abutting landowners on state
contact/, or call the office of Operations
highways are given preference to mow
Support at 605.773.3571.
right-of-way ditches. Other persons wishing to mow must obtain a
waiver from the abutting
Any person wanting to
mow Interstate right-of-way
ditches must apply for a
permit, with preference
being given to abutting
landowners. Other persons
wishing to mow must also
obtain a waiver from the
abutting landowner.
The application/permits
needed for mowing the
right of way for interstate,
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Athlete Spotlight
Emma Dahlhoff
Emma Dahlhoff is a sophomore on the
Vermillion Area Dance Organization (VADO). “I look
forward to every practice because I know that I’ll
get to learn something new,” said Dahlhoff.
“In these past few months, we have been working hard learning
and perfecting our pieces for our upcoming Recital this May.”
Dahlhoff is also busy with tennis, track and field,
Students for Life, the Drama Club, the Green Team, and the
Random Acts of Kindness Enthusiasts (RAKE) club. Outside of
school, she also participates in 4-H, art camps, Church Youth
Group, and various community service activities.
Dahlhoff enjoys camping and hiking with her family. “I like to
draw and paint, as well as spend time with my family and friends,”
said Dahlhoff. “I like to travel and take pictures wherever I go.”







