Broadcaster Press 7
September 24, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
Fall Home Improvement
& Car Care
Exercise Caution
Around Brake Dust
As cars age, certain
wear and tear is to be
expected. One of the
realities of frequent driving,
particularly for drivers who
routinely drive in stop-andgo traffic, is the gradual
deterioration of brake
pads. Do-it-yourselfers
can replace brake pads
on their own, but those
that do should be aware
of a potential hazard when
doing so.
The Mesothelioma
Center says that brakes
sometimes contain
asbestos due to that
material’s heat-resistant
qualities. As brakes start
to wear down over time,
the asbestos can escape.
The Occupational Safety
and Health Administration
(OSHA) says that, while
many new automotive
components are asbestosfree, asbestos hasn’t
been eliminated entirely
from the industry. That
is why mechanics and
do-it-yourselfers need to
exercise caution when
repairing or replacing
Brake dust may
Things to Consider Before
Warming Up Next to Your
First Fire This Winter
inadvertently expose
individuals to cancercausing asbestos through
inhalation or ingestion.
OSHA says that exposure
to asbestos, if not properly
controlled, can cause
mesothelioma, lung cancer
and asbestosis. Symptoms
may not appear for years
or even decades after
contact with asbestos
The Mesothelioma
Center estimates that
asbestos is present in 30 to
80 percent of brakes and
other components. The
routine task of “blowing
out” brake surfaces, which
involves using an air hose
to clean the surfaces of
brakes and rotors, is one
of the most common ways
people are exposed to
asbestos through brake
Gray-black brake dust is
made up of iron particles
formed by the grinding
of the brake rotor by the
brake pads. However, brake
dust also can contain some
metallic elements and
other components housed
in the brake pad, including
A warm fire can make even the coldest winter day more
enjoyable. Fireplaces may not get much use in spring or
automotive brake and
summer, but come late fall and throughout the winter, the
The automotive
clutch repair facilities in
fireplace can be a great place for families to gather.
resource YourMechanic
the United States must
Before fireplace season hits full swing, homeowners
says that, while brake dust
comply with the OSHA
might want to brush up on a few fireplace facts so they can
is not indicative of a poor
asbestos standard. These
safely enjoy nights spent sitting by the crackling flames.
braking system, over time
include using negative
The Chimney Safety Institute of America advises
brake dust can corrode the pressure enclosure/HEPA
homeowners with fireplaces to hire a CSIA-certified
clear coat on a car and may vacuum systems and low
chimney sweep to clean their fireplaces. After a lengthly
eat into the aluminum alloy pressure/wet cleaning
period of non-use, various issues could be affecting the
surface of the wheel. That
chimney, many of which might not be noticeable to an
is why so many drivers try
While asbestos is
untrained eye. Professional, certified chimney sweeps
to clean away brake dust,
being phased out of many
have extensive knowledge of fireplaces, making them
potentially exposing them
automotive components,
valuable resources who can let homeowners know if
to dangerous materials.
it is always best to treat
any safety issues developed since fireplaces were last
DIYers may be better
bakes, clutches and more
used. The National Protection Agency recommends that
off visiting professional
with extra caution in the
chimneys be swept at least once per year.
service centers to have
event that asbestos is
A full inspection of the chimney might be in order as
brakes addressed rather
well. Chimney service technicians will conduct thorough
than doing the job on
examinations of readily accessible portions of the
? MetroCreativeConnection chimney exterior and interior and accessible portions
their own. OSHA says all
of the appliance and the chimney connection. The
CSIA recommends that homeowners who plan to use
their chimneys as they have in the past request a Level
1 inspection, which will examine the soundness of the
Unusual vibration
chimney structure and flue as well as the basic appliance
or thumping
installation and connections. Technicians also will verify
noises suggest
if the chimney is free of obstruction and combustible
issues with the
tires. A car that
Homeowners also should inspect their chimney
pulls in one
dampers before lighting their first fires of the season.
direction also may
Dampers should open and close smoothly. If not, a service
be experiencing
technician can help fix or replace the damper.
tire problems.
Firewood is another thing homeowners must consider
Vehicle owners
before lighting their first fires of the season. The CSIA
should be aware
says that well-seasoned firewood works best, noting that
of the routine
wood that is not well-seasoned will produce more smoke
• Balancing: AAA says balancing
maintenance steps that can keep them
than heat. In addition, the home improvement resource
safe and improve the life expectancy of also helps minimize uneven wear and
This Old House recommends using dense wood that’s
tear. Balanced tires are achieved by
been split and stored in a high and dry place for at least
using small weights attached to the
• Tire pressure: The NHTSA
six months. Oak is an example of dense wood that, when
wheels to limit vibration of the tire and stored properly, can make for an enjoyable fireplace
says only 19 percent of consumers
wheels as they turn. New tires should
properly check and inflate their tires.
experience. Avoid softwoods like pine. Pine can produce a
be balanced, and tires also should be
Keeping tires properly inflated is
lot of creosote, which is a byproduct of wood combustion.
balanced after one or more is removed Creosote is highly flammable, and as it builds up in a
one of the most important steps to
to repair a puncture.
maintaining them. Tires lose around
chimney, the risk for a chimney fire increases. Choosing
• Alignment: Vehicles have wheel
1 psi per month, and underinflated
the right wood, making sure it’s well-seasoned and having
alignment measurements that pertain
or overinflated tires can contribute
a chimney professionally cleaned can reduce the risk of a
to manufacturers’ specifications.
to unusual wear, blowouts and even
creosote-related chimney fire. A Level 1 inspection should
Alignment that falls outside of the range determine if there are potentially dangerous levels of
excessive fuel consumption.
can impact handling, fuel economy
• Rotation: Check the owner’s
creosote deposits in the chimney.
and tread wear. A drift or pull suggests
manual or recommendations from the
Before nestling up to a fireplace this winter,
alignment problems and should be
tire manufacturer, but know that most
homeowners should consider a host of factors and safety
mechanics advise having tires rotated
measures to ensure their fireplaces are safe and ready for
Vehicle owners should keep tire
every 5,000 to 8,000 miles. Rotation
the season ahead.
inspection and maintenance in mind as
? MetroCreativeConnection
helps distribute wear more evenly on
part of their overall car care plan.
Tire Maintenance Keeps Drivers Safe
Maintaining tires is an important
component of safe driving. Tires are
some of the hardest working parts on a
car or truck and are subjected to wear
and tear every time rubber meets the
Tires affect many components of
driving, including handling, braking and
the comfort of the ride. Maintaining
tires makes driving safe not only for
drivers and their passengers, but also
for fellow motorists.
The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration says that, in 2018, 738
fatalities occurred because of tirerelated crashes. Many of those crashes
were no doubt preventable, and that
only highlights the importance of
maintaining tires and monitoring their
Poor tire maintenance can lead to
premature wear and potentially result
in a blowout. The automotive group
AAA notes it is important to visually
inspect tires as often as possible.
Drivers should look for overall tread
wear. Pay special attention to tread
wear on one edge of the tires, which
could indicate poor alignment. Erratic
tread wear may mean tires are out of
Drivers also should pay attention
to how their cars drive and sounds.
? MetroCreativeConnection
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