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June 7, 2011 shop online at www.broadcasteronline.com Classification Index 1101 Auctions DALESBURG BAPTIST Church 30503 466th Ave., Beresford, Pastor Darren Regehr. 9:45am, Sunday School; 11:00am, Morning Worship; Mid-week Services Wednesdays, 7:00pm. (605)253-2622. GRACE BAPTIST Church, SBC, Pastor Steve Ford, 1102 E. Main. Phone 624-4949. Adult’s and Children’s Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:45 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday Night 7 p.m. Dalesburg Lutheran Church: 12 miles North of Vermillion on University Road. Worship Services 9:15 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Website: www.dalesburglutheran.org HILLSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH (C&MA) 1800 Constance Dr. West on Cherry just before you go down the hill. Worship Sept.-May 10:30a.m., May-August 10a.m., AWANA Sunday School small groups. 6 0 5 - 6 2 4 - 4 8 6 2 , www.hillside-cc.com 1000 Announcements 1100-1130 Transportation 1200-1270 Employment 1300-1360 Services 1400-1545 Pets/Supplies 1550-1570 Real Estate 1600-1690 Merchandise 1700-1840 Agriculture 1850-1895 Notices 2000-2010 1101 Announcements Events 100% Guaranteed Omaha Steaks- SAVE 64% on the Family Value Collection. NOW ONLY $49.99 Plus 3 FREE GIFTS & right-to-the-door delivery in a reusable cooler, ORDER Today. 1-866-505-1380 mention code 45069SVH or www.OmahaSteaks.com/family27 (MCN) A Day in the Countryside. Midsommar at Dalesburg. Friday, June 24. 2pm: Songs and Stories from Dalesburg's 140 years. 4:30-6:30: tasty smorgasbord. 7pm: music, dancing. Dalesburg Lutheran Church, rural Vermillion. 5.5 miles west of I-29 exit 38 (Volin road) Al-Anon meets Monday night at 7:30 p.m. in St. Paul’s Church, 10 Linden Ave. Call 605-624-4166 for information. Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting: 12:10-12:50p.m. Mondays & Thursdays at Coffee Loft, 417 N. Pine. Brown bag, open meeting, great fellowship. Parking in rear. BERGEN LUTHERAN Church: “The little white church on Timber Road.” Worship 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 9:15 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 995 N. Sioux Point Road, Dakota Dunes, SD. Weekend Masses: Saturday, 4:30 p.m.; Sunday, 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Bright Light Baptist Ministries presents Truth for Living Bible Study, Wednesday evening at 7pm, Vermillion Senior Center, 302 West Main St. For info contact Pastor Jesse, (605)222-1981 or Haileys4dakota@aol.com. BRULE Creek Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 11:00am, Sunday School 9:45am to 10:45am. CHRIST OUR SAVIOR Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod: Worship Sunday 6:00 p.m., Bible Study Tuesday, 9:00 p.m., Neuharth Center, 624-5398 or 1-800-998-1234 CHURCH OF CHRIST, 102 Prospect: Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.; Bible Study 9:00 a.m.; Bible Study 12:00 noon; Wednesday Night Classes, 7:00 p.m. Concordia Lutheran Church (LC-MS) 7 South University Street, Vermillion. Divine Service – Sunday, 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School – Sunday, 9:20 a.m. Pastor Samuel Needham. CORNERSTONE CHURCH: Located at the corner of Crawford & Cherry St. Celebration Service: Sunday - 10am; During school year: Impact for Kids (5-11), Wed 6:15pm-7:30pm; FCA/Impact: College Youth & Adults, Wed 7:30pm-8:30pm. Check us out at Cornerstonesd.org or (605)624-8809. Announcements - 1101 Events DEADWOOD Firearms and Antique Auction and Show: Deadwood, SD. June 17-19. 150 table show with over 900 auction items. View or bid onl i n e ww.DakotaPlainsAuctions.com or call 605-209-4322 (MCN) Driver Licensing Schedules: Vermillion 7a.m.-5p.m. Thursday & Friday; Yankton 7a.m.-5:30p.m. Tuesday, Thurdsay & Friday; Elk Point 8:30a.m.-4:30p.m. 1st & 3rd Wednesday; North Sioux City 8:45a.m.-4:30p.m. 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday. Call 1-800-952-3696 or visit www.state.sd.us/dps/dl for more information. EMPOWERING YOU to take back your life. The Women Rising Support Group meeting weekly. Childcare is available upon request. Call 624-5311 for details. FAITH FELLOWSHIP of the Open Bible on Bypass 50 and Highway 19: Sunday Celebration 10:30 a.m. Pastor Tony Armbrust, 624-2921. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH: 401 Main Street, Makell, NE. Worship: Fall Hours, 10am. Sunday Schools 9am PMA Chad Beckius, (605)658-0240 (home) (402)-692-3323 (church). Faith United Lutheran Church, ELCA, 44874 303rd St/Po Box 168, Volin, SD 57072, (605)267-2277. S u n d a y Worship: 9:30am with Holy Communion the 1st & 4th Sundays. WOW Wednesday program beginning at 6:30pm for all children 3 yrs old - 7th grade, and confirmation classes for those in grades 8th & 9th. FIRST BAPTIST Church Elmer “Sandy” Aakre, Pastor 624-6391 home, 624-4658 church. Time: 9:15 Sunday School, 10:30 Worship. Sunday Choir Practice, 11:50 a.m. Announcements - 1101 Events IMMANUAL Lutheran Church, Elk Point, SD: Worship Service 9:00 a.m., Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Is food a problem for you? Does weight affect the way you live? Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Vermillion, Thursdays at 6:30p.m., Sanford Vermillion Hospital, 20 South Plum. (Administration door south of hospital entrance in small conference room.) KOMSTAD COVENANT Church, Rural Beresford and Centerville, SD: Matt Styles, Pastor. 18 miles north on University Road. Phone 563-2402. Sunday School 10 a.m., Worship Service 11 a.m. Meatballs! Potatis Korv! Homemade Pie! Midsommar at Dalesburg on Friday, June 24. 2pm program. 4:30-6:30 Smorgasbord $12. 7pm: music, Scandinavian dances. Dalesburg Lutheran Church, 12 miles north of Vermillion (Hwy. 50) on University Road or intersection of University & Volin roads. Midsommar at Dalesburg, Friday, June 24. Food, fun, friends and faith. Songs & Stories from 140 years of Dalesburg at 2pm; Smorgasbord 4:30pm-6:30pm; 7pm program features The Great Pretenders, Scandinavian dancing for all. Dalesburg Lutheran Church, rural Vermillion. 5.5 miles west of I-29 exit 38 (Volin road); or 12 miles north of Hwy. 50 on University Road. Announcements - 1101 Events Narcotics Anonymous, Thursday Night Live, meets every Thursday at 7:30pm at Trinity Lutheran Church. Use back entrance, Rm. 14. Plain Talk seeks Donations for Book Sale The Vermillion Plain Talk is seeking donations for a book sale to be held during the Vermillion’s City Wide Rummage Sale. The book sale will be June 23rd and 24th. All kinds of gently used books, VHS/ DVD movies will be accepted (No Encyclopedias or Text Books please!) Books can be brought to the Plain Talk Office, 201 w Cherry, Vermillion. Donations will be accepted M-F from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. until June 17th, 2011. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Newspapers in Education program, which provides free newspapers to classrooms in Vermillion and the surrounding areas. PLEASANT VALLEY Lutheran Church, Rural Vermillion: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Service 10:30 a.m., Holy Communion First Sunday of every month. All welcome. PROVIDENCE REFORMED Church, 830 Madison: Sunday School 9:30 a.m., Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. “We Welcome You To Historic Protestant Worship And Fellowship.” REACH 2 MILLION HOUSEHOLDS! Do you have a product, service, or business that would be helped by reaching over 2 million households throughout Iowa and the surrounding states? The Midwest Classified Network will allow you to reach these potential customers quickly and inexpensively. For more information concerning a creative classified ad call this publication or Midwest Free Community Papers at 800-248-4061 or get information online at www.mcn-ads.com (MCN) Read & Recycle! JUNK WANTED CARS•PICKUPS•SCRAP IRON Don’t Wait...Call Today! Peterson Auto Crushing 605-202-0899 Gamblers? Anonymous will be meeting weekly on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the Vermillion Public Library in the meeting room. GAYVILLE LUTHERAN Church: Sunday School 10:15 a.m., Worship 9 a.m. Pastor Ralph Egbert. GOSPEL CHAPEL Church, 708 Jessie St./Highway 12, Newcastle, NE. Sunday School, 9:30 a.m.; Sunday worship 10:30 a.m.; AWANA Wednesday at 7 p.m., 402-355-2305. Pastor Chuck Myers, 402-355-1335. Isoms Annual Animal Swap Meet/Flea Market. June 11th and 12th, Allen, NE. New vendors welcomed. Call Val (402)635-2265 or www.lovealop.com 3???¨?? 0?Ø?•?¥? 3°¨• USD will be accepting Sealed Bids for surplus cabinets, refrigerators, stoves and other miscellaneous items. All items are located at the Cypress/Redwood Housing Complex at 434/500 North Pine St. Items may be viewed on Wednesday, June 15 from 9:00–4:00. Sealed bids must be received by Noon, June 17, 2011. Successful bidders will have until June 24, 2011 to pick up the items. For additional information please call 605-677-5669. USD reserves the right to reject any and all bids. HOMES, LAKE HOMES, FARMS, ACREAGES, BUSINESS Storage For: “ P ortable an C av e s” M ll By Syde 605-624-4538 5 Miles east of Vermillion Hwy 50 Page 3 • Boats • Jet Skis • Motorcycles • Snowmobiles g • Cars/Trucks red Buildin Pictu ’ • Pop-up Campers 40’x12’x10 Features: (8) Skylites • 10’x8’ overhead door • Steel siding 2’x6’ walk-in door • All welded steel structure frame Announcements - 1101 Events Sand Volleyball Tournament. Saturday, June 25, 2011. St. Helena, NE. $60 per team. Proceeds benefit the Wynot, NE Softball Association. Call (402)640-6473 or email heatherheimes@hotmail.com to register a team. Deadline is June 17th to register. SAVE THE DATE! 2011 Vermillion Annual Citywide Rummage Sales June 23-25 Watch your Plain Talk and Broadcaster Press for details! Unitarian Universalist "The Uncommon Denomination." Services are the first and third Sunday of each month at 7 p.m. in the basement of the United Church of Christ, 226 E. Main. Child care services and refreshments provided. All welcome. Info: www.unitarianvermillion.blogspot.com Announcements Events ST. AGNES Church, 416 Walker St., Fr. John Fischer: St. Agnes Church and Parish Office, tele. 624-4478. St. Agnes Rectory, 505 Catalina, tele. 624-1995. Mass schedule: 5 p.m. Saturday, 8:00 a.m. and 10:30a.m. Sunday, Weekday Masses – consult weekly bulletin; Sacrament of Penance, Saturday 4-4:45p.m. ST. PAUL?S Episcopal Church, corner of Main and Linden. Sunday: nursery available. 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist. 11:00 a.m. coffee hour. Call 624-3379 for more info. The Rev. Rita Powell, priest. The USD Luther Center, where church and flip-flops go together! The Luther Center, at the corner of Cherry & Plum, Vermillion, has weekly worship services on Wednesday evenings at 7p.m. and 5 Alive meal and devotional gathers on Sunday evenings at 6p.m. during the school year. Pastor Kevin Jensen, 605-624-2834 VISUALLY IMPAIRED meeting, 1:00 every second Monday of the month. For information 605-624-4063 or 605-653-1000. On May 21, the day, according to H. Camping, the world would come to an end. Mine almost did. I would like to thank the EMT’s, Police Officer, Sheriff Deputy, Ambulance Crew and Ardyce and Bill Pike for their prompt response. I would especially humbly and sincerely thank Jesus for his healing hand and touch. God Bless You All – With love and appreciation! Stan Peterson PUBLIC & PRIVATE WASTE HAULERS THE PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WASTE HAULERS ARE INVITED TO A MEETING TO DISCUSS THE CITY OF VERMILLION’S PROPOSED SOLID WASTE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. THE MEETING WILL BE JUNE 14TH AT 5:30 P .M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS LOCATED IN CITY HALL. A PRESENTATION EXPLAINING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WILL BE GIVEN WITH A QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION FOLLOWING. 25 Center Street Vermillion, SD 57069 Ph: 605-677-7050 We can fixReplacementyou! it for Windshield Rock Chips Repaired Sunroofs • Heavy Equipment Tractor Cab Glass FREE Mobile Service • All work insurance approved & guaranteed. Owned & Operated By: Jay Nielsen • Shawn Nielsen 605-624-8170 222 W. Main, Vermillion • 1-800-286-7835 Notice of Hearing Clay County Board of Resolution will meet on Tuesday June 14th at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room at 211 West Main, Vermillion, SD to consider placing a Moratorium on all County Drainage Permits, as requested by a group of landowner attending the May 31st Commissioner’s Meeting, and to allow for consideration of possible new regulations and creation of coordinated drainage districts. (Does not include permits requested for prevention of home damage) All interested persons are urged to attend. Board of County Commissioners 211 West Main, STE 200 Vermillion, SD 57069

Fair 59.0 F
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Temperature:59.0 F
Wind:West at 16.1 MPH (14 KT)
Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
Heat Index:
Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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