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PAGE 4B: WINTER SPORTS 2017 PRESS & DAKOTAN n PLAIN TALK Tornadoes Return To Girls’ Basketball Court Centerville Played JV Schedule In 2016-17 Due To Lack Of Numbers cludes senior Ally Johnson, juniors Alicia Applegate and Amanda Knutson, sophomore Tori Herrboldt, and freshmen Alyssa Brandsrud, Ellie Hunter and Haley Meyer. BY JEREMY HOECK to athletic director Doug Edberg. At The eighth-graders include Sadie this time last year, the high school jeremy.hoeck@yankton.net Barrows, Mya Bendt, Sophie Eide, had 30 students, but this year has Hannah Hisel and Harley Steinhaus. 54. CENTERVILLE — Every day for With a mix of high school and “It’s grown quite a bit,” Edberg one full school year, girls who were middle school students, the team interested in playing varsity basket- said. still meshed well through the early In time, Centerville was probably preseason practices, according to ball in Centerville saw the image on going to see an uptick in the enroll- Tornberg. the town’s water tower. ment — last year was likely a dip in They saw the tornado. “That was really encouraging for the roller coaster — but those girls me to see,” Tornberg said. “They’ve They saw it, but knew they interested in basketball stuck with couldn’t suit up for their school’s got a great work ethic.” it regardless, Tornberg said. team, the Tornadoes. Because of And that work ethic was evident, “Our kids have a mentality of low numbers due to low enrollment, he added, over the spring and sumbeing persistent,” he said. “I think Centerville High School didn’t play mer when the players were in the they’ll be the ones to lead our com- weight room four days a week. a varsity schedule for the 2016-17 munity through this.” season. “We did a lot over the summer, A year ago at this time, the con- with team camps and a workout After a one-season hiatus, the cern from Centerville school offiTornadoes — pushed by the interprogram,” Tornberg said. “We were cials was this, according to Edberg: able to do some team things to est level from a handful of female Would the Tornadoes get back the students within the school district try to develop that chemistry and — are back to the varsity ranks this players who had previously played? foster a culture of hard work.” Centerville played a junior varsiseason. Although Centerville will now ty schedule last season, but Edberg have a varsity girls’ basketball team “The kids drove this,” head said the team lost a few players. coach Tucker Tornberg said. this season, the final word came The Tornadoes, though, have a It certainly helped that Centertoo late in the process to piece tovarsity roster of 12 players, includ- gether a full 20-game regular season ville’s enrollment has increased: It stands at 260 as of Nov. 1, according ing five eighth-graders. The team in- schedule. “When they were scheduling, schools didn’t know for sure if we would have a team we could sustain,” Tornberg said. The Tornadoes will play a modified 11-game schedule, but are hoping that other games become available. “We’re still hoping some openings come up, maybe in a classic or tournament,” Edberg said. Despite not playing a 20-game schedule, Centerville — like every team in South Dakota basketball — will still be eligible for the Region 5B Tournament (and potentially, state). However, teams that don’t play a minimum of 14 regular season games are seeded last in their region, according to the SDHSAA. Still, even having the chance to play in the postseason is exciting for Centerville, Tornberg said. “Any time you have an opportunity for postseason play, I think it motivates you and gives you something to shoot for,” he said. “I think it brings an excitement to your program.” Having girls’ basketball back in the Centerville scene has also brought a new level of excitement within the school walls, Edberg added. “The atmosphere in the school has been a little more exciting,” he said. “There’s more sports pride. “Last year we had that Tornado pride, but it was different.” While other small schools in similar situations (declining enrollment, etc.) may have been forced to seek a co-op with another surrounding town, Centerville has avoided such worries. “It goes both ways,” Tornberg said. “You need the community support, but the kids need to give the community something to support.” And the Tornadoes are happy to be back on the court, to give their friends and family a varsity team to support. “They have a great sense of pride to be here, and our hope is that we can continue to do that alone,” Tornberg said. “School pride in a small town is something so valuable.” Follow @jhoeck on Twitter SOUTH DAKOTA GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Alcester-Hudson COACH: Shannon Hames ASSISTANTS: Matt Storo VITALS: Class B, Region 5 LAST SEASON: The Cubs (9-12) saw their season end on a buzzer-beating threepointer in the first round of the district tournament. RETURNING: Amelia Stene (Sr., 5-9, G/F, 6.9 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 2 spg, 1.8 apg), Julie Dickau (Sr., 5-9, F, 5 ppg, 5.8 rpg, 1.8 spg), Kendra Jensen (Jr., 5-7, G, 9.2 ppg, 3.7 rpg, 2.5 apg, 2.2 spg), Elizabeth Hallaway (So., 5-9, F, 2.9 ppg, 3.1 rpg), Karlee Nygard (Sr., 5-5, G/F), Keandra Rhead (Jr., 5-10, F), Abby Walth (Fr., 5-6, G/F), Bayleigh Peterson (Fr., 5-6, G). NEWCOMERS: Tori Rasmussen (Jr., 5-10, F), Callie Waite (So., 5-5, G/F), Emily Miiller (Fr., 5-4, G), Jade Owings (Fr., 5-6, G/F), Jordan Rasmussen (Fr., 5-7, F). Andes CentralDakota Christian COACH: Shane Niewenhuis VITALS: Class B, Region 6 LAST SEASON: The Thunder (14-7) lost in the first round of the district tournament. RETURNING: Beulah Blackcloud (Sr., 5-8, F, 8 ppg, 4 rpg, 1 apg), Brianna Duermier (Jr., 5-5, G, 3 ppg, 3 rpg), Mackenzie Muckey (Fr., 5-10, G/F, 7 ppg, 5 rpg, 1 apg), Sidney Muckey (Jr., 6-0, C, 3 ppg, 4 rpg, 1 apg) NEWCOMERS: Isabel Pheifer (So., 5-9, F), Tyra Medicine Horn (Jr., 5-7, G/F), Sada Delange (Sr., 5-4, G), Kiona Hart (Fr., 5-2, G) Senior Brooklyn Brouwer averaged 11 points per game for Tripp-Delmont-Armour last season. The third-team all-Little Missouri Valley Conference pick is one of four returning starters that averaged double figure scoring for the Nighthawks last season. ren Bastemeyer (So., G). NEWCOMERS: Johanna Jelsma (Jr., G), Bailey Kortan (Sr., G, played at Bon Homme for two seasons, played at Yankton last season), Abby Crites (So., F), Sydney Kubal (Jr., F). Centerville COACH: Tucker Tornberg ASSISTANTS: Jordan Kruse, Shelli Eide, James Brown VITALS: Class B, Region 5 COACH: Tammy Lilly LAST SEASON: The TornaASSISTANTS: Will Bisedoes did not have a varsity nius, Kristin Hanson team a season ago. The proVITALS: Class A, Region 4 gram played a JV schedule. LAST SEASON: The PanNEWCOMERS: Ally Johnson (Sr., 5-10, F/C), S.D. GIRLS | PAGE 5B Avon COACH: Brad Poppe ASSISTANT: Jody Gittings VITALS: Class B, Region 6 LAST SEASON: The Lady Pirates (22-4) finished seventh at the state tournament. RETURNING: Cheylee Nagel (Sr., 5-7, G, All-Conference, All-State Tournament, 12 ppg, 6 rpg, 4 apg, 2 spg), Lauren Sees (Jr., 5-8, G, All-State, All-Conference, 16 ppg, 6 rpg, 3 apg, 2 spg), Kacie Mudder (Sr., 5-11, F, All-Conference, 5 ppg, 5 rpg, 2 apg), Olivia Jurrens (Sr., 5-11, F, 7 ppg, 5 rpg). NEWCOMERS: KaCee Zacharias (Jr., 5-9), Tori Schryvers (Jr., 5-5), Madisyn Cameron (So., 5-8), Josie Jonas (Sr., 5-9), Logan Mednansky (Jr., 5-9), Ali Sees (Fr., 5-8), Natalie Zacharias (Fr., 5-9), Maddie Kocmich (Fr., 5-9). Carson Family Dentistry C. Nolan Carson III, DDS, MA Kelsey Pudwill, RDH 707 Chestnut St. Springfield, SD 57062 605-369-2226 Dakota Valley Shannon O’Malley averaged 18 points per game for Irene-Wakonda last season. The Dakota Wesleyan recruit enters the season with 1,753 career points. Beresford COACH: Scott Ebert VITALS: Class A, Region 4 LAST SEASON: The Watchdogs (7-14) lost in the opening round of the region tournament. RETURNING: Hannah Ebert (Sr., 5-5, G), Cait Savey (Sr., 5-6, G), Hannah Nelson (Sr., 5-8, G), Hope Johnson (Sr., 5-6, G), Jillian Hansen (Sr., 5-10, F), Alana Bergland (Jr., 5-5, G), Sydney Nelson (Jr., 5-8, F), Aubrey Twedt (Jr., 5-10, F), Cali Boden (Jr., 5-7, F), Kennedy Goblirsch (So., 5-8, F), Jessica Niles (Fr., 5-11, F). NEWCOMERS: Aubrey Bolden (Jr., 5-7, F), Faith Weiland (Jr., 5-8, F), Kaysee Christensen (Jr., 5-6, G), Kadison Satter (Jr., 5-10, F), Molly Ebert (So., 5-9, F), Summer Roelke (So., 5-8, F), Katie Knutson (So., 5-8, F), Jordyn Fischer (So., 5-6, G), Jaycee Fischer (So., 5-6, G). FORT RANDALL TABOR LUMBER TELEPHONE CO. 605-563-2863 Hours: 8am - 5pm Mon - Fri MR. Golf Car, Inc. PO Box 70 • 822 8th St CROSBY-JAEGER COOP Tabor, SD Lumber Co-op 463-2565 Petro Dept. 463-2251 Lesterville Dept. 364-7522 605-369-2625 Sales, Services & Leasing www.mrgolfcar.net Winter Hours 8am - 5pm Monday - Friday FUNERAL HOME INC. Avon, SD 119 N. Poplar St. Wagner, SD 124 E. Hwy 50 384-3781 K A A Kaul’s Ag & Auto, Inc. Your Complete Parts & Service Center 1414 Walnut • Springfield, SD 605-369-5411 Insurance Comparison Quote Auto • Home • Toys • Life • Health Farm • Crop & Commercial Springfield, SD Tyndall Motors, Inc. 605-589-3441 Tyndall Motors, Inc. 604 8th St. 1-888-589-3441 406 W. Hwy. 50 • Tyndall 369-2488 406 W. Hwy. 50 • Tyndall 605-589-3441 • 1-888-589-3441 www.tyndallmotors.com 605-589-3441 • Chad Peters Jim & Julie Jaeger and 1-888-589-3441 www.tyndallmotors.com www.tyndallmotors.com Dr. James Torsney Optometrist 1708 Main Street, Tyndall, SD • 605-589-3406 BON HOMME CAVALIERS Boys’ Basketball 12/8.......................................... vs. Vermillion 12/15..........................................vs. Scotland 12/21.............................................. at Winner 12/29...............Swiftel Classic (at Brookings) 1/2...............................................at Tri-Valley 1/5................................................vs. Wagner 1/6....................................... Barefoot Classic (at Sanford Pentagon, Sioux Falls) 1/9............................................... at Freeman 1/13......................................vs. Chamberlain 1/16.................. at Tripp-Delmont-Armour (T) 1/18............................................vs. Parkston 1/22..................................... vs. West Central 1/25........vs. Andes Central-Dakota Christian 1/29...............................vs. Corsica-Stickney 2/2......................................................at Avon 2/6......at Burke-South Central (at Bonesteel) 2/9.......................................at Platte-Geddes 2/13..................vs. Mount Vernon-Plankinton 2/16...............................................at Gregory 2/19..................................vs. Irene-Wakonda Girls’ Basketball Tyndall Motors, Inc. 406 W. Hwy. 50 • Tyndall Open Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday by appointment Bon Homme COACH: Tara Ronke ASSISTANT: Ashley Armstrong VITALS: Class A, Region 5 LAST SEASON: The Cavaliers were 1-20 last season. RETURNERS: Rachel Sestak (Sr., G), Ciera Himes (So., G), Kenzie Carson (Fr., F), Jenae Alberts (Fr., G), Makayla Kelley (Fr., F), Emily Cap (Jr., G), Macy Hajek (Jr., F), Hannah Cuka (Fr., G), Lau- Bon-Homme, SD Springfield, SD Alicia Appelgate (Jr., 5-6, F), Amanda Knutson (Jr., 5-7, G/F), Tori Herrboldt (So., 5-8, F/C), Alyssa Brandsrud (Fr., 5-7, F/C), Ellie Hunter (Fr., 5-7, G/F), Haley Meyer (Fr., 5-7, G/F), Sadie Barrows (8th, 5-5, F), Mya Bendt (8th, 5-6, F), Sophie Eide (8th, 5-4, G), Hannah Hisel (8th, 5-6, F/C), Harley Steinhaus (8th, 5-6, G/F) Tyndall • 589-3572 Tabor • 463-2558 Springfield • 369-5520 Yankton • 665-3572 Tea • 213-3572 2/9.......................................at Platte-Geddes 2/13..................vs. Mount Vernon-Plankinton 2/16.................................... vs. Gayville-Volin Wrestling Bon Homme-Scotland-Avon 11/30.............................................. at Wagner 12/2....... Dell Rapids Top of The Rock Tourn. 12/5..................................... BH-S-A Tri. (BH) (Crofton-Bloomfield, Pierce) 12/9.........Burke-Gregory Tourn. (at Gregory) 12/12.......................Marion-Freeman Tri. (M) (Marion-Freeman, Parker) 12/16.........................Elk Point-Jefferson Inv. 12/30............. McCook Central-Montrose Inv. (at Salem) 1/4............................... at Elk Point-Jefferson 1/6...................................Brandon Valley Inv. 1/13.............................................Mitchell Inv. 1/16............................................vs. Parkston 1/20......................................... Winner Tourn. 1/27........................................ Wagner Tourn. 1/30.............................vs. Burke-Gregory (S) 2/10...........................................Huron Tourn. 12/8.......................................... vs. Vermillion 12/14............................................at Scotland 12/21.............................................. at Winner 1/2...............................................at Tri-Valley 1/4.................... at Tripp-Delmont-Armour (T) 1/5................................................vs. Wagner 1/9............................................... at Freeman 1/13......................................vs. Chamberlain 1/15........................... vs. Bridgewater-Emery 1/18............................................vs. Parkston 1/22..................................... vs. West Central 1/25........vs. Andes Central-Dakota Christian 1/27..................................vs. Irene-Wakonda 12/9.................Wagner-Bon Homme Inv. (W) 12/16...........................................Milbank Inv. 12/28........Vermillion Winter Wonderland Inv. 1/5................................... Chamberlain Quad 1/6...................................Stanley County Inv. 1/8............................................... Mitchell Tri. 1/29...............................................at Gregory 2/1......................................................at Avon 2/5................................................. vs. Parker 2/6......at Burke-South Central (at Bonesteel) 1/29......................................... Wagner Quad (Tri-Valley Conf. Classic, Yankton) Gymnastics Wagner-Bon Homme (Mitchell, S.F. Roosevelt) 1/13........................................... Madison Inv. 1/15.........................................Yankton Quad (Chamberlain, Vermillion, Yankton) 1/18.....................................Sioux Falls Meet (At Wings Gymnastics Academy) (Parkston-Ethan-Hanson, Vermillion, West Central)

Fair 59.0 F
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Dewpoint:37.9 F (3.3 C)
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Windchill:56 F (13 C)

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