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Broadcaster Press 13 February 26, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com S.D. Local Foods Supporters To Gather March 1-2 YANKTON, S.D. – The S.D. Specialty Producers Association (SDSPA) is hosting its annual Local Foods Partnership Meeting March 1-2, 2019 in Mitchell, SD. Members as well as non-member producers, farmers market managers and vendors, chefs, valueadded businesses, local foods enthusiasts, and agencies are encouraged to attend. The statewide event works to promote and support the growing local foods movement. Registration and networking will begin at 8:30 a.m. CST on March 1 at the Highland Conference Center, 2000 Highland Way, in Mitchell. The day will include a general session to review the farm bill, state legislative issues, partnership updates, and resources. Afternoon breakout sessions will feature marketing, rainwater harvesting, and disease management in grape production. Lunch is provided to pre-registered attendees. The SDSPA Annual Membership meeting will run from 3– 4 p.m. The meeting is open to all, but current membership is required to vote. Membership must be made current before Feb. 25, 2019. The S.D. Local Foods Coalition meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. Discussion will target re-defining the best way the Coalition can do its work. Kari O’Neill, SDSU Extension, will serve as the meeting facilitator. On March 2 participants will gather at the SDSU Extension Mitchell Regional Center, 1800 E. Spruce Street (Mitchell Technical Institute, Nordby Building) for in-depth educational events. Lunch is provided to pre-regis- tered attendees. A professional grant writing workshop, ‘Writing Your Future,’ is scheduled from 8:30 a.m.— 2:15 p.m. This event, hosted by SDSU Extension & SDSPA, will feature grant writing basics, finding evidence to support your need, specific resources for local food related support, and funding opportunities. A Farmers Market Managers meeting is scheduled for 2:30-4:30 p.m. Those managing a market and farmers market board members are encouraged to attend. For more information about this meeting contact Rhoda Burrows, SDSU Extension, at 605.394.2236 or Rhoda. Burrows@sdstate.edu. Pre-register online by Feb. 25 on the SDSPA website. (www.sdspecialtyproducers.org) The registration fee for March 1 is $15/person for SDSPA members and $20/person for non-members. The Grant Writing Workshop on March 2 is $60/person. Late or walk-in registration is an additional $5/day and does not include a meal. SDSPA will be transitioning websites starting Feb. 16. The web link provided may be temporarily inaccessible. The website and its new design will be available Feb. 18. SDSPA works to promote specialty crops and products; develop cooperative marketing opportunities; create opportunities for producers to market, network, and learn; market agritourism; develop South Dakota product identity; support research and serve as a venue for networking and information gathering. SDSPA is made up of growers and value-added processors of non-commodity products including produce, fruits, herbs, grapes, specialty grains, hops, honey, nursery crops and more; Chefs, agritourism promoters and other local food enthusiasts interested in supporting South Dakota specialty crops and products are active members of the organization. Membership dues are $25 and applications for 2019 are available at the SDSPA website, http:// sdspecialtyproducers.org. Specialty producers and local foods enthusiasts can stay up-to-date on relevant issues and educational opportunities by following SDSPA on Facebook at https://www.facebook. com/sdpsa/. For more information on this event or membership contactthe SDSPA membership coordinator, at SDSPAmembers@gmail. com. Noem Approves Grant CLAY COUNTY, SD LAND AUCTION For New SDSBVI Project 704.11 +/- Acres, Star Township Governor Kristi Noem today awarded a $2.5 million state grant for the construction of the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (SDSBVI), part of the school’s joint Educational Impact Campaign with Northern State University (NSU). The grant comes from the Governor's Office of Economic Development Future Fund. “I’m grateful for the leadership and partnership of Northern State University and the South Dakota School for the Blind and Visually Impaired,” said Noem. “I’m confident their shared vision for success will create an even stronger powerhouse for education in the northeast part of our state. This grant will ensure the continued legacy of quality education and excellent student engagement for years to come.” The grant follows the same amount awarded last year from the same fund by former Governor Dennis Daugaard. Together, they match the city of Aberdeen's pledge of $5 million to the Educational Impact Campaign. “Each of these gifts hinged on the other, and this type of interconnected giving is a perfect example of the all-encompassing support we’ve received for the Educational Impact Campaign,” said NSU President Dr. Tim Downs. “We’re grateful to both governors, the city and to the donors around the region for their continued commitment to Northern and the School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.” “It’s wonderful to receive this level of support from not one but two governors along with the city, and I can’t thank them enough,” said SDSBVI Superintendent Marje Kaiser. “I’m thrilled that they recognize how beneficial this project will be not only to our students but also to the region, as a new facility will ensure we’ll be able to remain in Aberdeen.” Earlier this month, Noem signed House Bill 1037, authorizing the South Dakota Board of Regents to contract for the construction of the sports complex on the NSU campus. The bill’s approval moved forward the final project of the Educational Impact Campaign, which first kicked off in fall 2017. The campaign involves three projects funded entirely by non-legislative donations. Besides the sports complex, that includes the Athletic and Recreation Fields project, which opened in fall 2018, and the new SDSBVI, currently under construction at the former NSU Jerde Hall site. So far, the $55 million campaign has received pledges totaling more than $44 million. “These projects will enhance the student experience for years to come and also be a tremen- dous boost for the entire region,” Downs said. “It’s a game-changing time for northeast South Dakota.” Support has been strong throughout the campaign, with numerous pledges from individual donors and area businesses – support that was recognized at HB1037’s hearing before the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Appropriations. Sen. Justin Cronin said the fact that the whole region is supporting this project is immense. “You should be very proud of your alumni and of your community,” Cronin said. Sen. Brock Greenfield agreed, saying, “Here’s a case in point in which the people have said this is how they want to spend their money. I wholly support and endorse that, and I wish the folks at Northern well with this project, and the folks of the region well because a lot of people will be benefiting from this for years and years to come.” For more information about improvement projects at Northern, visit NSU Campus Master Plan. MECKLING TOWNSHIP EQUALIZATION MEETING Monday, March 18th, 2019 5:00 PM Toby’s Lounge Tax Appeals Alternate date of Monday, March 25th Tax appeals must be submitted to Clerk in writing and received by March 15th, 2019 Clerk, Jane Larson 31377 454th Ave. Meckling, SD 57069 BRULE TOWNSHIP ANNUAL MEETING Brule Township in Union County, SD will hold the annual township meeting Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 • 5:30pm Get your ad in the.. Classifieds Today! CALL 624-4429 ••• FAX 624-2696 ••• EMAIL classifieds@plaintalk.net ••• ONLINE BroadcasterOnline.com ••• DROP BY 201 W. Cherry, Vermillion in the Union Co. Shop, Spink, SD for the election of officers and any other business proper to be done when convened. Alternate date if bad weather: March 12th at 5:30pm. Gregg Hanson, Clerk Notice of Annual Meeting Bethel Township will hold its annual meeting at 2:00 PM, Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 at the Wakonda Legion Hall, Wakonda, SD. Agenda items include election of officers, regular business and to accept bids for snow removal, gravel and road maintenance. In the event of inclement weather, the annual meeting shall be held March 12th at 10:00 AM. Darby Ganschow, Clerk Offered in 5 Tracts Thursday, March 14, 2019 • 10:30 AM We will sell the following real estate at public auction at the land site located from Wakonda, SD, 2 miles north on 455th Ave or from Irene, SD, 3 miles east on SD Hwy 46 and 2 miles south on 455th Ave. Auctioneer’s Note: Rarely does a section of land that includes cropland and pasture come up for sale in southeastern South Dakota. Here is an opportunity to purchase multiple tracts of land to expand your current farming operation or purchase as an investment. The land is located north of Wakonda, SD, a reasonable distance to ethanol plants & grain elevators, with a hard surface road on the east boundary. The land is in a corn/soybean rotation and is available to the new owner for the 2019 crop year. The pasture fence line is the boundary between the pasture and the other tracts. The FSA estimates there is approximately 527.7 acres of cropland with a 334.30 acre corn base and a 135 bushel PLC yield, a 193.39 acre soybean base with a 40 bushel PLC yield, 39.3 acres of CRP with an annual payment of $278.86 per acre through 2026 and 116.5 acres of pasture. According to Surety/AgriData the cropland has a productivity rating of 80.3. County soil rating of .713 on the entire property. Taxes: $18,684.18. This property has a minority interest owned by a Broker Associate of Westra Atkins Land & Auction, LLC. In the case of inclement weather listen to WNAX radio or visit www.westraatkins.com. Legal Description: Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of Atkins Addition in Section 16, Township 95, Range 53, Clay County, SD. The land will be offered as follows: Choice will be offered on Tracts 1 & 2. The successful bidder will have the option to purchase the tract of his choosing or both tracts. If the winning bidder only desires one tract, the remaining tract will be offered as an individual tract. Choice will be offered on Tracts 3 & 4. The successful bidder will have the option to purchase the tract of his choosing or both tracts. If the winning bidder only desires one tract, the remaining tract will be offered as an individual tract. Tract 5 will be offered as an individual tract. All Tracts will be sold as surveyed acres X final price bid. According to the FSA Tracts 1 & 2 have 317.57 acres of cropland with a 197.80 acre corn base/ 135 bushel PLC yield, and 119.76 acres soybean base/40 bushel PLC yield. If the tracts are sold separately the FSA will reconstitute the land after closing. Tract 1: 177.02 +/- surveyed acres, located in the NE ¼ of the section, includes cropland, waterway and roads. According to Agridata/Surety the land has a productivity rating of 82.3. Predominate soils include Egan-Ethan-Trent complex, 1-6 percent slopes and Egan-Trent silty clay loams, 1-6 percent slopes. Tract 2: 153.39 +/- surveyed acres, located in the SE ¼ of the section, includes cropland, roads and a non-functioning well. According to Agridata/Surety the land has a productivity rating of 79.8 Predominate soils include Egan-Ethan-Trent complex, 1-6 percent slopes and DavisonChancellor complex, 0-3 percent slopes. According to the FSA Tracts 3 & 4 have 210.13 acres of cropland with a 136.50 acre corn base/ 135 bushel PLC yield, and 73.63 acres soybean base/40 bushel PLC yield. If the tracts are sold separately the FSA will reconstitute the land after closing. Tract 3: 99.61 +/- surveyed acres, located in the NW ¼ of the section, includes cropland, roads and 17.1 acres of CRP with an annual payment of $278.86 per acre through 2026. According to Agridata/Surety the land has a productivity rating of 78.5. Predominate soils include EganEthan-Trent complex, 1-6 percent slopes. Tract 4: 157.59 +/- surveyed acres, located in the SW ¼ of the section, includes cropland, roads and 22.2 acres of CRP with an annual payment of $278.86 per acre through 2026. According to Agridata/Surety the land has a productivity rating of 78.4. Predominate soils include Egan-Ethan -Trent complex, 1-6 percent slopes. Tract 5: 116.50 +/-surveyed acres, pasture. The tract runs north and south in the middle of the section. Pasture can be divided into two units for grazing (north unit includes rural water/ tank and the south unit includes stock dam/non-functioning well). According to Agridata/ Surety the land has a productivity rating of 70. Predominate soils include Ethan-DavisonTetonka complex, 0-6 percent slopes; Egan-Chancellor-Davison complex, 0-3 percent slopes and Egan-Ethan-Trent complex, 1-6 percent slopes. TERMS: 15% nonrefundable down payment the day of the auction with balance due at closing on or before April 23, 2019. Possession of the land will be given at closing, however upon making the non-refundable down payment, the buyer may begin field work for the 2019 crop year. Failure to close, as per the terms of the purchase agreement, shall result in forfeiture of the down payment and work performed. Title insurance and closing costs split 50/50 between buyer and seller. 2018 taxes due in 2019 to be paid by the seller. 2019 taxes due in 2020 to be paid by the buyer. The sellers do not warranty or guarantee that the existing fences lie on the true and correct boundary and new fencing, if any, will be the responsibility of the purchaser pursuant to SD statutes. Any lines on maps are for informational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be actual boundary lines of the property. The property is sold in as is condition and as a cash sale with no financing contingency. Sold subject to existing easements, restrictions, reservations, or highway of record, if any. Information is deemed to be correct but it is not guaranteed. On Tracts 3 and 4, the buyer(s) will receive 100 % of the payment on the CRP acres payable in 2019, with no proration and will be obligated to succeed to the contract and comply with all the remaining terms and provisions of the existing terms of the CRP contract; furthermore any buyouts or penalty due for cancellation or non-compliance with the terms of the CRP contract will be the responsibility of the new owner(s). All prospective buyers are encouraged to inspect the property and verify all data provided. Statements made the day of sale take precedence over all written advertising. Real Estate licensees are agents for the seller. Sold subject to confirmation of owners. For maps, pictures, video and more information visit: www.westraatkins.com Atkins Family LP, Owner Pete Atkins, Manager Thomas Frieberg, Closing Attorney Joel R Westra, Broker, Beresford, SD 605-310-6941 Pete Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-9847 Joel A Westra, Broker Associate, Chancellor, SD 605-957-5222 Phil Eggers, Broker Associate, Renner, SD 605-351-5438 Craig Atkins, Broker Associate, Tea, SD 605-351-9850 Mark Zomer, Vande Vegte Zomer Auctions, Rock Valley, IA 712-470-2526

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