
Broadcaster Press 5
November 12, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
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Care with Less Burnout
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By Richard P. Holm, MD
The elderly patient came
back to our rural hospital from
a hospital in a nearby larger
city after having had major
surgery and feeding-tube
placement. The care from the
bigger hospital was superb
except that the patient was
getting too much nutrient and
fluids and was a bit “overloaded.” Also, the family was concerned that perhaps they had
been too aggressive in getting stressful surgery for their
elderly mom, whose memory had begun to slip. As her
physician, I cut back on the feeding-tube supplements,
stopped the intravenous fluids, provided a little diuretic
and did labs and X-ray for dementia. I took plenty of
time with family and patient learning about their wishes
should our patient again deteriorate. All agreed to emphasize comfort from here on out, and if she started to
fail, we would do our best in her home hospital and not
transfer her care again.
I had been that patient’s primary care doc for years.
Practicing outpatient and inpatient care in a smaller
town gave me the experience to see what was happening. The patient and family knew me, trusted me and
appreciated the time I spent listening to her. Quality care
reviewers, government oversight people and insurance
companies also know the value of a well-trained rural
primary care provider who not only understands how
to care for complex patients, but also, knows when and
ed, EPD's available,
Reed, 402-649-3615.
Unfortunately, there are not enough rural primary
care docs. Many speculate as to why this is; however,
I believe the need has resulted from misinformed med
students and residents who think the lifestyle in rural
America is not satisfying enough. In the July 2019 issue
of South Dakota Medicine, a survey of family physicians
practicing in this state found much lower burnout rates
in family docs practicing in rural areas (25 percent)
compared with those practicing in larger metropolitan
areas (51 percent). Evidently, some social aspects of
rural practice seem to confer a protective effect against
burnout. This new data should be helpful when young
physicians are looking for the most satisfying places to
My elderly patient went home in about a week, happy
with our community hospital and the care she received.
Her doctor was also pleased, as he had the reward of
successful care, the honor of satisfied family and the
joy of truly helping someone while practicing in a rural
Richard P. Holm, MD is author of “Life’s Final Season, A
Guide for Aging and Dying with Grace” available on Amazon.
For free and easy access to the entire Prairie Doc® library,
visit www.prairiedoc.org and follow Prairie Doc® on Facebook featuring On Call with the Prairie Doc® a medical Q&A
show streaming on Facebook and broadcast on SDPTV most
Thursdays at 7 p.m. central.
ACA Health Insurance Enrollment For 2020 Coverage Now Open
PIERRE, S.D. – The South
Dakota Division of Insurance reminds consumers the Affordable
Care Act (ACA) open enrollment
for 2020 coverage runs from Nov.
1 to Dec. 15, 2019, for consumers
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Open enrollment offers South
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Dakotans the opportunity to
review and/or purchase health
Wanted a 12'x14' wide by insurance coverage from options
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as well as the federally facilitated
Livestock - Poultry exchange, known as the Marketplace.
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where to refer when specialized care is needed. In fact,
experts believe an ideal system would define a primary
care provider for every person.
insurance needs, as well as discuss plan benefit options available for 2020,” said state Insurance
Director Larry Deiter. “Consumers
can search for Marketplace-certified producers and brokers in
their area through the ‘Find local
help’ link at healthcare.gov.”
Consumers should:
Check dlr.sd.gov/insurance for
additional information, including
carriers selling insurance in South
Be aware healthcare.gov
is the official website for the
federal Marketplace. The site has
information on the ACA, qualified
health plans and comparisons of
Marketplace plans available in
Remember no one offering
comprehensive health care coverage will ask about pre-existing
Ask for written information
about the policy, including premiums. Get the facts up front, before
buying, in order to understand
what the policy will and will not
If you currently have coverage through the Marketplace,
your insurance carrier should
have provided notice of the auto
re-enrollment option in your same
plan or a similar plan if you do
not actively choose a plan for
Two health insurance carriers,
Avera Health Plans and Sanford
Health Plan, were approved by
the Division to sell individual
comprehensive health policies
during the 2020 open enrollment.
Any other company offering
health coverage is not approved
to sell comprehensive coverage in
South Dakota.
Questions or concerns can be
directed to the South Dakota Division of Insurance at 605-773-3563
or by email at insurance@state.
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