
2 Broadcaster Press
November 12, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
Dave Says
Emotions, Basics, and Change
Dear Dave,
I’ve gotten out of debt before following your plan, but I always seem
to fall right back in. I find myself
spending more than I mean to whenever I go out shopping or running
errands. I’m tired of all this, and I
want to stop busting my budget and
get control of my money once and
for all. Do you have any advice?
if we just go out and buy their stuff. I can tell you from
personal experience when this idea is crammed down
your throat every day, it can warp your perception of
contentment and happiness. Lots of stuff does not equal
lots of happiness.
If you’ve tried several times, and are still falling back
into the same old trap, maybe you should approach your
situation in a practical, day-to-day way. Stop going places
where you’re tempted to spend money on silly things.
When you go out running errands and shopping, make
a list of only the bare necessities, and take along just
enough cash to pay for them.
Dear Patrick,
Spending money on a bunch of stuff you don’t need,
Years ago, when I lost everything and probably don’t even really want, isn’t going to bring
financially, there were two or three
you contentment. It’s just going to bust your budget,
extremely strong emotions that
and put you in a financial hole that will, sooner or later,
spurred me toward change. Probably the biggest emotion become very difficult—if not impossible—to dig your
was fear. I was scared to death I’d be broke for the rest of way out of!
my life, and not be able to take care of my family. Don’t
misunderstand me, though. I don’t think you should ever
live your life in fear. But a reasonable, healthy level of
fear where some things are concerned can be a fantastic
* Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and
business, and CEO of Ramsey Solutions. He has authored seven
Another emotion was disgust. I realized the way I had
been living and handling money was stupid. So, I made a best-selling books, including The Total Money Makeover. The
Dave Ramsey Show is heard by more than 12 million listeners
proactive, conscious decision that I was going to change,
each week on 575 radio stations and multiple digital platforms.
and things were going to be different. The third emotion Follow Dave on Twitter at @DaveRamsey and on the web at
was contentment. You know, advertisers try to make
us believe our lives will be better, and we’ll be happier,
South Dakota Department Of Tourism
Wins Eight Top Travel Industry Awards
PIERRE, S.D. – The
South Dakota Department
of Tourism recently won
eight awards in a prestigious international marketing competition. This is
the most Adrian Awards
the department has ever
won in a single year.
The Hospitality Sales
and Marketing Association International (HSMAI)
Adrian Awards recognize
travel marketing organizations for innovative sales
and marketing efforts in
advertising, public relations and digital marketing.
“The Department of
Tourism is focused on
producing highly effective
marketing that showcases
our state’s incredible
beauty all while utilizing
cutting-edge technology
to reach visitors,” said
Governor Kristi Noem.
“Tourism is a vital industry in South Dakota that is
creating jobs and generating revenue at the state
and local levels of government, so I am proud to see
our efforts recognized with
these prestigious awards.”
The Department of
Tourism, in partnership
with marketing agencies Lawrence & Schiller,
Miles Partnership, MMGY
Global, and NJF PR, won:
Silver award for the
“Deadwood: The Movie”
in-market premiere public
relations campaign
Silver award for the
“Seasons of SoDak” Fall
2018 social media campaign
Silver award for the
“Rushmore on Tour”
Denver out-of-home event
Silver award for the
“Great Faces, Great Places”
2018 integrated marketing
campaign encompassing
print, TV, digital, out-ofhome, social, and public
Silver award for the
“Great Faces, Great Places”
2018 print media campaign
Silver award for TravelSouthDakota.com
Bronze award for the
2019 mobile campaign
utilizing engaging haptic
vibration effects
Bronze award for the
“South Dakota Presents
Deadwood” digital media
“We are so proud of
the work and dedication
of our department and
our marketing agencies,”
said James Hagen, Secretary of the Department of
Tourism. “South Dakota is
our passion, so we work
hard every year to create unique and beautiful
advertising that tells the
South Dakota story and
drives visitation to our
state. The Adrian Award
competition is tough, and
it is such an honor to be
recognized at that level.”
The Adrian Awards feature three entry divisions
(advertising, public relations, and digital marketing), 14 categories and 110
subcategories dedicated
to tourism and hospitality.
The awards are chosen by
senior industry and media
experts from more than
1,100 entries.
The South Dakota
Department of Tourism
is comprised of Tourism
and the South Dakota Arts
Council. The Department
is led by Secretary James
D. Hagen.
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Wife’s Time Out
Daris Howard
When we had seven children, many of them quite
young, I was working as the Internet Manager at the local university, along with teaching. My days were long and
hard. When I came home, I was exhausted, but I would
take time to play with my children and help around the
house. But there were times when server issues kept me
at work late into the night and sometimes even into the
morning hours.
Much of the burden of taking care of the children fell
to my wife, Donna, who was home most of the time. In the
latter part of the fall, I could tell that she was tired, not just
from lack of sleep, but from not having any time to herself.
I tried to think of something that she could do that would
give her a change and be something she would enjoy. One
day I was looking through a brochure that came from the
university, and I had a brilliant idea.
There was an Italian professor who worked in the Physics Department just down the hall from my office. The
Physics Department did not have a microwave in their faculty room, but we did. So each day he would come to our
department to heat up his lunch. The aroma of cheese,
oregano, and many Italian herbs and spices filled the air
and made my mouth water.
The paper I was looking at was the university’s community classes. Anyone in the community could propose a
class on a subject that they felt might be of interest to others. If the class was accepted, the person would teach the
class in the evening. The class that caught my eye was one
on Italian cooking to be taught by the physics teacher’s
My brilliant idea was that Donna could have time out
for herself, and I would get to try some of the wonderful
foods I smelled every day.
I took the multi-page brochure that listed the classes,
and I bent the pages back so the brochure would naturally
fall open to the page with the Italian cooking. I wanted to
make sure it was the first thing Donna would see. I then
took the brochure home and informed Donna that I was
going to arrange my schedule so one night each week was
hers to do something she wanted. I then handed her the
brochure and suggested she find something she liked.
She excitedly thumbed through its pages. She went
through it multiple times that evening. She took a few
more days looking through every option. The next week,
just before the classes started, she announced her choice:
I gasped because she had never done anything like
woodworking before. “Woodworking? I thought you would
choose Italian cooking.”
“That looks good,” she replied. “But I cook much of the
day every day. I want something really different.”
After the shock subsided, I asked her what she would
like to build.
“I was thinking about building a cupboard. I have already drawn out the plans.”
She showed me her design, and I was amazed both at
her skill in drawing and in her ambitious plans.
“Do you think you can finish something like this in just
a couple of months with only one evening per week?” I
“If not, I think I could get a long way,” she replied.
The evening of the first class came, and Donna left,
excited to try her hand at something new. I changed the
baby, fed the children, read stories to them, and got them
all in bed before Donna came home. When she did come,
her hair and clothes had bits of sawdust embedded in
them. She was tired and happy. And weeks later, when the
last class ended, I went in to load up a beautiful cupboard,
as good as any professional could make. But most important, Donna felt fulfillment in her accomplishment and
new skill, and she was happy.
Maybe next fall I’ll try my hand at Italian cooking.
Noem Releases Statement
On USDA Hemp Guidelines
PIERRE, S.D. – Governor
Kristi Noem today issued
the following statement
regarding the United States
Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) new regula-
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tory guidelines for industrial hemp:
“USDA’s guidelines are
out, but my position on
legalizing industrial hemp
has not changed. I remain
opposed to industrial
hemp in South Dakota because of the impact it will
have on public safety and
law enforcement’s ability
to enforce drug laws.
USDA does not preempt
a state’s ability to adopt
stronger requirements or
prohibit production. South
Dakota state law prohibits
industrial hemp production, and that statute still
stands. The guidelines do
require the State to permit
interstate transportation of
hemp. My team is working
to ensure we have proper
procedures in place so this
doesn’t become something
that weakens our drug
Conversations around
hemp will continue, and I
will continue to make the
case that legalizing hemp
will legalize marijuana by
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