
6 Broadcaster Press
November 12, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
South Dakotans Win Trip To Times
Square, Chance At $1 Million
PIERRE, S.D. – Thanks to
a second chance drawing, a
pair of South Dakota Lottery
players will ring in the new
year in New York and could
return as a millionaire.
Julie Plunkett of Kranzburg and Kelly Engen of
Brookings were named South
Dakota’s winners of the New
Year’s Rockin’ Eve promotion. The South Dakota
Lottery, along with other
lotteries in the U.S., participated in this second chance
drawing which allowed
players to enter non-winning
Powerball tickets.
The prize for the second
chance drawing includes
an all-expenses paid trip
to Times Square for New
Year’s Eve, as well as entry
into an additional drawing
to become 2020’s first millionaire. The winner of the
million-dollar drawing will
be announced on ABC's New
Year's Rockin' Eve broadcast.
For both Plunkett and
Engen, the second chance
drawing caught their attention immediately. Engen was
browsing the South Dakota
Lottery’s website to check
the winning numbers, while
Plunkett’s husband, Dale,
alerted her of a chance of a
“My husband is actually
the one who told me about
it, and he knew I would be
excited.” Plunkett said. “Going to New York to watch
the ball drop is one of those
bucket list things that you
think about but never think
you’ll have the chance to
“(The promotion) was on
the website, which I check
out quite a bit to see if I have
a winning number on my
tickets,” Engen said. “I saw
that there was an app that
you could download. I decided that I might as well try it
and started scanning tickets
for the second chance.”
Plunkett and her husband
were traveling to Savan-
nah, Ga., when she learned
the good news. A call she
thought was meaningless
quickly led to jubilation.
“We had just got to
Savannah, and my phone
rang,” Plunkett said. “It said
it was from Pierre, and I told
my husband ‘Oh it’s another
robo call. You know what,
we’re in the car, I’m just going to answer it.’ I answered
and it was the Lottery office
telling me that I had won. I
couldn’t believe it. I was just
in shock.”
Plunkett’s husband will
be her guest on the trip, as
New York holds a special
place in the couple’s heart.
She notes that Dale proposed to her at the Statue
of Liberty, and that she’s
already looking forward to
making some new memories
throughout the Big Apple.
“I am looking forward
to Rockefeller Center and
seeing the Christmas tree lit
up in person,” Plunkett said.
“We always see it on televi-
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“It would be fantastic to
become the first millionaire
of 2020,” Plunkett said. “My
children already have it all
spent if that were to happen.”
“I think about what I
would do if I did win,” Engen
said. “A guy always thinks
about what you need to put
away, and there’s always
some nice toys a guy would
like to buy. I don’t want
to jump the gun too early
though. You come up with
different things though. I
think about it each day.”
While other South Dakota
Lottery players no longer
have a shot at ringing in
2020 in Times Square, Engen
did offer some advice for
his fellow players when it
comes to the Lottery’s many
second chance drawings.
“Get the app and scan
your tickets,” Engen said.
“Don’t think you can’t win
because it can happen.”
Find the right job for you!
New York is all about.”
Engen’s second venture
to New York is one that was
met with disbelief at first.
Engen notes that the second
chance drawing hadn’t really
crossed his mind once he entered, but he was reminded
of it in exciting fashion.
“I basically kind of forgot
about the contest,” Engen
said. “It was kind of funny
because I was looking at my
email on my phone and was
wondering if I was reading
this right. I wasn’t quite
believing it. It really didn’t
sink in until I got the prize affidavit in the mail. I was just
kind of shocked at first.”
While both of South
Dakota’s winners are looking
forward to spending the new
year in New York, both can’t
help but think about their
chance to kick off the new
year by becoming a millionaire to kick off the new year.
Each will be one of about 300
contestants with a chance
of becoming 2020’s first big
Broadcaster Press
bp Broadcaster
Tooling Inc.
sion so it will be excited to
see that. Believe it or not,
my husband and I saw the
Rockettes a few years back,
and they put on an amazing
show. I’m really excited to
see that again. I’m curious
about the Hudson cruise and
what that will entail. I can
only imagine how beautiful
it’s going to be at that time
of year.”
This also won’t be Engen’s first trip to New York.
While he has experienced
some of the sites throughout
the city, he and his brother,
Dwight, are looking forward
to experiencing even more
this time around.
“Years ago when I was
in basic training, we were
in New Jersey and we had a
couple days of leave,” Engen
said. “We went to New York
to see the Yankees play. I got
to walk up the main drag so
many blocks, but I didn’t get
to see a whole lot of New
York. This will be way better.
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