
November 12, 2019 www.broadcasteronline.com
State Capitol To Implement New Safety Measures
PIERRE, S.D. – Secretary Craig
Price and the Department of Public Safety today announced that a
new safety measure designed to
keep South Dakota’s state Capitol
building safe and accessible to
the public will begin this fall.
A security screening room will
be constructed near the Capitol’s
north entrance and located in office space currently occupied by
the Bureau of Human Resources
Classifications Division. Those
employees have relocated to
another space in preparation of
the project.
“This is a proactive step in
working to protect the Capitol
and those who use it,” said
Price. “We have designed the
screening process to be the least
intrusive as possible and allow
people to go about their Capitol
business. These improvements
will enhance public safety while
preserving the accessibility of the
“Our State Capitol is the
people’s house and this project
ensures everyone who visits
the building has a safe, positive
experience while enjoying its
historic beauty,” said Governor
Kristi Noem. “Safety is always our
top priority, and this modernized
approach to Capitol security will
help us best serve the hundreds
of kids and thousands of visitors
who visit the Capitol every year.”
Once the security screening room is completed, visitors
will enter through the north
doors and be directed into the
screening room. Signage will
help direct visitors what to do
and inform them of what items
are not allowed in the Capitol.
This information is also available
online here.
More information on the security screening process will be
announced later.
Broadcaster Press 7
201 W. Cherry, Vermillion
Land & Property • Antiques • Consignments • Farm • Auto & more...
Upcoming Auctions
South Dakota Groups Submit Petitions To Qualify
Marijuana Reform Ballot Initiatives For The 2020 Election
PIERRE, S.D. — Marijuana reform groups
submitted petitions Nov.
4 containing over 80,000
signatures to the South
Dakota Secretary of
State in order to qualify
two separate marijuana
reform ballot initiatives for
next year’s election. One
initiative would establish
a medical marijuana program for qualified patients
with debilitating health
conditions, while the other
would legalize marijuana
for adults aged 21 and
older and require the state
legislature to enact a hemp
cultivation law.
“We are proud to have
submitted petitions on
behalf of over 80,000 South
Dakotans who believe
that voters should decide
our state’s marijuana and
hemp laws,” said Brendan
Johnson, a former United
States Attorney who is the
sponsor of the legalization
ballot initiative.
New Approach South
Dakota submitted over
30,000 signatures for a
statutory ballot initiative
that would enact a medical medical marijuana ballot
initiative campaigns in
marijuana law for patients
initiative. “Despite the fact Maine, Massachusetts,
with debilitating medical
that a strong majority of
Michigan, and Utah.
South Dakotans support
Eleven states have
South Dakotans for
allowing legal, regulated,
legalized marijuana for
Better Marijuana Laws
and safe access to mediadults, and another 22
submitted over 50,000 sigcal marijuana for patients
states have enacted medinatures for a constitutional with debilitating condical marijuana laws. South
ballot initiative that would tions, elected officials
Dakota would be the first
legalize, regulate, and tax
have failed to take action.
state to enact both polimarijuana for adults aged
Patients cannot afford to
cies on a single ballot.
21 and older and would
wait any longer, and this
“Across the country,
also require the legislature ballot initiative is our only voters are recognizing that
to enact laws regulating
it makes no sense to waste
the cultivation, processing,
Two of the leading
law enforcement resources
and sale of hemp.
national marijuana policy
on arresting adults for
The minimum number
reform organizations, the
marijuana possession, and
of signatures required
Marijuana Policy Project
that it also makes no sense
for ballot qualification
and New Approach PAC,
to force marijuana sales
is 16,961 for a statutory
are supporting the South
into an unregulated illicit
initiative and 33,921 for a
Dakota campaigns.
market,” said Schweich.
constitutional initiative.
“Right now, there are
“Simply put, legalizing,
Today was the deadline for South Dakotans with seriregulating, and taxing
submitting signatures, and ous health conditions who marijuana is the policy dethe South Dakota Secreare forced to break the law cision that best serves the
tary of State will now begin in order to access effective interests of public health
verifying the validity of the medical treatments that al- and public safety.”
For complete listing, visit our web site www.CHJAUCTIONEERS.COM
signatures. CASH – OR BANKABLE CHECK toNOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS South Dakolow them – live healthier
Visit the OR THEFT
“For AUCTION CONDUCTED BY: and more productive lives, tans for Better Marijuana
many years, we
have asked the legislature
and that
Laws website for more inAUCTIONEERS & APPRAISERS L.L.C. is unacceptable,”
to address the issue of
said Marijuana Policy
formation about the ballot
medicalRYAN CREAMER402-254-3315
marijuana,” said
Project Deputy Director
initiatives, including the
MelissaROGER JANSSEN 402-388-4409
Mentele, director
Matthew Schweich, who
complete initiative texts.
of New Approach South
has worked on successful
Dakota and sponsor of the marijuana reform ballot
State’s REAL ID System Meets Federal Requirement
South Dakota is now
more than 99 percent compliant in its efforts to meet
the federal government’s
enforcement deadline of the
Real ID license regulations
next year.
The federal Real ID Act
established minimum security standards for license
issuance and production.
The act prohibits federal
agencies from accepting for
certain purposes driver’s
licenses and identification
cards from states that do
not meet the minimum
standards. The purposes
covered by the act include
accessing federal facilities
and boarding federally regulated commercial aircraft.
While many states are
working to reach the federal
compliance deadline of Oct.
1, 2020, South Dakota began
issuing Real ID compliant
licenses and identification
cards on Dec. 31, 2009. As
of mid-October 2019, the
state had issued more than
676,000 Real ID compliant
driver licenses and more
than 62,000 Real ID compliant identification cards.
“The early work by
the state Driver Licensing
program to meet the deadline means that all eligible
South Dakotans, with only
a few exceptions, already
have been issued a Real ID
compliant license or card,”
says Gov. Kristi Noem.
“The deadline will have no
impact on those with a Real
ID license or card issued in
South Dakota. Our Driver
Licensing program staff has
done good work to ensure
the state is compliant.”
A Real ID compliant
card has a gold star or star
within a circle in the upper
right hand corner. Both
cards will be accepted for
proof of identity to board
a flight within the United
Jane Schrank, director
of the state Driver Licensing
Program, said making the
state compliant with Real
ID regulations has been a
priority for the program.
“This compliance is a
tribute to work done by our
driver license examiners
every day at exam stations
statewide,” Schrank said.
“This high level of compliance speaks to the employees’ high quality standards,
strong customer service
and efforts to keep South
Dakotans safe.”
For more information on
how to apply for or renew a
South Dakota driver license
or identification card, click
onto: https://dps.sd.gov/
The state driver licensing program is part of the
South Dakota Department
of Public Safety.
Thursday, November 14, 2019 | 10:00 AM
The Bridges | 601 S 7th Street | Beresford, SD 57004
Peoples Company is proud to offer 5,302 gross acres m/l located in Clay
County, South Dakota. The property will be sold in 31 tracts ranging
from 7.99 acres m/l to 522 acres m/l via the multi-parcel auction method,
where tracts can be purchased individually or any combination. The farm
will sell “Absolute” to the highest bidder. The farm currently consists of
4,317 FSA crop acres m/l with the balance of the farm in grass, pasture
or timber acres. The farm has numerous improvements including 42
irrigation pivots that irrigate approximately 3,200 acres m/l from both the
Upper and Lower Vermillion Missouri Aquifer. The farm also has 195,000
bushels of grain storage built in 2008, a 12’x140’ scale with probe and a
grain elevator leg equipped with a high throughput dump pit. The property
is ideally situated between Sioux City, Iowa and Sioux Falls, South
Dakota with quick access to Interstate 29.
For more information, please visit ClayCountyFarms.com.
Andrew Zellmer: 712.898.5913, AndrewZ@PeoplesCompany.com
Steve Bruere: 515.222.1347, Steve@PeoplesCompany.com
Listing #14659
Toys - Coins - Gas & Oil Collectibles
Saturday, November 16, 2019
LOCATED: Skylon Ballroom, 320 S. Robinson St, Hartington, NE
AUCTION Starts @ 9:30 AM
Lunch Available
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: Please join us for this interesting Auction. A large
portion of this Auction is from a rural Wayne, County Estate that had many
barn finds. We have a large storage trailer of boxes that is yet to be unloaded, so there will be many more additional items other than what is
included in this listing. Many box lot flats will be included on this Auction. Please plan on some surprises and come prepared to buy in large
quantity. Visit our web site www.CHJAUCTIONEERS.COM for more information.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Wooden Wardrobe. Oak Wooden Princess
Dresser w/Mirror. Wooden Dresser w/Mirror. Columbia Grafonola Cabinet – No Works inside. Iron Beds. Cob Box. Parlor Tables. Toledo Scale
Co. # 515288 Scale. Balance Beam Scale Beam. Copper Boiler – Never
Used. Cream Cans. Centro-matic Accordion. Daisy # 25 Pump BB Gun
& Other BB Guns. Kerosene Lamps, Barn Lanterns. Swedish American Wall Telephone. Wayne County 1918 Atlas. Glass Butter Churns.
Nice Maytag Wringer Washer. Stoneware: 20 Gallon Redwing, 4 Gallon
Redwing, 15 Gallon Ruckels. Sausage Press. Cloth Seed Corn Sacks.
Dekalb Seed Signs. Push-m-up Marble Games. Multimixer 5 Malt Malt
Machine. Spartan Auto Horn. Rokahr Implement Calendar Tops. Other
Vintage Advertising Calendars. Vintage License Plates–from Dixon Co.
Plastic Duck Decoys. Vintage Cameras. Plus, Many More Miscellaneous
Collectibles yet to be un-packed. COINS & CURRENCY: Over 20 Silver
Dollars, including 1890 Carson City, Silver Eagles, Silver Half Dollars, Silver Dimes, U.S. Type Coins including; Three Cent Piece, Two Cent Piece,
Large Cent Seated Coinage. Silver Certificates & Red Seal Notes. FARM
TOYS & OTHER TOYS: John Deere 3010, JD 720 Tractor & Mounted Corn
Picker, JD 4010, 60, 70, 720, IH “H”, 300 Super MTA Toys all New in Box.
Farmall F-20 & “H” Tractors–Franklin Mint Models. Vintage “Ralston” Toy
Semi Trucks. Die Cast Toys of all Types. Plus, other Toys. ADV. SIGNS
& CLOCKS: Large Producers Hybrids Double Sided Sign. Phillips 66 &
Polarine Signs. Lighted Beer Signs including: Schlitz, Coors Extra Gold,
Miller, Busch, Michelob & Genesee Signs. Advertising Clocks including:
Miller Genuine Draft, Pepsi, O’Doul’s, Coors Light & Car-Quest. Advertising Mirrors including: Coors, Budweiser Long Neck, Matilda Bay & Others. Public Telephone Round Plastic Sign, Other Metal Signs including,
No Parking, Visitor Parking & Others. DeLaval Cream Separator Sign,
Borax is King Metal Sign, Surge Sign, Coca Cola Banners. GAS & OIL
COLLECTIBLES: Early Polarine Motor Oil 5 Shelf Store Display Stand. Oil
Tins including: Veedol, Coop, Northwestern Petroleum Products, Wards
Motor Oil Tin, Harvest Supreme, JD Oil Cans & others. Phillips 66 &
Polarine Advertising Signs. Mobilcote Wooden Shipping Box. TRAILER:
Home-built 7 ft by 44” Utility Trailer.
Terms: Cash or Bankable Check. Not Responsible For Accidents or Theft.
For Complete Listing & Photos Visit Our Web Site
Hartington, NE — RYAN CREAMER 402.254.9753
ALTON HEIMES 402.254.3315 ROGER JANSSEN: 402.388.4409
Sunday, November 17, 2019 • 12:00pm
National Guard Armory (603 Princeton) • Vermillion, SD
Full listing and photos go to dakotarealty.com
1998 Mercury Sable at auction, 125,000 miles, never smoked in
Spencer Estate: End tables, quilt rack, book shelves, antique Coke
cooler, lamps, oak plant stands, antique 7-Up cooler, salt & pepper
shakers, civil war commemorative silver dollar set, Kirby vac with all
attachments, large nick-knack collection, jewelry, cat collection, commemorative coins, foreign coins, old fishing lures, large assortment of
Coke products, antique clocks, cookie jars, pictures, post cards, calendars, large Coke cooler, raft, Coke train set, radios, 2 large Coke steel
signs about 5ft long, old train tracks and cars, Chinese prints, antique
Philco radio, cast iron pans, Frigidaire upright freezer, couch and recliner, kitchen tables and chairs, antique toys and cars, antique T.V.,
old pipes, old Christmas decorations, old cameras, Pabst Blue Ribbon
lights and signs, Snapper mower with bagger.
Guest Consigner: Gun smith estate sale, goose & duck decoys, reloading equipment, dies, shells of all calibers, old boxes, misc. barrels, gun
parts, scopes, scope mounts, upright freezer, antique corner cabinet,
antique gun cabinet, recliners.
Pat White: Shelving, live traps, luggage, 12 gauge shot gun shells,
router and table, Homelite 18” chainsaw, drill bits, large assortment
of tools, KT ¾ horse grinder, belt buckles, fishing gear, DeWalt battery skil saw, toolboxes, DeWalt air compressor, 2.5 H.P. 21 gal. air
compressor, walking canes, sanders, 24lbs bags of lead shot, gun cabinet, shot gun primers, guitar amps, 10” table saw, Chicago 12” sliding
miter saw, 8”x12” wood lathe.
Guest Consigner: Go kart-shriner style with fiberglass body, silver
dollars, pine wood derby race track with cars, indoor basketball shoot
game, NASCAR die cast, couches, antique dressers, Christmas décor,
antique oak press back high chair, misc. tools, antique 3 piece bedroom set.
Guest Consigner: Pyrex, Texas Ware bowls, cast irons, Jim Beam vintage car, post cards, Jon Crane prints, John Deere toys, wash tub.
Tim Coke: 3x3ft wood table with two chairs, China cabinet, 2 small
round patio tables, coolers (big & small), jumper cables, power tools
and drills, sig saw, router, scroll saw, 4” grinder, 2 skill saws, gas cans,
rubber air hose, Remington power actuate tool and fasteners, tie
down straps, 4 20lb. propane tanks, set of pickup chains, Nova rolling
walker, Eagle ultra-classic fish finder, Black+Decker battery operated
tiller, Titan utility heater, rocking deluxe folding armchair, patio folding lounge chair, DeWalt battery operated drill w/ 4 batteries, new bug
deflector for older Ford, extension cords, log chains, Philips nebulizer
compressor, compound miter saw stand with wheels, safety harness,
Dura Craft heavy duty steel band saw, hand tools, 33 sq. ft. ceramic
floor tile, Christmas lights, chest waders, 2 mantle Coleman lantern,
bird feeders, 6 man raft (2 paddles), 2 lawn mowers 21” MTD single
stage snow thrower, kids wagon, 2 old wooden chairs, ironing board,
fishing rods, life jackets, 5 tires on rims, Black+Decker vacuum sealer,
gril+cooler combo, 14” John Deere chain saw, antique sickle, clay pigeon thrower, 3 antique kerosene lanterns, rakes & shovels, bedding,
portable grill, Lewis + Clark cast iron 5 ½ qt. bean pot with tripod,
Skil combo tool set, drill, flashlight, skil saw, 20”,18” and 14” Oregon
chain saw chains.
Madsen Auction Service
Gary Madsen • 605-638-0643
Auctioneer Jim Brady and Hazen Bye
Sale day announcements take precedence.