Broadcaster Press 11
September 24, 2013 www.broadcasteronline.com
How To Improve
Indoor Air Quality
As Winter Approaches
With fall soon to give
way to winter, many
people will soon be
spending more time
indoors. Winter weather
can be harsh, and it can
be difficult for fresh air to
make its way into a home
once the warmer
temperatures of summer
and fall give way to the
cold days of winter.
Poor indoor air quality
can cause multiple
problems. According to
the Environmental
Protection Agency, poor
indoor air quality can
increase a person’s risk of
developing pneumonia,
and it also may aggravate
existing respiratory
conditions such as
asthma. The EPA also
notes that long-term
exposure to indoor air
pollution can increase a
person’s risk for heart
disease, respiratory
diseases and even cancer.
Because indoor air
pollution can be so
devastating, many
homeowners look for
ways to improve their
indoor air quality,
especially before the
arrival of winter, when
residents of the home
figure to spend such a
significant amount of
time indoors. Fortunately,
homeowners can take
many steps to do just
•Clean with soap and
water. Soap and hot water
can still clean a home
effectively, and this ageold combination might be
the healthiest way to
clean as well. Many
household cleaning
products contain
potentially harmful
ingredients that can
introduce toxins and
irritants into a home.
Avoid such cleaners and
solvents when cleaning a
home. If stains prove too
stubborn for soap and
water, be sure to open
windows when using
potentially harmful
cleaners indoors.
•Purchase an air
filtration system. Air
filtration systems vary
significantly in size, cost
and function. Some
systems are designed to
remove specific
pollutants, and may not
be effective at removing
additional indoor air
pollutants. Larger models
tend to be most effective
at filtering pollutants like
dust, but such units are
more expensive than
smaller units. If your
home is especially dusty,
then a large filtering
system may prove a
worthy investment.
•Open windows and
doors when possible.
Introducing outdoor air
into a home is a great way
to improve indoor air
quality. Of course,
opening windows and
doors might not be
feasible in the middle of
winter. But take
advantage of any such
opportunities when they
present themselves. For
example, after cooking a
big meal, open the
kitchen exhaust fan to
allow fresh air into the
home. Such fans are not
large enough to cause a
significant temperature
drop in the home, but
they can directly remove
contaminants from inside
the home, like those that
might be emitted from
gas stoves.
•Insist guests and
residents remove their
shoes. Chemicals can find
their way into a home in a
variety of ways, and you
and your fellow residents
or guests may be tracking
them into your home on
your shoes. Keep a
doormat inside all
entryways, and insist
guests and residents
remove their shoes before
entering your home. This
reduces the amount of
potential pollutants
Things To Consider Before Shopping
For A New Insurance Policy
Many motorists consider auto insurance a necessary evil. While drivers
don’t want to be out on
the road without insurance, many lament paying
such a high price for secubrought into your home
and also makes cleaning
the home that much
But automotive insureasier.
ance need not be so
•Break out the mop.
expensive. In fact, many
Vacuum cleaners can be
drivers on the road today
effective at picking up
pollutants inside a home, could save a considerable
amount of money if they
but they also can leave
took some time to explore
things behind. When a
vacuum cleaner seems to their options. While it
be leaving some dust
might be easier to simply
behind, take out the mop stick with an existing poliand, with just a little
cy, some simple compariwater, address the areas
son shopping might result
where dust is still
in a much more affordable
lingering. Water should
be enough to do the trick, auto insurance bill. But
and, unlike some cleaning before you begin shopping
products, water won’t be
for a new policy, it may
introducing any
help to consider a few facadditional harmful
tors that might decipher
pollutants into the home.
just how affordable your
•Smoke outside.
Smoking inside a home is next policy will be.
•Driving record:
inviting trouble,
especially during those
Drivers who recently
times of year when the
received a ticket or another
windows cannot be
citation likely won’t find a
opened. Secondhand
more affordable auto
smoke is a significant
insurance policy awaiting
source of indoor air
them. But if points on
pollution, as cigarette
your license from a past
smoke is known to
contain more than 4,000
speeding ticket or citation
chemicals. Smoking
are about to disappear,
indoors, whether an area
then wait until they’re offiis well- or poorlycially off your record
ventilated, can be
before shopping for a new
dangerous to smokers.
policy. The fewer points
Exposure to secondhand
you have, the less you’re
smoke puts adults and
children alike at risk of
likely to pay for auto insurseveral diseases, including ance. So be patient if
asthma and cancer. If you points are about to vanish
or your fellow residents
or be proactive and find
or visitors must smoke,
yourself a better deal if
do so outdoors.
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•Personal finances:
Your individual credit score
will influence how much
you pay to insure your
vehicle. If your credit rating is strong, then this
should help you find a
more affordable policy. But
if your credit rating has
recently faltered or you
currently have a significant
amount of debt, then work
to improve your credit
score and reduce your debt
before shopping for a new
•Ownership status:
Many drivers lease or
finance their vehicles. In
such situations, the lending
institution typically mandates drivers carry full coverage. Drivers who lease
have no wiggle room on
their policies, but those
who are financing and are
close to paying their vehicle off can likely lower
their coverage considerably
once they have paid for
their vehicle in full. Once
you are no longer making
payments on the vehicle,
you can, if you so choose,
adjust your policy so you
aren’t paying for full coverage. This should save you a
considerable amount of
money. But before adjusting the policy, shop around
among insurance providers
and see who gives you the
best deal. You might find
the most affordable policy
is offered by a different
company from the one
you are currently using.
•Location: Where you
live also influences the cost
of your auto insurance. If a
move is in your not-toodistant future, you might
find insurance is more
affordable at your new
location than your current
one. Rural areas and the
suburbs tend to have fewer
drivers on the road than
more densely populated
urban locales, so insuring a
vehicle in such areas is
often more affordable than
insuring a vehicle within
city limits. If you will soon
be leaving city life behind,
then you might want to
wait until you have moved
to buy a new policy or to
renegotiate an existing policy.
•Employment situation: While your employment situation won’t have
too big an impact on the
cost of your insurance,
finding a new job that’s
closer to home, which
remains a goal for many
professionals, may just
lower the cost of your auto
insurance. Insurance companies consider a host of
factors when determining
the cost of each auto insurance policy, and the distance between a driver’s
home and his or her office
is one of those factors. If
you’re in the midst of a job
hunt that you hope will
end with a new job and a
shorter daily commute,
then you might want to
wait before signing the
dotted line on a new auto
insurance policy.
An adequate insurance
policy gives motorists
peace of mind as they traverse the nation’s roadways. Finding a more
affordable policy is a goal
for many motorists, who
must consider several variables before they begin the
search for a new policy.
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