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Intellectual Diversity On
Campuses Bill Signed
A bill to increase intellectual diversity
on college campuses was signed last week
by Gov. Kristi Noem.
The bill directs the Board of Regents,
which oversees South Dakota’s state
FOR universities, to ensure that each state-run
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Last week, Noem also signed:
Want to purchase minerals
and other oil/gas interests.
•SB3 – An act to create the Special
Send details to: P.O. Box Education Interim Legislative Committee
13557, Denver CO 80201
•SB4 – An act to revise certain provi(MCN)
sions regarding the classification of agri1820
Give Aways cultural land for property tax purposes
•SB16 – An act to establish certain
Needed – A New Home For
provisions regarding financial security for
Several Cats. Can You Share
Your Home With One or Two? the decommissioning of wind turbines
Vermillion. 605-624-4100.
•SB48 – An act to authorize certain improvement districts to issue convention
Ag Equipment facility on-sale licenses to sell alcoholic
Buying old farm equipment beverages
cleaning up groves, pivots, and
•SB54 – An act to regulate the use of
grain bins. Benjamin Recycling care and maintenance funds by perpetual
care cemeteries
Long retired. Selling IH 496
•SB56 – An act to revise certain providisk -28', low acres, no rocks,
good shape. 2-new tires/tubes sion regarding the regulation of fireworks
for ($280). $5,500. 605-3663587.
Livestock - Poultry
2 Year old virgin Angus bulls,
grandsons of OCC Paxton,
good dispositions, semen tested, EPD's available, Keith
Reed, 402-649-3615.
Black Angus Yearling Bulls
for sale. Allen Leader,
Niobrara, NE.
For more information please
call 402-857-3665 or 402-8418997.
Property Tax Assessment
Freeze Program Deadline
PIERRE, S.D. – Elderly
and disabled South Dakotans have until April 1
to apply for property tax
Poppe Bulls for sale from
relief under South Dakota’s
Horseshoe Hill Ranch.
Assessment Freeze for
Sim Angus, and Red Angus.
the Elderly and Disabled
DNA enhanced EPDs, Excellent Dispositions, Carcass
Merit & Grow Power, Calving
Under the program, for
Ease & Maternal Value.
tax purposes, the homeSired by Chaps, Southside,
Rubicon, Paycheck, Cowboy
owner’s property assessCut, Wide Range, Profit
ment is prevented from
Builder & more. PRICES, inincreasing. If the actual
formation & videos at
value of the home increasPoppeBulls.com
89079 544 Ave
es, the homeowner still
Bloomfield, NE
pays property taxes on the
Jay Poppe
former (lower) value.
To be eligible for the
Assessment Freeze for
Utility – Livestock
Trailer the Elderly and Disabled
Program, individuals must
Trailer Sale: Equipment/Skid- meet the following qualifiloader Trailers:16'X2' Stand- cations:
up ramps 14,000# $3,877.00;
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$4,342.00; 20' EX Electric tilt single-member household
14,000# $5,849.00; New En(only one individual in the
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Models in-stock DUMP trailers
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For Your Classified!
•SB61 – An act to provide certain provisions regarding nursing facility closures
•SB64 – An act to require certain wind
energy facilities to include aircraft detection lighting systems
•SB66 – An act to establish an interim
legislative committee to study issues
related to electric services in an annexed
•HB1022 – An act to revise certain
provisions regarding the limitations on
indemnification by the state
•HB1034 – An act to revise certain provisions regarding unemployment insurance contribution rates
•HB1035 – An act to rename the
unemployment insurance program to the
reemployment assistance program
•HB1046 – An act to revise certain
provisions regarding the attorney recruitment assistance program
•HB1087 – An act to promote free
speech and intellectual diversity at certain institutions of higher education
•HB1090 – An act to repeal certain provisions regarding the exercise of certain
powers over certain property
•HB1110 – An act to establish a penalty
for certain persons who fail to file a birth
certificate or who fail to provide the
notice required for the filing of a death
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PIERRE, S.D. – Chronic wasting disease (CWD) has
been identified in a captive elk in Clark County, South
Dakota. State Veterinarian Dr. Dustin Oedekoven says the
owner of the 21-month old female elk noticed the animal
was ill and contacted his veterinarian, who submitted
samples to the Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic
Laboratory (ADRDL) at South Dakota State University in
Brookings. The United States Department of Agriculture’s
National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa,
later confirmed positive test results for the fatal disease.
CWD is a progressive neurologic disease of deer, elk,
and moose (cervidae) caused by an abnormal prion protein in the brain of affected animals. It can be transmitted
to other cervids through saliva, urine, feces, and other
bodily fluids. The disease is not known to affect humans
and is not transmissible to other livestock species. CWD
is endemic in free-ranging deer and elk in and around the
Black Hills, and was last diagnosed in captive elk in S.D.
in 2001. Dr. Oedekoven says that state and federal animal
health officials are working together with the owner of
the affected herd to investigate this disease and mitigate
further infection. South Dakota wildlife officials have
been notified and will assess potential impact to wildlife
species and consider the potential for surveillance of free
ranging cervids in the area.
The South Dakota Animal Industry Board permits the
possession of captive non-domestic mammals, including
cervidae, within the state. The Board required mandatory CWD testing of all permitted cervids mortalities from
1997 until 2012, at which time testing became voluntary
under the state's USDA approved voluntary CWD herd
certification program. The affected herd does not participate in the voluntary program.
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household) or less than
is not eligible unless the
$35,349.28 for a multipleapplicant has previously
member household
•Have owned or
Deadline to apply for
retained a life estate in a
the program is April 1,
single-family dwelling, in
2019, and applications
fee or by contract to purmust be submitted to the
chase, for at least one year applicant’s local county
Curt Curt Robinson
and have been a resident
treasurer’s office.
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Patrick M Higgins
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of South Dakota for at least
Applications are availFinancial Advisor
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Vermillion, SD
one year
able at local county treas23 Market Street
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23 MarketMarket Street
23 Street 605-624-2028
7 Street
Vermillion, SDSD
Vermillion,Vermillion, SD
SD 57069
Vermillion, SD 57069 57069
•Have resided for at
urer offices or by calling
Vermillion, 57069
www.edwardjones.com Vermillion, SD 57069 57069
least 200 days of the previ- the Department of Revwww.edwardjones.com
ous calendar year in the
enue at 1-800-829-9188. An
single-family dwelling
online application is avail•Be 65 years of age or
able at http://dor.sd.gov/
Member SIPC
Member SIPC
older or disabled
Un-remarried widows/
Save $30 on a Summer AC Tune-Up!
widowers of those who
For additional informawere previously qualition on the assessment
fied may still qualify in
freeze or other property
some circumstances. Just give us a call and we’ll
tax relief programs, please
valuation limit for the
contact the Department
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Bill to Streamline Renewable
Energy Potential Is Signed
A bill to streamline the
permit procedures for
solar and wind energy facilities and assist the PUC
in managing its docket has
been signed by Gov. Kristi
SB15 clarifies that the
Public Utilities Commission
has authority to ensure
solar and wind energy
facilities are permitted in
a timely fashion and with
public safety in mind. All
projects permitted under
SDCL 49-41B will benefit
from the updated process.
The bill also strikes duplication of efforts done at
Chronic Wasting
Disease Identified In
Clark County
Tyler Reiser
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Following Noem’s Febdecided.
ruary veto of SB14, the governor’s office, the Commission, industry experts, and When You Want Comfort… You Want Kalins!
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